HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-06-03, Page 7THE HURON StGNAL. FRIDAY, JUNE 3. 1881. }tousehola Hints. Tessor. --'Ake • tine large white -fish, steam till dune, take all the bones out, and sprinkle with salt and p. pe: ; take r quart of milk, quarter pound flour, a bunch ut parsley, and thres large slices of onion; put over the ti=re, atld stir till it comes to r thick, moue( take o1T, add two eggs, quarter putted of butter; strain through a sieve; put in a baking dish a layer of tuh and a layer of sauce alternately until the diah is full, the sauce being un top, then sprinkle with bread crumbs; lake half an hour =u a z oderate oven. DANISH PICKLED ONIONS.- - Cut onions into slices, put a layer of therm iuto ajar, sprinkle with cayenne pepper and salt, then add another layer of onions and proceed as before. Proceed in this way until the jar is full, and pour oold vine. gar over all till coverer. They will be tit to use In a month. &olden tbleanings. There aro two kinds of mercies- mer- cies in hand and mercies in hope. Peace does not dwell in outward thiugs, but within the caul. The greatest of faults is to be con- scious of none. --(Thomas Carlyle. Occasions of adversity do not make a man frail, but they show him what he is. Impossible things are always being done, else the world had been all wilder - new by this time. As a river is deep, wo are the mercies of (1o1 great, neither can the b•ttom of them be sought by any mann. Goal will not refuse the per offerings of poor people; but he will not accept the poor offerings of the rich. It is needful to trust as well as to pray -to believe that s'rengt:l will come, as to reach out the hand of faith to receive RUSSIAN SALAD. --Cut up raw apples, I it. and every kind of available vegetables S,nue mien think that the business of into small slices, and lay theta in s shallow dish, with salt, a little vinegar and pepper; and the best , il. Tut dressing must thoroughly saturate the mixture fur twelve hours, and thee this salad will be not only a new hut a god dish. INK Seam. -If soaked to warm milk 'before the ink has a chance to dry, the spot may usually be removed. If it has dried in rub table salt and drop lemon juice upon the salt White soap diluted with vinegar is likewise a good thing to take out ink spots Hiss PUDDING.-Sc&ld one quart of milk and dissolve aix tablespoonfuls of corn starch in cold milk add the yolks of three eggs and stir into the scalding milk put the whole into' a dish and let it stand and 000L Take the whites. of the eggs, beatwith one cup of sugar, put on top and set in the oven, to brown. Tits Quaint or PUDDINes.-One dint of bread crumbs, pounded, one quart of milk, yolks of four eggs, one-half cup of sugar, and the grated rind of one lemon. For flavouring, take four tablespoonfuls of white sugar, whites of four eggs, and the juice of one lemon. Haw BALta-Mince very fine cull. cooked ham -that which has been boded. is best, although fried haat will answer if, not too salt -add an egg for each per- son; stir in a little flour and snake into bails. Dip into an egg and then in grated bread and fry until of a nice brown. PoTAro SrRlrx.-Pare, cut- in long even strips; lay in cold water for one hour; dry by spreading them upon a towel and pressing another upon them. Fry to a light brown in salted lard Shake off the fat in a hot colander. Line a deep dish with a napkin and put in the strips. They should not be crowded in frying, but each should be distinct and free from the rest. into such evil ways. Neither are we to VZAL CHOPS WITH TowAro SAUCE -judge of the Gospel and of the church Trim and flatten the chops. Dip in raw from them. We take our estimate of the worth of Christ's teachings from Christ Himself, and not from Judas; and we ought to test the Church, not by such exceptional instances, but from the general effect produoed by its presence and working on the history of the world, and on the community around us. The value of the fruit tree is evidenced by that which hangs upon its branches, not by that which falls, worm-eaten and de- cayed, to the ground. churches roust be dune by strategy, tricks and cunning. They say we must fight the devil with fire. Bat the devil is used to fire and it won't hurt him half as much as it will you. Many girls when they marry know nothing at all about the science of love, or mans nature. They wish and expect to be everlastingly made love to and worshipped without being taught the way to command that love and worship, and, when they do not get it, they turn into bitter disappointment against their husband fir nut being what their child- ish fancy pictured them, blaming them instead of questioning their own common sense which would tell them that to gain love it must be won bravely and deserv- edly, won in the daily battle against self. Ever and anon, in these days, the community is startled and the Church saddened by the revelation that some one who had stood high in the confidence of the one, and in the membership of the other, have been guilty of extensive em- bezzlement of money which did net really belong to them, and the question is proposed, how such things are to be ac- counted for. Now, in the outset, it is pertinent to remark that such things are not by any means new or unheard of. They may be more frequent now than they were formerly, and because of the etbciency and almost omnipresence of the agents of the daily press, they may be more widely published than in any former age of the Church's history. But such cases, unhappily, have existed from the beginning. There was a Judas among the twelve, and from the days of the disciples until now, there has beef, an uninterrupted succeasion of that dis- honest apostleship. We are not to sup- po le therefore, that any new things has happened when those who are connected nominally with the Christian Church fall Master J. Straiton, of Clinton, is the or of a pair of turtle dove, the of which is sitting us four eggs. It is a very gpusual circumstance for a bird of this kind to lay more than two eggs before sitting. ZOPESA norm Bxasll--As a result of the new commercial enterprise Just resuming importance with Brazil, is the introduction of Zupan, so justly cele- brated where it is known for the cure of Indigestion. The company have opened a laboratory in Toronto. Zupssa ouwes t , us highly endorsed and recommended, Organs, its certainty to relieve grid cure its wen erful affinity to the Digestive egg, then in cracker dust, and fry, rather slowly in lard and dripping. Open a can ,.f tomatoes, and drain off the liquor into a sauce pan with a sliced onion and dew ten minutes. Strain out the onion, re- turn the juice to the fire; thicken with a great spoonful of butter, worked up in a teaspoonful of Dorn starch; pepper and salt. Boil up sharply, and when you have laid the chops upon the dish, pour the sauce over them. CANNING RHUBARB.— Permit me to tell your readers how to can rhubarb - pie -plant -as I have never seen it among the recipes given, Prepare same as for pies and pack into glass cans, covering with cold water, taking care to get all the air out, and then put the cover on as tightly as possible. I have jt1'kt used some which kept nicely, being nearly as fresh as new, though not quite so sour, as some of the sourness soaks out in the water, which of course is not used. The pies are made the gime as from fresh pie -plants. Education fa the etomae. Dyspepsia and Coustuation, makes this Canada. The company make sample b atlas at the trifling cost of 10 cents, to be had of F. Jordan, Druggist, Goderich Ernie COCoA,-0fATFJCLAyroCOX O)(Ttee. ' Hy a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operationsful of digestion the ▪ flee properties of wellselected application cocoa. Mrs IPPS has provkted our breakfaat tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy dootor'e bills 1t is by the J udl- eicinus use of such articles of diet that s con- stitution may be gradually bullt up until strong enaeah to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subUr maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there L a weak point. We may escape ma+y s fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure bkiod and a properly nourished frame." —Civil Service Gareth.—Sold only in Packets remarkable compouut a necessity in .t Thought for Middle Life. It is the solemn thought connected with middle life that life's last business has begun in earnest; and it is then, midway between the cradle and the grave, that s man begins to marvel that he let the day of youth go by so half en- joyed. It is the pensive autumn feel- ing; it is the sensation of half sadness that we experience when the longest day of the year is past, and every day that follows is aborter, and the light fainter d the feeble shadows tell that nature There is a process of education con- stantly going on in every dwelling which care and thought can make an unspeaka- ble advantage,and at the same time con- tribute to makes happy home. To keep objects of pure and.high interest before the children's minds, in a natural and suitable way -to have them supplied with such books as will occupy and in- terest -to talk not so much to them as with them about objects -to take note of and encourage anyadvancethey make, and to direct the flow not of a part of, but of the whole of their life -physical, mental, moral, without apparent inter- ference or violence; this happy art -to be sought, prayed for, labored for -un- der God's blessing goes far to make a happy home. The tastes of children are naturally simple. Your child's wood- en gun cut with your own hand per- haps, and made a link of connection be- tween your little boy and you, may be more to him, more influential over his character, more potent in binding his heart to you while living, his memory to you when dead, than a costly gift that you ordered at the store. And when you, living andloving, and natural in life before your children, and with them, bend the knee in their midst, and speak to Ood of them and of yourself, there is a powerful restraint being put on natural evil, there is a pleasant type of heaven where the whole family that is named after Jesus shall be gathered together. - [Dr. John Hall. an is hastening with gigantic footsteps to her winter grave. So does man look back upon his youth. When the first grey hairs becotne visible, when the unwel- cotne truth fastens itseli upon the mind that a man is no longer going up hill, but down, and that the sun is always westering, he looks back upon things be- hind. When we were children we thought as children. But now there lies before us manhood, with its earnest work, and then old age, and then the grave, then home. There is a second youth for man, better and holier than the first, if he will look on and not lc ok back.- [F. W. Robertson. labelled—"JAmca Ere d' ClHomeopathic mwp�of Chemists, London. Eng." Also makers, Epps s Choeolate Essence for afternoon use. 1 tow s• Get Plea. The great secret 0 obtaining riches, is first to practice economy, and as good 01(1 Deacon Snyder says, "It used to worry the life out of me to pay enorm- ous doctor's bills, but now I have 'struck is rich.' Health and happiness reign supreme in our little household, and all aimply because we use no other medi- cine but Electric Bitters, and only costa fifty cents a bottle. Sold by F....Tor- dart Raekka-strates retie. The best Salve in the world for Cute, Bruises, gores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, ('. into and all kinds 4 Skin eruptions. This Salve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction to every twee or money refunded. !'rice :b Quote per box. For sale by F. Jordan, Goderich. Nature, after all, is the great physi- cian. She hides all the secrets of health within her broad, generous bosom, and man needs but to go to her intelligently for his every need. The discovery of the great Cough Remedy, GRAY'it SYRUP or RED Srnuca Gum, is an apt illustra- tion of this As a cure for Coughs, Colds, Loss of Voice and Hoarseness it stands unrivalled, while its low price and readiness of access places it within the reach of all. Try it and be convinced. All chemists keep it in 25 and 50- ent bottles. - ad 1881 NEW FRMTS.1881 The Groot Arnerivctn Renndyy,fir COUGH& COLJP8 ASTHMA, JRONCHITIS, LOBS OF VOICE, HOARSENESS AND THROA11' AFFEC�TIION& _ is able - enTomend b.elatbwnorwr *5 lane lIJ isiss aeAo• tin tie .c /.A shipfrrw iAr JOrf tomes Few —eithoat Boole Rs most vah.sbei maim Goa for Ikdkraelperfell a Rare oa. Aa. hard W the wow Awful ef- fects of the spy God In Piet. is' cases .1 Lane Dir NEW VALENCIAS, NEW LAYERS, NEW CURRANTS, S. S. ALMONDS, WALNUTS, FILBERTS, CHESSNUTS. UT LAKE SUPERIOR i3 TROUT, WHITE FISH & HERRING. AB" SALT WATER HERRING AND CODFISH. ALSO, A LAP.!=Z Ai$OP.TPLENT OF catalogue of 1lekeo' Works. Oliver Twist, who had some very Hard Times in the Battle of Life, and having been saved from the Wreck of the Gold- en Mary by Our Mutual Friend, Nicho- las Nicklebyy, had just finished reading A Tale of Two Cities to Martin Chussle- wit, during which time the Cricket on the Hearth had been chirping merrily, while The Chimes from an adjacent church were heard, when Seven Poor Travellers from Mugby Junction com- menced singing A Christmas Carrot. Barnby Rudge then arrived from The Old Curiosity Shop, with some Pictures from Italy and Sketches byBee, to show to Little Dorrit, who was usy with the Pickwick Papers, when David Copper - field, who had been taking Amerman Notes, entered and 'unformed the oom- pany that the Great Expectations of Dombeyand Son regarding Mrs.Lirrip is Legacy had not been realised, sad tht be had seen Boots at the Imo taking Soinebodyrs bergs to Mrs. Liaippeer s Lodgings in a street that bas No Thor- , Bleak Hones, where the , who had just given one of Doctor iAd/otd's Prescriptions to an Unooloav*it' Traveller. was brooding over tike Mystery •,f Edwin Drool. New weass Should ahem. An Americo authority says: "No lady need he asha=med to drew plainly r cheaply: she can, with the help of the modern grades t" dress, appear like a lady on very little money. Shit Gin lay down three rales lot herself: Fever to pretend to anything, saver to wear false jewellery, and, antrrtively always to tie mat. A yam, with a white mink sad a fin& Sewer is dressed for in a weE heir deet wibitty t,, treat yeast, a ori{-MIhR fMI�R7 cw taenias eel bet �v11 Vt--al% b.Ssr iressad kw • bell Tiss t irldbo-le she d wawltoed Windom aU tlstialleete ,,fir that of eliew in the pellsat glow% Ike ws11-1111011 oboe. the pretty seeking. the wet One es* Iweieine brnuwt The Asedesee mon. to do her only justice, is a neat ure by in - stint, and. if she ocamdremft give. too :each thought tn'dress, she is still to he sdtansel and voinneendd for her &Inti' WW1 RAY'S SYRUP w RED la this yyrspsra- fiee fk• o..m saver s oileiwits aw1ropes- a.odlo, ea, py twel* o o balsoa.lo properties •ret ore pre - Ica r►aeaw111• Sp, too pLpl' „ on re- elua• nt0a- f Up sr - Iasi wad Meir sO a- ` I-tem- r•et=ewl. ted SPRUCE erica...' e Alar oetates a a . weds the_ quantify fa drink, a11A..11Ow area •.rade GUM. Tom/(. f to ed ateafrothe v :Vl ewe /el top. 14.4,14.00% -.,..pieta .o a:.ow, Its renufrkable tower in relierin( certain t;enns if Bronchitis+, (23rd i•.+ almost specific efect Nr caring , elinate hacking &'o.ighs, is noir known to the yubli• of large. some by sir respt a tsbS c'., -a. fists. Pia • : ; ,. 10 woe a bora.. 1h. ward. '-' yr••p el I:: et Spruce Crim •, tart o -.r Rrrrfe•r•.l Tr.. lc Marr, ort or, tr awdlabe4 e,r adieu rept-tr., .L. KERRY W:1 TRU 1 It t • ,. a'Aetcrane DrWptat•. Sol: Proprietor.. iced Haa4'o.- loaf red. Teas, Sugars, And General Groceries ; CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, A N D CHINA. Dr. PRI(E'v Cream Baking Powder. Dr. Peace's Lupulin Yeast Gems. Chas. A. Nairn, TILE Syn.A1:E. 1;58 W. S. Hart„ & Co. PROPRIETORS OF THF. Goaerich MMS ANCHOR LINE. I NITWD WEST HAIL STEAMERS Bail sv eat NSW YO ur dar. CABINS, Ob so flee. STEERAGE tib' These eteamersdu sot carry cattle, skeeporplis SILW YORK TO LONDON DIRECT, CAB1N8M5 W tea Excursion at Redwood Rates • Passenger a000mmodatioee are unsurpassed, All Staterooms on barn Deck. Passengers booked at lowest rates to or from an Railroad Station in Europe or America. any lowest rates, payable (Reset charge, t throughout Logien& Scotland and Ireland. Fur Maks of Information, o1.hms,«sppb W Hall[lassos BaoT.als, 7 Bowmen; Wc.11� ises, N. Y. Or to Mlta. E. %VAItN1K'K. Albion Block. 1711 Agent at Ooderich NOTICE. 7 Gish., ol, P►rolo. rapho.,t in Gide, id.. Is returning hank• fur part tenors, would Just say. loose• wtrhii4 a benefit sill pleas eot2ce former price. end ore. err • I'reeer t. Formerly Lite Misr Photos. $1.00 $7.1 Axle Motor, - I.U. 110 aid 1.25 1.80 Cabinets Photo per doz.. - 3.00 150 Pant Photo, per dux.. - - 1.50 2.00 And Frames t0 suit the above at BOTTOM PRIC>`>;8- Come one. come all! and have your hearts gladdened by getting good and cheap4l'hotuo at 17156 E. L. JoH\soN'$. AT THE OLD STAND. D. C. STRACIIAll Ban IISMoVED His • GROCERY BUSINESS To the old stand In the Albion Block, formerly occupied by him, where he will be pleased to welcome all his old customers and the public generslly. A large quantity of NEW, FRESH GROCERIES AS f'HE1I' Tiil: i(EAi'F..�T D, C_ ST E ACI-iAN, I HAVE BOUGHT THE HARDWARE STOCK. MR- D. FERGUSON VERY GREAT DISCOUNT ! Ncnrly all of said Stock as well as tui: own o_ iginal Stock, was bewail before the t.11: 14' of hardware. I am therefore in a position to sell Cheaper Man any other Hoose In the Comply. MY ST(►C:.: OF Edrl�e��' Builder ' �a ellE�li�ll 11311.1\.‘dit, is (11141(11e, which I want .o run off quickly. • COME AND BVT AT SUCII P?ZCLS As WL• L PLEASE Y017. LOVELL'ti Fresh 0round Water Lime Province of Ontario Directory FOR 1881 -1882 - TO BE PUBLISHED IN NOVEMBER 1881• Price *5.00. MR. LOVELL. at the request of several Merchants and others of the Province of Ontario of the City of Montreal, tc„ begs to announce tint his Arm will ppublish a PRO- VINCE OF ONTARIO DIRECTORY, in No- vember next. containing an (LATE PIPER'S.) for hoe liberalreturng to lpatronage received during thepast year. and to state they are prepared to do The road to matrimony Is a bridal pat* with a .Yam'" said a 'harming . r...uivag eat gsade�her hes eat& Ai to � st of - g,� rbla, "(bet r my b.t tab- bed F ' App•iMsant and 'i1egeeseot' is a rhyme asekle by a poet this 'esornfig," writes a WSISSIS editor. "If be will kindly make the former." he adds, "ere win guarantee that he will get ilia pat far • GR. ISrrINGI- Alphabetical Directory ANi> A THOROUGH 01:.:tied Business Directory of the Business and Professional men in the Cities, Towns. and Villages of Ontario. with u Classified Business Directory OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. The same care and attention bestowed on the Dominion and Provincial Directories of 1871 will be given to this work- Subscribers names respectfully solicited. Terms of Ad- vertising made known upon application. JOHN LOVELL t SON Montreal, Ile. 1851. Pxbfiehexit. 1760 on the shortest notice. or for the convenience of parties igriefs at at a their rtance town store exchange (Late R'. 31. Hilliard's, ) Masonic block. Fast St. Ooderich. jig -Highest price paid for wheat.• Record of the LYMAN Barb. FIRPT PRIZZA AWARDED" THE "LY�dAN Four-Barb Wire Fencing at MONTREAL. QQUE. HAMILTON ON'I ��CINN�A, 0010. 11-.ZXHIBITIONS. ' $PORT• OK'A. 1 Ion MICR LLEUCEsid SUPERIORITY Or.r an eireapetito... Tie Natal & Bat Fete* tN TUE W ORLD_ ses in ey fes . MI h .t» on eRailway 1 �nude M sash sad yMNI •ARa WINE It a AegMa ail tt'Year 46 4� JOHNSTON'S °Q/ SARSAPARILLA t1VER caviar, DYSF : y::ir And for Purifying the Blood. It has been In use for Sin years, acct nos proved to be the beat preparation .n Um market for SICK HEADACHE. l'AIN IN THE SiDE OR BACK. LiVER IOW PLAiNT PIIIPLL3 ON THE FACE. DY+PEt1SLA, PILES. and all Dermas that arise fro -n a Disordered Leer or an impure blood. Thotuands of our best Deopte tato It and give it t0 their ehil ,Irm. Physicians preset—II—wit dally. Those who use it once. recommend it to ager*. Itis made from Yellow Dock, ilondu• rid Ranaparllla. Wild cherry. Etilu n fl=l Ilaodeuce, Sassafras rgrve• other well -knows valuable Root, and Ii.rtm. 11M strtefly vegetable, and can- not hart the mins delicate wti� for it r• one or the best asedtdaen Re-rotatinglbs Bowels. is is .olby all nisexi tble druggists at ooe dollar for a quart bottle, or six bottles tor eve donors. who roans obtain s bottle et this *warns from their d senlat*t ed ae ons dollar. and we w'..IIf send inal to MOM W. lavottrou k CO, NESIdEOUSEK A=Ranrnona ONE For sale by Jame Wueloi, Chemist and Druggist. 8IPGMILLIB in Stock. AGENT FOR BEST STEEL BARB FENCE WIRE. R_ W_ lEcKENZIE 1751-1m. HURON CARRIAGE WORKS. T.&J.STORY, . (SUCCESSORS TO JOHN KNOX), JLANLTFACTi'RERS OF Nes :`.. -Ivo ;- e C arriaaes ANY STYLE OF VEHICLE BUILT TO ORDER. REPAIRING and JOBBING done with Neatness and Despatch, and at Reas- onable Rates. Call and examine befora purcha„ Ing elsewhere. T_ 8z J_ ;TORY, HAMILTON STREET. Chilled Plow -ANI) .. AGRICULTURAL WORKS. Ole Senednnalaser Food VMS a tee u WOO IKNOX'S OLD BTND. GRAND CLEARING SALE _) F Boots and shoes, —A T CAPBELL'S BOOT and SHOE EMPOR1M, FR UNE 1UNTH. Previous to Stock taking. My Stock is Large and will -assorted, and re GREAT BARGAINS will be given. T=RMS - CASH WM. CAMPBELL. Goderich, Jan. 13, 1881 uemumss. 1759 HACYARDS PECTORAL BALSAM Itsgtgliteuev Sore boa Cramp.~ SW 6 twills ta•� a g.ve eat.Jam.w T M 1L*L'R 0 CSO.. Proprietor. Tarnow* I C TORIA BUCHU&UVAURSI `yr ..r'£SPECK • Rink• .reladI �,. ant: Ifo• S1, L, -,, u. . �.fa. o^sous i5 * J of ..-arisingr .� .s4 M • v1.44 f".r'Me� n^•Jan• 0'r• .r r'.. ante el iv. :rig • PSC: O Nave r,.1. . r • ser Ne r#i`wtt ...i1 tf tae • :vasa � II�t cae IP•�)sR arc* m.-. a.t 1-a car'.., iissa$lr as.: S• a.or. le rnr • '. *!• nta.•14 leap a !.c from s„ y s are r 11 yea �r"..+R fr bed at dak *5 .aoodis No ears u� • id o s y . v,lah ' hew. peeern l fat.m• erase N HOP CMS KEW? FAIL e►L O. r +,q vat OEr• tea 050 of rat Ivn.,