The Brussels Post, 1968-10-17, Page 1russet%
$2.90 A Year In Adviince — 13.00 To 11,11144 THE rifttl:-.1a171.1'efi, POST, 'I 1 1 ' ItS1.).AY, OCT. 7t13, 1965 POST PUBLISHIBTO Itiorega
TO MEET AT BRtiSikii41
County Historical Sec-
F11ehOral Meeting will be held
at liri1::5A: Politic School, on
oetober 2.1,1_st. at ,cs.
(guest Speaker:
Matiheson. Curator of Tiruss'oslg
.i.Vo:',/erv'e" Institute Tweedsmuir"'
Book. Iter will be "The'
history of Brussels a:W. CoM;
Lunch will
wie 'Welcomed
be i•vett, Every-
E.RNLeiT 6oR5o.4 PLUM
Ernest Gordon Plum- 74, .8rtig•
.sets, died Thursday at aocifirleff...
1-to was born in th.ussels, a soli
late Mr. and Mrs, Samuel
SurviVini-; riiief two daughters,
'Mrs; Arthur Netwilt41',. of
'Toronto ,tn(1. Mrs, Alvin (\1 hig?.+4a)
t'llyoi, p. rde and a sister.;
Miss Ruby Hrlissels,
ire was predecca.ed to .
the former Thelma. Smalldort and
a son, Dr. Carl Plum,
'I'he funeral ti sstchl es
where servier, .;:aq held at 2 pnt''
oil (iliday,
Burial was in Brussels cerue.
Rillboarers were Dick MoQuar-
Win, Stephenson, Stewart
l.oa+e, frail .5.4orrier.S., Hugh Pear-
ir and %vier.. gatitk,
9'raser. Mich..,Giv!
spent a few days hero reN1111,.•,:
Mrs. Joan EXek
tW:OWel: • )ilratisport
II. Gordon Work malt . •
'.,T,iifes, fi:eight ....... ........
la hour ........ „...„. .... .......
Post Office, box rental
County of Huron, .
AT HOME reflectors . . "
Douglas J. Callander • •
- 18,80 •
'Nursing, . The family of Frank and 'ffelen HALLOWE'EN PRANKS
Ontario Ctilvett 4,..; Metal
1:24/.,a0, smith, crnuhrook. wish to an OR VANDALISM? . •
• PrOdtiets, cidVert . .. .......
noun ce that their parents will be The damage to the highway sign
to their nghbours. on Turnberry street at the Mill
.0..H.S.C., hospital- "
22.20 al, home el
, .., ., . - -
friends end relatives on the street intersection, call scarooly
•oecasioo (.4 their 27)th wedding Ile called a. pre-hattowe'en prank.
ilation October Twice previously this sign was up
k M. Ratter, lAlattee
I.96.7 audit ,...„ . : . . . .„'„.......
!.300:00 anniversary on Sunday. rooted "and damaged and iigai 0 .'0th front 2, - 5 and 7 - 9
0,M,I11,f und11.8.„. pensions . • '
on Saiturday night all attempt Was
Past -Office; 1118,• ,,,,,,.,..,
made, to dislodge it after it, bad
of Revision be set for net.cher :10, just. been anchored and repaired
Re.eeiver General of
66.00 •• 1 968. subject to the approve' of the .for the second time. The vandals
Ganda, Tax deductions
' .Counly Assessor, Alex Alexander. hind also used an axe or other tool,
and (2.13,!Moved by T. 0. Campbell, :3e.e.!- to -hack away a. good portion of
.i G. Stiles, Septembet
101 .emitted by U. II Cousins that the the sign. Thig is destruction Of
garbage. 2') Oa R oeve declare -November 17th, oublic property and trunishable by
Moved by R. 13, Cousins. second-
-1`..168. a Public holiday, -1a.w. Where is our poliOe protection 0
ed by J. 114 McCiacheon that we
Moved by TT. ,T. Trittras, second- .at ':l";11 timos?
accept the nSSessineTit. Roll i
s pre- 0 0 by 1 Cl. Campbell that We ptir- Lumber from a TR' arby place' of
seated by the Assessor, C.
Has° an S ton hoist and have it. iintSirieSs Was triken and left on the
street, a dangerous obstrliction to
installed on the Town Truck.
Moved by .1. ,T,MeCtiteheon, see: traffic., The smashed piimpkins that.
The Population is 858 and the
n'i,1.;led by 1 C.. C4Ittipboll tihnt the III tered the streets and flowers
1,:t.‘eting adjourri to meet again. milled from; window boxes were assessment $7115,050.00 with some
qctobef ?A I.i'lil or at the e.a.11 of
other thoughtless acts. The aSseSEMient to be added tiefoit. tht,
end of the year. Is he 17.1`I'Ve, •tyfyittOW seeping o i iit. we Suppose;
1. C. gruutar ',Vtn.PL P.h# :.,.
• lit tifpiiilod Iii ?.1A itek,i'lliV ttililtd Moved by .14, igigood.
eliii"V 'i
thht:Litti .00111'h
.' ItiMo
tit. fifillOSO eh gOifildil ..
• ci.)iii•itiL •
,1";11.( 012:1.11111. meeting of the
VI110;0 Cbii,nOit *Welti bit iti'd
7th of October, all inembers be'ing
s , Th6, ()atilt of fiffiee WW1 taken b
the, .11ev,....,e,ouneillti„ Mr, ft... B.
C6iiqns, after .which. vas wel-
comed by Too noVve:', C Krauter,
The following motions wore
Moved by T-T. TeltPhs,
ed by ,1, L. MoCutcheon that tlie'
minutes of the meeting of Sept-
Qmber 4, 19138, be adopted as road,
;'i.o-VOtt by 1, O. tiniapluill, Sea.
laitdeil 113i Lu. Y, tiotigins, that R.
be gi:auted sr, l~ullcling
.1.oN ed. by J. i.,. MCCutclie04
Spited. by .1. Ten 'Pas than
;J. C..Krauter'a name be submitted
IFO 11h, kurop Cottuty , Planning.
Beard r'or hoi,sideral;iott on .tile
flounty Planning 13oard begir'titifir
;fan. 1. 1968.
Moved by I G. Campbell, second-
ed by 11..13. Cousins that we apply
to., the' T,ieiutrtuierit of highways
tOi.* Auhsidk•r oii oni•
roaa exvenalt,ures,
"%Toyed by PT. .r. TenPas, second-
ed by i, G. Campbell that the ac-
counts as approved be paid,
9,,a199 and hall ...„. ..... , 230.63 pps,C ()Ode; . 6,40
,Mill, debentures .... 2500.00
yvuiiGy rittrot
was home for Thanksgiving,
taxes , 546,05 Mr. t d.
J. M. McDonald Lumber
material 3,2N
Mrs. Stuart Evans, Gary Oldfield Hdwe.,
MeCutobe.oi Motors,
13.74 C20(.1.,y. and Mrs. Young visited W
repairs ........ ...
Sunday with Mrs. Isabel -Perdu .
MacLean's IPina
13," Alvision.
Mr. Prod SmalidOn, Maxine and,
6•0 0 Mrs. 'M as Engel visited with Mr.
ft it d 1. i fib r el on Switzer, 13e s-
7,50 vine.
Mrs, .A, 'Williams. Brussels,
speni Thanksgiving with Mr. and
Mrs Stuart MeN'air.
AtrA.. th.a.triec Young, lAsto 1 /4 0,
soe ro row days with Airs. Stunel
itiv s
Mr. and Al rs, \\'ius toi1 'We
Encliern and daughters. 0-alt.
F.went. Thank sgiving with Mr, and
r kV Mc (f)ttt'lierti. Mrs Me-
r '• 1.14ir in Galt this
Mr. and 'Mrs. Clare Veitch ana
family entertained Mr. and Mrs.
Rta?!,P.r amid1;an0.1Y, MiSSIS ,
sang", Ont. over the 1,0!'.day Week
Miss Nancy Stricklor ha$ com-
pleted her nursing courSe and is
working at Stratford Gener al Tins-
TPitai!: •
p,morte.y .Kifiehr!.inet',
nuinhOr of friends ainf
beers gathered at. the hortici Of
Mr. a 10 S'elatr Breckenridge
in Grey Townsthip, (')ri. Friday isv;
eating, Oct. -Ith, and presented them
with lovely gif1;,i. before they left
the fatal rnr their home in
The owning was spent in
games anti .-ot tar chat after which
the ladies of the colloid:, t..1 Fserved
it t3p1;.•lou5 lunch,
Are l'oo Winner
Of 6th WievU gAi4i
Are you the holder of the. ticket
of the • 1db game of the World
Series with the score Detroit 3,
St. Louis 1? If you are, kindly
contact Cl F. Parker at the Can-
adian briporial Bank of Corn-
inerce, Ilrhssels, immeditely.
1.1he following w6re the wimic'yS
of the other games: Clare Veitelt;
G ertrude. 1<ellinginh and ary
Pennington: jo'„Anne Sholdice:
.Glenn Itonnenherg: Alex Pearson;
Thetc 11011,
Mrs. Laura .lermyn is ;home
after a month's visit in Kitchener,
Stilt fir.,w1 and Goderich.
Mrs. Or-044m tlavis was aThanks.
giving visitor with Mrs. A Hopp of
Rochester, N.Y,
Miss Beth. hoover is spending
thig. week with her sister.,
McCidium of Blyth.
Mrs WA Wroxef or. wits a
,)isitor lust TInirgday with 11r, and
Mrs'. -",Mrrrrair
anti Mrs. Gharles Hryans of
Orillia, spent the Thaniottiving
weekend with Mrs .T. A. Bryans,
Mr. and :airs Ross Stephenson
vi:' itecl wi ll;111Thl\s,Mary ii3r,
at tS\ errs and
Miss Sylvia /#roller, Oa kville,
and Mr and Mrs, 1)on Kadie spent
Thanksgiving with their .fial'ents
Mr, and Mrs. N'orman Hoover.
Mr, mid Mrs, David Kennedy,
Clariforirt were weekend visitors
Mill theft. 1rr2yents. Mr. and ,Mrs.
Mr. rind 'ray fi ronSoil. Mali-
S s and -Miss Mitrul Bronson,
MOPholl of :Markham,r.111.8 3gIving
Kitchener, were
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. 'Pea
ThtlifYiegtt -hig visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. gOi-<-"stii Pipe were Mr,
and Mrs. hack Cottites and, family
St. i; a 1.r le.
Archie! Thorlipsorr, Toronto. 't iig.
home for Thoiiksgiving with his
parents M r, and Air;.-5.: tflotop,
Air. John Isom-it. of Toronto was;
p. visitor at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, ff. Got}let for the past week,
Arai uihS Tlinfiksgfring weekend.
..;;11 Amid vra fragtf:Iigs
David aii'd DitiTY1. lirli ^fiEir(, "r od
Mr. and Mrs, bon McNeil ol LisC
owel visited with „fir, , and , :qrs.
.1. Bneker, and famV, of Bur-
lington on Thanksgiving weekeind.
Mr. and Mrs. flrian huether rind
Sandra. NI% and Mrs, David Mist-
Darid and Darryl, Mr. and
Mrs, Russ Fox of London and Mr.
Sylvester Fox enjoyed dinner if
the home of Mr, and Mrs.. Dave
Hastings Sr., on Monday.
Wee Sandra fluether, daughter
of Mr' and Mrs Brian Fit-tethers
nrUSSelS. had the misfortune to
out her hand my under the Wash-
ing machine and badly cut her
fingers on .her left, hand. She was
treated at the I-4stowel hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert 'Haskins,
Mr. and Mrs. Pant McKiller and
Mrs. V. A., Jackson, all of Si-11'111R.
and Mr. and Mrs, Ken Stevens of
Militias, were Thanksgiving visit-
ors with Mr and Mrs. Ted McLean.
Ni' and Mrs, Stanley Chapman
of :British ColUmbia were here to
see his father, E. Chapinan, who
has been a patient In \kingbolt]
hospital for several weeks. While
in Brussels. they visited' with their
aunts, MrS. Ciro. ChidloW and Mrs.
.1. W. Fisch en
Ni ARKS To Mr. and Mrs,
Stanley Marks, Tirusstqa,
September 24th, to Wino-Jim
tot41,114.• tt: J:111'11101 00'011'011h\
A 004i,
raw. mnie,itie Wooten'. Ins'Bute
me f lobe librar!. basemtltt with a
gOod attiindartce or members and
gm! i's Ls.
rti. 11. and Mrs.
Donald l'f!rrie were conventms for
this meeting, the theme being
"Eductoion". Mrs. Eldon Wilson.
very ably :rave the. inotto --
"KnoAvledge is what you learn
from othc're wisdom is what
you teach yourself.-
'kir, 'Kenneth Scott, Principal or
the nrnSsols School was
guest speaker, Mr. Scott. chmo,
b'Sciene” acs 11;1-, topic. and :,:howed,
experiments, and Mins, ex-
plaining the i mptrrtance of
Science in the classroom. Two
Cape recordings of group Eingi
At the Brussels School were much
eta 4.1,;•ed, 'Mrs. d.GiVries thanked Mr..
Scott and Presented him with a
Miss .:\nno Oldfield played very'
beautifully two selectionson the
piano. Miss Oldfield was thanked
and presented with a gift by Mrs.
,leVries on behalf of the Institute,
The roll c;.11 wtis answered 'with
"An editeutfonal pror.rram. I wonla
like to se,0 r,n T.V.”.
The institute lit servo inner,:
at Huron County Historical. Soo--
ley me'l'ting to be held in the Bras-
Sets School On Ocoller";Si.
The International Plowing
Match 15 to be held near Guelph,
this year from Octohcrlryth to
to 1 411. items of intoregi to Tact,
les are Fashion Show!-:. Cooking
Shows. Cosmetic Shows.
:Mrs, Stephotit and Mrs. Carl,
Ftremingway each g.,avo a report of
au Institute Rally Cra rt-
brook recently,
donation to the
was incited by Mrs :rim Armstrong-.
and secoutiQd try Mrs Poug Unita-
Thrc short course. "Dressmaking
with a ditTerenee - will be taught
to il l s 1 latiOS in the next felt- 'weeks
under Ole has derShip
de Vries and Mrs. C, rclItelleon.
Mrs. Jim Armstrong will, he the
delegate from Brussels to attend
a Women's Institute Convention
in (Nein]] t.his inc.nth.
A delicious iuncll was by- Ella Pearson. mr.
Vey r P. an d Ea 1.1 Cu chrtore.
dfin•rny Gaunt
1 furon-Bruccs) has. said n71 ron.
Township will receive a, $1,500
grant from the provincial x'
ment for iMpr em nut s to
Beach, south of 1".:incardirte on
Lake Unroll.
The township will match that
amount to pay for rest rooms.
cJlange houses and parking fac-
Mr. Gaunt said the grans ' was
made possible ihrovigh ill., P:etk&‘•
linprovement Act.
.13rUssiilF.4, Rail
Ttivkii is Itoi s•