HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-09-19, Page 1ast $2.09 A Year in Advance ee $8.00 To • ,"••-••••,,- ,•••• TUE BItteSSIee,S, POST, eilleltSleele Sleter 19th, .1968 POST PUBLISHING HOU lid BRUSSELS GIRLS WIN BRONZE KEDALLIONS Tile Brussels 1 3rtinele of th !loyal Canodien Les ion and the leeessele Lions Club announce' the whiners; or the leeinee eheltde. 10111 Air sweinenine' to the Senforth Lewis Pool, They ere Nancy Pearson and Joyce f fuet.her, both of Brussels. These ;sees. under- et and, are the only ones from 'title area te aeltiove this .goal by earry- big on wile swimming leseons lessons spopeored by our organiz- ations. ' Nancy. also 'won the junior Artie tidal ResetraterY Award. It took a lot of hard work. nil study this summer for these girls. They arc.. to be congrateloted,. The difficult written exam on the heart. and. respiratory system as well as swimming 12 lenghs of. the pool, being ',wily a part of the test. It is hoped that there will be More interested children, trying for these awards in the years to Come., Majestic W. I. Exchange Gifts With iTolland Group The September meeting of the Majestic Wommes Institute was held in the library under the direction of the Agriculture Com- mittee, Mrs, Carl Hemingway ant Miss Ella Pearson., Roll call was answered with unusual recipe for vegetables. The mate: "Get 'started; you cannot plough a field by turning it oVee in yam. Mind:" was Very Capably given by Mrs. Leona Connolley. A duet Was sung by Miss Joyce Pearson and Miss Lori MeCutcheon aceoinpanied on the piano by Mre Walter lKerr.„ Soyce also 'played the guitar and it was all very much enjoyed by the ladies, Mrs. Hermon De Vries told of her most Peening trip back to her homeland, Holland, She had met wite the Hollond Institute members and preeented them with a 1010110mi cloth from the Brussels group. This cloth had been designed with the crest end floral emblems by Mi's, Carl Hemingway rind do itg,h tor Laurel. The H611and group it tern ,sent a beautiful serving dish back, to Prose];; to he used at the In- stitute luncheons. Tee hope has been expressed that theee two Institute groups may lie able to keel) in 1(111011 as the years go Ily. Mrs Mile Cuchnere, in her ueual artistic Manner, showed the or- tonging of flowers pricked from her garden. hits Glennn Stephelle and Mrs Do VrIPS were named a committee lotek after the group, display at the fair. AilYelle interested le esker] attend the auxilfere NUM' at lb.e ITItronView Rothe 'oil October 9th. Arrengenitertte Were made to attette the Centitty Rally at ("rats' brook on (lefoher 7fh. A display Will be entered iii the hobby evert, Mee Wolter Y'C'Oii tine We. Teel tleplelere e lse le, l e , eeeeee e le,ite 11fle 'fine eiegfeie THOMAS RYAN elionves a former eetedent lit Brussels, died 711 Vict- or's llosieitel Loinlon, Tintedite eenber 1111111. I le v. es ii net km of ,Morrie Townehip, a sea of the late Mr, 'I homes .ltyan. :'eye' ; we ere 'me son. Ine,vard Bluevele: line daughter. :Usti. Prose teltelelonf Meelonn. N'iag- the rested et the I). A. Rent, funeral home with reline-en muss iti St. .euthroee Roman I 'AMA it. Iii:311 11.111. ,in lvf.s in se. Ambrose cemetery, There e-ere prayers the newel]. leinie at 9.30 p.m. (Ill rsdo y, .Pallbenrers were La \\Tepee .1.1ynn. ;Joseph ityan, Larry \ V-OF,P11- berg. WM. King Sr., Allen Mee: eercher.. 4,31q1f0.111.9.1. PEOPLE WE KNOW lien McNeil Jr., took his 1931 Trent to 'Kitchener oe Sunday te- ottends the showing or antique ears, Mrs 'Tleigar Ilolling,er and Mr. and Airs Larry Scheel! of Fruit- land Were recent visitors with Mr. and leirs WI'iI. Petrie, David Cowing entered the "[See vers'ity of Guelph last week, He is enrolled in the R Se. (Agr.) course, lba Meleonold a 11 end oil the 4th annual Canadian Open Sheep Dog Trials at. (Irene Form at Ponds [Toad. etr. Mc Donald s'aid. tho Avork of those dogs was rentiz- ing nue' a delight to watch. These trials a 1'2 al yearly event well worth attending. Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston of Boston and Mrs, he Gillis of Goderich have' been visitine with Airs. .Tames S, Armstrong. nud Mr. and erre. isimeher et Cranbrook l Or \VPIqi"Ond 11 North Bay and Soul(' Ste. Marie. Wm. eeenchull had the (Ire'-al Chempion Yorshire Boar at Strat- ford Psis, lie ens also awrirdeci prizes in n number of other swine elneses. Samos Fritz was also .e.inner in swine at Stratford., Gerald Smith or e Brussels, was chosen grund chtimpion shewmnu rind wss presented with the Howson rind Howson trophy (luring file judging at. Neill fair on Tuesday. ee eeelee we ep y, whe teener of a hardware store here iiterriber of year's ago w•aS renew. tee. acquaintances in Brussels this week. lie ie now refired, living in Essex. • • Miss Ann Mete:01'0)er. David (low bee David Iniether„ Terry ;Item- steel and Gordon Rutledge, 19e8 ftroduntes of Winglinm District. high School, have begun their new studies .at the riliverettY Guelph. Rolle. After singing "Cod Sew, 11101 Queen" end the institute Grace 1 eery toety eels served by 51i c. elerle I.VleTeesetel, TO-el 010 .11111,11 ill}'rti'l FORTY YEARS SERVICE HONORED $"Y STAFF Mr. C. 'Parker, •Initneger 1;rusis(..,IF• Brzinch of the Canad- ion Imperial Bunk of (7.ornmerce, eelebraied the anniversary of 40 yours of banking service on 'Tues. day. September .17th. The members of his staff pre. :witted him with a Nike. A staff pier:ore was taken by \V. J. :\lyles to murk the oecosion. NVe hope he will enjoy hie remalning years ii! banking, JACK MURRAY ROSS ..lack i\rerrttY Ross. 1 11 ;t) Fels- .% le \V P.A., Prestnn died Monday in 't. Joseph's hospital in Hamilton, 1. was 10, elle Ross wes born in Grey Township near llrussele, He had resided for I9 years in Preston He was employed at Royal Metels Corp, Ltd. in Galt. fee was member of St, Andrew's United, Church in Preston. Mr. Ross was predeceased by a hroleter Alex in 1944. Surviving are his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Murray 'Ross of Brussels; his wife. the former Wininered Bell; five eons, Alex ;Timmy Randy lack Jr.,. and Roneld; two daught- ers Gloria and Darlene: one lar6ther. Wilmer of Preston, The funeral service tves eenducted of the leerthel. Steger feenertil efeme on 'Wednes- day ui 1 .1 0.111, interment MS in Brussels cemetery at approx- luellel 3 p.m. This mother, ;Vies. Murray Ross of Brussels, was tin.? Cornier frOW('N' or LacknOW, DONALD MUNRO MacTAVISH After a short illness, there passed away in eVengliton and Itistriet Hospital. on Sunday Sept em her I eth , err. D. et. eie, Ceti vise) of Brussels in his e7111 year. 1;orn in elinnedose, lh son or the lain Willeitn elvish and elary Munro, he had reeirese in Brussels for the nest years, 1 1 1'. as it member of the session' of 'eleleillo Prembyterinn Church where lie 1111(1 served its enperie- tendent of the Sunday- Selmd. Ii^ V. ;!!: n menthe,' of eel Al' nne Nei and the f erer eeee t ee wire, the former Gertrude Barris of Wroxteer, predeceased Inlet in 1921. Surviving are twe dtleghters, (ornuf :Isobel) (libsan of Preeseis and Mrs. Thomas (elditlt) 'eele.tieepll or Toronto, and six erteelehildren, The funertil service was • 1101a 11. Home at 2 pen, on 'leteetley with Rev. ereteevrell officieline. nitrite tone uleee in 'Vereeeter cemetery. Putlbeorere were Nornian '\Infr e\"stter 'leery \Iee Teetiretrie '6:1'lemel Short ,. ^1'(l. end leete (I. 'Petrie h, s e e, te Ttliettfittil. • -SeAeeeffeelle. ROSEMARY OlikeINE GOWIleC ditegbter of .Mr. and 'Airs, Car (lowing, RR 2 Bluevale, gradueted . from the Brantford General Mite School of Nursing. art Sept- ember 4th. Following the grad- lotion exeseises, reception at her home was attended e• by rel- atives and friends from Wroxeter. Brussels, Binevale Brantlord, and Ottawa, ]tot is on she staff of the Winghtun and District Hospital, • WILLIAM H. BREWER Weibll 11, Brewer passed away suddenly at his home on the 4th Concession. of Morris Township, on elonday, September 9th in his 751.11 year. :Eldest son of the late Frederick Brewer and Elizabeth. Gorniss he w:ta born :01 the erd (!oncession of Morris and attend- lid Brownlown school. Tee resided all hie life in Morris Township. 'His wife. 111(1 former Teresee Al. Rob), whorl he married on October 27th 1920, predeceased him on ITheember 12th, '111110. Mr. Brewer is suryii,ed by one ((might've el rs. _1 hert (Betty ) Kitchell and a granddaughter, Diteene. Also surviving are three broth- ere, Wearies and George of Mor- ris Township; Frederick of Lott- dolt and two sisters, Mrs. flossy (Anne') Wheeler of London and Miss teeela Bremer of 'Morris Township. The funeral service was con- conducted by Mr. eliehnol. Ross o Bluevnle -United Chureh on Sept.. ember 12 from the D, s1, Ileum feneral home, Brussels. Interment. was in Brussels cemetery. Pallbearers were Frank end Iferhert Carless. 'Walter Sellers Mums 'Moffatt. Cheeter Higgins rind William W. Adonis. Fredriek ']rower' 3rd and Robert. Thompson W01.0 flower bearevs. • clAN YOU MATCH THIS BIG ONE? Our anglers travel many miles ill Cho brine of nulling in the big one- bet they can he ennght eight here at home. ilTicli uought a 2e" Pike in tin. Meillond nIl-co r':-ht hese tr. reueetes, 'elite is et) Ili'b itele • iii tqnll 4 'MO. °,4 qt!ti l k7t1 .?,"1 FA el dr Thilet flee ttetillOtle '7(;;;.JPLE CELEBRATE 45th ANNIVERSARY „IcFadfic,n bold Open House for their neigh. 4 eeee, n September Pith, front pen. it being the occasion of their letb eeeedee.., Ape.% e•eers wu.s tastefully clovoratei with roses from their own garden, Mr. and Mr-. eleFnildee received the guests assisted by Mrs. Roy Cousins, Mr. and etre. C. Pecker ;eei onsin attended the door and Guest Book. A bormet of multi k /1.01"d ri):4'S, in in Mil glass hOwl, with lightud candles decor- ated the tea table whit-It eels pre- sided over by Mrs. J. Itrynns and rs, le A. Rutin. assisted by Mrs. TA: Meehan, Mrs. II, Thomas Mrs. McAteer and Miss M. Skelton. eemgratulutions were offered to Mr. and Mrs. McFadden and many (hood 'Wishes fe. more years of Health and "Happiness. Family Honors Couple On 25th Anniversary On Saurday afternoon, Sept- ember nth the immediate memb. ors of the family of the late James Pearson of Ethel gathered at the family cottage at Grand Bend to honor Mr and Mire George (nee Jessie Pearson] Joynt in honor of their 25th wedding anniversary. Those oftending were Mr, and. Mrs. Alex Pearson of Ethel end Mr nod Mrs. Hugel Pearson and Me. and Mrs. Ralph Pearson of Brussels; Mr, and Mrs. Kee (Margaret) rue of Burlington; Mr and Mrs. James (Florence) Gibson, London: Mr. and -Mrs, Don (i4'e1etll Swi II, London. to illness Mr. rind Mes, Jatnee (Edythe) Neely of Lendrin were unnble to he present, WORK BEE AT FAIR GROUNDS Work Bee to promise for 'Brns- f c1r T111IT Vele will lit" eele Mem,. Pepieldher 211 Iii t eete. lefet i!gla NOTICE TO ALL SUBSCRIBERS Tbe Postal Inspector is expected at this office in the near future. All.'subscriptions must be paid to date. ALL paper:: must have zone, P.0 Box. or rural route number where required. If the address on your Post does not now have the neoessary information for.... wnrd same to 11S; at once so sve OILY comply Wi th this requirement. The 1? ostaL 1)ep4r I merit, will refuse to deliver them if they do not carry the complete tuld.ress. Those who nave received notice Of expired subseripion ;Ire asked to give it. their intmediote atten- tion to avoid embn 1'1'11S:4010111. Our thanks to the many who haVe efready responded to - notice. It would be wise. to pay subscrip- tion now in advance in raise the: price has to he raised clue to the increase ill postal rates.