HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-10-17, Page 3THE. BRUSSELS POS ROY W. KENNEDY, Publisher Published at Brussels, Ontario, every Thursday Box bO, Brussels, Ontario. Authorized as second class mall by the Post Ceffice Department, ,Ottawa, and for py.men o , postage in cash. YOUR MASSEY FERGUSON DEALER A Cpniplete Line 01 New and Used Flinn Equipment PHONE 43.RU&SELS, ONT. WINGHAM mProloRIAL SHOP ALITY SERVICE CRAFTSMANSHIP Open Every Week Day Your Guarantee for Over 35 Years CEMETERY LETTEING BOX 156 WINGHAM JOHN MALLICK „..-- CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL J. H. CRAWFORD, O. G. N. A. SHEPH'ERD, M.A., L.L.S, A. R. M. MILL, B.A., FURNITURE STORE Licensed Funeral Director and lembalmen BRUSSEL. and Phone 120 Phone 35741130 • D. A. RANN J. E LONGSTAIT OPTOMOTRIST — SEAFOFITH MEDICAL CENTRE. 527-1240 Tueediy, Thursday, Friday. Saturday A.M. Thuraday Evening CLINTON OFFICE. 10 d8BAC STREE1 Monday and Wednesday 482-7010 Call. Either Office For AppolntnuM1 THE ALLAN SISTERS Cornelia (left) and Jackie, the Allan ;lister:;, are featured vocalists of the Tommy Hunter Show. seen natti $tinday OBC television (in color), asoupsanattiasmonaniarowsuaniviiasmiskonaiseir 11-IE 01,c.KIILLOP IVIUTUAL FIRE JNSUIIANCIE COMPANY Office Main Woes Intent, Town Dwelling. All Classes of Farm Properti Summer Cottages Churches, Schools, Halls Extended Coverage (Mitt smoke. water damage, falling objects, etc.) is also available AGENTS. .,amen Keys, RR '1, Seatorth; V. J. Lane, RR 5, asafortb, Wm. Leiper, Jr. Londeehoro; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Squires, Clinton; George. Coyne, Dublin; Donald G. Eaton, Monfort% "tremor inrormatiox" and ttosc relating to stiffness. Tilts oper- ation is usually dune whoa the di.. sense is primarily ono-sided and the patient is youitg aud othe.tr- wiA'e: bealay. The operation, like the xAedication, often controls the diSease for sortie years. • . FOWL 'SURFER Duff's United Church, `Walton. Wednesday, Nov, 0th. Supper 'from 5•:30 to 8. Adults $1.50, Children 12 and under 75e. Program, Oen. tennial (Their from Huron. (.;aunty. INJURED IN CAR . CRASH, Ann 11onglas_2s, ot Ottawa. was reported in StaiSni et ory condition in. 1'irinria Ifospital, London, Mon- day night with. injuries suffered. S:iUi ulay -when IDA. ear left Ow Howick Concession Road C, st'ashe'd into two free stumps' and.. • rolled over Se e 'n!I times, Miss Douglas, who • was .round unconscious, was taken. to Wing- ham Dictrict IToSpital and then transferred to 'Victoria Hospital,. Loud on, Exkling favaations Thergeowsegmed (Ram Lemmata) 111Pedding end engagement announcements, birth announce. twos, eonfartailine ievitatione. asides and silver snniverstay amitalassametts, Thermo-engraving (111AMED Me) *is like the finest hand asysving. Theletares se sie~adtdau sod individuality msly dm flow ttaat pavias Thernio-eniplivisag (RAISED urrivanfto GNI nem kali ata moat as herd enrol* becalms tt Atli* Oa obi &o r' ph* that makes hand angInving se awed** MO ET% LEAVY '111111; 4.1 "Imss.b t willaleenurr:tessaa ka dllerola at bemed me /liar ei uttelJ10 smilepai re earessisegul."" laa* NW OUR riPPLAY The Brutges Pa3 .*$410104400a.CAMt*:;ire 6-04,,e0i%iiiid'PZik..4filiair THE DRUSSEE4S POST, ilItlISSELS, ON,TARIO TITURSDAY, OCT. .17th, 1908 CONTROL WINT.g..liKI1-1, TREAT ALFALFA RIGHT .1,1111erkIll in alfalfa is heavily dopendont on the food rescrvos plam, can store in ti n melt. This food supply acts us an anti- froezo to how plants resist lute winter temperatures and allow for regrowth in ih4 spring. (tutting or grazing alfalfa in September could cause considerablo damage says Professor It. • Pulkorson, Ont- rio Agricultural College, 'Univer- sity of Cluelph. The crucial period ill onriy fan during which the alfalfa may ho damaged. varies from area to area. Calling or gra z‘ing during this time may cause complete winter-, kill of the crop or soverr-dy reduce Studies are heing made to determine when alfalfa should net ho tonohed. In the Mount Forest district and in much or central and eastern Ontario, most, damage iS done to alfalfa about September 10. ne (luelph, Stratford and, God- ('rich areas suffer most from a September 20 harvest, and the 1\11,ia, gara, Brantford, Woodstock, and Sarnia regions from harvesting about September 30. Alfalfa in lc,:ent, and Essex counties is most •vunorable aronnd October 10. Alfalfa goes through a three week regrowth and a two-Week rood storage period after the crop has been token off. To allow for this growth and, storage, no har- vesting or grazing shoUld he done for three week before and three week s after the danger dates. Late fall browsing will do little harm, but some ten will hold the 500W to insulate the roots. Adjust- :merits .in the forage program will reserve ,grassy meadows. and help alfalfa stands to persist for sev- eral years. RHONE 36 or lb. BRUSSELS, ONT, HEALTH TIPS FROM THE O.M.A. Parkinsonism, • or the '.'shaking palsy", is a 0°MM:ion named after ;ins. Parkinson who first describ. ed if in .!S17, Ill is a disturbance in the motor function wll ic11.. is ccthau'aetorizod chiefly by ill(' slow-. 2i.g or einotiorml and voluntary . movnnients. musular 4ti.f,rne5.s or• •rigidity and shaking, The Ontario Aledical .Association reports that Parkint-i'onism• is O. common disease and.. • ustially affects. people over age 45. It is always progressiVe, but its rate of progression Varies- considerably. - ['vo n, normon to Per,F.401): T110 sy1111)- toms usually appcar:on 0110 Side of Wie body and spread to the other as the years. pass. .rarldrisonisln. itself der';; not, cause Mental 'tits-. ease. There is no cure for Parkinsort- ism, The patient should rc'nca ir a (.1i ve and not spend long periods 0f lime in bed because the disease 1(11115 to worsen when the pat- ient is immobile. Many drugs are available to help those with Parkinsonism. Titer have the offeet of suppITA, iromor Ato ino.Aeoing the I'n l'nrinnately, mocisi. ni these drugs also have the disturb. in;; side effect of drying .the mouth, sumetini n5 Bard for pa tiFmts 10 tolerate. In recent years snre,ory has broil used to help control Park- iosonism. The O.M.A. advises that the current operation is called a thalarnotomy. This involves the slitting of ports fraroF PtIrryilik