The Brussels Post, 1968-10-10, Page 11/`14.14 POST, THURSDAY. OC':f' Mb, 1968
The 140115 Cltif) meeting was
held Monday evening in Brus-
sels library with Lion presidt-W
Jai. van \Met presiding.
`r,filltwister Jim Knight (4xtorled
fines v. ;lion SeIWY11 Baker
led the sing south 11,01
Scott at the piano, assoVig.•
Lion secretary Cecil iMentae'o.
called the roll and dealt with the
It was decided to bold a father
and Son 'banquet at the United
Chrireb on Monday, October 28th..
Lion Roy Cousins asked for sup-
ear till c`Nlii campaign. which
ix now u
The neiv mertifier' Gerritt van
\icon NVEIS *ele011ie4 to eho: ebib,
Lion, treasuror t'ec. Parker' firk-•
sented 'a report on th0 safe' of
World Series tickets.
Lion Wilbur Turnbull was the
winner of the guessing contest.
Lion John. Hanna ghiwort films.
ifiasyd away in Seaforth Com-
munity hospital, ran Thursdy, Oct-
ober 3rd, John in his
85ith year,
Sog of Andrew Hislop and his
wife' the co..mor Simian m o Na i r ,
Mr. ilislop was boa,. 00 concession
HI, Grey Township, wriert, he
farmed until. retiring to Waltori.
Surviving arc' his wife, the form-
Prances Houston; One sister.
Mr:zy, ;tames (Mary) Dickson,
At wno d', ci/14, 1.1 P iCCS and MO!
e e
Funeral service 'was held at the
1). A. Mann Funeral Home, Bras.
sets at 2 p.m. on Saturday eon-
ducted by his minister, Rev.
Darwyn Docket) of Walton, United
eh tire h tluvial wax in linkssols
cornet erg:
PUIlhearers were tlarVeY Craig.
O'fffforil Ritchie, , Herb Traviss,
Ward :.follers,. Roy Bennett and
Jake ilulzeho.Y.
Flower' hearers' C.O10-0i- Dickson,.
and Andrew 'Houston,
$2,06 A In Advance
Brussels l'ost
Dear Sir:
With the recent, sale of the
Rexall Drugstore, a milestone was
passed. Em• the first Limo in over
10 0 years, this Brussels property
has passed out of the hand of a
In the mid-1800's the owner :WOS
a druggist by the name of
Dutton. In the late 1800's, Mr, G.
A, lidadtitail Was the owner,
i'ilf it. the
.rui;sets area for over . 30 ',venni.
And folloA that: ate cirtig-
store was taken over by .`r.B..
Horsley and. Co.. Chemists and
1n 1903, my uncle, Prank R.
Smith, an honour graduate in
pharmacy from the. University trP
Toronto came home to Brussels
and took ever the drug store from
Mr. Hursley, At that time, there
were six or. seven doctors in
Brussels:, a good prospect for a
young druggist.
Ili turn, Frank R. Smith Would,
very ma have liked to haVe
Seri On the store to another drug.
gist. What with changing times in
Ilttissols, and a shortage; of phar•
Macy gradnates now, this was not
to be,
Because of it being a drugStore
doittinbously for over 100 ydard,
my uncle had oil hand an e$copt-
ional c011eetion of pharinacy
Ounipitient, Sortie of Which. Went
hack to pioneer days. He had
hoped to give 018 to the Phan,
it MuSeuni at Niagara,
This is a new project:. An
• litetoric building there, Which had
been a drugstore in the early
18001 s, flow once again belongs
to the pharmacy profession. S6
that they Will be able to fit it out
exactly as a drugstore was in by,
gene years, they are seething the
country for old time pharina
equiiiniont. ThiS Ni
itaey Mueettin 'is to be a per-
Marient exhibition - of interest
to the public, and specially to
,Canada's young people.
On September 13th a "University
of Toronto Pharmacy Professor
had planned to visit Brussels
Rexall Drugstore and to arrange
to take some of the Prank B.
Smith collection to Niagara. This
Visit was cancelled as by that. date
the store had changed hands.
Since then in Toronto, twc,
pharmacy professors have seen
that part of the collection which
we kept. They were much inter-
ested and accepted the donation
from the estate of Frank Roger-
son Smith, a memorial to the dedi-
cated druggists who had spent
their years in Brussels.
R. M. Smith
Harold Macklin is visiting
her mother near Saskatoon.,
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Dunn and
flintily and .N,1 ?•. and Mrs. Don .Tack-
lift and family ; all 6r Blooming-
dale att(mded the Anniversars
;ttld visited with Mr, and Mrs,
Earl 1111111 and Joanne.
111, and Mrs, Chas. Moore, God-
()rich and 'Airs. Beatrice Young,
Listowel, visited with Mrs. Stuart
Kvans on Sunday,
Mrs. Mao Engel 1,4 spending a
few days: With iMr`. and Mrs. Jack
Clark and taruil,}, Anburn
AnniversarY Service
.\ \voll attended speeiai
avy was l y sid. in l..cuox
Presbyterian ( lining on Sunday
Oct. 0. Be.v. Charles A. McCarron,
Was guest sneaker and
a ladies' quartette from Monk-
Ion provided special music, along
with a young people's choir under
the leadership of Mrs. Stuart
October Meeting of the
WMS Afternoon Group
M,rs, clam veiteh was hostess
for the October lueeting of the
afternoon Orono of the WMS. She
opened the tneeting with a verse
"Again" Mrs. Stanley Fischer pre.
sided for the Thank Offering
Praise Service from the Sebtenb'
er issue of the. "Mad Tidings".
Mrs, Calvin CainOtoit read "Nvery
Day is Thanksgiving'' and "The
Old-Pashioned Thanksgiving" teas
read by Mrs. Lytle Gordon, Prayers
were given by Mrs tar]. Dunn, and
Airs. Fischer. Mrs, John Petrie
rend "I feast. my eyes'', The
Thanksgiving topic Was read by
Mrs. Mac Ten members
and four from the Evening GroOP
attended. The roil call was "Bailie
a hook of the Bible-. -MI'S. 'W.
Strickler reported on. the supply.
'Mrs, lillwood Roe, Atwood, Pret-
byterial visitor, was present and
gave mi report on the meeting lield
in St. Marys on Sept. 30, She
spoke on the new study and batt-
ed several hooks which would be
helpful, It was (10VidOCL to have ate
Nov. meetin g in the church with
guests and a special speaker.
Tanieli was served by the hostess,
Mrs, Cal vin Cameron and Mrs.
-John ferric.
Cranbrook W.I. Meeting
The October meeting of the \V, I.
\vas held at the horn(' of Mrs,
,Mrs, Clifford Morrow, There was
act attendance of 13. The roll call
\1'tis "a product 1 hcmght becauSe
of advertising". Voting delegates
at the Rally on Oct, 7, \vill be Mrs.
'Urban 'Ditcharme and Mrs. Jim
Hart. Hobby display will be . in
charge of Mrs. Mae Macintosh and
vim 1.1.ordon Engel. Delegates for
the convention in Guelph will be
chosen later, The booth at t3eu-
801s Fair was a success., MrS, Wth,
:Bremner gave the motto 'Tamil
you feel like complaining take a
look at your bletsings". Current
events Were by Mrs, Clifford Mor-
row, 'Mrs, Gordon Engel (Ionian-
strated tiphalstering ai large chair.
foot 81001 and dining reetti chair.
"God Sarre the Queen" Waa sting
and Mrs.. Wm, Bremner Cattltieted
a contest, Lunch ttenitnithie WaS
?Avg Wtiitltliutl 000. MVO,
'Nft'A .1416
Gbdeolch-T-Ittron Advisory 'Board of
:MemberV., of the newly-appointed
the Canadian N tiona,l J.n4tiinte
Met at anderieli, Miss M. Umehann
Toronto, Ontario Supervisor of
home teaching fox' the 'Wild gave
the meeting an account of the:
teaching Work being carried ott
linden' OMB auspices across Can-
Tack Clements, district field
Secroictry, Lotirilon. Was chairman
of the Meeting., j. ll. Kincaid.
retiring, after 29 years, 01' active
Service as county chairman, Was
accorded Sincere appreciation,
Larry Snider. Exeter is the new
chairman of the Huron hoard While
Mrs, M. S. lien and Nortnan
intyre, both of Gloderieb. will con,
time in their positions as secre-
tary and treasurer.
The Brussels repreSrmtative on
the board is R, I3. Cousins. 0001}-
is the month for the annual fin-
ancial appeal which will be spoil-
by the. Brussels sorer! locally
LionS Club .
Historical Society
To Meet 'Here
Font' years ago as Huron C,ounty
historical Society was fornied
with five general meetings held
each year,
On October 21st t he meeting
is being held in Brussels. mu first
one, in. the auditorium of the
Public School, at 8 p.m.
'Mr. john McGaren of ten Miller
is the pretident, The prime pur-
pose is to research the facts of
local hiStOry and to preserve
them. Pot this porpoSe an archives
room Was Opened at. our museum.
Mrs, Clarke Matheson will recall
the History of Brussels. Donald
MCDonald Of Walton will sting and
articles from earlier years Will ire
We are tomorrow's past and
should do. our best to ferret oat
the facts to pass pf! cc/ retinal
hf8Snli'iitlis i. .1
-aowiltIG NOTES
Bowling was reP-'emett Monday
night, Everyone shape.
on TueSday (stiff and sore4.
Here are the .teams, Highest
'singles and triples of the men and
la,dic s,
Rorirda's Hawks — 4 points.
Captain; Ron Huetber, Joyce
Kelling•ton, SuSat 'McNeil, Ruth
Htiether,' Doris Matheson, Jeanne
Bill's Wings — 7 points
Captain; Bill Stephenson, Grant
Stephenson, Joan • Stephenson,
Merle Cousins, Gordon ',Matheson,
Murray Lowc',
Brian's Bruins — 7 points
Captain: Brian Rutledge, Mar-
lei0 Rutledge, Dave McCutcheon,
Velma .Stephonson, Al Nichol
Jane's Leafs — 4 points
Ca phi in • iSane Ward, Cordon
Ja.cklin, Carman Mardian, Lois
Mei\ rter, Bob :Kellington
John's Rangers — 4 points
Captain : John Canting, Jack
.Higgins, Marilyn Higgins., Don
Jacklin, Ruth Lowe, Al. Harvey
Dianne's Canadians
• -Captain: 'Dianne Hastings, iMve
Hastings, Elaine Nichol, Karen
Hastings, enrol Harvey, Janet
Highest Single and Trliple
Brian Rutledge
'Murray Lowe
Cirant Stephenson
..leanne Bolger
Ruth Huether
Joyce Kellington
Jane Ward
Murray Lowe
i-hitith Rutledge
;\1r, and Mrs. 1,:.trl la Wernard
of Alorris 'fort !Ishii, celebrated
their fiftieth Weddutp Arinirer-
)qtry on ,septemlwr 24th, 1.968,
On Saturday c,v01.1:ng. Septem.b.
the happy' couple in. surrey
with hi:, team of to St.
John's knglica,n. Church witar
were treated to a turkey
dinner by tk. lb mil,
1sdrs. Bernard. was the .former
AIVOCR and thoy flare
farmed all their warded. life on
talc farm where they now. reside..
They have tt family of five.„ two•
daughters. Mrs, John tJairitei Mr.-
Ewitip, Mrs. llarold (Mary) East,
both. of Mullet Township: hire(
sons, Thomas of Morris 'Town'
ship; (;eorgi.., of Clinton and
I toward of 1 irtu4seis, 114.1y h ave
grande -dild ,•en and :;even ,great
grand Idren
Mrs. _Mary Ovington. who was:
bridesmaid fifty yi-41rs. ago. and
Mr. Wm. J, McCutcheon, \VIM,
best man, were present for .
the occasion... also Mr. atehard
Alcocik, brother of Mrs. Berriard.
who -scetoo„ ureseut fifty years, at-
tended the dinner.
Guests attended from Waterford,
Wroxeter, Seafeah, Minton,.
fondsboro, Mil:chell. Knelt-
arter„ Winthrop and Brussels.
1120 Head Sold At
Stocker Feeder Sale
1120 cattle were auctioned in
only JI boars at the Stocker and
Feeder Sale at the Brussels Live.
Stock Stile Yard.
Lloyd Wheeler of GreY Town•
ship had the Grand Champlor-
l 'o t while hing•T
had the Reserye Grand Champloa
There will he atiothr Rtoolvar
Sale at the Brussels Livestock
sale 'Yard on. October 22, 1968,„
Mrs. John Narrie of Toronto
was a weekend visitor with her
sister. Mrs. Win. Miller anti Mr.
Fred Williamson of Toronto'
spent a few days visiting 'his aunt
Mrs. Marie Davis and other friends
in and aromal Brussels.
Jack Ritchie, who was 1.1 patient
in Wingliam District Hospital re-
turned home Saturday, While con'
fined to the 'house, he is improv-
Walter Williamson
word of the death, in Vancouver,
of hi nail(', Alex W. Smith, 'Mt
:tnith, born in Brit waf; ;1
years of age. tie had lived for
many years in B.C. at Trail and
Itossland. *a.
the Canada, Safety Convict). esti-
Mates that betWeen 65 and 75
people Will die in traffic accidents
during the Thanksgiving long
To avoid witch a toll, the cottileil
urges drivers to practice Defen•
Dthrttig, lie Alffi add be pro
1.fave Hastings . .... —.G2;1
Muth Tinother . ....... , ....... (3(12
,leatine Bolger .............. 58S
•NVard. .„
Geod BoWling Chlog;•1
...... • 6 ,15 Albert Itarvey and Wife, Carol,
of Napanee have moved to Brus-
sels. -Mr. 'Harvey lx employed as
plant manager by Miran roOd
Products Limit or.k
Mr. Slvester Vox the honor-
ed gucat at a dinner PnrtY nt 110
uome ('ti' Mr €n Mric.,I'teorl
t hri Pntit lnAs ret,,4 wbnli reps
19.111 0k It' :!•,t1111. 1.1'..0,;nnt 114 0%1Ann:ll'A