HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-09-12, Page 7CLANTON OFFICE, 10 IMMO STREET Monday and Wedneoday 482-7010 Call Either Office Per Appisintmont HOTEL ONE OF 1 LORrDA14 FINFINfr Prestige resort hotel overlooking tropical park and Yacht Harbor. Superb enable and unexcelled service. Planned program of en- tertainment. . . . concerts. Luncheon and. Dinner Music. Dancing tly in Terrace Room. Affiliated 18-bole f Course and Swimming Pool. 24-hoar'Garage Serv. Season—October to Mar. AM ALSONETT MOTEL ON BEAUTIFUL TAMPA MAT MI ST. PETFARSBUR.G, FLORIDA, 1W tncregies teed lilinmile, 111161 NNW AEA CODE ?i,So THE BRUSSELS POST . ROY W. KENNEDY, Publisher Published at Brussels, Ontario, every Thursday Box et.), Brussels, Ontario, Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa, and for paymen postage in cash. R. J. BAUER YOUR MASSEY FERGUSON OEALER A Complete idine Of New and Used Farm Equipm eat eHONE 5 SRUSSELS, ONT. WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP ALITY SERVICE CRAFTSMANSHIP Open Every Week. Day Your Guarantee for Over 35 Years of CEMETERY: LETTEING BOX 156 WINGHAM JOHN MALLICK CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL J. H. CRAWPOAD, G. C. N. A. SHEPHERD, M.A. A. R. M. MILL S.A.. L, L. S. BRUSSELS Phone 120 and WINDHAM Phone 857-111vr D. A. RAi®N FURNITURE STORE c.leentred Funeral Director and Embalmer •HONE 36 or 86 !MUSSELS, ONT, L LONGSTAFF OPTOMOTRIST SEAFOF,TH MEDIcAL CENTRE 5274240 Tuesdi,y, Thursday, Friday. Saturday A.M. Thursday Evening T'i 133 ERUBSELS, POST,134LJS6WLS ONTA;11,10 17.11L.It,SHAY, biel?)., 12th, 1214 Mrs. Walter .tiroOroot, is a I patient in Stratford General HoS- pital, Mr. and Firs, Emerson Mitchell and family with Miss. Luella Mitchell and Jack Mitchell of Brussels, were recent visitors with relatives at Grill Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert 'Kirkby, Mark and Steven. were weeken& visitors with Mr. Frank Kirkby when they attended the Lowe- MoTaggart wedding in Hrussels. Misses Linda Traviss. Mary Bewley, Slier]]] Craig and Carol Shortreed have returned home from the tinitner resort al Halls Lake. near Minden, where they spent the past two months. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Mitchell were hosts to eighty-five guests who go third at their home for the Storey reunion in honor of Mrs, J. Ti.. Storey on the occasion of her eightieth birthday. A birthday cake with eighty candles centred the table for the buffet supper, Neil Mc:Gavin. Personals Impiumeassmumaisionialunlinsimmamme a tit: ireitICILLJOP MUTUAL fiRt: ;NSURANCE COMPANY A bachelor's life is jast one unda riled thing alter another: BEE otill NEW CATALOMIt WANTON Walton W. I. Enjoy Dlisplay of Fall Hats Mrs. Jan 'van t'liet, president of the Walton Womea's 111611Liite prosided at their August mooting, Moll call response was "What done to further icy uchtion since low, iii se:mol Mrs. Ronald 'Uhler of Durliugton is to be invited to give a Toy Party on September 1 3tb. Each. Member Is to invite a guest. Mrs, Alex utiAtazon. Ars. tioy Mrs, Harvey Craig, Mrs, Donald McDonald, Mrs. Allan McCall, Mrs, ,Ronald Herinett, Mrs, Alvin McDOnald, andMrs. Jan -van \Tliet ,Ir., will he the committee in charge on that occasion. After discussion scine ne .mbeis Offered articles of handcraft for display at the Brussels Pall Fair. Mrs. R. Bennett gave interesting report on a meeting held at Huron- view on Angus Stevens, Mrs. H.arvey Craig. Mrs. juntas Clarke, Mrs. Ilerb Traviss and Mrs. Bennett had attended the meeting. Mrs. Harvey „Johnson, president of the Ladies' Auxiliary told a number of residents had been taken by bus for a picnic in Sea.. forth LionS Park. Three members from 'Walton tire asked to assist in the kitchen When the Call bazaar is held on October ruh. There is to be a bake' sale with proceeds for the auxil- iary. Dr. Ross, physician at Huron. view told of care of the patients. Mrs, McElroy. the institute adopt- ed patient, is a diabetic'. Her birthday is on November Articles needed include such things as used nylons. empty SpeOhi, old. magazines, used jewe. levy ribbons and pieces of velvet, Tr- w tSon and Mrs. flrrald Watson -said they would attend the next Huronview n,c t. Lin , September Ili. Mrs. Stuart Stevenson of lien,q. sols, who Was the guest speaker, was introdtteed , by Mrs, Gerald \Val SOD. Mrs, Stevetison had a display of hats Mode tip in color- ful Winter material.% in a Variety of styles,. Several had matching Scarves, muffs, and hogs, ' Mrs. Stevenson gave n demon, titration of va HOUK Ways of tying Se:IrVes, Whiell 'Mrs Donald Me- Donald modelled. She gave helpful tips, on the care of hit ,:, The in Si 1- bite Mei-111)01*s enjoyed trying on differently styled hots. scarVeS. and buckram shapes. The guost speaker Was thanked ttrtcl PresPuted with a gift 1w Mrs. flay finpitor rfrigt k3i4r;r,i4 •WMiri 1101i, Mfq, Officio -- Main Stress 1 1 .0:11 in * Town Dwellinfil * Summer Cottage, PertY * All Diatom of Farm Pro * Churches, Schools, Hallo Extended coverage (WM& smoke. water damage, falling objects, etc.) is also available SUSAN SAINT JAMES Susan Saint James, Gene Barry, Robert Stack and Tony Francios star lin GBC-TV's new 90-minute drama series The Name of the Game debuting Thursday, Sept ember 19 (in color)• Two 'hippies got married in bath tub in a. double ring cere- mony. Mrs. Gerald Watson and Mrs. Roy Williamson, leaders for the il course 'Cottons May lb SiOart", announced that fourteen ;iris 1011 Lake the' course. 'ishey requested tile use of the Com- munity Ilall for titre first meeting when the '11.1s iui1X be cutting lutiterittl for their garments AGENTS. ...amiss Keys, RR 1, Seaforth; V. J. Lane, RR 5, lleafortoq; Wm. Leiper, Jr. Londesboro; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Harek The County Rally is to be held squires, Clinton; George. Coyne, Dublin; Donald G. Eaton, Siefert% in Cranbrook ctrl Monday, Oc ober 7th. The • Bouquet Line Good taste needn't be expensive. Our beautiful f3ouquet Invitation line proves this with the most exquisite papers, type faces and workmanship you could wish fort It features Thermo-Engraving---rich raised lettering----,:flncloni as the finest craftsmanship — yet costing so littlel r.O.rit see our unusual selection, One ta Worts; P