HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-07-11, Page 1MORRIS TWP. BARN.. IS. DESTROYED. BT. LIGHTNING • '17he barn on the farm 'of Wat- son Sholdice was destroyed by fire late Tuesday afternoon at- ter being struck by lightning• during the storm. Lost in the blaze were 26 • pigs that were ready to ship, three sows, and a hog, 1,500' hales of hay and some grain, al. so several farm 'implements. • Four valves were removed . from the burning building. Mr. and Mrs. Sholdice, whose farm is two miles. west .0-f. Brus- sels, saw the liolt of lightning but there was no int:Mediate sign of fire.. Only minutes later the barn roof was a mass, of flames. Dftissels, Myth, Wingham and Grey Township fire brigades all responded to the fire call, hut were unable to save the barn. It has been reported that dam. age was estimated at, about $10,- 000. Maitland Teleserviees Preparing For. Dial There is a great deal of tic t vity art the Maitland Tele- survices pi' 01),q' ty hare these days. They Imv been excavating in Deparation for the laying of cable- for the installation of the dial eommunieation system, The office itself will be equip- ped for dial by the end of this ;:cats and I is expected that the dial will he in service throughout the Maitland Teleservices hy the end of 1969. Not only hav they been digging up earth in their operations but leas anti pans and assorted. sample of garbage. Don't Have The Police Calling At Your Door to you know where your children are at night and what they ore doing? It you. don't 'know it rniEtlit be wise for you to check up and rind out, that, is, if you 11041.'t want the police knocking at your door to tell you they are in trouble. There has been a good -deal of miner, ;Ind net re minor, vaielei ism. going On in BrUsSela unlawful entry. damaging. Of public and private property, ai'dl some antics !hot could end iii tri.,!_:edy. Last :mewed, n Ibio, secured to trees, Was strung across a sireet mid could hale caused a serious accident if it had not been soon and removed, Young people are blamed for this s,trt of beim lour, but should it the the t1P11.101031t parents NV110 should hr blamed'? Children need, not only an abandariee of love. and affection 'but 1111dereirinding supervision. They sbeeld also be mcv,:ht a healthy r ;TOO for the fill vinTtity of othetz, $2.90 A Year In Advance -- $3.00 To 'CAA. THE BRUSSPaS POST, POST PUBLISHING H0171611 GREY TOWNSHIP COUNCIL MEETING The Grey Township. ;neeting was held July 2nd. Resolutions passed as follows: Melville Lamont and Lawson Ward. that the minutes of the last regular meeting be adopted as adopted as read. By (Muffles Thomas and Mel ville Lamont that By-Law No. 13 of 1968 to provide for biennial elections in the Corporation of the Township of Grey be given first and .second reading, By Charles Thomas and Lowson Ward that by-Law 13 of 1968 to provide for biennial elections in the Corporation of the Township og Grey be finally passed as 'read a third time. By Lawson Ward and 'Melville Lamont that the Engineer's Re- port of the Silver Corners Drain be provisionally adopted subject to the extension. in Let's 33, Con- cession 12, to be constructed and By-Law No, 14 of 1968 be given first and second readings. B Charles Thomas and Lawson. Ward that the Connell of the Cor- poration of the Township of Grey approves of ihe building of the propoSed addition to the Listowel Secondary School at an estimated cost of $1,167,625, of which 1,097.625. has received tentative approval from the Department of Ed u dation,' By Melville Lamont and Lawson Ward that two applications for tile drainage loans in the amounts of $2,500 and $700. under The Tile Drainage Act be accepted. By; Lawson Ward and Melville Lamont that the following Com, missioners be; appointed on drains: Charles Thomas Cr] the . Fraser; Melville Lamont on the 'Vachon; Kenneth Bray on the McKee and Clifford Dunbar on the Silver Corners. By Charles Thomas iind Lawson Ward that. Brussels Centennial Committee be given a grant in the amount of $75.00 for dressing rOtens at the park. By Melville Lamont and. Law. son Ward that all approved no. counts be plaid. Charles Thomas and Melville Larnetit that we adjourn to meet again Attgust 5th or at the call of the Reeve, The following accounts Were paid: The Listowel Banner, advertise drain tenders 1,0,08 Nelson Ryan, bulldozing 8 Alexander dump 40.00 Ontario T-Iydrei, MthettOrth Street Lights „„ ... ..n. 23.13 Jitn Dobscin, garbage colleetion, Ethel Village 20.00 . What' Weber, office supplies Clirfotd Dithbar, Alayers & Reeves Convention .... . :511,00 Town of: LiAtftel lqity pilyrittig )1o1i1d MRS GEORGE 6ALBRAITH Mrs. George Galbraith Wroxeter, died Friday in the \\Ingham. and District Hospital. She was the former Grace t toward. She is survived by her husband; three daughters, Mrs, M. (Nellie) Burwell, Denver, Col.; Mrs. Reg. (Georgettne) Watson, Brussels; Mrs. ('arson (Alma) Watson. Morris Township; two sons, Kenneth"of HoWick Township and Ward of Richmond, Va. The funeral was held from the Gorrie United Churchat 2 p.m. on Monday with the Moir Funeral Lome in charge. Teachess Not • Holidaying Yet Students are enjoying their vacation but many teachers are not yet holidaying.. They are daily attending Summer Sobool classes, taking additional course to further equip themselves for the import- ant job • of educating their stu- dents. . • Miss "Jessie Little and Mrs, !della Wilson arc' taking a. Prim ary Method courset in. Listowel and Mrs. Mary Huether and Mrs. E. Weigel a PT course at Guelph. AN;NOLNIPEMNT Mr. and Mrs. George C. Michie, Brussels, Ont., announce the forthcoming marriage of their only daughter. Ruth Louise, to Mr. James Allen Baker, B.A.' Sc., son Of Mrs. Ward Baker and th.e late Me.. Baker of Nananee, Ont.! The wedding will take place in Knox United Church, Belgrave, at 3:30 pail„ oir Saturday, July 20th 1963 account. 24.98 ot Brussels May nursing home accounts 76,38 June Welfare 315.17 Brussels Centennial Com- mittee, MLitt for dressing rooms in park 75,00 Elanna & Hantilton Comm. struction, balance contract .56 Con. Drain 2,476,00 James A. Howes, 0, L. S., superintend construc- tion 5th Con. Drain 400.00 Kenneth I3ra.y, cominis- sioner 5th Cpa. Drain 20,00 E-lelen D. Martin, Clerk's fees & by-laws 5th Con. Drain 120,00' .1:Tlythe, M. Cardiff, clerk's fees, Atli Con. 1)ralti 10:00 bumps 4: Severance, 5th. 'Cert. Drain .„, Z125.00 Total $11,161.55 ourfora, 11, thilibflt tteeve FidY1;11(1 rarliff Merit P.U,C., streetlights Post Office, stamps C. .T. Cardiff, part. salary Ontario Hospital Services Coin, hositalization Watrtoo Medical Co-Op Services, Medical McCutobon Motors, repairS „„„ ..... „„, ........ Bernard TenPas, 'plaetete ing J. M, -.VcDontild Lumber material Pollard BroS. Ltd calciuin J. G. 'Workman, repairs 5. G. Stiles, gravel and Jobour 5. G. Stiles, June garbage Bridge Motors, gas gas and repairs Callender Nursing Home June Nursing 'Care 1134,30 Mrs, Joan Exel, cleaning Winghatn Retarded Children 1.968 levy ..... 188.25 J. G. Workman, contract on bathhouse 1430.00 'Bernard TerTas, contract on bathhoese ..„, ..... 3926.00 Retceiver General, tax deductions and C.P. 114.35. Lew Frain, labour :121.75 0.1\1.F2t.R.S., pension fund 'To s. l\1 gas McCulebeen Grocery, cleaners The Clerk Was advised to put an ad in the :Brussels r ost advis- ing the residents that the Dump Will be open on Wednesday (rein 4 to 6' p.in. for the public.. Moved by I, G. Campbell, seconded by H. TenPas tha. the meeting adjourn: to meet agiti August 7, 1968 Or at. the call of the ReeVe. J. C'. Krauter, ReeVe ;Horticultural Meeting 1,6tosiday Night The Brussels Society Will Meet in the Brussels Library on Monday night, July 15th, Mrs, Leo neither will give a Denionst Lion, Pi-V.011'0 N) itt WOICOVie, EAST HURON W.I. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEET The Board of Directors of the Mast }furor' 1V. I. met at the home of the President. Mrs Lyle Murray. RR :1, Clifford on \VI-dnecIfiy afternoon. July 3rd. Mrs, Eleanor Bradnoek, C4mirmau or Iluren W. I. Rally. was also present. Mrs Niurray presided over the meeting, at which pions were made for, the Huron W. I. Dally,• to he held in tl'i Cranhrook Com- .munity Centre on tletotter • 7 .The Rally includes the 31 insti- tutes• in Huron .County. An interesting program is he'lt": arranged for both morning ,and" afternoon sessions-, included will be to hobby craft display panel report •out A.C.W.W..• meeting, a special speaker on Safe(;', and entertainment froth several insti- tute branches. Further details about this ineeing will be publi- cized at a later date. Following ihe meeting refresh- mons were served by the: hostess and her daughter. PEOPLE WE KNOW' Mrs, A, J, S'sel of '1-.Telaufl here visiting her son Hank and Mrs, Exel. It is sixteen since they last saw one another. ;Ws. .1. W. Fisher attended the wedding of her grandson. Douglas Nhomas, in Stratford on Spinrdit y. -Mr. and Mrs. C. Cray of. Sud.bury were weekend guests with Id 5. W. Fischer while here to attend the Thomas-Amos wedding in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Knowlton Kitcheher, were visitors with Mrs. George Davis, Mr. arid Mrs. Robert Johnston Port Credit, were weekend visitors with Mr, and Mrs. D. A, Rann. Mr. and Mrs. David Kennedy,. Clarkson, visited with his parent-, Mr, and Mrs. R. W.Kenne.dy dur- ing the weekend. 111.rs..George Davis attended the 'Davis re-union in Undsay last week and accompanied relatives to Peterborough for a. week's visit. Mr. and Mrs. George Hook. Peterborough. spent the following week end with Mrs. Davis, Mrs, George Minnow returned from a visit 1\1 lieSpOler friends last week and attended the Thoina.s-Ames wedding in Strat- ford on Saturday. SOFTBALL STANDINGS TRI-COUNTY INTERMEDIATE W L 7 PTS. Alonerieff 10 1 (1 20 Walt ou 1.0 2 0 20 Belthorp 0 6 6 12 Brussels 0 r, 0 12 4 4 1 9 Ethel 4 0 1 Ceti r'tsvillc 6 0 6 ! Cl 0 rntl6italtt raspAy.„J 1 11 tin 1968 • •- VILLAGE OF 11(MUSSELS COUNCIL MEtTiNG The regular meeting of the Village Council was 'beid hi the Municipal Office on July 3rd J. L. McCutehcon being absent. Tate following motiOnS were caviled, Moved. by TenPas, second- ed by L, Cousins that thein- rut: a,s of the meetings of June 3rd, and June 13th, 1968 lie adopted as e Moved by C. L, Cousins, second- ed by I. Q. Campbell that joint White be granted a building per- mit as application, Moved by H. J. Tenpas, second- ed by I. G. Campbell that the ac- ounts as approved be paid, 220:0201 14 R•••••• .. .......... 100.00 33.00 8:1.00 36,59 38.35 14.84 580.95 • 6.25 143,00 200.00 13.58 7.50 60.48 4.00 1.86