The Brussels Post, 1968-07-18, Page 2•
1 hnve tt loiter . nand :suggest-
ing a hew people.should be exposed
ler the things they are doing or
leave done. 1101Vvvi.q.. Roy .Kenne0
has already' terra the off
two ;i11-110 .',‘ g..0111 A lor legal advise
this mouth so w11.1 put it m the
safe anti trust it will uot explode
until next election
over but the
arguntems liege:. on. So how be
we just call this write up "Elec-
bun t. 1L' ;'lit. night Robert Stan-
field lot...dyed the Tory nomina-
tion my troubles started. h'irst
symptoms, i took tile itch. For
two days and two nights 1
scratched with both hands until 1
ctataged Stanfield underwear 1
had for salt of Peanut -1i*.
1 'w:tr wen ph.-Jsed with the way.
the .;.1.),J-1 made out. in Brussels.
37 votes Sensible, honest thinking
the brains of
I was a trifle upset about Tommy
Douglas losing out in Burnaby but
he should never hare run
that tiding. It has all kinds of
people located there. NO fit piaee
tar Tommy,. Murderers, horse
thieves, ciaLlt! rustlers, bigamists
home sexuals and none with the
nermol intelligence of an ant.
Take a look at the Burnaby tele-
phone directory. Styles. "Lanus,
Steveusons. Lamonts, etc.
We don't want supporters lihn,
this, We want intelligent, people.
aetuated This was
a blew 1S /10 and I are very good
Davie FILILUIL Nvittpoed by an
.kknd a Negro eleeted in -
We are rill of Juny La Marsh.
Too bad Judy and I had a quarrel,
We would have made a wonderful
team. Goodbye Old Girl.
I sure would hate to be in
Tradoon's shoes, Poor fellow. Ile
will have to kiss a million
females in the next year and I
don't believe he can do :R. One
thing he is quicker than Stan-
field. .Trudeau would have a
dozen kissed before Stanfield got
Thom Grits are -smart, Look at
the sugar beet deal. The beet
growers sent a delegation to
Ottawa, uver 900 growers with no
`market. The`^ were turned down
veld. Eight days Defore the elec•
tion they were granted one million
Stanfiele made his biggest mis-
take on TV. He named what
wonderful talent he had as candi-
dates, Named Camp, Fulton, Hoes
.;anted them all but John Dief-
enbaker. Next morning after the
election old John looked as proud
as a cat that had ,lust swallowed
Joe Thuell's dog. A smile wider
titan nine mile creek. The consen .
Ill Oil aald 11 011)(91,
1967 MERCURY /2 TON CUSTOM CAB, long, wide bQX
2 — 1964 MEIRCURYS
1961 GIVIC CAB & CHASSIS 960 series, 6 cy .1 speed
trans, 2 speed axle
PHONE 357-3460
laitussalLa P0410, BROSSALS, ONXAMARI
jail IWO the finest hand
alasanes and individuality - 11rR Gum kW an
'swim 4161 wog%
Ililissirrisrisks (smuts tirrititsib
Caws OWN laffint ouch at bend IMIINNIiad,
ins din **pm piste that "saes hind meriting es anandnit/
alb W$ MAW I ran .
eseess pew sim meat Niabwan asak
lareass, ti last pa mid at seeds, sieb
air alga!: 1~Illserleari,t corral
r and 111) tar SUL& or
ervidasiss and
The Brussels rest
vatives haven't much to laugh
about, They will be in the wilder-
ness another ten years at 1043t.
The N.D.P„ which of course
41041),Ii, no depression party, will
be the Qatetill OppOgiLlOil IWO"
and will AMA 11,10 ,C;overnment 111
Until then, just try and get
Truthfully Yours
8th And 16th Unit Of
Duff's U.C.W., Walton
The July meeting was held at
the home of llrs. Iint Smith Mrs,
Jim I"ritz gave the Call To Wer
ship and hymn. 399 "0 Master Let
Me Walk With Thee" was sung
with Mrs. Jim Fritz as pianist.
The Scripture from Oxedus 211 ,
followed by prayer. The topic
1 • 17, was read by Mrs, Jim Fritz
"Third Generation C•bristian" from
the Study floc* was taken by 'Mrs.
Harold Bolger. Hymn 501 "Will
Your Anchor Hold" was sung
and the 1,40td'S Prayer repeated
in unison,
Mrs. Jan van Vl'iet presided ter
the bnsiness part of bile t'lleeting.
The minutes of the last meeting
were read by the secretary, The
Roll Call was received-There was
business discussion ..of manse
needs, The gi'oup decided against
having a church picnic;
Grace was sung cad lunch
served by Mrs, Wilbur Turnbull,
Mrs George McCall and tile
(Intended for last week)
Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Rose and
family, of Elmo, Manitoba, were
were Sunday visitors with, Mr, and
Mrs. Neil McGavin,
Mrs. Roy Bennett, who spent
the lost Hiroo months with her
sister, the late Mrs. Belle Cousins
of Orillia, has returned home,
Miss Karen McDonald is attend-
ing the Junior Girls Camp at
Goderien this week as a Camp
Mr and Mts. Forrest McKay
has purehased the Steiss ltonse
located on West Street, and will
move there in the near future,
Mt, and 111-ts David Watson and
Mr and Mrs. E. Godkin have re-
retinned front a' two week train
and bits tour to the WeSt Coast.
Miss Ruth Ritchie, Reg.: N.,
London, spent a 'few days at (home
with: her parents,
Celebrates 95th Birthda y
Mrs. IFted H Millet celebrated
her 95th birthday Saturday, July
18th, at the Italie of her daugter,
Mrs. DouglaS
Receives Queen's, Scout Badge
Tom T.,eeinitig received the
Queen's Scout Badge at the Sun-
day morning service in Duff's
United Church. The service was
attended' by Boy Scouts, and Cith8
'ith their leaders. The prettetit,
atioti Nvos made by tatty Me-
Ititesb, Perth District COI-finds-
siener,. Robert McKinley. M.P.
presented the certificate and
J ames Smith, chairman present-
ed a gift on behalf of the Walton.
'Cretin Committee. Rev' D. E.
Doeken, minister of the church,
also participated in the ceremony.
O,C.W. Meeting
The 17th and Botinda.ry Unit
was in charge of the regular
Meeting of mini 'MCA-V. "The
SUPPoine 'Value hi Life" was the
theme chosen by Mrs Martin ;Haan.
The meeting opened with a hymn.
Prayer was offered by Mrs.
ilarvey Craig and the scripture
lesson read by Mrs. Clifford
Ititehie. The Pilule Study oil
"What vital christianity Means"
was given by Mrs Martin Baan,
The business period was in charge
of Mrs, Alvin McDonald. Mrs.
Allan McCall read the minutes.
A. donation of r';;25 will be sent to
defray the cost of sending the
recent bale. Mrs. Ken McDonald
gave title treasurer's report. A
825 donation will be sent to thin
Children's Aid at Goderich to
assist in aiding children there to
have a camp holiday. The meeting
was closed With prayer.
IntorMu pion SU willed to the.
National Department of Health
and Welf;tre by the Dominion
Rufean of statistics shows that in
1966 more than 5,400 Canadians
died of lung cancer, chronic, bron,
chitis and emphysema, an in-
crease of 400 over the previous
year, Lung cancer claimed 3,296
lives among the male poptilation
and 548 women, Lung cancer IS
now the leading cause of death
from cancer in Canada.
Benefits under the federal
government pension, prograins
will increase OS Canada's cost of
living increases, This is made
possible by a. Pension Index;.
maintained by the Denattment of
Nutional health and welfare,
which reflects upward changes
iii consumer prices, IncreaSes
were announced in 000bet 1967
in Old Age Seentity Pensions,
Guaranteed incethe Sttpplettieut
payments, and benfits and contri-
butions tinder tlio Canada. Pension.
Plan. Benefits tinder these pro-
grain are now payable at age 67.
minimal daily eXericiae OM-
gram for women should include
Exercises for the abdominal area
(leg lifts or sit-ups) an.c1 a brisk
:15-ininitte walk. The benefitS
resiilting from theSe exercises are
nut normally included in Woman's
worloig day, Getting mit of the
(intended for last week)
Ml', and Mrs. Clifford H. Dunbar
were in Fort to attend the
Mayors and Reeves convention
held there,
,Tee Pearson has been a patient
in ListoWel Memorial Hospital,
Mr. and Mrs, Jim Cardiff and'
family spent the holiday t Salt hie
Murray and Ilelart, elaph :11.11
Atwood 'have been vac:dotting with
their grandparents, Mr. and
Jack Conley.
Miss Karen Cunningham a.nd
Charles Cardiff have stiecessfully
completed their l'eacbets' Train-
ing at Teachers' College in Strat-
ford. Miss Cunningham has accept-
ed a position on the staff of Elima
oputral School, and Mr. Cardiff
wil,1 1.00011 in Kitchener.
Mri and Mrs. Earvey Clatk, and
fainilY, Mc' and Mrs. Sate ii3eirnes,
and Mr and Mrs. Wray Cowing
have beet[ visitors with Mr: and
Mrs jack Conley at their trailer
at :i-,1011er Boaeh,
Among those attending the
reunion in were
Mr and 168 A Breinner anti
What do teen-agers like to eat?
Dr. W W. Dauer, consultant
National Dairy Council of thx
of the Gutted States, says many
older people often shako their
heads Over the adolescent's diets,
it 'was reported in Heath. How-
ever when. left to his own choice
of roods, the adolescent is likely
to choose hamburgers, often with
cheese, milk shakes, hot dogs,
ice cream and pizza and peanuts.
fThese foods -happen to be very
good sotirees or protein and
should be included in school
lunch menus too. What is lacking
in the diets ;IVO ITIIIFS ;Mil vege-
tables, But Dr. Bauer says, "We
will never motivate the young
people to clninge their diet by nag-
ging them, Or by' being critical -
- without oven H good reason —
or their choice or useful foods,"
Give the teeu-ugers good facts
almut nutrition. Appeal to 1.4-feit
particular need which they cam.
understand. Offer them fruits and
vegetables in an attractive form
and lot them wake the choice. Di%
Bauer says 111,08t choices will be
house mold be psychologically Doris; Mr. and Mrs. William beneficial as well. Hewitt,