The Brussels Post, 1968-10-03, Page 6ED'S BACK Ed Sullivan's back for another season on Sunday nights on OBC,TC,/ (In color). Introducing outstanding night club and Broadway eats, from corrofly iu draniP. frool Bach te. rOok, Orosents them nit for your enloyeni, 'FOR FALL PLOW-DOWN - fnli-app)it-d 'phosphorus and potash, plowed-Clown. put:. 'needed fertility in the root ?Put, withontftng,er of over-winter leaching; anti Vint , illy guarantee—Cartier seeding (rriosl important: for corn)--a duced spring '.vork-load---increawd yields at lower fort ilizer There are a dozen or 'ore .advautagcs in fall plo\Y-down for spring- seed cc! crops . „ and they're all yours. • BROCKVILLE • • • 651,, fatillzer senk0 THE MIU/81 L8, Porn. BRUSBEI41 0N7rAltiO :irmienrositoraitaiwomosgraimaise.--.9mwmisserweimorciaM0 11111111SPA.Y OCTOBIllft 3rd, 1968 Contact your arorliy .nROC KV fl' 1.,h; : IN dealer or servir.7 s.'!en ire 191' all yo-::tr full feelili.cr rcquircTent$ Brussels Fall 1i :cur Winners DOMESTIC MANUFACTURE Fruit, Pickles, Etc. lornit MK:5. s;cet't. Mrs. Johnston Mrs, Skongtouse. rh Pinett Pple ijant: Mrs. Win PreSer‘i.‘d Strawherri ; i`....ftono'bouse, Mrs, Dolmage„ Mrs. Kerr. Canned Raspberries: ,Stonehouse, 1trs. Joints Searle. Canned Peaches: Mrs. L. Kerr, Mrs. Johnston, Mrs. Stonehouse, - Canned Pears: Mrs. StonehOlite. Mrs. 'Wm. Mitt, ;;T:o.lin.. Stott, '011"e Brie t's, Johnston, i-,tron6tiouSe, Mrs, Dolmage. Plums: ',Mrs. L. Kerr, Mrs. W. Goed, Mrs Polmago. Marmalade A,O,V.: Mrs. Stone- house, Mrs. Ai, Scott, Mrs A. Searle. Salad Dressing' Mrs. R, Crasby, Mrs. Johnson. Tomatoes: Mrs, A. Searle, Mrs. Leona Armstrong. Mustard Pickles: Mrs, C. Sohn- 5n*, Mrs L. Kerr, Mrs. 1T. Strek.ton. Onion Plekles.: Mrs Hienistea, Xilie Oa), 15 ickieS: Sioiii,,lioase, Mrs L. Kerr, Whole Beets: Mrs Stonehouse, Mrs. .Searie Mrs. ldeimstra. Pickled Corn Cobs: Mrs. John- Son, Mrs. Stonehouse, Mrs. Gras b - Applesauce; Mrs: Himistra, Mrs. H. Stretton, Mrs, Stonehouse. Collection of Tomato juiCe, 'tom- ato catsup, chili sauce,: Mrs. R. Grasby, Mrs. L. Kerr, Mrs. A. Searle. Five ways to serve tomatoes: Mrs. Searle, Mrs. L, Armstrong. Collection of Jam: Mrs A. Searle; Mrs. Memel, Mrs. R. Fraser. Collection of Jellies: Mrs. L. Armstrong„ Mrs Stonehouse, Mrs, Reimple. Frozen StrawberryJam: Mrs. Stonehouse, Mrs. Searle, Mrs. j, CuitleY. Box for Shut-ins: Mrs. Stone. house, Mrs. II Armstrong, Mrs. Dolma e, Fresh Vegetable Relish Plato.: (no name), Mrs. L. Armstrong. Airs. 'flol m ge, 4 ways to serve potatoes: 'Mrs 'Ludington Airs. 'D01:11:1!, -.:\Jus:L. Armstrong. (3 ways to use Canadian Apples: Mrs. Searle, Mrs. Armstrong, Dolmage. Airs. Stonehouse '32 points. DOMEStrd SCIENCE Bread White: Mrs, 'R. Crosby, AlrS. Sionohouse, Mrs. 0. nutter. Brown: Mrs. Stonehouse, Mrs, Grasby. Fruit: Mrs. Stonehouse, Campboll, Mrs. Sheldon Jack, Buns 3 kinds: Mrs. Stonehouse, Mrs, Grasby, Mrs. Mutter. Coffee Cake:. Mrs. G. Mutter. Cakes Angel: Mrs. L. Kerr. Mrs, I. JOhnston, Mrs R. GraShy, Fruit Cake dark: Mrs. 8tonzei house, Mts. C, JohtiSttin. Fruit Cake light Mrs. C. Mit SOT, MT's, StotiellettSet Mrs. MeCnIcllooa, Applemlidet NI* Sentio, Mrs. ;John Strickler , Banana: Mrs. Searle, Mrs, ,rohnson, Mrs, Stonehouse, Chocolate Layer; Mrs, C Tehrt- son, Date Nat; Mrs. E. 'Ludington, Mrs. J. Cooley„ MrS. C. MOCutch- eon. OherrY; Don slier, Mrs. ,3", Armstrong. Mrs, McCutcheon. Gum 'Drop: Mrs, L. ,!zitonebottse. Sponge: Mrs. C. -McCutcheon. Mrs. E. Ludington. Orange:Mrs. C. .Tohnson, Nrs Stonehouse, M rs. Ludington. Choclate Cake Mix: Mrs, L. Kerr, Mrs,. John Nixon, Mrs, 1, Ludington. Cherry Cake Mix: Mrs. Stone. house, Mrs. john Nixon, Airs. E. Ludington. 1,Vedding Anniversary: Mrs, S. .Tacklin. Mrs. Ruth Iiinton. Small Cakes and Cookies Light iced cakes: Mrs. A. Searle. Shortbread: 'Mrs, C. AlcCattch. eon. Mrs. J. Armstrong. Raisin Scones: Mrs. .1. Arm, strong, Mrs Stonehouse, MrS, Ol T-Tiemstra, Brownies: Mrs. J. Armstrong, Mrs. E Ludington, Mrs, Al. Scett, Muffins: Mrs. (I, AleCutcheoli, Mrs C. Johnston, Mrs W. 'Hiempol. Oatmeal Scruares: Mrs, K, Crosby. Mrs. Dolmage, Mrs. E. Ludington. Tea 'Biscuits: Mrs. C. Johnson, Stonehouso, Mrs Mutter. Cocoanut Macaroons: Mrs. ,T. Armstrong. Mrs. M. Scott, Mrs. McCul eon, Flies 13iitter Tarts: Mrs. K. Groshy, 'Mrs. TT. Stretton. (no Twine). Mince. Moot: Mrs. K. Crosby, Mrs. Stmiehouse, Raisin: Mrs (1. Mutter, Mrs. R. (;.rasby, Mrs M. Scott. Pumpkin: i41rs. Stonehouse. Cherry: Mrs. R. Crosby, ::11.rs. Stretton. Airs. Domaray. Apple: Mrs. .J, Conley, Mrs,. CI T't,1:41.,t)13:Ort: Airs J. Conley, Mrs.• C. MOCutcheon. Mrs. 11 Grasby. Candy Chocolate Fudge: 1\1rs. Sohn NiXon, Mrs. G. McCutcheon, Mrs. A. Searle. Maple Cream: Mrs', Searle, Mrs. Johnson, -AlIrs. Mrs. O. Cunning, hain, Bake Queen: Mrs. Searl 6.00, ;ilex. G, 4lttttei 3,0n, Mrs, D. SPECIALS Bread \\mite ; mps. lt. (.;rasby, (4, i\ Ler, Mrs. johnsoit wown: Mrs. StonenonSe, GrnSbr buni - 4 • . Chelsea: Mrs. R. tlraSny, Wire. Stonehouse. Mrs. Mutter, Cake Vhito Layer Cake: Mrs. Searle, Mrs. Mutter. Simpson -Sears: Mrs. L. Stone' house. L. 0. & K. section. Graham Craker: Mrs. Searle, Mrs. (I!, Johnson. /Pry Cadbury: Mrs G. Mutter, Mrs. 14. Stretton, Mrs. C, John. Son, j, M. Schneider, Apple Pie: Mrs. 1 Conley. Butler Tarts: Mrs. Superior Store, Mrs. Robt. Grasby, 'Woston's, Apple Pine Mrs, A, CHILDREN'S SPECIALS Baking, Grades 1-4, 7 Li raii 1' ins, iced firoNV Mary Aiiii 1 ,,?rimrd, (h Bernard ; Brenda. M eCu icheon, Ai net Pea rsoh, nio Richmond. Grades 5-d; 7 pieces Chocolate fudge, 7 data ,soiiiii; ita Mary :Men Knight, itonald boll, Orad,e's 7-8, Pate Loaf: NalidY Knight. .romet: Vert,C;h, b'obhie Coll. l'iOtino TholitaS, Karen Hetn- ingway, Prop{ COokies: Janet Voitch, Debbie :McCall, Dianne Thomas. Pato Squares: Ronnia c:Impbeii. Sewing, 'Grades Buttons: Bonnie McEntosh, doWen Whit e„.1 c. Mc Whirter, Laureen Barbour. Murray Wheeler. Best .Article from Felt: 117,riv,aboth Jack- lin. Heather McIntosh. Hand Ern- hroidered :Pillow Cases: Elizabeth lacklin. Luncheon Cloth: Bonnie Niclolush, Klizaboth Saeklin. Hand le",mbroldQrod Tea Towel: Jean Stepheitson, Elizabeth jacklin. Wall Plaque: Joyce Illoke Peter Kasternik, Debbie Demaran An thin' Grant:veld. Dianne Elliott, Flower Pot: .Kenneth Lousie. Aleock, Bruce McIntosh. Scrap Book: David Johnson, Jim Nixon, Peter Pasterniek, Hugh Crawford, Brian Work. DotiS Me, Donald Special : Joan Bennett Peter Kasiornick. Callender Ntirs- lug Special: Betty Deitner, Ken (,ox:, Ruth Snyder,. Manta) Model from vel.,,etableS John Adams, Dianne Thottias, Louise" Alcock. Toy Nom Plastid lt3ottlei Alitly Adams, Kenneth .11inton, Carol:YU Cattipbeil, Rnssel Knight Special: iteSelle Xiter410, Connie INT oWli 111.01,, ;9DOiv STILES - PHONE 186 BRUSSELS, ONT. :NOTICE TO ALt SUBSCRIBER'S 'The Postal Inspector is expected 'at this office in the near future. subscriptions must he paid to date. ALL papers must have zone, P.O Boa', or rural route number where required. It the address on your Post does not now have the necessary information kindly for- Ward, same to us at once so 'we may comply with this requirement, The 'Postal Department will refuse to deliver theth if they do not carry the complete address. Those who have received notice of expired, suil)5iiTi pi on are asked to give it their immediate atten- tion to avoid embarassnzent. Mrs. n. Mrs. Y. FALL CLEARANCE SALE CAMPER '_'RAILER SALES nd RENTALS 4 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM 1-ULAN DER Canadian Made .Ride"U SOMERS and RICHMOND BRUSSELS, ONT. PHONE 47J or 260W EINNOrsawallamoolgagirmaRIONNa rgliti Orasby, Lemon Piet