HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-09-26, Page 1$2.00 A Year In Advance — $3.00 To UAL THE BRUSSELS, PC)ST, THURSDAY, Siiiter. 2tieh, 068 POST PUI3LIIIIIING MUNN
On Wednesday evening Sept.
ember lettle the' first meeting of
he lermeeele Mete Men's Dart
Wee held ,at the Royal
Branch, Those who attended wore
Interested planers and team capt-
The election of officers for the
oncoming season of 1968-6, was
The results were:
President Willie Knight
Secretary .. .Tim McNeil
Treasurer I%oss Alcock
We would like to thank the
exectitive of the 67.68 season for
a job well done.
On September 18th, the first
warn up night of darts was play-
ed, There was a fair turn out of
those wishing to practice for the
Coining season.
toernatileet Was
held among those present , and
The McNeil. and Dam Snyder de-
rbated all opposition to be the
final iviiinere,
Another Werth -up night will be
held oh Sept, ere at which tithe all
teeing for the season; must register
With 'Secretary inn McNeil.
The darts will, still be played
every 'Wednesday eVeriing, except
for the first week of each Month,
*heti darts will be played on.
THURSDAY evening,
Tire first official dart night will
be on. Odtolier 3rd, so Please
get your teams registered early
so a Shedule can be drawn tip.
8th and 16th Unit et
Duff'S UCW, Wel+Cri
The September meeting was
held at the home of Mrs. I:en
McDonald on Wednesday even.
trig, Septelebee 18th The meet-
ing opened by singing hymn 249
"Jesus. Shall Reign" with' Mrs,
Jim Fritz at the piano. The Lord's
Prayer was repeated in unison,
MPS, :Jim McDonald reed the eetep-
titre from Luke 10, 38-42, also an
article "Ten Commandments to
Happiness", The topic, "Publisher
and Bookseller" frOM the study
book Was takeh by Mrs. Alvin
McDonald Mrs. Jan van Vliet pre-
sided for the business meeting,
Roll OAR was answered by
members, The Minutes of the last
Meeting were read by the secre-
ary. The regitlar collection Wee
received and the copper collection
was taken, -
'The 8th and 14th unit are to
wash the communion Mille on
October 6th and also are reeeote
sible foe flowers in the elmech in
IiiVitatniiie Were iiebeiVed to
Winthrop Thankatering meeting
And Bakg Sale on Oct, 2nd at
leine to the Presbyterian
&threat in Seaeorth oil Oct,. 17th,
at 3:30 Pan.
Hymn 3110 '".176,'ke My Life end,
Let It Be" was' sting followed by
player by Mee'. j'ire McDonald,
Grace was suits: and lunch serv-
ed by We, Jan van. Viiot, Mrs,
deorge 1VIeCalt and the
;M l's. Barker, e of Highgate, is
visiting- with 'Brussels friends.
Mrs. E. Parish is a hospital
patient in quelph.
Doreen Mae Smith and Delbert
Lawrence Stewart exchanged'
wedding vows in a, double ring
ceremony at. St. John's Anglieau
Church, Brussels. The altar was:
decorated with white and yellow
gladioli and candelebroe The of-
ficiating elergman was the Rev,
*F%G. Braby of :Brussels,
The bride • is the daughter of
Mr. aiid Aire, Joseph Cl, Smith of
(eoderieh and tfee Moth is the son
of Mr. and ',Writ'. Lawrence
Stewart of 113. 1, feinCeelefiee,
Mrs, Georgia Lee Owens ae-
companied at. the church organ by
Mrs, Bevan Elliott, sang, "The
Lord's Prayer before the Weddine
service and AVe Maria during tit('
signing of the register,
The bride, given in marriage
by her father, looked lovely in her
full length gown of clond white
gupuire lace over de-lestered
satin. The coat effect dress and
and chapel train was bordered in
the self scalloped edge Of the lace.
Her tiered veil of tulle illusion
was clasped to her head with
twin garlands of stiffened daisies.
She carried a hoquet of yellow
roses and fern.
The matron of honour, Mrs.
Pauline Hetherington, twin sister
Of the bride, and the bridesmaid,
Mrs. Core, Alcock, also the sister
of the bride, chose dresses of leaf
green silk organza, The empire
waistlines were frosted in match-
tag lace metips and the back
finished in a full train effect, They
wore headpieces of matching bows
and short tulle veils, They carried:
boenets of yellow shasta mums
accented with fees,
tills Rath, Ann Stewart, a
cousin of the groom was the
flower girl. She Wore a white floor
length dross trimmed to match the
bridesmaids' dresses. In het hair
she wore a green boe' and her
flowers also were yellow ;Mesta
William Stowell acted as
The funeral or :ors, tiavid
Inglis, 8]. of Toronto, formerly 64
the liruseels community, where
she had limey friends, was held
in Melville Preslinterian Church,
Brussels. on 'Thursday, eoadneted
by the *Rev, C. A. Mt:Carron.
Mrs. Inglis, a Registered eeneee,
eamo from Manchester, England,
and was ma riled 30 yours ago, to
the late Da e'Itd, Inglis of Grey
Township, She to Toronto
20 years ago, following the death
Of her husband.
Burial took place is Erussels
cemetery. Pallbearers were ,lam' e
McFarlane, Eynest Martin, Clar-
ence Bisbop, Glen Bray, Melville
leanwet. arid John Artustrusg:
;Mrs. Gordon Knight, 61, tiet-
owel, died Tuesday at a. Toronto
Site was the. former Elsie Smith,
daughter of die late Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Smith. She was horn iR
Grey Township. ponowlee her
marriage she and • her :husband
farmed in Grey Township until
his death. when she moved to
Surviving a e seven sons, 11ev.
Kenneth, Eckville, Alta.: James,
' John and Leslie, all of, Grey Town-
ship *Harold. Ottawa; Willis.
Bruesele and Murray of Atwood;*
five daughtees, Mrs, Robert
(BUM) Caryl, Silver Serino,*
N.Y.; Mrs, John (Helen) Steele,
New Sanchie, Scotland; Mrs,
David (Marilyn) Cooper; Miss
(Dorothy, Dawson Creek, B.C.;. a.
sister, Mrs. John (Beesie) Jordon,
Lucknow; a brother, lleurnett, ,545
lerueswick St., StratfOrd,
The body is at the T), A. Rene
fulterai home. Brussels, where
service will he held at 3 pen. on
'Friday. Revell will take place in
Crarihrook cemetery.
Lion: Zone Chairman Pays
Official Visit To Local Club
Lion President Jell. van. Vliel
ptesided for the Monday night.
Supper Meeting of the Bruseels
Lions Club when there wws a good
attendance to welcome the guests,
Zone Chairman Lloyd Casomere
anti Lion Stewart Henry,
The singsong was led by Ling
Selwyn Baker.
The Minutes, read by the seerf-
tary were adopted and Emile ;:s
Was discussed,
The appl ea Lion for member-
hip of Gerritt Van Veen, sponsored
by Lion Hank TenPas, was the
The Zone Chairman was intro-
(Weed by Lion Jali von Vine. M.',
CR801101'0 spoke on 'Helen Keller
altd the Blind. Ile then introdeved
Lioii Stowatt Henry who spoke on,
and showed piettires of. Lilo'
,r0Seph which was very ink rest.
big Pot only to the new members,
but 'also to tho old ones.
Lion Henry Exel thanked rho
It. was MoVed slid passed that
the next Meeting he advanced one
Week boconso of ThankSgiving,
11 the weather will only smile on.
the efforts of those who have been.
working hard to make the Brus-
sels fair this Friday a success,
everyone should enjoy themselVeS,
Rural fairs do much to encour-
age .the homemakeing. skills and
arts and encourage the farmer to
ImProve his method's,
Attetul. your fair this year or
there May' hlot, be one to attend
next year.
Mrs. James McNeil of Brussels
le a patient,. in. Vieteria hospital,
London, with injuries suffered in
a two-ear erase in London last
Thursday night.
She has a broken right leg,
head injuries, and arm injuriee.
is expected that she will be in.
Lraetion in hospital for four or
five months.
Her husband, who was treated
and le'ilensed from hospital is at
home wife a broken arm.
or. an Mrs. Wrii. Stiles of Brus-
sels, who were with Mr. and
Mrs. .MeNeil at the time of the
accident were treated for minor
injuries sod also released.
Mr. 1-Tenry Glackstetter, RR 1,
'Exeter, announces the engage-
ment of his daughter. Katharine
Ann. to David Adam Smith, son of
Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Smith, God-
Oriel], Ontario. The marriage will
take place ou Saturday, October
10th,, 1068 a. St, Peter's Lutheran
Cherch. Zurich, at °2:en o'clock,
The. Ethel Women's Institute
entertained members of 'the neigh-
bouring Women's Institutes of
Brussels, Moncrieff, CranttroLvk
and Walton, at their September
meeting held in the Community
Cen tee.
Mrs. George Pearson. president
of the Ethel W. 1. presided.
A request to cater to an. October
wedding with 50 guests. was ac-
cepted. Mrs, William Dobson, Nrs.
William Hewitt and Mrs. Welland
Kreuter to be the committee in.
Mrs. (l'eorge Pearson, and, Mrs.
William. Hewitt are to be dele,
gates to the Fall Rally to be held
in Cranbrook inOctober.
Mrs. Welland Icrauter gave the
motto "Your Next I-Tours".
Mrs. Perg Connelly of the Brus-
sels branch gave, a humorous row).
lag, "Weddings are the runntiiit
Thi rigs".
Mrs. ,Trs. Petrie of Atwood, shoWed
iuteresiing slides of Ireland and
ga.ve a talk of their trip from Lig-
owel, Ontario; to ListOWel is
Mrs, Petrie was thanked and
presented with a gift by Mit.
Shin Reines.
Mrs Sam Hewitt gave a reading
"A faemer's wife's Birthday" t
Mrs. Doug. HethingWay of Brits,
sels and Mrs Bert Godden of
Ethel vonfitteted a sing-song,
Lunch wt.i.s served by the enink
thittee ift ammo,
Shirley Margaret •Luckharet and
Victor elate Cardiff were united
marriage b E 11ev, 11, L'atzer at
The bride is the daughter of
Mr, and Mrs, Alvin Letekhardt,
2, MonkLea, end the bridegroom is
a San pi'. M. ail(' eire Ross Car-
dal:, *RR 4, Brussels.
White gladioli and ilern$ Bede
°rated the church. Organist was
Mrs, Harry Greul of MouCton.
The bride was given, in mar-
riage by her: father, She wore a
pcau de Moir empire styled gown
with scoop neck, bell eleeres,
lace jacket trimmed with cotton
lace and a lace train trunnied with
the cotton lace, Her fingertip veil
was held by a rose headpiece.
She carried red roses and white
Taiantare carnations.
Maid of honor was Miss Diane
T~n ckhnrclt Of RR 2, Monkton,
Bridesmaids were Miss Doreen
Cardiff of RR. 4, Brussels and Miss
Darlene leickhardt of RIO, Monk-
ton. They wore empire styled
gowns of lime crape and carried
yellow daisies and roses buds.
Plower girl Joanne Lackhardt
yore a wbile cotton eyelet gown
with green teen and carried a
basket of yellow daisiee,
Best man Was Lewis Cardiff oil
etie 4, Brussels. Ushers Wore Brian
Luckhardt of Monkton and Doug-
las Ballantyne of Atwood.
The reception was held it the
church hasethente
The couple are living in Sea-
(Nests attended from London,
Sarnia, Kitchener, SaskateheWati
Port. Albert and Stratford and
and MIS, 'Minoan,
Mr. tied Mrs *Herbert Praviss
of Waltoe attended the two-(lay
Sheit-elairy Feed. Conference in
Toronto. The ladies were tieteie
Wined With a plebe flight Mid ii
boat trill ,viols the men attended'
the sessions.
CItteets at the Bottle of Aft. and
Mrs. E, Pollard during the paSt
week Weee Mt. and Mrs. Lee
Tanipa, Florida: Me and
Mrs. Eetheetee Preitt, Hamilton;
Mr, Bollard is an tumid of Mre,
Eieke ain't Me Pratt. Also visiting
were their daughters. Mrs. LOCO,
Breddick end Mr. Braddick oft
Vancouver, B.C. and Mrs. Margaret
Rintottl of. Galt:
Etifi't 'forget to' Eittotid
Mr. and Mrs. .Tohn Bates of Ray Stewart, the groom's brother,
Lindsay, spent the weekend with were Ushers, Master Brian Thiel,
with Miee Mae Skelton and Mr. the bride's nephew was the ring
and Mrs. Wni. H. King. bearer carrying the double rings
Mr. Frances Duncan is confined upon a satin pillow.
to bed at the home of his Non Ross The wedding reception end
filen& took place in the eintreh
Parlenne Tile head table was cen-
tered with the tiered wedding
cake decorated with yellow roses
to Match the bride's betted. The
bride's Mother received the guests
in a, tilaitve satin dreSs with
matching lade cape, Her acceS,
SorieS were white and She wore
a pale pink Corsage. The groom's
mother wore a tin:sty rose lace
dress over pink satin with beige
accessories. Her corsage was of
white carnations,
Fat' a. honeytnoon at Lake
Sinicea the bride Were a pink
crelie dress' "ender a Mel:chine
Ittee cent. tier corsage was white
carnations and' She chose White
The htippY couple are. tesiding
nt, 20711, :04,dOWbrook road, In
groomsman for his brother., Role
Mr Ernest Plum is a patient' ort 'Gilchrist, the groom's brother- in Wirt ;hint and District Hos- in-law was also s aleo a best an, Am da
Smith, the bride's brothel', aml