HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-07-11, Page 3GIVE YOU BETTER SILAGE AT LESS Cth'.:1,A Visit the Brussels plant where Ribstone silos are made. Operator Ernie B ack will welcome you. SAVE in ONEY -READ THE ADS. Ili T ~Fit• jilt U$SELS po$T. 13CR,17SSAIA POST, til.WSSELS, ONA'Ali,10 TH.UltSDAY JULy liot, 1 !.108 A Haifa is the only crop which may bo seriously dallittett l the weevil, Clovers niay be attacked, but no economic Iii has boon. 1'0. p011.0(1., kind reports indicate, that trefoil is not affected, Th e zi lfrili t weevil : first found in Ontario in 1907, has been locat- ed in most counties bordering the LaNvrence River, Lake Ontario and Lake Lrie. However, accord inf.); to Karl Bernza of the Soil and Crops Branch, Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture and. Food, the infestation is very light in all areas west of Toronto, anti no damage bus been reported. 3 Di the eastern region, 11f`oViik4 : 1111.Ve been found in the farm areas extending about 15 to 20 miles .nort.) of Lain Ontario and Er,Ist of Kingston. Some finds were made in four counties. As one moves. west towards the Milrilwestern part of the province the incidence of the insect and re- salting damage to crops increases, Reveza notes, flowever, it must bra empluthized that the dam age is light, even in 142Issex Uounty except in a half dozen fields in the most northerly 1)1111 of the county, whore damage was of concern. ; Sonic feeding damage has been observed 14 all counties bordering on Lake, Eric. A few insects have been found as far north as Guelph, The Measure being recommend. ed, and tw.ed successfully 1. where, is c u I tura I control. Early, CIOSe cutting' of alfalfa deprives the larvae of food and exposes the i in:ools lu the Mill, WO Rat- Mid conti*(31 of alfalfa. 1,vee, its is not belcg recommend , : du .1 :.:thia!“‘ has riot loan blab, and. crst ., are ii:enerally prohibit -I\ e. Studios by the Farm Pennomists, Co-operatives and l'41atislics Branch of Ole Ontario D .Tal tment of Agriculture and ..t.;•"ood the cost et chemical treatment of forages 'would bring total e-1sts beyond average expected voturn in most counties. • Tito insect completes one gener- ation of life each 37E.d r. Attu] ts overw in tor in the crowns of alt'- alfalfa or in debris on the ground. In op., sprinp,. the adults become i'ory aibtivs , and lay eggs as soon as the young alfalfa shouts are availahio. The egos hatch within two weeks, zind the larvae begin feeding at. till, growing tips. In ahont three wPolis, the larvae are ' lull-grown, and spin a net-liko silken cocoon ill preparation for tho next. stage of life. When. the new adults emerge. tI n feed for a short lime, a.nd vomaiii inactive for the, rest of the summer In the fall the adults go. hibernation, The Yardstick to dolermine the' need for. and timing of, chemical ITcatment is careful examination of fieldS. 1,:li ntire fields should be 0.1111111'10d carefully and often for damage. If from .50 to 75 percent of the leaves silo* feeding dam- age, then cheinIcal control may rreianmencled. Don't Wait: until in to 75 percent of the leaves are, oaten off, however, warns Mr, kereza, since treatment at that point is of no value. 1lased On this roar's survey results, entomologi's'ts note blrat the alfalfa weevil may cause ecOnmn ie. loss in hose counties hordering Lake Erie in 1909. Woallicr conditions in the early spring will :have a. considerable effect on the population of the WALTON ANNUAL IVIcCALL PICNIC HELD IN BELGRAVE The annual McCall picnic was held in the lielgrave Arena whin 0 noon smorgasbord dinner was enjoyed. The main course included a 2I-pou'it salmon whit: Ithad been caught by a member of the family. The N sh was scut by I and Craham McCall of Victoria and lwri been caught. by Allan McCall during a recent visit to 'Vancouver Island. •Guest. present at, Chet picnic in- They're double sealed — eluded: Mr. and Mrs. .James McCall, Susan and David; Mr. and Mrs. mite. Archie Young; Mr. and M.vs.Wil- limn Young and family, Illyth; Mn, and 'Mrs. 'Allan McCall and BeverleY, Mr, and Airs. Walter l',.ewley and Brenda, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart. McCall,, Jack. and Murray. Waiton; it.r, and ..Mrs, lohn Perrie, Granbrook; Air. and Mrs, Ross McCall and 'family, Brussels, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Snell and . .1,:arris,...Lendeshoro; Mrs.. Gertie Bewley, Clinton;• Mr. and.. Mrs. - Frank Burke, Sheila and Stephen • of Wins-ham. 'Walton •Meeting. Horbert Williamson, Mrs., George •Williamson, Mrs, Harvey Criag and Mi's, Roy were diostesSes for the Walton Women's Institute. Meeting i.n the i" 0 in in nity • HAM - Ai a Sholdie and N.eil .11.1cGavin. • members of the Hart Board. Were present at the meeting, Mrs. Kenneth 'McDonald, Mr's. Ronald Bennett, Mrs, Nelson Marks, Hand Mrs. '11,erbert Traviss were appointed to assist 'on the 'all Board. • 141 rs. Wilbur Turnbull, curator, requested all members to bring an article for the Tweedsmuir Rook to the next meeting. A. thank you letter Nina the re- 'Mrs. 'George McCall, Mrs. N. sid en Li of .H11 ren Vi OW, in a precia• Marks and Mrs. Marga 1'Ot Humph- tion of a program and birthday ries are to attend the KruvonView Conveners of the Citizen . and Hducation. program were Mrs. Ray Hueth e r and Mrs. • Gerald 'Watson. li.oll call response was "One '.pay I could set an QXfilllnin of good citizenship." Two piano solos were contribut- ed to the program by • Karen Mc Eness..prevented the gtiest speaker from attending,. • ALFALFA WEEVIL SURVEY REVEALS MINOR DAMAGE The alfalfa wet,, 1tt.1 ,,•1 serious problem in Ontario, according to it reemily-completed survey by entomolgists with the l)elatriment .,\grieulture. and FoOd. Damage is lint,k1) to Avarvarit eheMical con- trol at the present time. insects. alfalfa weevil inrescat ion should .contact ttho A.l riettliitmI ItuItrosetlltilire or Soils and Crops Specialist in Iheir area for confirmation. and recommended control. COMPARE THESE EXCLUSIVE RIBSTONE FEATURES pointed inside and outside. Dense, non-porous con- Strong rib construction. Steel reinforced concrete staves. Overlapped joints. Heavy Stool hooping. RESIDENT REPRESENTATIVE KARL DECKER, R.R.1, Zurich, Ont. Phone Zurich 236-4892 party presented by the Walton auxiliary meeting, in Clinton in W. I., was read by the secretary. .idly. treasurer, Mrs. • Winiain Humph- ries. It was noted that Miss Susan Eleord of Amon. has succeded Miss Sharon Carroll as Huron 17;o me T'.conean i st.. .fIr7f7r: CW.T.rdi 41111 GET EXTRA CASH FAV1 WITH CLASSIFIND ADS. IN THE BRUSSELS POST