HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-08-29, Page 1$2.00 A Year In Advance — $3.00 To U.S.A. THE BRUSSELS, POST, THURSDAY, AUG, 29th, 196S POST PUBLISHING Hams EXCELLENT SHOWING OF FLOWERS AT ANNUAL HORTICULTURAL FLOWER SHOW Brussels Businessman Retires After 43 Years One of .Brussels long-time 'businessmen, D. M. Macreavish, has retired, mr. Mac'ravish has been in business here for 43 years. lie opine to Brussels, from Wroxet,er la 1925 as manager of the Farm - ers' Co-Operative Store here. Later he went into business for himself, Al: present Mr. Mac'ravish, who over the yearns has been active in community affairs, is not able to get around but it is hoped he will soca be able to enjoy his retire- ment. tits many fricnos are going to miss dropping into his store to shop anti talk, CRANBROOK Service: in Knox Presbyterian Church will he held on Septemb- er 1, at the usual time of 9:45 a.m, Mrs. Wes McEachern is t'isiting friends in Galt. Rev. 'Kenneth Eckville. Alberta, was renewing acquaint- ances in this commtinity. Mr. and Mrs. Farl Punn 'visit- ed in Kitchener on Stinday. Their grandchildren, :Ricky and Bonita Dunn and Tracy Lynn .Ta came home with them for holi- days. Mr, and Mrs. Dounglas Ti1va.ns Cindy and Bonnie spent the w-eok end with Mr. and. Mrs, Cordon Engel and family at 13erford Lake. Barry Engel is spending a few days in Listowel with Mr. and Mrs. C.timpboll Grant and boys. impq wrwns THREE GATES If T ant tempted to reveal A tale someone to me bas told About trnether, let it paSs, Before I Speak, three gates of geld. Three golden gates.; Fire., is it trite? Then, iS it needful? in. my Mind Give lriithful. answer, and the next zs last and tic riieweSt. Ts it: kind? And if, to reach My 1108 at latt, It paSses through theSe gate- 'ways, three: Then l May tell the tale, tier fear NVIiiit the result of speech nifty be. /0' GOSSIP Take care. 'MANI a sate holiday over the long Labotti• Day 1,veek., end, POST OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED LABOUR DAY The 13tussels Post Office will he closed all day Monday, fiept- omber 2nd, Labour Day.. There will bo no rural mail delivery, Sunday Service Discontinued • Sunday mail service has been discontinued, ESCAPE SERIOUS INJURY IN CAR COLLISION Miss Rosemary (lowing. Nancy (lowing. and IPaul Cowing, memb- ers or the family of Mr. and I\•Irs. Carl flowing of Morris Township and cousins who 'were passengers in the Cowing ear, Cheryl :Davis, and David and Nancy ffunsley, narrowly escaped serious injury when the Gowing..car .was in col- lision with one •dtiven by. Fliiza- beth Joimston• of hluevale, on. Saturday. Aummst„ 24th. PEOPLE WE.KNOW Mr. Dori McKinnon is a patient in Wingh ;MI :FT,o s Pi tal. Mr. E, ChapMan, is a patient in Wingt am Hospital where lie underwent surgery on Friday, Mrs, James S Armstrong spent the post week With her daughter Dorothy and faintly in OttaWa, Mr.. and MI'S, Bert ge,ibeiti and :Mrs, Annie Bray visited With her aunt and: Miele at Bernie. Keith. Tittninill of Cape Dyer, Main: island, is holidaying fit home with his parents tind Mrs. JairieS Turithitil ; Mt, and Mrs. W. James' ATM- strong' and family :spent the :past Week ViSithig relatives at Ottawa, friends it.t OetrWall. and Spent two days at "Man and His Weld& at Montreal. Mr,, W, W. Smith was happily pt last week when over thirty relatives and friends gatft- tired at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Smith in honor of his birthday, Mr, and -Mrs. Robert Kennedy and two children. .Andrew aind Deanna, and Mrs. W. W. Thilietnnit of Ottatva, Were weekend gUeStS, With his parents Mr, and Mt's, R. Xt'eltiody, DONKEY BASEBALL LRAWS LARGE CROWD ... A large crowd ut spectators' from lirussetS and (:011111ITInity attended the Donkey llallgame ITC:LWOW' the firemen and the Brussels Lions, sponsored by the Brussels Fire Department here on Saturday night. They thoroughly enjoyed ninny hearty laughs at hilarious antics the four-footed participants pro- vidod and whose whimsies time players had to cope with loft the Lions little to roar about but did not dampen the firemen's Eire. The proceeding exhibition game was between the firemen and the Brussels men's team, In the excitement of both games nobody remembered to keel.) score. They wore too busy•enjoying the fan, Gerald Gibson was the lucky winner of • the .firernen's motor- bike draw. Huron County Council Mayes To Establish. County Planning Board Calvin •Kratiter of Brussels, Warden of T-Turon County, inform- ed the Post that Huron County council moved. Tsesday, to es- tablish its first county planning board and passed a. by-law estab- lishing 11 school sections for the county's first school board, In a 31-to-5 vote, the council decided to ask the department of municipal affairs to establish Pturon Couny as a. single plan- ning area. 'she county planning board ,,vould consist of five county council members, the warden. and five members county council will pick. None of the five selected will belong to municipal councils. The 11 school sections making imp the county school board will be represented by 14 members to be, nominated Nov. 18 and elected Dec. 2. The sections and the number of representatives, will be decided according to the amount of section's asseSstrtent. MerriS and Grey townships and brilSgelst will have Otte inember Hullett and McKillop township. Clinton and 'Myth, two Members. ONTARIO WOMEN TEACHERS HOLD ANNUAL CONVENTION ••Ovci' • 00 elementary public school woMon teachers fitin all over .Ontario attended the Fiftieth Annual Meeting of the Federatton. tit' Women Teacher(' Associations Of Ontario at the Royal Yoirk l'Intel, Ati'gUst 13 - 10. The Feder- Mimi ilt. its Golden Anniversary Year Ilan a meinhprship of 10,099. Presiding offico*:: al the meeting was Miss Anti;: ell MeNnughten of Lonmingtore , ..provincial pnnni- dent of the Federation, Those attending from this .area. were: Mrs Mnt:tfrt;-`14nother of.Ilnis- sels Praille, se.h,:wil awl Mrs. nvelYn Merrill Of DlyiVPriblie unto]. There was a ‘'arled display of beautiful blooms at the animal lelower Show or the Brussels Iforticilltaral Society held in St. Adm.'s Church hall here on Fri , day, The flowers, with exhibits in every class, were not only in :1)tindanee, but of the 21)(5 entries., many were of eycelient quality. Mrs, I' W. Moorhead of Ben Miller who judged them declared they were the; best she bad judged this yea r 7N was T:tlile tote s overpoints all winner of ihe la Eaton Trophy. Mrs, L. McCittolieon. Was, second with 39 points, MrS. L, Frain and Mrs. L. Mc, Cutehoon were tied, for ' most points in the Rose Classes and won the Rose Food donated by J. Gordon Stiles. Mrs, S., Armstrong had most points in arrangements and re, ceived the Dixon Reid prize, Mr. A. Knight. Mrs, V. :Vachon and Mrs. Machan received most points awarded Novice winners. Winners in Varietts Classes: Asters. Mixed: Mrs. D. A. Minn Mrs. C. Wheeler, Mrs, V. Meehan Asters Needle; Mrs:, E. Cudmore, Mrs, L. McCutcheon, Mrs. Smalldon Asters Powderpuff: Mrs. L, McCutcheou, Mrs, T. Armstrong. Mrs, G. Wheeler Calendulas: Mrs. E. Cudmorr Mrs. P, Hemingway, Mrs. J. Sped!' Cosmos; Mrs. L. McCutcheon Mrs T. Armstrong, Mrs, G, Davis Dahlia Decorative; Mrs. D. A. Rann, Mrs. 5, Kelly, Mrs. Sine Ildon Dahlias Cactus; Mrs, E. Cud- More, Mrs, D. A. Minn, Mrs, L McCutcheon Dahlias Poni Prim: Mrs. 'V. Ma.chan, Mrs. E. Citamore, Mrs. Cleo, Wheeler Dianthus': Mrs. J. Arntstrong • aisles: Mrs. G, Wheeler ,GladS, Standard Mixed; Mrs, C, Hemingway, Mrs, E. Cudinore Mrs, Hemingway Clad. Splice, any Color: Mrs Cudthore, Mrs, W. Kerr, Mrs. T. Looting Marigold, AfriCat ; Mrs. ITOMil)gtvtlY, 111rS. L, MeChtt,6100h, Mrs: 0. Davis Marigold, French: Mts, ,T. Arm. Strong, Mrs, MrS, I<OrT4 1\TOITI eSia: ATVs, C. Hein ingwaV, i11'rs.I Cridinere PhleX, Preiniiinal: Mi's. J, Attn.- sttolig. Mrs. Gee. Wheeler, Mrs. Ti, Frain. Petnitia, Single: Mrs, 11. Siiiall- doft, A, Knight, Mrs. V. Mitchell Pet:tittles. Frilled: Mrs. Kelly, Mrs, H. Stiallrlon. MrS. L. Me- Gitt'cl.teon Double: Mrs. G, Wheeler, Mrs, T.,. McCuiebonti. Mrs, TT. SMalldein Pansies: Mi's. Arthstrong, Mrs. B. Cudwtoro Rose, Ilybrid Tea, "any Pence": Mrs, L. McCutcheon, Mrf,. T. Looming, Mrs. C. Wheeler Rose, Hybrid Tea.. not Peacet NTT'S. L. Frain. Mrs. D. T-Toming, way, Mrs Cl. eel re- Rose, leloribu nd Knight, Mrs, T., 7\l'oCutcheon Ttose, Grandiflorn: Mrs, L. Praia, Mrs, a Wheeler Rose Hybrid : Mrs, J, Kelly, Mrs. E. Crelmore. Mrs. L. Me- Cu Leh eon , Sweet Pens: Mrs, W. Morse, Mrs. C. ITemingAr. Mrs F'. Shaw Sun pdrngong:,, Mrs, L. Me, Cutchoon, 111 J. Armstrong, Mrs. M. Moeha'n Zinnia, Standard: Mrs. F. Shaw, iii s.TT. Smalldon. Mrs. (T, Davis Zinnias, Cactus: Mrs. N. Reid, Mrs, T-T. Smallden, "Mrs, D. Heining- way Zinnias Porn Porn: Mrs. N, Reid, Mrs. FT, Smallzlon, Mrs. L. Mc- Cutcbeon. Zinnias, Novelty: Mrs. N. Reid, Sunclay Morning, basket suit- able for Church: Mrs. N. Raid, ',Mrs, Cudmore, Mrs..G. 'Wheeler and Mrs. L. .McCutcbeon. (tied) Coffee Break, arranged in Coffee Mug: Mrs. J. Armstrong. MT's. D. A, Rann, Mrs. ,T. Speir Trousseau Tea Table; Mrs. J. 1:cily, Mrs, 0. Hemingway, Mrs c Wheeler in The Pink: Mrs. ".T. Armstrong, Mrs, F. Clndmore. Mrs. D A, Rann. Hospital A /Tangent en : Mrs. T. rmstrong, 'Mrs. C. Heating- -way, Mrs. D, TTemingwaY Time for Tea, can and saucer arrangem (MI : Mrs .1, Armstrong, Mrs. C. Hemingway. Mrs, Cl'.: Wheeler Baby Welcome. Flowers in minafure: Mrs. .T. Kelly, Mrs, J. Armstrong, Vrs, TA MeCa tch eon, Elfin Magic:: Minature flOwers on a button: Mrs. 1.. Cudmore, Mrs. V, Machan Mrs. J. Arm- strong, Mina t re Arrangement : Mr.S. T. Armstrong. Mrs, L. Frain, Mts. 'U. Hetningway Gold 'Rush, armngement of yellow or gold. flowers: MrS, Spell., Mrs, 5. Arnvtrong, L. Me, Outcheon A Walk in the Country. novel arrangement using Weeds and wild :flowers; 11Irs, D. Henitog- Way, Mrs, S. Armstrong, Mrs,, W, Kerr Patriotic. Arrangenietti, red arid whit() fie-Wets, Mrs. T. Atinstreng, Mrs. G:, Wheeler Fruit and Flower arrangement for kitebon: Mrs, Armstrong, MrS. Wheeler floffoc or Cocktail Arrengement using 'Tuberons Begonia foliage: Mrs. (1, -Wheeler. MI's, C. 5Teming- way, A. Knight Rose in n howl: Mrs. D, A. Reim. Mrs, :D. Frain. Mrs. Leenting Floral arrnngemeni for wedding A 1111TVOrSIlry Mrs. T.,, McCutehoon, Mrs. .1', „Armstrong, Mrs, D, Hem ingwoy . (ceittitined ort inside prig) There is So nitich goOd• in the worst of US: • • • • And so Mitch bad' iti the best •• of itA. . • • • • •••• That it ill becomes any of its' • TO' - find •fatill. With the rest Of its. JAMES HENDERSON RIM OS Henderson of Seaforth, r. former resident of Brussels, died Thursd y after a three- month illness. Born at. Winthrop, he was mar- ried in McKillop Two., in 1911 to the former Sarah Jane Jarman, He was a member of Northsido United Church, and of Western ••.Star IOOF Lodge of Brussels. Surviving are his wife; two daughters, Miss Elleanor at home, N rs. Clarence (Latireue) Maloney of MeKillop Twp.; two sisters,. Mrs. 'Alex (Lillian) Wright, Sea- forth; .lies. Robert. (Ella) McLtire of Go deri ch. The funeral was held Saturday at 2 p.m. from the G. A. Whitney funeral home, Seaforth.. Burial was in Maitland Bank Cemetery, Sonforth.