The Brussels Post, 1968-07-25, Page 5fHE UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. A, M. Johnston B.D. Organist: hays. Fred Stephenson ii100 WOrship NIEL V ILLE PRES13)CrialAN CHURCH Minister REV. C. A. MoQARROLL Organist: Mrs, Nora Moffat 11, 4k.M. Divine Worship ExCLUENT CAR BUYS 1967 MERCURY 1/2 TON CUSTOM CAB, long, wide box 1966 METEOR, MONTCALM 2 Dr. HTP. 1965 METEOR STATION. WAGON, auto. 2 — 1964 MERCURYS 1961 GMC CAB & CHASSIS 960 series, 6. cyl, 5 speed trans, 2 speed axle 1968 MUSTANG .SPECIALS SEVERAL OTHER 63 and 64 CHEVS., PONTIACS, FORDS, METEORS, MERCURYS RIDGE MOTORS YOUR MUSTANG, FALCON, FAIRLANE FORD and THUNDERBIRD DEALER BRUSSELS PHONE 249 W1NGHAM PHONE 357-3460 CRANBROOK, Miss Mart lm Jeschke, Toronto, :Herbert Jeschke and Miss Betty Giesler Fraser. Mich. visited here. Mr, and Mrs. Jack 'Knight, and Children and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Engel and family, were at 13erfora Lake for the week-end, mr. and Mrs. Oscar Huelin, Con„-[ estoga, visit:ea with. Miss E. M. Steiss, Rev. James Ana., and Wilmer Erringlon Goderich, left by plane on a trip to Ireland, Rev. and Mrs. Edwin G. Nulson, and family, Saskatoon, were re- newing acquaintances in this area and attended the church service on Sunday morning. Air, and Mrs. Douglas Warts, Jmnes McFarlane and Miss: Millie Mc Farl ne attended the Med- daugh-Pfeieffer wedding in Pin- Cpni itg, Mich. on Saturday. Air. and Mrs. Don Jacklin and 0114(110n, 11310amingdale, Were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dunn. The service in Knox Church for the month of August is as followa: Aug. 4 and 11 the service will 'be held at 10.20 a.m. with: Mr, A. Vande.rvries, student from Water- loo in the pulpit, The services are Withdrawn for Ang. 1 Sth and 25th. Vacation Church School is being held at Union Church for two -Weeks with flu enrollment of op- proximately 125 children. Showered Prior To Marriage A miscellanous shower was held in the Community Centre on Wed- nesday evening, Tuly 17th, for Miss Carol Fischer, a bride of this' month, Contests were conducted' by Mrs. Glenn .1-luether and Mrs. Ross Knight. Mrs. Stuart Steins' played piano numbers and also ac- companied for duets by the DU- charme Sisters and tap-danCe numbers by lca.ncy and Mary Ellett Knight. Mrs. Larry Marlatt read an addess and Carol was present- ed with ninny beautiful and useful gifts, She expressed her thanks to all and extended an invitatiOn . to visit her in her new 41orhe Oshatra, O.P.P. REPORT ;Tidy The following Motor accidents were reported •Winghain 'Detnehnient 23, 1988 Vehicle to the T11.14 BRUSSELS, 1:}1i$T, iiitUSSEILS ON;rrAill0 'L'ILUItSDAY, JULY 2411, 1968 TURNBERRY — On Mon- daY evening on. Concessiett 6, TurnberrY Township, a 1967 Pontiac driven by Leonard John- sloe, Wingliain, Ontario, went out of Q011trUi, left the road and struck 0„ hydro pole. .Dainage was e.siiinated at 350e. hro‘l. Coast. W. A. Stevenson investigated. GREY TN\ h. • On '.Chursday afternoon on Cencession. 7-3, Grey 'township, a 1900 Haernatioaal driven by Frank Alcock, Brus- sels, Ontario relied over rtfter the ariVer pulled onto the north suoulder and the right, wheel drap- ed into the ditch. Damage was, es-: timated 3200.00. Prov. CQUSt. 1.1. Li. McKittrick inyestigated, MORRIS T\\ -- Burly Thus- day morning on' Sideroad ; 5-1G, Morris Township, a 1962 Chevro- let driven by Murray Nesbitt, lilt, 3, Walton, Oatario, Was struck by a C.P.R. paSsenger train:: Damage was minor. Prey. Const. K. it, Latzer investigated. W. A. Stevenson, Safety Officer, Winghara HOWICK LIONS DINGO WINNERS Regular Games: Mrs. Engar, W'ro.‘eter; Mrs. Sarah AlISLULI, Wingham; MrS, Harry Garniss, Wingham; Miss Roseniary Cron, Mildmay and Miss Nancy Riley, Winghain; Mrs. Wm. Upper, Listowel and Alex Mc- Michael, Clinton; hid Gillum., Carrie. and Mrs, hat Prince, Col- lingwood; Alex AlcMichael, Clin- ton; Mrs. Fee g Riley Mrs, George Strauss, Mildmay, Mrs. Wilfred Henry, Wingltam and Telly St. Marie, Inuevale; Mrs. Prti. Ohm, Windham; Bill Craig, 'Walkerton; 'Mrs. Pat Prince, Col- lingWood and Mrs. Manfred Irwin, Gorrie; Phil Strauss, Mildmay. Share the Wealth: 1, Ale Clinton; Mrs, Lee Strauss, Mildinay. $25 Special Mrs. Art Wheeler, Wro.xeler, and MiSs Emma, Wahl, LiStowel Jackpot Consolation plus Bonus: Mrs, Sinion Mildnilly Door Prizes: Mrs. Gerald Goll, Walkerton; Mi•s. tivin. illuevale; Peter Witigha.m arid Tony St, Marie, Bluevale, The IteXt T-Towick "Illtig0 will be held on Friday, August 2, in WrOXeter CommUnity Hall, when the Jackpot will. be $35 in CO Ming, CARPS OF INANKS is? Thu Rev, Andrew Lurie and family W1611 to thank their many friends for the kind, oXpressions of sympathy in their recent bereave- ment. i would like to thank everyone for the lovely cards received, and fur visits from friends arm relatives, while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, and in Win gh ant 1lospital,. 'Members of the family of the late jellies Michie wish. to express 6i11C01.0 thanks to all those who helped during their sudden bereavement, The many acts of kindness and expressions of sym- Patay will alWays be remembered. The family of the late Mrs. Irvin Durst of Stratford, wish to thank friends and neighbours for their kindness, expressions of sympathy, and floral tributes. Special thanks to the Rebekah Lodge. Also thanks to those who sent flowers, cards, letters and gifts while she was in hospital, COMING EVENTS : NOTICE Enjoy Civic Holiday at "Man and ills World", Montreal, by a modern Air Ride Coach, Leaves August 2nd. Return Aug. 45th. 1.4'or information and reser- Vation Phone; Habkirk Transit Service Ltd. Phone 527-:t222 Seaforth Box 700, Seaforth 11111•01111111iwomiweimiiiiirmaii IT'S NOT TOO EARLY TO BOOK FOR CUSTOM COMBINING W'E HAVE 2 GIANT' CLAAS COMBINES ALLIS GLEANER Available for Custom Work Cereal Grain and Grain Corn ROE FARMS LTD. PHONE ATWOOD 356-2211 of ALEX CAMERON PHONE BRUSSELS 356J4 fit AtroRT uPtioLtirrawir Contra Strait For all kinds of Upholstering Brussels RepritentatIva: SELWYN BAKER Phorie 41 or 79' BrUsseis Dear Mr, Thynne: I trust you. will accept this letter in the same good spirit in which I send it. Hoping it will be of benefit to some people who need help phy- sically, morally and mentally. Do Do you think you use your talentS where the Lord wanted them? I don't. A laugh lasts a minute, and is forgotten, f. suggest you write in a more serious mood and expose sonic of the sin we have in our village. We close our eyes to the ugly things that are taking place while we should try and stop them because they are growing at an alarming rate. Do you knoW we have two wife beaters amongst us, also baby whippers, sex:maniacs, cheating wives; and others who shoUld, be exposed. Why don't you tell us about the drunken hus- bands who beats up his wife and kids regularly, or About the near by fanner who whipped his eight year old boy into bed for almoSt a week, Ten them abOut the middle aged couple wire went to Expo last year, returned Unexpectedly about midnight, and found their daught- er and her boy friend dancing in the. nude. Tell them about the wife who is taking a course in ListoWel but can be found parked near the golf coarse in (Toth:rich, What about the parties that are held every Saturday night and late in- to Sunday morning. Is it true that you yourself 'had your tractor stolen, and ruined and did not re- port it? Is this not giving the thieves encouragement to g'0 ahead? is true you have cattle and sows among the farmers? It this fair? Price is controlled by supply and demand and now Many business men in Brussels are farthing with no farms. More; Mr, Thynne, could go on, and on, and on, abort the sin and the ititoler, ante we have in our village, I pray you help us. You have been giVen the talent and the oppor- tunity to do good and T pray you will hear Vent-bill. Yortr8 truly, Mrs, Dear Mrs.. Thank you for your letter, it has certainly given me food for thought, but it is a very difficult letter to atistVer. I suggest. Yntt write the Children's Aid regardi the kid who was beaten up and write the guy who beats up his wife and kids and tell him next time he will be reported. How, ever I don't pretend to be Ana Landers. My column is for a gig- gle or a belly laugh. i do not, use names of people that 1 do not Claim as a friend, 1 wouldn't hurt anyone, Everyone knows, or should know, my writings are just made up, or in plain words dam lies. But let as examine your letter line by line, I think you are right in some ways, i will write every fourth lettlEr in a more serious mood. Now about this couple who caught their daughter dancing with her boy friend, in. the nude. You must admit there is no harm in danc- ing and We have nudist camps all over, YOUP objection then must be they Were put of step. Maybe bad timing. As for wearing no clothes, I throw them off every chance I got: I admit I pull down th.e blinds, lock the door, in hot Weather and stroll around stark naked. When 1 go to bed r loek the door and strip. In my room is a huge mirror about 6 ft. long 4ft. high. Well, I stand in front Of this every night, ;last gazing and admiring the most, beautiful physique ever produced by man. I gaze in awe at the only living Figure that, can compare with the Greek ,Gbds of old, Hercules, Thor', Atlas etc, A. short time ago we 'had a newly married couple SPend the night with us. I was gazing at myself. pounding' my breast like Tartan and Wondering if it would he better with two mirrors so I see both sides at once, I knew the Young lady was pecking as I had taken out the key. Noxt at breakfast she just gazed at me With admiration and in a sort of daze, Every time her 'husband spoke she looked at him with a look of pity. A look of repugnance and disapointtnent., Now about this wife who is taking a emirse. Apparently as long as she gets it she don't care Where., Listowel or 171,oderich, and its hot OWn business. As far 0,8 Saturday rite parties, beings lutist, have diver- Sion Ana reeteritien, T assure yeti Mrs. you 'have Made the think and 1 do thank yoti, Truthfully ?Mira T. NEW AMERICAN HOTEL iimuSeal.11, ONTARIO DINING ROOM and COFFEE SHOP RE-OPENED FOR BUS1;N&S DINING ROOM NOW OPEN SUNDAYS From 12 to 3 p.m. and 5 to 8 1)-01- I •E NTER AINME IV T IN THE. "RAINBOW ROOM" * * vVIE FEATURE: Friday Spare Ribs and Sauerkraut, Roast Turkey, Giant Hamburgers Saturday — Southern Fried Chicken, Fish and Chips, Giant Hamburgers GENTLEMEN'S CLUB NEWS ITEMS JUNE 22;1968 Letter received June 23