HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-09-05, Page 1sets $2,00 A Year in Advance -- $3.00 To 1:7A,A. 131.Z.I'SSNLS, 1.4 0ST, POST PUBLISHING HoU11116 MED SCOTT At Riverdale Hospitat i Toronto; on Tuesday, Senteitthett 3rd, 19(18, Jean :Elizabeth. Scott, in her 11)th year, R.Osting at the 11.. A. Rana Funeral Tiome, Plm- sets, where Hititsion held Tiitirsday SOP tetia ber 5th, at nOtt, interillittet hi BitatietS' tiOrtieterY. CRANBROOK The regular morning Service was 'hold on Sunday, following two weeks without a service, Rev.' C. A, Wimi occupied the pulpit, Anniversary Service 'the Anniversary Service will be held on October 6th at 11 alio with Rev. C. A, McCarron, Bros-. sels, the guest speaker.. Mr, and Mrs. Erect. ,Kilpatrick, London, were renewing acquaint- ances here last week. Shower Honors Bride Mrs. Larry Keffer (nee Patsy Du ch arm e) was honor od with a miscellaneous shower in the Com- munity ,Centro, Au address was read by Miss Shirley Bernard and many beautiful and useful gifts were presented to the new bride, ,The former Cranbrook school has been sold by Mr, 'Urban Buchan-no to Mr, and Mrs.. Zehr, Of the Toront0 area, The new' Owners expect to move in the near future,. Mr. and Mrs. flerald Hnether and daughter Sandra, St. Cath, orines, are holidaying with Mr. and. Mrs, won, Hu eth er. Sunday visitors with: Mrs. Mac Engel included Mr. and Mrs. Don Engel, Mark. and Tirrony, Wood- stock, and Miss Ruth Engel and Mr, Douglas Payne Stratford; Miss Christine Engel, who spent the past week with her aunt, returned home with them, Mr. and Mrs. Winston Mo- Eachern, Kim and Sharon Galt, sPoht the holiday weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Was Me-Eat-them. Aiming teachers returning to their schoOls are 'Aliss Nate Me- Nabb to Temiskaming, Miss Beverley Evans to Kitchener and' Brian. Evans to Scarborough, Miss Moline Smalldon, Knelt- otter, spent the weekend with Mr, Fred Smandon, Garry :h)vans and Danny Pear- son, Ethel, arc on a motor trip to the 'Western Provinces. Mr, and Mrs. Norman Pfeifer; Elikabeth, Terry NoWhigging, and Mr, and Mrs.. Gordon Engel and family spent the long- weekend in the Whitton area. Mt. and Mrs. Tom Consitt and boys, Varna, visited on Sunday With Mrs. Stuart. Evans. Congratttlations to Mr. and Mrs. -Wayne Smith (Gayle Eitige,D on the arrival of a son in ListoW4 Hospital on Septehiber 1St; REV, ALLAN JOHNSTON ACCEPTS LONDON CALL 'li tre \% Allan Johnston of brussels Unnett Church has accepted it call to Richard's Memorial Vnited Church, London, Richards Memorial is a large new suburban church with 600 faminos with osop people connect'- ad with the congregation, Alt% Johnston assumes his tieW pastoral ditties on October '[St. ORWELL. S. ELLIOTT Orwell S. Elliott, a resident of Brussels for the past 30 yopars. died in Victoria Hospital, London in the early hours of Sunday morning. Mr. Elliott was taken to Wing, ham Hospital early Saturday evening later being transferred to Victoria ;Hospital, having suffered a brain hemhorage. Born in Grey Township in 1.911., he was the Soil of the late 'George W. Elliott and Hannah Mills, Coming to Brussels in 1938, after five years of overseas Servic,e he was employed with Swift Canadian before entering the garage business here, At the time of his death 'he was working for Standard Products, Mitchell, Ontario, in the capacity of Main- tenance mechanic. He was a member of Melville Presbyterian Church, the Bens, sets branch of the Royal Canadian Legion, St, John's Masonic Lodge, and had served this Villago as a members of the council for five years. Fte is survived. by his wife, the former Elizabeth Pear, 011.0 daughter, Dorothy, at home; two brothers. Dick of Paltnerston and George of: Brussels. The funeral, service was held at p.m. Tuesday, at the :D. A, R 41ln funeral home- conducted by the Rev, 0 A. McCarron: of Melville Presbyterian Church, Pallbearers were Alex' Pearson. (,braid Gibson. Calvin Kranter, Hank FAO, Russell Hall and Sam Workman. Flower hear'er's were four:' nephews, Douglas Elliott, Donald. Douglas Colcothoun, and David Coh-lithOun. Interment wag in BrUsSelS coin' etery. nride,Elett 1.HC.P.Ored by Sh6wer Miss 'Entices Cardiff, br'i 'de' elect. was guest of honor at a. shower giren for her by neigh-, hours. friends ;tad rolatiOes, • The library morn was suitably decora t ed for the occasion on Tnit rsday eVe Imo Miss •cotqtrr. was shovoted with many beautiful and useral gifts ror which she expressed her appreciation, PEOPLE WE KNOW John Flooyer, London, spent: the holiday • Weekend at home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. .Norman tioover, Mr. Scott, principal of Brussels Public. School, returned last week from, a fi,micailon trip to Moxleo. Mr, and Mrs, Nornian Snyilh of Borden, Sask., ore at file Smith bailie here, Mrs. to Jermyn has retu rood' lurrne.alter'spendi.ng a month. with her .daughter. Mrs. Elelon Tucker, and [amity, in Goderich• Air, and .m.r• 4arl Watson, Miss Marscene ••and Watson.• of {.alt, visited their Cousins, Mr; and Mrs, Watson Sholdice, last week. Mr. and. Mrs. A. Edwin :Martin have returned from a vacation trip to Victoria, B.C.„. and Yellow- stone•Park, Rev.. James peril° B.A., and Mr. AV.ilmer Errington retarued last week on the Empress • of England from an enjoyable trip to . tilts; British Isles. • Mrs. Gireta Ballantyne, Strat- ford, :is staying with Mrs. M, liallantyne who recently returned home from hospital. Mrs. Ross LawiesS of St. Catharines was a holiday week end visitor wiih Mrs. T. L. McDonald and Mr. McDonald who is a patient in Winglon and Dist- rict Hospial. 'Holiday weekend vision's with Air, and Mrs, Wilbur Taribull were Mr. mid Mrs IaC It, Webor, Toledo Ohio; :Mr, and Mrs. Neily flan; of ehesepeake, Virg.; Mr. and MrS. Harry Lewis, Wallaceburg; Mr. and Mrs. AV, M., Cockburn. New- market; Mr, and Jfr.. Mae Lart , and Aft., Hugh Lane, Trot ,y wood and INTV„Io]n Lane of Port Elgin. 0,P.P, REPORT fail[-SSI4ThS On Friday. Aug- ust. :RI. 11908, Prank Rutledge of l',I.ussels, Ontario. who was west- bound on County Road N'n. 1E1, took a cougbing spell, and the vehicle he Wait driving went info the north ditch, struck a stump and, side-swiped a. iroe. Mr. Rutledge received minor injuries as a result of the accident, The Tractor-trailer he was driving was damaged. to the amount of $8000, Prov, Coast, W. R. Bell in- ves t ORitlY TOWNSHIP On Sun- clay afternoon, David nvrcolvie o r ot ioi ea t o w ho was driving' west MI ('M] 011 1.2 Sideroad, Grey 1'01\1i:dill), saw a car comfit:). le wards hint and turned into a ditch to ovoid u croision, ills cm' re- ceived minor damages as a re, suit Prey, C'r u R, I 'Wittin,' inveslir,aterl the accident TAIT. On Tuesday \u-nat 27. I9ti Ponald Thempsqn of lltuovale, while nerthholind on 11-1(i sidoroad -Morris Towns'qp, met a vehicle with hitylt fleetly. r Thornbson BRUSSELS SCHOOL ENROLMENT' INCREASED It was back to their desks for teachers and pupils on Tuesday morning. lour loamy mothers it was a relief to lia.v(r their youngsters hack in ma'honi niter the long slim- Hier vacation, To know thin. at least during school hours, they were said and their mischief 'Would hi' controlled by som 00n else for a change, was pleasant indeed . There was an enrollment 271 at Brussels ..Public School on Tuesday, an. Increase of leer Over las t. year. Thw reaching stall remains the same. Por the following garlen students it was a 110W Perieuce they were emharking on, Their carefree baby days are gone. They are on their way to becoming adults. Campbell,. Lyle 00:usins, Ke»notit Drat:Wit, Juanita Eixel, Peter Hall, .David • Hann a , Michael Harris, Steven Higgins, Kenneth Johnston, Karen Johnston, Paul Alaehart, .Kathy Maclum, Stephen :Afa CTJ.tn.i, Iettnal ! AlcCutcheon, jilt • M.cCutchoon, Karen eLean, 'Karen McLellan, Pauline Nichol. Paul Prior. riebra Scott. .lames Sholdice, Catherine Ten Pns, Brian Wa I son, Michael HOWICK LIONS BINGO WINNERS Regular Caine's: Mrs. Parsons, Pordwich; Mrs. l'olman,.. Wro:- eter; Rill Austin, Sealorth, Mrs. Illyth; Fred Olin. Wing_ Haut; :Mrs. LaRoso, Kincardine, Mrs. Russell Greenley: Mrs, Tom Potts, Listowel; M. Black, List- (mei: Gerald (4011. 'Walker! On 111'*, 000, El 1,001)Jr„ Wroxoter; Mrs, 'Doris Adatus, 'mys, Lallbse, Kincardine: 'font Scott ListOWel; Mrs, Simon lInber :Mildinay; Mrs, Kocher, Ayton. Mrs, A. Alox McMichael, Clinton; Mrs. I Montgomery, Wing- ham; Mrs, Cecil Yeoman: Wrox- eler; War. Iftiber, Mildmay, Mrs. Dustow, Mildmay: Mrs. Irene Leitch, .K-incartline. Share the 'Wealth: Mrs. berg Riley, Wingham and Mrw. Torn rotts. Listowel; .Mrs. Geo Driy, Wingham. and Mrs. ittiss Green- ley, Harriston. $21 Special! Mrs, Geo. Hislop Wroxotor .Tarkpoi or $9:3: Mrs. Art Who- vier, Wr()NPi ,T, Door Pri James Ross. List- °wet: 'Mrs, 'Wilfred Henry. 'Wing ham: 'MrS. Sarah ‘nsiett, barn: MM. 0(1(4 SivtotqR. CNR CROSSING FLASHER SIGNALS NOW IN OPERATION A %.vrwk crow has been here fen. the past two weeks busy installing the flashing light signals and bell at CNR cros- sing here. The installation of this sr4tern. was ordorod last February by the Railway Trans- port Commitliia of the Cacjdian Transport Commission, ft is an int rica to pad rime-conSitining Th., work has been completed aml the protection system went into operation 'Wednesday tnorn.- ing. it was the renewed application by R. 11 SLE'., at the request of rho local council that brought attention to the Brussels crossing which has been. regarded as .dongereus. and bas been the r4cono. of several non-fatal, • and noinernas near accidents. 9 of cost of installin> . said intotection or the :san' o,f $12406 whichever is the lesser shall. be paid oat of the • railway grade (Tossing fund, '12 14c.; of said cost shall be paid by the County of Baron and the balance of the said cost by. the Canadian Nat- ional Railwys. of the cost. of maintenance nun operation of the said protection shall he paid by the Canadian National Railways and of the said cost shall be • paid by the County of Huron. MELVILLE. LADIES' AID The annual Pot Luck Supper of the Ladies Aid. in begin the Autumn term was held at the. home of Mrs. Wm. C. Nina; on Monday afternoon, Aug. 26th.. There were twenty six latlieS present. The prosidont. Mrs,. T:i..'ivans, was in the chair and opened the the meeting with a hymn and edi tat ion. 'I']: seeiviary's report Was given by Mrs. AV. Kerr; Pinancial statement by Hit's Dennis; ''Bible reading by Mrs, Gibson and prayer by Mrs;•Mathoson. The roll, call was responded. to. by each tnember . narrating hoW they spent their summer holiday or reading a Orient instead. illyinn -119 was sung. 'Mrs.. Matheson read a short biogra, phical sketch of Dag TTarnmers- ckjold, 1 N Secretary General, wv 1tn died fit a plane crash in Central Africa in September 19111. Mrs. C. Dmiglas and 31.1%, J. Day sun:' a duet. ''God Holds My Toth rimy ". The offerin was taken and the business port or the meeting was discnssod The mizonb benediction closed the tneetitil: and n Lnek nrain1C,I• wWi Y4erVed nott4 forot to tallow .,Otis teonliiitted Ott hilt+ page)