The Brussels Post, 1968-08-29, Page 6VILLAGE SHOP IIRUSSELS, ONT. PHONE 20t1 DROP IN AND CHOOSE FROM THESE GREAT NAMES IN NEW -FALL STYLES GREB TERRY WILLIAMS .JOCKEY GWG ARROW CUSTOM LEATHER CANADIAN ALL THE WAY CANADIAN N ATIONAL PHONE 199 4tt TUURSDAY, A1.70.. 20th. 1903 TRAIN TO TO' ONTO Ask about convenient departurt and return times eis,8 6t) ()NE, A vi &Luc a l a, ire FAR PAR $5.30 E for Information, phone the local CN Passenger Sales Office stems Inc dairy farmers recently at Dairy Cattle Day at the Ridge- town College of grinitural Teeihnology. Free-stab housing, herringbone milking parlors, sites, and feed , lots are component partS . of a system that can cut labor • require- ' by :d) percent over Conventional tie-stall setups, in Mich- igan dud NeW York. State-% re- searA verifies this reduction, Climatic conditions in these neig- houring areas are very Similar to Our own, and many fanners there are utlizing such a system, Ksix- Month study in New 'York State on 17 farms, 'varying in herd sire from 41 to 200 .cows, indicated an average of 4'3 hours chore time pet' cow per year, Many Ontario dairymen spend 75 to 1.00 'hours with each animal a year, Since about 55 percent of the chore time is spoilt milking, the parlor type was heavily emptha. sired at the Cattle Day, Ilierring- bone and in-line designs are most common, A double-four herring, bone proved to he the most effic- ient for medium-sized herds, according to research done by Mr. MacLachlan, :One man can handle, 38 cows per hour, where the same person can milk only 33 in a double two-in-line. system., For large herds, (100 cows or more), a double-eight herringbone parlOr could well be utilized, Walking distance during milking cliores could be as much as 50 to 150 percent more hi itt-litre parlors than in the hecringlions design, Switgorland,, and. the past (out' visit'or's wi ft Mr, and Mrs. Clifford •Ritchle. • Mrs, :lack MoLlwaio, Mark and David of Scaforth spent a week', end with her mother, :lire, ('. Hack:well, Cindy and Raymond Cintlitley months touring the Continent and the Ilritish Isles, has returned lanne, Ile will resnme teaching in Sept:ember all 1•111111rd. Second' ar 501tooli GET YOUR BRUSSELS 440 CA I SAN. '11 road safe oho glass cans tilrOt 0111151 the 1 piece. Wind: causit heavi' 'DAIRY FARM LABOUR CUT BY MORE MECHANIZATION • Nag' hinuagentent . systems eretatid tor the dairy .farms •ttre drastically reducing •the amount •of labour needed tty,maintain he ni. D. L. MacLachlan, Farm -Management Specialist, .-Oitttario Department elf Agriculture and i • Fond, outlined some of these of Burlington were vacationing FALL FAIR, PRIZE LIST for a week with Mr and Mrs. AT THE POST, NOW Allan McCall and Beverly, There are still a number off. Toni, Love. who spent eight 1>russets Fall Pair Prize lists month playing 'hockey in Viilain, available at the Brussels Post. The maint the hi than every placed If mot litter save WALTON Mrs, Kuward Miller is a patient in Sea Birth (it:mina t y iicspital, Juba; Aron , mild has re- turn kt to bec twine in Toronto after visiting with Mr, and Mrs, Alvin McDonald. Mr. and Mrs, Roy WillianIson GIVE YOU ETTER SILAGE AT LESS COST Visit the Brussels plant where Ribstone silos are made. Operator Ernie B ack will welcome you. COMPARE THESE EXCLUSIVE RISSTONE FEATURES * They're double sealed -- pointed inside and outside. " Dense, non-porous con- crete., • Strong rib construction. • Steel reinforced concrete staves. Overlapped joints, Heavy Steel hooping, were end, Mrs, W. R. Broadloot visited in Seatorth with her sister bras, William Leeming tot' a fete days, Mr. and :ill's. Gordon Lydiat and ramily of Barrie were at. Port Itt1Igin for a week- HO • .1 RESIDENT REPRESENTATIVE KARL DECKER, R.R.I, Zurich, Ont, Phone Zurich 236-4892 YSTE SONGS OF FAITH Th Cart l'ipstott Sitlpfiat (1t! niAle Ond eight female ohorloters) heve returned to CBC ratlio fctA the stittiMOYI with SOntja of F ltlti, IN1MIcicast every Sundhy nfternhon oh rate 11(ittv1/614k, Taptt•Ititti tit5 bAck and bopto ttnatty his tom Will be WIt6PlIhm to the new tliow what, clyfit "bet .p5reidtliltv foe owi,t,yono", 1,/kaiti0f.f4I4.1,1,r16" '• • ,te..11, •