The Brussels Post, 1968-07-25, Page 1russeto 12.00 A Year In Advance THE liftUSSELS, POST, THVItSDAY, 25th, 1968 POST PUBLISHING HOURIll WALTON AREA LADY LOSES LIMB IN FARM ACC1RENT Edith Boyd, 211 or it,R. 2, Walton, is in fair condition in Victoria H:oepital, tiondon, following an accident Saturday afternoon. Miss Boyd with a friend, Lew- rence Taylor, 'Was visiting at the farm Of Mr, and 11Trs. Harvey Taylor, 1:11t., 1, Loridesboro, Mr Taylor sot off to cut weeds on the Taylor grass farm, He was driving the tractor which was pulling a power mower, Miss BOyd was with him. It is believed that Miss Boyd most, have slipped and fallen coming in contact with the power 'mower. Her leg, was severed below the knee, and her, other leg was lacerated. Mr, Taylor took her to the farin of a neighbour, Donald Bnehanan, RR 1, Londesboro. Prom there she was taken to Seaforth riunity Hospital and transferred to Victoria Hospital, London, iM-; mediately. She is the daughter of Me: and Mrs, John T, Boyd. PEOPLE WiE KNOW Mrs. Willim. Stephenson, who has been a patient in. Wingham and District Hospital returned home last week. Gerald McCauley had the mis- fortane to get a sliver of metal in Ms eye while at work at Me- Cutehe014 Motors where he is eM.- ployed. Mr, and Mrs. Sohn Tooth of Montreal visited with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. AI Eel -win Martin, Mrs. A. '13. Leckie of NeW Market and Mr. Peter G. Mor- rison, St Mary's, were guests on Sunday with Miss Bessie Moses. Archie Thompson, Toronto, SPent the weekend at home with his parents Mr. and Mrs. M. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. .Tacle Ritchie have returned from holidaying in-South- ampton, Mr. 'Willtain McWhirter *Rh his daughter and her husband, Mr and Mrs. 'George iNerr, of 'Arey- hurt, Sask„ are visiting here with the MeWhirter families, Me, Ross son of Mr. and Mrs. Clartmee Artrill: RR 4. Enid- teals, has accepted 0 position with Aleatt Design Homes, Woodstock. S, EL L. Kreuter, who has been stationed at Gagetown, IsT,a, is at home with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Calvin Kreuter enrolite to Edmonton where he will ;loin the Airborne Division, MAJESTIC W .1. TO SPONSOR "COTTONS MAY BE SMART" The Mojestic is liStiOnsoring the )Then County 4-1T 'Hiothemaking Club's Fell project. "Cottons May 'Be Smart". Any girl between the ages 6f 12 and 26 yeats, wishing to take the coarse' 'Please contact. Miss TtoSe- Mary Blake, RR 2. T3tussels, phone 421t4 6f 1, it, Joyce Triehii er, Ait. 3, tirussels. 432\V-I by AtigtBrit IOt Ts 'i)G8, BAKER — MICHIE A. pretty wedding was solemized in -Knox United Church, Ilelgrave, on Saturday, July 20th, when Ruth Louise daughter of Mr, end Mrs. George Miebie of FIR 4, lirussels was united in marriage to James Allen Baker, son of Mrs. \Vier(' Baker and the late Mr. Bali Or of Napanee,' The eel- molly was performed by Rev, Job', O. Roberts of ifielgrave. The Church was. decorated with white , shasta .and yellow gladioli, The- bride, given. in marriage by her feather, wore a romentie em- pire waisted gOwn of gossaMer silk draped in elaesie lines'with a narrow band Or French MattetasSa lace around the scoop neckline The sleeves were made of alter- nate rows of wide and narrow' Maltelessa .lace, Palling from the neckline was a long detachable.. train trimmed with three rows .•.of 01.e same lace at the bottom; .A Queen's • Grown of crystal and pearl head-dress held a five tier. silk illusion veil, She carried a cascade ot. yellow roses. The 'maid of honour, Miss Helen Anderson of London. wore • a slender sheath gown of green shantique with empire waist and bell sleeves. Matching llelgian lace trimmed the waist and a two panel train roll from shoulder to hemline at the back. She chose a matching bow for her head-dress and carried white elia.sta mums. The bridesmaids, Miss Donna Crosby and Miss .Marian Gibb of London wore dresses identical 1 9 the, maid of honour. Miss Sheila Anderson of Belgrave, cousin of the bride, was dressed similarly. The. organist, Miss Joyce 'play'ed the wedding music and accompanied the soloist, Miss fa me Beecrort who same; "Weddi ng Prayer" and "0 Perfect Love". i1d r. Carman. Ph i tier of Ottawa, brother-in-law of the groom, was the best Guests were ushered by Lloyd broth.er of the bride, and; Peter Ridout of Nitehener, At the reception in the base- Merit of the church, the. ])ride's mother received in It pink en- seinble 'with white lace over the bodice of the dress and full length coal:. Her hat was of pink tulle with flowers and her other ac- essories were white. She wore a corsage of white carnations. rite groom's mother assisted wear- ing a. turquoise crepe dress with front lace panels. She chose white accessories and her corsage was pink carna t ions. rot travelling, the bride chose an ensemble of white lace bonded on green with a. V neck of green ruffles. Her hat was a matching foen beret rind she eerried white purse and glove's. T-Ter corsage was Made Of inYeriad shnste mums. their lione.ymoon, the bride and grooni travelled to Poterboto. Ottawa and other points it. 'Feist- 0)11 Ontario. atteatg were present froth flare rie, 10041e:tier, London, MOPfatttf BENJAMIN G. WALKER Benjamin G. Walker, 78, of Stratford, formerly of Ilrussels, died Monday in Stratford General I lospi tal. Tie. was the son of the into. Mr. and Mrs David Walker of Brus- sels,. lie was for number of years feneral.' director in New l•lamburg and later iit Brussels, until he retired front 'business in '059, I-fe is survived • by one son, Leonar'd G., of •London; three ;.•;,randchidree and three great, erendchildren. • The funeral was held ‘Vedees- day at 2. pare at St. John's Anglican Clutrcb, Brussels. • • Burial was iii: ifirusseIS Bev, • MRS WILLIAM BLAKE . Mrs. William Blake, Grey Town., ship, Rit 2, Brussels,. died Sunday in Wingitain and :District Hospital. She was in her 82nd 'year. A widow, she Was the former Mary Kinahan,• datighter of the late Mr, and MrS, Kinaban. ' . • She is survived by two sons. William and Louis of Grey Town- ship; three daughters, Mrs. Guy (Veronica) Griffiths, Montreal; Miss Helen, Toronto; Sister Her- in a n ,Thseph r.11 a rga , London. end eight grandchildren._ body rested. at the D. A. Rama Funeral 'Ironic in Brussels until Tuesday morning when Requiem mass was said in St. embrose Roman Catholic Chureh., Prussols at 10.20 a.m. There were prayers at the funeral home on :Monday night. initial was in St •nbrose cemetery. 1'1111151m-et's were Gordon Blake, Stuart Stevenson, .Tohn Alcoek, Lloyd Weber. ,Tames Nolan. Ross Deaner, ANNOUNCEMENT _Mr. and 'Mrs. Adrian MeTaggerf, l'ernesels, wish to announce the' forthcoming: marriage of their daughter. Ruth Louise, of Kiiteb e ener. to Alf, .70h11 Murray Lowe son. or Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lowe of 1hossels. Marriage to take place Satme day. August 31st, 1968, at 13ruseels 'Fulled Church at 3:30 o'clock. ENGAGEMENT Air. and Mrs Alvin 3". Lnekliardt 2, Ont.. 'wish to ennounce Hie engagement or their daughter. Shirley ilVfiargaret. to Mr. Victor Earl Cardiff, son of Mr. end 1\r,•,,. r_oss M, Cardiff. HR 41„ 1 h'ussels. The inerrimee will take place at the Redeemer Lutheren Church. Mottleton, on SatUrday, August 01.11 et 3:00 pan. `:ewe/lee "eZewboro, North Ihiy. Ottawn, Sea forth, Summerside. P T. Toronto, n ghat and Yarkef, MISS LENA PARKINSON miss Lena Parkinson, '71.1 ;died, at her home, lilt 3, Itrue',,ele, on Sal urday. Born in England, site was tie , daughter of Ow late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parkinson. She tenni' to Canada 67 years ago, Site is survived by one brother, William Stubbs, of Morris Town- ship. The funeral waS, held from the H. A. Rana Funeral Home, iiirUs- sols, at 2 p. Burial was in Brandon ('nit'. tory. Belgrave. Pallbearers Were; Herold Proctor, Charles Proctor, Howard Wilkinson, ;Clarence Gordon Nicholson. Flower hearers, (e, Anderson and 'W. Armstrong, MRS. SILAS JOHNSTON Mrs, Silas ;Johnston, ST, a former, resident of this community, died et Huronview on Tuesday, She was the Cornier Rebecca Vorrest. She is survived by three sons, Harvey, Clinton; Bert of Godete ieh and James or Essex; a sister, Mrs Martin (Mary) Herr, Grand Rapids, The funeral service was held from the 17. A. lanai Funeral trom.e, Brussels, at 2 p.m. on Fri tety. Burial was in :Brussels Ceme- tery. Pallbearers were Carl: Johnston, ;Kenneth Johnston, Bill Peacock, Charles Johnston, Herb, Traviss Kenneth McDonald, MRS. IRWIN S. DURST Mrs. Irwin S, thirst, 76, Stret- f-rd, died at Avon Creed. She was tile, former Mahala Albertina II a Miter, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Nicholas Hammer. Born in. Listowel, she lived in Wroxeter for some years. She had lived in Stratford ler the past 27 years. She was a member of Central United Church. Her husband (lied 2.1 years ago. She is survived by three sons, Gananocele; Harold, Strat- ford; Roy of Walkerton,: seven daughters, Mrs.john (Margaret) MeCtitcheon, Brussele; MI'S; Iliam (Vera) WalterS, Orillia; Edward (Kathleen) Rut- ledge. Brussels: Mrs. Gordon (Alma) Parr, Prince George, B.C.; Mrs. Lewis (Mae) Ebel Tngee:sol: Donald (Joyce) Badger, Orillia.; Mrs. Robert (Dorothy) n The funeral service was hold teat gg1-.(t Innetli Collins, Stratford children and five ehildren. from the Heinletele funeral home. Stretford at 1.20 pan. oil Monday. Burial NV S in. .evolidale come oey, St ret Hord. NOTICE — The Municipal Office of the village of Prussele will be eiee,ee .Tuiy 39tliee30111. list and Aug. 1st, 3rd, for holidays. Ti. ging, C 1 elle Villa e otilreseels Morris, East Wawanosia School Board Meeting The ;Morrie East Wawanoeih School flour(' held its regular meeting in Myth School on. July -Mt Two members of the Board w k,t re absent., The, minutes of the .June meet- ing Were read and approved on a motion by .1, Coulies and B. El- liott. COn S erable cor- respondence white] was read ctnd erdered filed. The new teacher's salary eohee (Mile was exami nod thoroughly, Motion C. (lowing and ii, that the salary schedule dated June 3. 19E15, be accepted and. the. Secretary 15, authorized to sign. this agreement... ;lowing that Kindergarten teach- Motion of .1. ('oultcs and. O. ers eowincting half day classes be given credit: for one year on.com- pletion of two years Of such f,e-lebing experience, Motion by 3. fnultes that approved bills be paid. S neer, mower , $ 640.50 Belgrave M. 131 atek 60.00 Bell Telephone 29.09 Winghem P.S. tuition. M. Budges :231(.130:3070 fees Mel wan Supplies .27.90 i.i. Black 27.90 2.5..31 Webster McKinnon I lydro. Brussels 75.24 18779:3338 myth Sel•::'e ingtle.'ae."7 Nils of loss than $25 each 143.1.4 \lotion by •Ce Bowing and J • Coultes that the next. regular . meeting be in Prussels Sc- tOOl September le Ralph Shaw Coo.12ilirrreCiatni n tehee c secretary MRS. JOHN A. GIBSON. • .Mrs. John A. Gibson, 83, Trow: Iwidge, di!ki in 'memorial llosutat, Listowel, Thursday. abtle She was a widow, the former • "ewe,- Elizabeth Allen, Surviving are one son, Ernest North Burnaby, It. C.: four druigt• ors, Mrs. Clyde (Mary) Stein- Muse, Leroy, Mich.; Mrs. .Elmor - Parrish, Trowbridge; Mrs jolin (Pesie) Lamont, Brus. 3,11's. John (Ethel) Purvis, Ethel: 114 The funeral was held Saturday it 2:3(1 from the McLaughlin and Reid funeral home. IA:dowel. Burin] was in woodlawn. cerae- te,ry. Listowol. BORN 11.A .RLATT - • Wayne and Darlene Marl:tit are very Droll(' to an- nounce the arrival of Pamela ,lo--`.tilt, sie poende, omiees, a sister for Dareee. !in Wing- bem and District Hospital, on. ,Tula 7th. HOLIDAY TIME There will NO ISSUE of the Brrttsels Pc ,,t Atigust 1st and 8th