HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-06-03, Page 88 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. JUNE 3, 1881, DOORS, THE LONDON DiasrER. SASHES, BLINDS, I A feel midis - `assess (geared trees sake M esenofptton Interior Finish. STAIRS, HANDRAILS, NEWELS and BALUSTERS A Specialty. Send for Prise Lists. SHINGLES, LATH & LUMBER. Estimates on applica- tion. Vil" kddreu FRANCIS SMF.ETH, Goderich MOULDINGS, and every I m U • The followjng Is from the ., toertiser: l0 cute creative with ate Ceweiandor el the Victoria, he said that he felt very thankful fur the svutp•thb eatuoded hue by the citizens. (hi all side., he was glad to ser the after am-dee/emu of the matter resulted in him tieing ,quitted of auv criminal negligee, e w tee ,ratter. Had he beau nude aware of the state of things below, he would Lave 1, own bet - IRISH TROUBLES. -ter what to do. The i.4u,err from the engineer never react ed him, with Alarming State of Public Feel- O°" ustxtptiton. That was a yourtg gal of fourteen, whom he himself he i sent to ing. the engineer t„ ask if there was any danger. The reply canoe bed., "There is great danger unless the beat Is right- el." Immediately ou knowing this he asked several persons see if they couldn't stove the people. Some one or two un- dertook to see after it, but very soon afterwards the disaster ooeurret. A RKS(UEIt LOOT. T. E. O'Callaghan, who was on board the Victoria with his sister, says that among those who worked hardest was one young boy about ten years of ago, who was entirely naked, and a young ntan with only a checked shirt out. They seeped to seve a great numb- er. But what was his horror to learn, on enquiry a while after, that the brave little boy was himself pulled outacurpse! Mr. O'Callaghan could not mut to learn his name, being himself an active work - or, but he says he felt worse about this one brave little fellow than any one cut tell. It is impossible to leant how many other such cases there were, but it is probable there were quite a few who A Large Body of Peasant r ulleetlag .s fleeter a Naag•laary Fight Expected. Loewe, May 28. -- Accounts from Leland indicate that notwithstanding the strung forces at the disposaapl of the sheriffs, the service of writs and -the col- lection of rents is practically ended, ow- ing to the determined resistance of the people. It is reported that the Land gue is resolved if the policemen who use the census papers to get at the hand- writing of the senders of threatening let- ters are not dismissed, to call upon the farmers not to till up the agricultural returns annually called for by the Re- gistrar -General. Herdeinan Moore, recently arrested on suspicion of the murder of Wheeler and discharged for lack of ev::lence, has been re -arrested under the Coercion Act, on a steamer about to sail for America. LovuON, May 28. --The Vous' Dublin special says the Gu.:ette contains 110 pro- clamations directly relating to the I4nd sacrificed their own lives ty save others. League. NOT EVEN WET. Naw Yo.RK, May 28. -Tho gI'orhfe N Finch was on the lower deck at cable says if the Iattd League orders a the time of the accident, standing beside general strike it will not be obeyed ex- cept in the district. where no rent has ex - Mr. efo'aMcBrde. When the boat turned been paid for a year past and where eeic_ "ver he found himself on the side which tions are keeping alive the agitation. was out of the water, thereby escaping say theyThe r the ef tenants Land everywhere i he ussistejout oin saving a large numbegetting Wet. r. Parnell and no Land Bill; and though THE FORP.T e'ITY CREW. the Leaguers are staking desperate ef- Among those who are deservin • of es - forts to keep up the agitation, they are ' metal notice for gallant conduct must not coveting with much success. Of ie mentioned the crew of the Forest late the League executive circulated ap- •City Rowing Club, who, at the time of peals purporting to have been written the accident, were `'spurting" to make by leading prisoners in Kilmainhaut; but I up the few 1. ngths which separated hatter Garragan, of Mullingar, himself them from frothe steamer. Immediatelyan agitator, knocked that trick on the I on seeing the accident, H. Nichles aid head the ether day, by saying that Kil- , M. Reidy sprang overboard, and each inainhatn was ne dungeon or beetile, ! teat, a 'ady passenger to the shore. since the only hard labor inflicted on Hastily undressing they cuutiuuend t., the imprisoned leaguers was "eating exert themselves as long as there was roast beef.' The League funds are run- I any chance of saying life. Guy Parks ning dry. Subscriptions from Ireland and John Cousins remained in the shell, and from branches in England are falling and were the- first to carry a boat load of off every week, and the only hope of the women to the shore. They say that treasurer is the sympathy of rite Iash in they hall a hard time to pt•event g.ad America. swimmers frost jumping into the beat. LoNroos, May 29. -The opinion is al- However their shell escaped from tip - most universal throughout the kingdom ping over they cannot tell, as in one that the condition of affairs in Ireland load they had five women aboard. was never worse than now. The delay - in Parliament on the Lend Bill and the A SAD SCENE. daily enforcement of evictions and A melancholy incident oceGurred at St. arrests under the Coercion Act hare ex- Thome on Monday night, under cir- cumstances that were at once pitiable and justifiable. A bereaved and par- tially demented father, who had sufier- ed the loss of his children in the terrible disaster of the 24th, made his way to St Thomas from London and had to be arrested in order to guard against injury ¢stalling him. He was, of course, most kindly treated, but the poor ratan could not be made to understand anything. His friends in London have been :ouwn- rnunicated with, and it is hoped that his reason may not be entirely dethron- ed. asperated the people to an almost un- precedented extent. In:endiary fires are 'lumen/tie, Conflicts with the au- thorities, frequently resulting in serious injuries and lamentable destruction of property, are increasing. There is vio- lent excitemment in Clogher, caused by 'preparations for eviction in that neigh- borhood. The process -servers and the police and military are new confronted by a body of peasants, whose numbers are increasing hourly. A sanguinary fight is expected between emissaries of the law and the people. The House of Commons remained in session until 5 o'clock this morning, there being a con- flict between the Secretary of State for War and the Irish members, who ob- structed the army estimates. It is reported that the Government have resolved to meet the possible re- jection •.f the Land Bill by the House of Lords, not by dissolution of Parliament, but by an autumn session. There are strong influences at work among the moderate peers to induce a toajutity to accept the measure. A Dublin correspondent states that it is a notorious fact that all the recent disturbances .occurred in the richest ag- ricultural districts, where the farmers are well off. To speer; of these people as ob- jects of compassion and down -trodden rack -rented victims of landlord cruelty is untrue. DUBLIN, May 29. - Dempsey, a farmer, who took land from which a tenant had been evicted, was fired at front behind a hedge in county Galway and killed. lameetn'K; May 20.- The Magistrate -in charge of the military and police ex- pedition sent to execute evictions en people who have taken refuge in the castle gram been suspended for neglect of duty. • There will be no formal appointment to the secretaryship of the Land League. Quinn will discharge Brennan's duties. A bailiff went to servo writs on the Lochalsh. PROLI FIc. -Mr. Finlay McLennan, of Huron, has a mare which gave birth to a pair of foals last week. Both are living. SUNSTROKE. -.A case ..f sunstroke nC- curred in this vicinity on Friday 27th inst., which resulted in the death of a little daughter of Mr. F. McLennan, named Mary Ain, and aged five years. Caors.--With the exception of :t few fields of fall wheat, all kinds of grain are looking exceedingly well, and Bleed(' future weather be favorable, a good har- vest may be looked for in this part of the country. QUICK WORK. -Two barns 50 x 56 feet were raised by one gang of men, en the farms of Messrs Jno. and Alex. Mc- intyre, on Friday afternoon '27th ult; the time occupied in raising both barns after the bents were put together, being only s little over an hour. D1atarrAREn.-Since the recent out- rage on the trampp, all of that fraternity have entirely disappeared from this neighborhood. Doubtless, the., think that it is not a safe part of the country for travellers of their description. We say "good riddance to bad rubbish." 1 allied Mates Meaasbeat Law.. property of Hutchins. near Mallow, in view of the terrible steamboat .lis - county Cork, on Saturday. `e.nle wo- aster in Canadian waters, where more nen sei:ted hint, destroyed the writs, than 200 lives were lost. Secretary stripped him naked and threw him into Windom has determined upon a vigor - the river. They caught him as he came ous enforcement of the steamboat laws. exit and thrashed him with furze. The He has therefore issued a regulation re - man was more dead than alive, and they quiring supervising inspectors t.. report then tarred, feathered and hunted• him daily to the supervising inspector-gener- through the countryA large partyof al of steam vessels Nem the at.eatners police went from Mallow t• reecee him (visited by them, and instructing then( but were unable to find him. in snaking such visits to inquire .of the Dempsey, who was fatally shot, in the licensed officers as to the general condi- ( aunty ioi Galway, was walking quietly loon of the vessel', the safety of their to ' chapel. accompanied by his two hulls and hollers, tl.e efficiency of the childre I. He fell almost within a stone's Iife-heats and otherlife-saving apparatus, thn.w ..f the chapel. Dempsey cum- and to pay special attention to the pre - premiere' a .gxiarrel with the Land Lea- autitxu .gated firs. Special reports gue, after he surtendere 1 his farm. The are required in case it is dlecovered that come wee committed in bread daylight, basil inspectors when granting licenses when the roads we'e crowded with peer have failed to elect all the requirements plc hastening to mass. of law as to the equipment of steamer& The department is of opinion that every passenger and ferry steamer ahould be visited several tunes in the interval cow- ered by its iasspeetion certificate. Ne- glect or refusal to make any Mara or report required by lea of congress iv reetilatinn of the department is pnnnh• alfa by a flee of not more than $1000 ttor less that 1,100. Three of the beti- mes failing to make the daily report re- ferred to have been called upon by a letter from Secretary Windom to explain their neglect to comply with the order, and informed of the rw'nalti, they harp Inenr're l thereby It is reported that .he British Govern- ment hoe ree,lve.l to meet the possible rejection of the land Bill by the House td Lords, not by .liseolutint of Parlia- ment, belt by an autumn seeeinw. Strang iatlitences are at work among the more moderate pe ars to induce the ma jerky to Assent the measure. L. It M. Talbot, lord-liettenant of Glamor a'tshire, has represented that county in the PriF•h Rouse of Commons e*5tt' »^' ale fir ..ow•aeAa of ha'f s een- tette OANADL&N NEWS. Tinware is being shipped from Oshawa 'o Nova Scotia. The beaforth Vu, has enlarged its premises. lest week sown 200 head of cattle were sold at Duthie' Creek market. Bowntanville is to have a new curling and skating rink at a coat of $3,000. Ten miles of steel rails have been laid by the Whitby and ort Perry railway. Mr. Samuel Merner, M. P., of New Hamburg is taking • party of settlers up to Manitoba. A middle aged man ruined Adam Tel- ford committed suicide at Sarnia Satur- day night by hanging. Dissipation. The assessment of Winnipeg has been oowplutexd and shows an increase of over five millions in one year. Writs have been issued for the elec- tions in Pictou and Colchester counties for the House of Commons. The nomi- nations take place on Saturday. Joseph Bigelow of Port Perry was Saturday morning nominated by the Re- formers of North Ontario to fill the vacancy in the h.cal legislature in that constituency. Frank Madill of Beaver- ton was nominated by the Conservatives. Hugh Mackay, crown lands agent and collector of customsat Parry Sound, died Saturday afternoon from the bunting of a blood-resseL The deceased was well known and highly respected throughout the district. John Reily, aged fourteen years, son of a lock tender at Merritton, has been arrested for being one of the six who assaulted the girl Potter some time ago. He luta made a confession giving the names of all the parties. Merriton, from all accounts, appears to be terribly demoralized. The site 'of an Indian village close to the mound opened near Markham the other day by Dr. Wilson, has been dis- covered. Mr. Gohn, who owns the pro- perty, has presented the university with a quantity of pottery, wampum, spear heads, etc., ploughed up by him since lie owned the place. About 6 p.m. on Saturday, a man named John Moir, employed as yards - man in the Grand Trunk yard, Stratford, was accidentally killed. He had just uncoupled the engine from a train, and when stepping away he tripped on the rail, falling across it, and was completely cut in two. He was 37 years of age, and leaves a wife and four small children. 4 t on o'clock on Sunday morning a Finance romwauee. -Johnston; Mit gra in store atClan debeyestation,occupied chell and the preiid�tt. by S. C. Hersey, grain dealer of Lucan, The invoice of new books was present was burnt down. Mr. Hersey had 3000 I ee and on motion was referred to th bushels of wheat stored in the building. Bok and Finance Committees. The fire, it is supposed, was caused by a The meeting then adjourned. spark from a passing engine. No sensation is caused in Lucan by • Depersare of Revert walteker. Cohors, May 98.-Oambette unveiled the monument to the in of the men of the Department of Lotiilled in the war of 1870. In addressing the immense crowd ire said he was not a preacher of the policy of aggression, adventure or Conquest. Nothing touching the Ina" - jou •,1 peace or war taxa be decided ex- cept by the will of the people. The Re- publicans desire ordet and ppeesaoore, with liberty and prowrese ti•tubetta's re- marks received enthusiastic cheers. The Empress of Russia is described ea looking like • corpse rather than a living being, sitting speechless and unmoved,as though neither seeing nor hearing any- thing. It was, perhaps, a premonitionof Nihilist terrors that made poor Vaginae so depressed when, as a bride, she travel- led to meet the Czarewitch. The girl had to have her white face painted, it is said, before she entered the native city of her future husband, that the people might nut notice all the misery of her ex- pression. Meeaaales• Iastltate. May 30, 1881. The first meeting of the new Board of Directors met at Mr. Malcoms,n's office, this evening. Present -Mr. Alex. Morton,president, in the chair ; Mr. F. W. Johnston, gat vice-president ; Mr. W. R Miller, 2nd vice-president ; Mr. G. Sheppard, secre- tary : and Messrs. Rice, Weatherald, W. R. Robertson and James Mitchell, directors. Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. A communication was received fro Mr. R. S. Williams, resigning the posi- tion of treasurer, owing to pressure o business. On motion, the resignation of Mr. Williams was accepted. Moved by Mr. Johnston, seconded D) Mr. Jas. Mitchell, that Mr. W. R Mil• ler be treasurer. -Carried. Mr. W. R. Miller then resigned hu position as 2nd vice-president, and On motion of Mr. Miller, seconded b) Mr. Mitchell, Mr. W. R Robertson war appointed to that position. On motion of Mr. Robertson, second ed by Mr. Weathera:d, Mr. D. McGilli cuddy was appointed a director of the Institute. APPOINTMENT Of • 'uMMITTEEa. - Lecture Committee. -Robertson, Mit chell and McGillicuddy. Book Committee. -Miller, Weatherah acrd Rice. Room (mrtnittee. -Johnston, Rice an VVeatherald. the proceedings now going on before the law officers in Detroit for the extradition of the Feehley brothers. The majority of Monday afternoon by the train leaving people here hesitate nut to say that the the Great Western depot at 3:30 o'clock. whole matter will end in a farce. Some I There was an immense gathering to see two or three witnesses left Lucan ! the last of the Venerable Archdeacon, this evening for Detroit. to give evi- i who with his family was extremely dence. affected. The waiting -room and the platform were crowded with a numerous body of ladies and gentlemen. nearly all the clergy of the city and many from the country, without respect to their re- ligious opinion being in attendance. At their head was Rural Dean Buddy, who gg was accompanied by Canon Treutayne ceeded to Bonnycastle's house and tired and the Rev. W. Crompton as repre- two shots at him from a revolver. The senting the diocese of Algoma, of first missed its mark and the second which Provost Whitaker was one of the grazed Bonnycastle's head, ploughing up principal supporters in every way. the skin. Dr. Pettigrew was then dim- Amongst the laity present were Hua armed and taken to Ce,hourg gaol. Mr. Allan, Messrs. S. B. Harman, C. J. Campbell, F. D. Barwick, W. H. M. THE WORLD OVER. Murray, John Catto, Lewis Moffatt, Frank Wooten, John Hague, James Queen Victoria is going to Italy next Henderson John Young, fines Hen- Monica. Goderich. munch, where she will occupya villa byGeese . S. G Wood, and nearly all the students of Trinity College. {{ONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE' the Lake of Como. y 1 amount of Private Funds for investment Disraeli's rel The Provost shook hands with each at to Auctioneering. etC. CURRIILTHI PIOPLE'S AUC - . TIoYi t. Oea.rint►. omit. 1761. m`t f 3eDical. 11.. G. MACKID, M. D., PHYSI- . cian, Surgeon and Accoucber, Graduate of Toronto University. Oifee opposite Canter- rnr&t Cameron's hank. Luckuuw. 11 not e, orate. enquire at the hank. 17mt-y. DR. McLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR- GEON, Coroner, &c. Otfiee and residence t Bruce Street, second door west of Victoria Street. 1731. DRS. SHANNON .tt HAMILTON, Physicians, Surgeons, Aceouchtrs. &c. Office at Ur. Shannon's residence, near the Jail, Goderich. G. C. SHANNON, J. C. HAMIL- TON. 1751. T•AIKENHEAD V.S., (SUCCESSOR te to Lr. Duncan) t radiate of Ontario Ve- terinary College. (Mice, stables•nd residence. on Newgate Street, tour doors east of Colborne Hotel, N. B. -Horses examined as to sound- ness. 1751. Legal. GARROW & PROPDFOOT, BAR- IUSTtHS, Attorneys. Solicitors, etc., Godertoh. J. T. Garrow, W. Proudtuot. 1751. B. L DOYLE, BARRISTER A N D Attorney, Solicitor in Chancery, kc., Goderich, Ont. 1751. QEAGER & MORTON, BARRIS- (J TERS. etc., to.. Goderich sad %%Ing Lha . C. Seager, Jr., Ooderich. J. A. Morton. Wing - ham. harp. 1751. MALCOMSON, BARRISTER AND ►J• sioneitor. Odlce--Corner of West Street and Market Square, over George Acheson's, Ooderich. 1751. CAMPh )\, ATTORNEY -AT - .1.4. LAW, Solicitor in C►aaoery, Cnavey- •noer. kc. Othce over Sheppard's boehutore. Goderich, Ont. Any amount of motley to loan at lowest rates o! interest 1731-y. A.MERON, HaLT & CAMERON, r Barristers, Solo;: -.ors In Chancery. kc., Goderich and Wingha:... M. C. Cameron, Q. C.: P. Holt. M. G. Cameron. Goderich. W. E. Macara, Wingham. 1751. miscellaneous QarDs. ' TAMES SMAILL, ARCHITECT, &c. 01 Office. Crabb'e Block. kingston et., 0ede rich. Plans and specifications drawn correct . ly. Carpenter's' plasterer's and mason's wort measured and valued. 1 E.R. WATSON, HOUSE, SIGei 1J • and Ornamental Painter.. Parlor decor t sting made a specialty. GRAINING, GILDING GLAZING. Shop on North Street. opposite chi Registry Ounce. Goderich. 1751 - STRATF')RD BINDERY-ESTAB LISHED 1960. This establishment is chief, devoted to job and library work. especially t, those unique and economical hellcat( and mor Poem, styles. In all cases the best of stock ant workmanship. with strength and beauty com Dined. Binderyover John Dutton's drug store GEORGE STOE. The departure of Provost Whitaker I frotn Toronto for Europe took place Dr. Pettigrew of Cantpbellford, on returning home Saturday, learned from his little daughter that Richard Bonny - castle, a wealthy fernier living near the village, and of whom he was jealous, had been at his house during the greater part of the precedin night. He ro- Sonsorial. 30,000 ROLLS eiF ALL PAPIl FROM 4c PER ROLL1 A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT Plated Ferns and Spoons IN TRIPLY ANu qt ADat•PLZ PLATE. QUALITY GUARANTEED, �� , KNIGHT, PRACTICAL BAR -1 BER and Hairdresser, begs to return thanks to the public for past patronage, and solicits a continuance of custom. He ran always be found at his Shaving Parlor. near the lost Office. Goderich. 1733 1 Loans ani insurance. '1Moorhouse's. MOORHOUSE Would respectfully intimate to his numerous customer* and the public generally that he hes just opened out • Fresh Stock Of Paper Hangings comprising every Novelty in GOLD & BRONZE PAPERS, SATIN PAPERS, MARBLE & OAK PAPERS, CEILING PAPERS. Dados-�Decorations--Borders suitable for DRAWING ROOM, DINING ROOM, SITTING ROOM, RED ROOM, HALL, OFFICE KITCHEN. -ALSO-- All this Season's Patterns in Window Shades, Which will be found much superior to any thing yet 'hewn in this county. • Q500,000 TO. LOAN. APPLY TO ric4i711)111008 CAMERON. HOLT & CAMERO 1'-599.�e Prices the �er�r bousi. I gt 75,000 TO LEND ON REAL )i S ; A call solicited. No trouble to TATE. Terns favorable. Apply to B. L. I DOYLE. Goderich. 1731 i show patterns whether you buy or not. CL 50,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND on good Farm or first-class Town Property at 8 per cent. Auuly to R. RADCLIFFE. 1751 ' !ONEY TO LEND IN ANY! 1 amount to suit borrowers at 6 to 64 per cent. Private funds. Apply to Sxaora and' igiuus cresel was once de individually, adding a few kindly words scribed as "the blank leaf between the in return to their gad wishes. Old ;gid New Testaments " .As the train steamed out of the depot Sir Wilfred L.. -.....'s kcal option re- solution w,ts first laced on the notice he appeared on the rear platform of the paper in the English House of Commons car, and was greeted with three hearty for June Teth. 1 cheers as a send off. Judge Mackenzie, of Montreal. has de- eieeeesd ..sere/gm Beweli aad the •n sided that a ball -dregs is not an ordinary mase Order. article of dress and, therefore, not ex- - empt front seizure for debt. O'rrewe. May 31. -The Free Prat to- I Midhat Pasha declares that the story day publishes the following: "At the of the murder •of Abdul Aziz is at tissue coming (:rand Orange Lodge of Western of falsehood. He Bs he c ommitted I Bays Ontario there will 1.e some lively busi- suicidenes. on the board, in which the Hon. The Kilntallock land league has start-' ed a movement for presenting Sheehy, the imprisoned priest, with a national testimonial. 'During the past fortnight there has been an increase of 713 cases ..f small- pox in L ondon. There aro now 1600 cases in the hospitals. In an English court a lady has obtain- ed a verdict of £700 against a railway company, rue compensation for injury re- ceived by her owing to a train stopping too suddenly. When Beaconsfield's wife died he said to Lord Malmesbury, "1 hope some of my friends will take notice of me new. 1 feel as if I had now no home. When 1 tell my coachman to drive home I feel it • ni,ckery." To the ordinary scourges of the army worm and the potato bug, the year 1881 seems to be adding a new insect pest in the shape of • black asparagus bug, which easily digests Paris green: and the destructive locusts in some re- gions are preparing to take held. A arca the w•.rse of liqu•.r, attempted to obtain entrance to Cerdno ■ Halla Seaforth, on Sunday -moraine. for the p'trpese of stoning ex Monk Widdows, who was preaching there. The stones were Laken sway and exhibited by Mr. Widdowa at the evening service. Catherine Marshall, aged 14 years, the Scotch fasting girl. lately completed her eighteenth week withoit fond. Malicia men acknowledge themselves puzle.3 by her. When ofred milk she Must out crying. and it was hours be- fore she recovered fr..m the excite- ment. ()lemma P,'wer has written a letter taunting Egan with skulking to Paris, and warning his countrymen. if they will allow themselves to be goaded into unarmed insurrection by screamsrs, hired demagogues who hare elnrad shown the white feather, that they will he ahandnne•3 and 'weaned in the hour ,f trial • Mackenzie Revell. Minister of Customs, will figure largely. John G. Moore Mr. Bewell's brother -in law, and manag- er of the Belleville Intelligettce,r for quite a time, was Treasurer of the Grand Orange Lodge of Western On- tario for a number of years, retiring several months ago without giving an se - count of his stewardship as is customary en such occasions. The amount of money known to he in the treasury was $2,000 or thereabouts. Mr. Moore de- parted for Winnepeg, and he must have the dollars, as no trace of the latter can be had. The Treasurer declined -to pay any attention to the calls nude upon him for a refund of the cash belonging to the Grand Orange Lodge of this sec- tion, so the (Moers turned their eyes to ward the bondsman, the Hon. Macken- zie Rowell, ex -Grand Sovereign of the Orange Association 01 British North America, and now a resident of Belle- ville. It now turns out that there was a great laxity in not having the bands registered at the proper time on account eh th by eph i eofficial f theondstnen. position l the This . where a great miatake has been made so far as the iirand Lodge is concerned, for the Minister of Customs declines any responsibility in the matter, and alto. //ether it is too bad that the Eastern Branch of the Orange Society will have to whistle fel the lest wealth belonging to it. aNevmea uagtees•4'onnty of Hw a t of Writ d o sett:wn1 tnwad pest o/ west rates on first=class Mortgages. Apply to GARP.O%V & PROU DFOOT. LOANS FREE OF CHARGE.- i Money to lend at lowest rates, tree of any coots or charges. SEAGER d• MORTON. opposite Colborne Hotel. Goderich. 23rd March 1881. 1779. t PER CENT'. -THE CANADA 1 11 Landed Credit Company is prepared to lend money on good Farn) shcurity. at six per rent. Full ppasrticularti5iven upon application to HUGH HAMILTON. U. L. agent. Goderich. 1785. ta20,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND see on Farm and Town Property at lowest in- terest. Mortgoges purchased. no Commission cNSR Borrowers can obtain m ney Fees in one day if title is satisfactory.-DAVISON k JOHN. STON. Barristers, &c., Go isrich. 1751 Di RADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, Life and Accident Insurance Agent. Represent ing first-class Companies. Also agent. for the ('.NADA Ltvt STOCK INet.•RANCE Co. Money to lend on Mortgage, either In Town or Farm Property, in any way to snit the borrow- er. (Mice--cup-stairs) Ray's block, Goderich, Oat. 1751 1N8URANCE CARD. BRITISH ASS. CO'Y. Tome -To -Established 16m. PH(ENiX INS. CO'Y, of LoNroN lEagland)- Rstablished 1762. HARTFORD INC. CO'T, of HARTFORD. Conn. -Ltabtlshed 1516. Maim taken in the above Irst-elisal Ogees, at the lowest rates by HORACE HORTON. The undersigned is igen Appraiser for the CANADA PER. LOAN AND SAVINGS CON. Towotrto. Money to Loan es Bret -clam security, teem 7 tom per Cent -Charges moderate. • HORACE NORTON. Goderieh, Sept. M. 1M0. 1731 SHERIFF 8 SALE OF LANDS. Gooaascw. Joe tad. 11.1 Wheatnewt, trail � $1 es ea Ol mkt .. 106 •a 1 10 mew cwt ' ..........:....... e a at 013 err to 0 116 tMeeh 00 I e1d ieiair, t rasa. .. , . 6 le 6M .,�. 0 q tater. h esu.. ff11 ter, to le • 01 r i id , e dos. otnppuur'kedt 0 11 0 0 11 114 .0i.. w.lp►et) 0 e 0M A Port mod.. gait per barrel . W hdssnle. rm.= .5 , « . tie et at tie skid the at 1 Cherttls OI oe, f3. ie )Mager teat Inthe sPA 'LT wet, at monet. BBON • SihortR t'1 Hares. 1710 T. J. MODERNISE. 1 000 ENGLISH, FRENCH. GERMAN ...pip AMERICAN CHROMOS. STEEL ENGRAVINGS AND LITHO- GRAPHS are now ready for your inspection at MOORHOUSE'S.' THE NEW BICKERSTETFI HYMNAL COMPANION, ALL STYLES AND PRICES, AT Moorhouss's. THE NEW IoSbyt0r!llll llyiiiii&1 ALL THE KINDS PUBLISHED AT MOORHOUSE'S. THE NSW WESLEYAN IIYIN BOOK iN ALL ITS FY/RMA AT MOORSOUSE'S . Ooderich, May 3rd 1881