HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-09-12, Page 5SMILEY'S HAVEN at the QUEEN'S HOTEL, BRUSSELS ENTERTAINMENT HEAR DOREEN DANBROOK ON THE PIANO FRIDAY and SATURDAY NIGHT Try Our Delicious Spare Ribs and Kraut, Chicken and Chips, Hamburgs or Sandwiches VILLAGE SHOP BRUSSELS, ONT. PHONE 2(A.?. SUMMER SALE ENDS THIS SATURDAY Come in and look around. We are not going to put summer stock away so we're giving it away. CHECK THE PRICES. EXCELLENT CAR BUYS 1966 FORD CUSTOM 1965 CHEV. SUPER-SPORT 1965 METEOR STATION WAGON 1965 COMET 1964 MERCURY MONTCALM 2D. HT. 1964 MERCURY MONTCALM 4,D. SEVERAL OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM 1961 G.M.C. CAB & CHASSIS 960 SERIES 6 cyloi 5 speed trans., 2 speed axle 131tIDGE MOTORS TOUR MUSTANG, FALCON; FAIRLANE FORD and THUNDERBIRD DEALER BRUSSELS PHONE 249 WINGHAM PHONE 357-34.0 CHAMPIONSHIP S H OWS LIVESTOCK Harness Racing Midway Bands Machinery & Commercial Displays Something for Young and Old ,THURSDAY EVENING PROGRAM IN THE ARENA SATURDAY NIGHT, SEPT. 21st Floyd Sillito's Orchestra Cabaret Style Admission $3.00 per couple All Tables Resesved BICUSBALS, POST, BRUSSELS ONTARIO OPENING ..',CLEARANC$-. SALE Septembe r .19 20 Huron's rib, Class "B" Fair IFIE UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev." A. M. Johnston B.A., IUD, Organist: Mrs. Fred Stephenson 9:47; am, Church School .11;00 A.M. Divine Worship MELVILLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH M inister REV. C. A. McGARRO(..t. Organist: Mrs. Nora Moffat 10 A.,M, Church School 11 A.M. Divine Worship "A Table in the Wilderness" Let us remember our Lord this Sacrament Sunday COMING EVENTS : EXHIBITION BALL GAME Ethel Squirts vs Listotwel Diet Club (Fat Ladies) at allel Ball. Park, Sunday Sepeutber 15th, la 2 p.m, HOWICK LIONS EING,O Howick Lions Bingo will het held on Friday, Sept, 1314„ 8:30 p,u1. in Wroxeter CoMmlinity Hall. Admission $1. 12 regular games fel' $10; 2 "Share the Wealth"; one $25 Special, Jack- pot of $75 in 50 calls; Door Pri zes. GENTL.EMEN.,4 NEWS ITEMS was very sorry to Lio4r that 11ev, Johnston and family are leaving Brussels. We. will never have better citizens, Rev. John• stun and Joyce were always ready and willing to offer a. helpilw hand Avhenever needed, Our three ministers certainly .helped Lo make our centennial celebration a success. Some of the other workers got paid for the wear and tear on their •eye lashes and shoe laces. Our ministers nothing', Good luck to you Reverend and you will always he welcome hack to Brussels, Now 1 shall revert back to my natural nasty disposition and write my column, My old grandmother used to say Birds of it Feather flock together, Meaning of course, if you assoc.. bawl with a chicken thief you probably would steal chickens, You don't See • Squirrels .with weasels or skunks with black squirrels. However, if ever a mar. riage was made in heaven it 1)0, cured last week • when 1.van CanaPbell Purehased jackass. They are similar in every way mentally, sensibility etc: except. IVan's ears are. not. •Iong enough, The jackass wouldn't sell you sour milk butt both would kick you when you weren't looking. 130th veould Hee Elaw if it hurt. Oh . well we will just wait and sea which one will be boss. The poor ass wont, put up with the abuse poor Betty has to take. want to appeal to the kids and adults in Brussels` to refrain from throwing trash, guln papers, empty cigarette boxes, pop bottles and plenty of other object, ional articles into the pretty flower beds. 1141'. Knight and Davey tell me it takes more time to get rid of the stuff than it does to keep the flower beds worked, Please! What about a. few trash cans, eOuncillorS? It will soon be fair time and the Fair needs your help, 0,c), Go Co, if you cite't, send your dollar anyway. The summer season is over. The beaches and resorts closing, Last week the good citizens of Boiler tIoach thought the hippies had tak- en over. They were rudely awak- ened nhout 3 o'clock in the morn- inw by whooping and hollering and sounds of revelery, The mil• itia. and riot squads were alerted and police dogs poised and prom- pted for action. It was only Joe Brewer and Buzz Stiles singing Annie Laurie and Off to Dublin, .1oe was singing the Annie Laurie song and Buzz was looking after the Irish. Naturally you can't make any harmony out of this amalgam- ation, but neither one would give up. Went over to Illyth yesterday. Threshermen's re-union, Congrat- elations, It was a real show. Ulytli Fair Wednesday, IS. Which proin- ises to be just as good. The Kansas Farmer, the Osborne Sisters. the Lanionts and Earl and Martha Ileywcod, If our kr aut .has to fold the fault is Certainly oil the shoulders of the officials. Take a day off and go to little towns, smaller than Bressels. NorWood, Madoc, Tweed kin.. mount, Beachhurg. Brigden nonville and dozens more. See bowl a small agricultUral fair can put on a show that draws twice as 1 many as Ours, See you. at our Truthfully 'emirs T. IL F. WILLIAM ROY GADKE William Roy Gadke, 66, Of Ford. wich, died Sunday in Palmerston. Hospital. A daughter, Mrs. James (Jeanne) Ireland, Morris. Town- ship. A private funeral service was held at 2: p.m. at the resi- dence. Burial was in. Pordwich cemetery. GREY TOWNSHIP COUNCIL MEETING The Grey Township Council meeting was held September 3rd. Resolutions were passed as follows: By Charles Thomas and Mel ville Lamont that the minutes of the last regular meeting and special meeing of August 15th be adopted as react. By Melville Lamont and Charles Thomas that Court, of Revision On the Silver Corners Municipal Drain be closed and By-La.w No.11 of 1968 be finally passed as read a third time. By Lawson Ward and %Kenneth Bray that the tender of George Radford Construction Limited, Blyth, Ontario. for the construction of the Silver Corners Municipal Drain be aci..epted for the price of $, By Charles Thomas and Melville Lamont that the request of john Bryons that, the Smith Municipal Drain be repaired in Lot 2 and part Lot 3, Concession 12. be ac coped. By Kenneh Bray and Lawson Ward that applications in the amounts of $2,100. and $1,500. under The Tile Drainage Act he accepted. By Kenneth Bray and Thomas that By-Law 18 of 1968 be finally passed to assess and levy rates for 1968. By Kenneth Bray EIT111 La wean Ward that By-Law No. 19 of 1958 to im pose a special rate for a period of ten years he finally passed under The Tile Drainage Act. By 'Kenneth Bray and Lawson Ward that all approved accounts be paid. 13y Melville Lamont and Charles Thomas that meeting be adjourn- ed to meet at 8 p.m., October 7th. 1968 or at the can of tile Reeve. The following accounts were paid; Ontario Hydro, office $10,00 Lothar Weber, office supplies. 2.95 Stratford 13eacon-Herald. adver- tise tenders Silver Corners ])rain 14.40 The Blyth St.andard, advertise tenders Silver Corners Drain 5.00 Tile Drainage Loan. 1,179.1)0 Melvin Carnochan, tile drain, age Inspector 9.00 Edythe Cardiff, fee, tile drain- age loan 9.60 Roy MacSween, repair Storey Drain 201.00 Roy MacSween, repair Mc. Donald Drain 382.1)0 eGlifford it. Dunbar. Court of Revision, 'Silver Corners Drain 15.00 Kennotth Bray, c oust, of ReviS. ion, Silver Corners Drain 15.00 Charles Thomas, Court of ReViS ion, Silver Corners Drain 15.00 Lawson Ward, Court of Revis-, ion, Silver Cor'ners Drain 15.00 Melville Lamont. Court of Rettig, ion. Silver Cornet's Drain 15.00 Edythe Cardiff. By-Laws. Silver Cornet's Drain 100.00 Town of Listowel„Tuly Nursing Home 24,98 Village of Brussels, :Time and July Nursing Home 73.86 Welfare, August 70.02 .Tim Dobson, garbage Ethel Village 20.00 Roads and Bridges, 20.357.39 Total $32.534.21) Cliffore Dunbar Reeve Clerk of the late 17. R. Smith's stock FRIDAY SEPTEMBER: 13th NUMEROUS ANTIQUE ARTICLES BOTTLES, ETC. ALL MERCHANDISE AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES 'NE,D RUTLEDGE, PROP. CharlesEdythe M. Cardiff