HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-07-04, Page 5A SINCERE THANK Y011 the Electors,of '1 Huron County for your support. Special Thanks to all those who worked so hard on my behalf! B b McKinley BaWSSI4LS POST, Bit.US4ELS, ONTARIO RSDA J 41" lilt. PAO., 1•044..0••••••••••••••• THE UNITED CHURCH ..m110.4140•10 -Minister: Rev. A, M. Johnston B.A., G.C. GENTLEMEN'S CLUB NEWS ITEMS t am going to write this column quicker than .13i11 Thamer can knock clown 'Sirs, Marx's little red. wagon, nut see next Sunday even- ing at seven we are putting on a show at Litchi Gardens near Del- more and am going now to Lint Out advertising. Rig show , Osborne sisters, Bill AlcClory and others, (Su vt ry pleased that we have 37 intelligent people in Brussels, urea and women who can think I know most of them and I ain't going to associate 1.1,1 611 either Grits or Tories. If 1 must on the street. and shoulder you through a Slate glass window or hip you Oft Pie sidswalk you will know I em taking you For not, voting D.P, When Win n trod Edgar and Wallis. Kerr counted 37 N.D.P. ballots their faces were longer titan the face an one of [van Calanholl's spavined hronchos. Everyone should be happy the ri t8 have their Gaunt and Trod eau and the Tories their R.obarts and McKinley. Anyway we are represented by two very fine gentlemen. IC they can help you they will. [Ps too bad they couldn't trade places. Ahout Len months ago we had a doctor, M.D., come to us from England.. Brussels is known for its hospitality, in fact our Legion is acknowledged OS one sit the most fri.ndly in Ontario. Or, Zyluk was acssepted as one of us. He made his home at. 'Seri) Stratton's. his son also, for some time, Later he moved into the Stephen's home, a lovely 'house, and clean as ti now pin. `.1The medical build- ing Was all prepared, warm, clean and Nantotqlde. ,;odic- people had been waiting for Months for a Medical check. They left their doctors bectuise, well, the Word was, "Wo have a, &UAW' now". Tho people of Pslisseht !paid More for medical s 1'111 C(18 CO a II ever before, Then canto the knock out. Qilot.s. It is with deep regret that. announce the discontiniiance of My practice in Bruss. . . etc", "S\r,s woke up one morning the Centre deserted, Tho opinion albst people is you Want to got, all you can nod get hack to- Eng.- !alit!, Df .you hove any good rea5toti toll leaving Wu Wily riot lot US kneWt, I know editorKeriliedy will givs you space. if 1 am \vron,g apologize. My opinion is you took us for at. bIllIC1 of hicks and think more of a wealthy, healthy, purse than you do of a healthy pulse, We wait your reply. TruthatI1y. Vours T. 'K. F, BRUSSELS PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT (Continued from page one. Dianne Willis, Richard , Thacker, Douglas Turnhull Grade 6 Mrs. Weigel Andy Adams, Cathy Barbour, Anita Brigham, Douglas Cloakey, George Coates, Tilda DYk, FPanc- es Exol, Dianne Gordon, Julie Hanna, Calvin James, David Johnston, Kathy Johnston, Mervin lAchty, David Logan:, Lawrence Alaehan. Donald McCall, Elaine NleCutcheon, Lori. Mcentcheon, Alvin :McLellan, Brian Mitchier, Barbara Muilwyk. Paul Mutter,' Joyce Pearson, Keith Raymond, Dons Smith, Kim Sullivan„ Lloyd Valiance, Brian. White; Ricky While, Donald Workman, Grade 7 Mrs. Raymond Gail Barbour, Darrell Batter, Cathy 1lone, joint Brigham, Allan Cardiff.. Dorene Cardiff, Alec Cloakey, Cathy Cousins, JOhn Elliott, Chris Exel, Peter Gibson. Gerry ju IA, ;lames Martin, Deborah McCall Vicki McClory, John Mc.Kereher, Leona Nioholson, Wendie Prior, felen Rooney, Moira Rooney, Bill Sellers, Joyce Smith, Robert Stephenson, Rickey Somers, Bill Suitt V t n, john Schwartzentruber, Warwick, ;Joan Wesselink, Dale Wheeler, Sharon Willis. Scott \Nilson. Larry Thacker Grade 8 Mr. Setitt Graduating Class Nano., Adains, Golsen auvdirri Joan Elliott, Don Gibson, Murray Gordon. Ron Hinton, Greg Iluother, Larry ,I;shnston, Bernice Kiinita, Pat Maclimn Clieryl Cuts:hoots Shirley McOraciteols Sharon McCutcheeti, &An Me, Donald, Joan Mtitentlan, Mr Whitler, NotsOil Shirley Pipe, Roberta Pullman, Patsy Rooney, John Rutledge, Joan Simpson ;loan Stephenson, Priati Straty- ohi,k, ,Julio Valiance, Donna Work - :nano, Donna. Lee Organist: Mrs. Fred Stephenson A.. M. Church School "Words Tint t Annoy SI s It's Just. His Nerves" MELVILLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister REV. C. A. McCARROLL 10 A.111, Church School 1.1 \Vorship The I .lobos Cuspel (1) "1 Am The I.Iread co' 1.411!e" Organist: mrs. Nora Moffat INTERESTING ITEM FROM OLD PAPER In an old Toronto newspaper, The Evening News, dated March, ,Ith, 1895, which was brought to the Office of the Post by Mrs. Wm. Somers, reference is made to the Ronald. Fire Engine, once ns sufacttired in Brussels. in the report of a disaStrous fire which wiped out the Simpson blodk, it was noted that the Ronald, Engine, built 15 years before did splendid work but could not stay the fierce flames. In another item- demanding the purchase of mote fire fighting equipment, the immediate pun. chase of another' Ronald ongi»e was demanded, WALTON Mr, and Ml's. john ClOrdon were visitors with Detroit relatives. Mr. and 'Mrs. , W, Stutz, of 'Waterloo, were visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Dundas. John Hislop has been a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. Visitors at the theme Of Mr. and Mrs. William Murray were Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Childerhose, of Kitchener and Kenneth Murray of Toronto. Misses Carol Shortreed, Mary Bewley, Linda. Traviss and Sherill Craig have taken Vacation work at 'Glenroy Lodge, Hull's Lake, in the Pfaliburton resort area. Mia8 Rtith Ritchie Reg, N., London has been a iYisitcv with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ritchie. Miss Veraldine T)ennis Reg. N., Ann, Arbor, Mich visited at the same home. Honored! On 25th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs., Herbert William. soil were honored one the Occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary, \viten neighbours gathered at their home, They were presented with a set of "tout' seasons" television tables, Previously a gathering of relatives had pl'o,sehted them with a studio conch, MAL ACHIEVES '90,7 A.C, .AVERAGE Alexandria PiSher. 17, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Fischer, RR 1, TeeSwater, stood first in Grade 111 at Winghaat DiStrict, High Scheel With an average of 90.1 per cent, Alexandra will receive an ario Scholaithip. VANDALISM AT BRUSSELS SCHOOL Fortunately little serious.. data, age was done when vandals enter— ed the school over the weekend, W., don't know about prints but one of the culprits left pleny of hare foot prints. CRANBROOK Miss -Beverley Evans. Kitell, nor, and :Brian Evans, Scarborough, spent the week-end at their home prior to beginning a .summer. coarse on Tuesday. Miss Kate McNabb, •.Timiska.- ruing, is home for the holidays, Clem Sieffler came home from the winghttai Hospital on FridasS Mrs. Cliff Bray is a patient in Wingliam Hospital. Mr:. and Mrs. Doh Paris and family, Midland, spent the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ca rn eron and family. • Mt'. and Mrs, Gordon Engel and family spent the week-end at Berford :Lake and Mr. and Mrs., Frani:Smith at their cottage, in the Orangeville district. Mrs. Lylle Gordon accompanied Mr and Mrs. Stanley Speiran on TH A NK S To ALL HOSE WHO SUPPOR 1ED ME ."THE POLLS LAST WEEK a motor trip to Orillits Knox Ladies Aid The Ladies' Aid 01 E:nox Pres- byterian Charon met in the church basement with an attend- at l.tf Gordon VOu?" Mrs. Douglas Evans led in prayer, The Scripture Was James J.; 12 - and. miss Stanley Fischer gave tt meditation oa it. A reading. "When i'a tried Mental Healing" was coutrihuked by NYS. Stuart Stevenson. Mrs, Wilfred Strioklar, secretary, read the minutes and called the it was answered with "Somothins: Sou admire about the person on your right", Several items of bus. iness Were discussed and commiS ties appointed, Included was tho purchase of teapots, trays and a stove for the kitchen, cleanins equivalent, repair to vaccum cleaner, and toilet facilities. It was decided to send as thank-you to the Brussels Horticultural Society for their donation of petunia plants for the chnissh flower bids. These were plausd by Mr, Alfred Knight. The annual fall bazaar is to be shinned by tho executive, Contests Wt re (;onduci- ed by Mrs, Mac Engel and lunch was served by Mrs. Wilfred Strickler, Mrs. Clare Veitch and filers, Douglas Evans. vi i A .....„ ., . , ' ,..., tasstS . , '.. , - ,s, 4 ,.< •,.q.k. ANOTHER iviATA HAAI? Looking` ev e 'r'y bit as tempting es the ffamousfetnale spy-vamp, Mata Hari, ,,whoae power over meet sled them to make „ninny a slily of the tip, 8 Agent CO (Barbara 'eldcan) of 6110 TV'a Get Smart spy spOof series( adoli each rrtlay on CSC teleViSkin. The Ca is just a close, friotiti.