HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-10-10, Page 6Rt'e'; Mr. Carey, who Is 44, has been Clerk ttve in 111'4 church. aria his „Todd anion.,• resign as the \vittinin ,f Elston Beton 11 :\litrtin Modernizing your home can be a delightful experience. Home improvements can do a lot to help make your way of living better than ever, BLit before you start to modernize, you should take care of one thing first: your household wiring. If you begin your modernization programme by re almot;t everything about your home will suddenly seem butter, You'll have all the eleetricial outlets you need. Your appliances will perform better, and you can aid all the now ones you're ever likely to need without the annoyance of overloaded circuits or blown fuses. Re-wiring will let you take advantage of the new ideas in household lighting. With decorative exterior lighting you'll be able to enjoy patio living on pleasant summer evenings. You will, in fact, be opening the doors to the joys of all-electric living, including the quiet comfort of electric heating. Start modernizing your home by re-wiring, Call a qualified electrical contractor or ask your Hydro. row l' es 0. 1 .,inn . inn TlriE BRUSEMA FO1 T. 1131,11ss 1'4'0 0(1' •lOth. PUT MORE spring INTO NEXT summer's GROWTH WM tail APPLICATIONS OF BROCKVILLE : SHOR ,GAIN fertilizers WOW ...........”••••,r11,01.01,1 rlaWar•••• 1TOR FORAGE CROPS --fall-iippliect . phosphorus and potash virtually guarantees that, lice`,, sum- more—graze 11161v—ensile more because you've stIpplied ho Lortility neeoled to get your .tan and pastures oil to an early spring start. ,„ tOli:eep growing strongly through a second and third cut ling or Stnntrier-lo zg g razing. BROCKVI LLE (ithliamsoi) fertilizer service Contact Your nearby BROCKVILLE: STEUR-Gil TN fle,Y!er or service centre for all your fall fertilizer reOuirem ts If you're planning to modernize your home, here's the piace to begin. J. GORDON STILES FHONE 186 BRUSSELS ONT. EMS-1471MS tits r: 12 ,-eetor Drain :$4,00 Id p7....etor 1%011 1)'etn'ttii0 It- l ilt: eitunt %11.,0.112 ,4. Canadian An , 1'. 1', i f. t.11 .\111‘n r,no intent I". -t ion 5.on has. F,1.5.tto t;o111. (mcii MORRIF,, TOWNSHIP COUNCIL MEETING Morris Township Council met on October 2nd, 1968, with all members present and Reeve 'William :Elston P residing, The following motions 'were carried. Moved by James :Mail' seconded by Thomas Millet that the min- utes of the last meeting be adopt- ed as read, The report, on the "Little `Exten- sion Drain" was reed, Three rate- payers en same were present. Moved by Russ Smith seconded by Thos Miller that Fngineer's report be adopted by provisionally adopting By-Law No, 10, 1968. as read 1st. and 2nd times, Moved by Rubt. Grasby SecOnd- ed by Ross Smith that road ac- counts in account of$1480,21 be accepted as presented by the toad superintendent. Moved by Junes flair seconded Thos, Miller road superin- tendent nod treasurer submit necessary petition for interim pay, meat of road subsidy, Moved by Ross Smith seconded by Robert Grasby that Court of Revision on ,'Little ExlenSiOn `'rain" he November 4th, 1968. at 2 pm. MovedhyThos. Miller seconded by Jas, Malt' that Robt. Crosby be commissioner on "Little Exton- sion Drain". Moved by Jas. Mail' seconded by Robt, Grasby that tenders fOr snow ploughing For 1968.69 of Glonsher at $10.00 per hour and $10.00 per day standing time; :(14enn Snell al $1n.00 hour and 80,00 per day stand by .time and Glenn McKercher at 88.50 per hour and $8.50 per day StOnd by bn ficcepted subject to the approval of the District Munk'. ipal Engineer, Moved by Ross Smith seconded by Th04-, Millnr LIY-141W '4'o• 11, 5t.I;;, 1St and 2nd read. 7.4(yvim by 1.0, Mc,(W 96Kiltit.'id by 1968 be given third ;,)(t finnity adopted, This is by-law to extend term or. office for reeve and councillorA to two years, Moved by Robt. Cra shy *o ed by Thos. Miller that Bv-law No, 12, 1968 setting the date for nomination Inc reeve anti council- lors for November 22, llittS and E.lection for December2, be Passed US road 1st. second and third times. Moved by James Main seconded by Robt, Ornsby that (Mutt Revision on the Assessment r be opened, There were no appeals a be considered. Moved byRoss Smith seconded by Thos. Miller that Court of Revis ion be closed and the ...issessmont roll he accepted and assessor re- ceive balance of his salary. Moved by .maines Mair seconded by Robt.. Grasby that general ac counts be paid as presented. Meeting adjourned on inn ion of Thos. Miller to meet ag.tin Nov- ember 4, 1968, tit 1 Lin. General Accounts Walter Whitehead : fox- bounty $2.00 Belgrave. Blyth, Brussels School Fair $35,00 Myth ,1gricultural society. $100,00 anal ss el s tura] Society, 150,00 Belgrave A rent Board. 1410,00 John Brewer, postage ,v envel- t :•1111 opes 15.75 Mitnivion1 World, supplies 2.10 Town of Seaforth. debentures -fOr :High School, 127:1.99 A/atnes IThwes, qurvey, re- Dirt on Little .14xt elision 1 1 1'a iii $200,00 • Ontario .flytko. ule street lights 314.25 John Brower, balance of lialary 3;; R.6? linwrial 13I4111; nl Canada 'Pension *.l.G.71 ttorAs 111g2:1 11 ,:. [31..“-tro. 0.1r; $7,t6 , Wialtial Tire .t-lervice, repair tire :3.50 I-limier Benders 1 1" ('l t).' 5.2 1(2 \`‘-in,a•Itt; n1 Aim) \\-reedier:.., !ruck IS:1s Ontario 1 lydro, I teceiN enera 1. unemploy- nient insurance 7.60• —.air,: of Ciottinprce, pension \\"111. Mo.A.rter. svag 'i tithe- 15.1.00 lames Cusemore. •ge,... ,folin Smith, wages $2.1:;,01t. NEW FIELDMAN APPOINTED FOR ONTARIO FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE A malt well known in ‘N'eqterri ontarIc, rat-nn Berald TT, I Croitterty, has up. Pontted tilifork, ("Ilit!Olf1}1 A'0OntiO:-.. Of 1.dalUbt0O. 'Keret, I [itren. Middlesex, and Ian in, Ills appointment. was an- noun( iiirottto by .(1Tant ‘Vallacti, the federation's Director .rield Services, Tile i va' fieldinau has consider- able experience in farming and (aria organintions, He is a diploma graduate of the ontku'io Agrieultuval College, and 1)(ICII a dairy farmer near cromarty for the 15 years. Prior in that. he served with the RCAF for 'Vivo years is a navi- :.oition officer, president of tile .Perth ColintY looderation in' Agriculture to As- sume his O.V.A. appolhinient. Ito is a Direetor of the Ontarif Producers' 'Alarlteting t''''atti. tact lta.,; been its member ,..presenting hoard to the will drop both the. ..1:11t.om lie POO. l' Qtr. f W. I I ill t ,t's