HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-10-10, Page 4THE 11/WS.S'ElLS POST, liftUp;SELS, UNTA41Q 0C 1'. lull, 068 mdr. wrarms NOTICE — b'or all your electrical wiring ueeds. Contact: Don McLean Phone 11336 Brussels. FOR SALE -- Antique Cars; 1931. Ford Deluxe Coupe and 1925 Ford Coach; also Fora parts. Call :164J RiN: SALE AT THE C1.1i,P4TON LEGION HALL NOTICE SALE Potatoes NV. A, MeQuarrie Arlo i INAUN I, L. IPAL `1: ELEP,HON4 SYS4 EAVI .t.'iono, 464,17 Whei.eas tne Vicic rioa Mun,cipal Teleplictne System was recently FOR SALE — odsposca ,t now prc..dose., to wind up its affairs and distribute the lie'iY lawt Refrigerator, 9 cu. Iciaair• :,ash surplus equally among subscribers, of record on the • .L.xcullent condition, 167 04.0 or coc;iptetion of sale.. Brussels. App has,, therz.fore, ceun made to the Ontario Telephone SOI'Vlee Ccmmission, under section 47, of The Telephone 1911O, chapter 394, for an order approving this plan, • Any representations to be made to the commission with respect to this api:lication should be submitted on or before October 24, 1968 and addres,.ed to the chairman, Ontario Telephone Service.commlissign, Department of Agriculture and Food Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, OntArio. Should you desire further information with respect to this plan of distribution, or if you wish to inspect the last audited Financlial Statement or the list of subscribers who, according to the system's recoi.ds, v.0,11 be entitled to share in distributable surplus , you may apply to the undersigned, either personally, by telephone or by letter Commissioners; Mr. George Campbell, RR 1, Seaforth Mr. Harry Snell, RR 1, Londesboro Mr. Kenneth Stewart, RR 5, Seaforth Secretary-Treasurer Mr. James F. Keys, RR 1, Seaforth CLIN uN, ONT Al EVENING, OCT.15 S P.M. SHARP Acting on the instructions of the PROPRIETORS LEO BIRD WILL OFFER FOR SALE 5 LARGE LOTS .OF FURNITURE, TELEVIS- IONS, STEREOS, AND APPLIANCES, Consigned to this sale by Finance Companies, Private Individuals, and a leading Furniture Manufacturer, wi.o has consigned a nice selection of New Furni- ture, consisting of showroom samples. FOR EXAMPLE — We will offer — 5 complete BEDROOM SUITES, all different with Lox Spring and Mattress included with each suite. 8 -- 2 pce. CHESTERFIELD SUITES in different styles such as Provincial, Traditional, Modern, Bed Chesterfield Set and 4 different 2 pce. Davenport Suites that fold into a bed. All sets in top grade covers. 5 different KITCHEN and DINETTE SUITES in 5.7-9 pee, Sets, One M a ple Colonial 7 pce. Dinette Set including Hutch and Buffett. One set of 36" Maple Bunk Beds, 39" Continental .Beds with head boards. 54" Sox Springs and mattresses. Step and Coffee tables, Pole Lamps, Rockers, Recliners, Tri-Light and Table Lamps, Rugs,Plict, ores, Step Stool. Hi-Chair, Telephone Table, Srriall Electrical Ap- pliances. Radio's. 25 cu. ft. Chest Freezer, 2 Electric Ranges, 2 Convential Washers. 2 Refrigerators, Automatic Washer and Dryer, 5 different Television Sets, 2 Stereo Sets both with AM FM Radio and Li. speed changers, Hostess Chairs, Odd Chest of DravVers. Many other items. DON'T MISS THIS OUTSTANDINC. SALE AUCTIONEER, LEO BIRD —• CLERK, LLOYD TANNER TERMS: CASH CHEQUES ACCEPTED p . 5°'n SALES TAX IN EFFECT plilliailliftwaittrimeinftwomftmirshmew vow- FOR SALE_ Cob corn to pick up at the Bine of picicing. A. Peters, AR '2 Mussels, Phone: 497W4 NOTICE .A.nyoue wishing to take Rug Hooking instruction contact: Mrs. Don. (340IWIlef.' lilyth, Phone: )23-9447 FUR SALE -7, Stove and Frig, tiordon Workman, Pin o n e :7,7W BABY SITTING Will do baby sitting an PridStY ".1n1 Saturday, Phone 1353 day of October, 1968. FOR SALE After that date the' Executrix Hoover COnstellation Vacetirn will proceed to distribute the -es- Cleaner; McClary Combination tate having regard only • to the Annex and Electric Range: claims of Which they shall thou Kelvinator Frig, All in good cop- h eve had notice. dition and cheap. DATED at Wingham this. Conley Hardware, Ethel, Phone: day of October. A.D. 1365. 3212,15. CRAWFORD, SliEdrinaLL) & MILL AND FEMALE SALES HELP WANTED MALE So'licitor's for bite 4xecutri.x. Witignain7 Ontario, 'Wanted immediately — Man or woman to supply ctistomers 111 part 'Huron Co. with, Ila"Wleigh Products. Can earn $50 Weekly Dart time $.100 and up Nil time. Write Rawleigh, Dept. J452,336, 4005 Richelieu St., St: Henry, Montreal. IT'S NOT TOO EARLY TO BOOK FOR CUSTOM COMBINING WIE HAVE 2 GIANT CLAAS COMBINES ALLIS GLEANER Cereal Grain and Grain Corn ROE FARMS LIMITED Atwood 356.2211 ALEX CAMERON PHONE BRUSSELS S56J4 41.1110isitillINFOIM•044 GOOD IVjW . eur ll Orusseis and bur rounding Country Residents • ITS HERE 0 IT'S NEW 0 IT'S FRESH AND 0'5 HIT"i '4 CK'S BAKERY PRODUCTS THAT ARE AVAILABLE NOW IN THE BRUSSELS STORES INTRODUCTOTA FEATURE OFFER: WITT1C:1('S i.'AIVIOUS COUNTRY STYLE RAISIN BUNS Regular Price 29c for Pkg. of 8 ON SPECIAL TSUY 2 PKGS. AND 6E1 ONE PACKAGE FREE OCTOBER 10 - 11 and 12th NOTICE D. MILES HONORED, Renovations and Roofing, metal NEW AG. REP. NAMED SPECIAL OFFER To Oct. 12 — Closing time 6 p.m. Sat, Nite, Grewar's Superior 1lackek. offers you your choice of our selection et imported Dutch Bulbs. A doz. al. 3,i;4 Price with your grocery order of $10.00. FOR SALE 11 good beet steers approxim- ately 800 to 900 lbs. 1 black heifer with calf (just. fresh). 2 quaker medium siztkl oil stoves bOth with 1.411.$ Elmer Ellatott Phone 129 and asphalt, also all types of building fur farms and houses. L. & M. Building Co. 1111 2, Bluevale, Ont. Phone: 320J4 or 320W7 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM HENRY BFlEWER _\li 11 r;ItSONS hu\ing against the estate of the above nirmtioned, late of the Township of Morris in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on the. 9th day 01 September, 196m, are required to file proof of the same with the undo-rsigned on or before the 20th CLEARING AUCTION SALE LIVESTOCK and MACHINERY will be held for HARRY MONTGOMERY Lot 25, Con, 1, Morris Twp, V2 mile West of Bluevale SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19 Commencing at 1.30 p,m. Cattle 12 Hereford Cows I 1 Hereford Calve. Reg, Hereford Bull 21/2 yrs'. 3 bred Heifers 3 open Ficifer8 Machinery 1).0. 4 Case Tractor (now motor) Massey Ferguson Tractor 3 fourrow 12 in. bottom MOW Hydraulic Disc Hydraulic 11 ft. Cultivator Harrows -- drag — chain diamond Available for CustOM Work Jollin Deere Seed Drill No. 6 Mower flit ern ational !", bar Siderake john Deere 4 bar Sideralca M.P. No. 10 tinier with groin chttle. 2- Wagons, racks 16 ft. George White Elevator 32 ft. OR S O. Binder on rubber GoodiSon Thresher 28fx46 Manure Spreader Nittrierous Small Artiel'‘Is Terms — Cain, Brian Rintoul, Autitiotieort WhitOghuNti 11,11r0L1 C01,131tY said farew ell Friday to its agricultural repro, sentatiyo since 1957, 11,}eitglas Miles. A party organized by the 1Piron Federation of Agriculture W attended by 400 persons, includ- either a "steppingstone. or grave now, the county's first represen- tative 50 years ago. Ontario Treasurer acNaugh ton, whe attended, termed Huron opeculiar" siuce its 011ie a ''steppiinkstune or grave- yard" for any agricultural repre- sentative. Mr. was transferred it. Toronto to assist young farmers establish in the province and study farm consolidation, Donald Pullen, Clinton, Huron assistant Agricultural repre,seuta- live succeeds Mr. Aliles. Tli is alumniicemen t, SYILS made tit the party for Mr. Miles Pri- day night, Mr, Pullen, a Perth County native cone to Huron County in May 1903. tie graduate of the two-year diloma course in agriculture at the University of Guelph. In 1963 he' received a de• gree in science of agriculture from that university. Ins wife, the former Florew4e McCully of St. 'Mary's, is also st graduate of Guelph, She taught at Seaforth District secondary school for two years. They have, one shit, Dayid, 17 mouths old, FOR SALE DAIRY FARMERS Pulsator Service any make — Use only "State Rubber'' Inflations made in Now Zealand. Phone 348,84:17, a, F..Braudemark Mitchell imiookommil losolowierielm BERG Sales Service Installation FREE ESTIMATES • Barn Cleaners ffp Blink Feeders i) Stabling DONALD G. IVES R.R. 2, BLYTH Phone Brijsbels 441w4 tftrolitififoftmegaliivotialiatif tolo