The Brussels Post, 1968-10-03, Page 5BUY YOUR NEW 1968 CANADA SAVING BONDS from SELWYN BAKER AGENT FOR: NESBITT 1-1-10MPSON CO., LTD., PHONE: h or 79 K ITCH EN ER TURKEY SUPPER BELGRAVE COMMUNITY CENTRE WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 9th AT 7:00 P. M. Get Your Tickets in. Advance at Vance's Drug Store and Alexander's Hardware, Wingham Geed taste needn't be expensive. Our beautiful Bouquet invitation tine proves this with the most exquisite papers, type faces and workmanship you could wish foe! It fedtures 1-hernia-Engraving—rich raised lettering—elegant Os the finest craftsmanship -- yet costing so little! Carrie See our unusual selection, a a to two weeps cielivery, %FE OUR NENV CATAL,041,W fr 'OLDRELD . PRO. HARDWARE, ..---------- THE BRUSSELS POST, oiwssvzs, ON:1'A1t10 TitURSDAY, 0Q1'0.8.1,:al 3rd, 1068 HARVEST.OE VALUES FALL SALE EXTRA SPECIALS GARBAGE BAGS LIGHT BULBS COMING NEXT: BAKE SALE and SEWING TABLE Saturday, Oct. 2 tith, at 3 p.m. in the Brussels Library. Sponsored by the taunt] of St. John's Anglican - Church. NOTICE — The ladies auxiliary to Huron- view Hume rm. the Aged, Clinton, cordially invite yon to attend the bazaar, hake sale and tea which is being bold at Hurenview 013 'reilaesflay afternoon, October 9th, at two o'clock, if you could bring an, article of baking it would be greately appreelated, as this sale and tea are thew only way of making money to provide treats and entertainment for residents of the Home, HURON COUNTY BLACK AND WHITE SHOW t Huron County Black and White Show held in. Soaforth the entries wore higher this year than any previous neat% Thirteen exhibitors brought 7) head. Grand champion Cow was shown by Ross Marshall of Kirkton. Reserve Grand Champion was shown by Elston Speiran k. Son, Itrusseln. ailston Spoiran also had 1st prize 2 yr. old in milk; 1s1 prize aged cow in milk; hest aged cow with over I 00.000 lbsn of m ilk, Grand Champion Bull was shown by O. Mac Smith, • Listowel. The judge for the snow was Fred Griffin of nurgeasville. Is your Post overdue? ICHE UNITED CHURCH Organist: Mrs. Fred Stephenson 9:45 A. ni. Churoh School 11 A. M. Divine Worship Aey, James L. Mairaddau of Onus NIFELVILLL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister REV. C. A. MoGARROLL Organist: Mrs. Nora Moffat 10:00 A,111• Church School 11:00 Al..I1 Milne Worship Rev. Charles Winn of Monkton, Oat. Brussels Fall Fair Winners Mac Armstrong. Harness Tandem outfit; Mac Armstroag, Ross alc- Kanto; Elmer Johnson; Sam Curley. Single Hackney Poi.ies: Doig, Seaforth; Mac Arm, strong; Mrs. Irene Wheeler; Elm- er Johnson. Single Roadster Race: Eldon Craven 1 and 6; Ralph Walker; Mrs. 'Groan Len Bok, Brood Mare: Brian Work. Brood Mare over 14 hands with foal; Mrs, Rob t. Cunningham, Ethel, Hackney Pony: Elmer Johnson. Road Teams: Mac: Arm.- strong; Ralph Walker; Eldon Craven; Mrs. D. Croft; Len Bok. HEAVY HORSES ,Best. 4 horses owned by exhibitor, 3 yrs. and over: Chas. Halladay, .Chesley; Orval Bestard. Titorridale: Jim McKay, DObbing- ton. Single eWagon or express: Jim McKay 1 and 2; Vernon Baat, Britton 3. Single heavy draft', Chas, Halliday, Orval Bestard, Len Bok. Span of Wagon or Ex. press: Jim McKague 1 and 2; Vernon. Bast. Span of Agr. Clyde: Chas. Halladay 1 nd 2. Span of Percheron.Chas, Halladay; Orval Bast 2 and 3. Span of heavy draft: Chas. Halladay; Russell Teeple, Paisley, Reavey Horse Tandem (4 horses) : Chas, Halladay, Orval Bestard, JIM McKay. $10() Stake Best Heavy Draft: Chas Halladay; Orval Bestard, Len nok; Russell Teeple; Jim McKay; Vernon Bast. DART RACE 1St heat; Arnold Campbell, Seaforth; Ron Williamson, Wal- ton Ned Rutledge, Hugh Pearson. Norman Williamson, Rugh Pea r• non. 2nd heat: Arnold Campbell; Rea Williamson; Ned Rutledge: Norman Hugh Pear- 5 and 6, Siiecial prine for fast mile: Arnold Campbell. tAtigttL. 4-H GALE' CLUB ,holstein dairy heifer caltest (project and showmanship} Bradley Speiran, R.R. 3, Brussels: 4erald baan, RR 3, Walton; David 'Ranh RR 3, Walton. Dairy 110101'8 (Jersey. Ayrobire, Chtern• soy), 'Robert. lireinnot, RR 3, BiataSOIR, TAki.14 tOng f4 t1.3:4.0 1.tc4Aat): Gordon Mitchell, Itli :n Walton: Bob Thomas, Brussels; David Thomas, Brussels; I show m an- hipn Bob Thomas, Hugh McKay, RR. 2, Brussels: David Thomas. Senior heifer calves, (Project and, sh ow in a n sh Neil Hemingway, RR 3, Brussels. 4-H CORN CLUB Corn planing: uce Knight, Ral 2, Brusaels. exhibit placing: David Bann, RR. 3, Brussels, CARD OF THANKS 'We Would like to thank all our friends, neighbours, arid relatives for their cards and kind expres- sions of sympathy during our recent bereavement. Murray and Rhoda Ross and Family We wish to enpress our sincere gratitude to, all relatives, friends and neighbours who showed their kindness to us in so many ways during the sadden bereavement of a loved Father. ,Jeanne Ireland and Family. A sincere '''Phonic.-You" to all Brussels friends and neighbours who remembered me 'with visits and get well wishes while I Was a patient hi Victoria Hospital, Lon. don. It wag all very much appreciated. Bruce Edgar The family of the late Fisk Knight would like to sincerely thank their friends. neighbours atia relatiVes for beautiful floral tributes, gifts to charitable soc- ieties, cards of syinpathy and so ninny other acts of kindness during their recent bereaventent, All was deeply appreciated and will always be remembered.. At this time we would like to The Bit-Odin Post trnareaSea sincere gratitude to E Cudraore, Mrs G Matheson, Edwin Martin, secretary of the Brussels Agricultural Society, and others who :insisted them in Mtn Hating the prize winno.rs at• th4 BrunSals Pall Fair. Your ea-operation wnm indeed P.W.10014Wii , THEL finrry Earl, son of Mr. and Mrs, Chester Earl, loft alonnay to en- roll at Centralia College of Agri- (lino -fail Technology. Honor Minister Prior To Departure The Rev. and Mrs, Allan ,Toha- ston and family were guests of 'honor at a soeiol evening held prior to their' leaving for tiondoin The evening was spent playing bridge and euchre. The presentation of a. gift of money was made to Mr. and Mrs. Johnston on bebalf pf : the cong- regation by Mr. Frank Hiematra. A gift was also given from Mrs. Austin illaynard who was unable to attend. September Meeting Of Ethel UCW Mrs. William Hewitt Was the hostess for the September meet- ing of the United Church Women. A reading was contributed by Mrs. Frank Hielnstra, Mrs. Sam 'Betimes read a paper and Mrs. Carl McDonald gave the topie.. 'Mrs. Dorothy Brown, the Sept- ember president, conducted the imsin(!ss period. 20 cents a pound will be sent to Overseas Relief for express charges on bales sent last spring. '17 members and one guest renended to Ike roll call `'How to Treat Racial Discrimin- ation". Mrs. PobSon gave the sick report. Thank-you cards finaiii Mrs, Chester Hari and Mrs, Rod- ger Smith were read, A decision Was Made to serve sandwicheS, doughnuts and coffee at the Clarence (Nark sale in 'Get- ober.. There Was 8 discussion on fixing, or painting the church walls, With a committee of Mrs. George Pearson, kits, Hewitt and Mrs. Frank Hienistra. The $200 special project Money was given to the church stewards to assist in pitying for the new church windows. Mrs. Alec Pearson and Mrs., Bert andden Were to arrange a farWell party for Rev. and Mrs. Johnston and: family. A 97c sick 11111(1 eolieetion -was taken and $20 for general fund. A ginne was conducted by Mrs. Bert Ctodden and lunch served by the hostess and Mrs, Andre* Bremner. A nee girl hired in it furniture' inatittfacturing noMpany 'WaS taken on a guided tour of the plant. "Is there anything 3n parti- cular you'd like to See?" the the guide. "Yes," said the not-tee-hright Steno. to See how they make that herattliful furniture nnt Of those 1,1*1 f ilia. illoWslewIftessammewpagessamgmemossemillift FIREMEN'S ANNUAL DANCE In Aid of Muscular Distrophy FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11th BRUSSELS LEGION HALL Music By: Desjardine Orchestra Restricted to 21 Years and Over STORM WINiDOW KILTS LAUNDRY -BASKETS FLASHLIGHT BATTERIES express our sincere tha.uks to our PONY RACES friends and .neighbours and the 4-H Club girls I led last spring 11 hands and under! Neil Ryan,. fo th r e lovely gifts we received Walton; Mary Aln Blake, BnittS, eil leaving Ethel, 'gels; Mark Kaliehilk, Walton; We tithe' say thanks to the con, Scott Wheeler; Ricky Sninintn- gregation of Melville Presbyterian ()Vet 1.2, hands: Brian Workman; Mitch, Brussels, for the lovely Paul lItake Sim Otiricati4 Murray gut,. tlake;.4<atily Make. floss and Esther, „ Ruth Ann and Jeannette smith 10 for 44c 6 for 99c S2 for 33c 1.29 2 for 39c COME IN AND SEE OTHER ITEMS. ON SALE BILL