HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-06-27, Page 6"HURSDAY, 274, 196a
en's institute, njoyed
tout, of London under the con-
venership of Mrs. Nelson Marks,
Mrs: Neil McGavin and Mrs. Don.
Mr. and Mrn.Wilbur Turnbull
spent the pant week, in Eitton.
Ohio, with friends.
Mr. and Mrs.. Arthur )oil 11 ui
London, were visitors willt their
son Rev. D, E. DOCk.en, at Duff's
United. ClairCh manse.
Mr and Mrs. Ray Ruether,
Steven and Jotn, were uh Goder-
ich, to attend the Webster
POST, IMUSSlasti. O14:141-8lki
.34S.tenrized and before Tb r'it tilt;
Yore adequately isolated and lre-at
pre-schoolers, because w
heir close arid irequent contact
'ith their parents, relatives,
Oltseltold help and baby sitters,
uy of whom may be carriers, at
lso vulnerable.
Local health officers and the
nuadian Tuberculosis Associat-
ion. chapters can direct, you to the
nee TB-detection centre in your
tree. Everyone should have an
.nnual checkup in. the form of
'kin Lest or chest. x-ray. Infants
nay be tested between the ages
rl six months and one year.
-The skin tests are simple and
painless. There are three types:
the Mantoux test, the patch test.
and the multiple-puncture test. If
One of these show TB germs pre-
sent, it doesn't necessarily mean
the .:;;ernis are doing damage. It
takes an x-ray and sputum
along with blood and urine
studies, to accurately determine
Whether the bacilli are active.
social Clubs for the
respiratory cripple was discussed
for the future.
TB is still with tts While it is
NUT among the ten leadrig causes
of death, last year in Canada
there were 4,485 new active cases,
and NO reactivations,
The high risk groupS for this
i•plapsing disease include pedple
oVi'r 50 and children under 5. The
over 50 are susceptible because
they were born and reared when
TB epidemics Were common in
the days before most milk was
Dont forget . to pay your
Brussels Post subsciption,
MOM, 40•11110,.. Tr, • • •
Visit the Brussels plant where Ribstone silos are
made. Operator Ernie Back will, welcome you.
• They're double sealed —
pointed inside and outside.
Overlapped Paints.
Heavy Steel hooping.
rib construction.
nonporous con-
KARL, DECKER, R.R.1, Zurich, On
Phone Zurich 236-4892
411...moMMINNIMOMINIummo rson
• Steel reinforced
If active TB is diagnosed, your steeds. •
doctor has a choice of a variety of
drugs which effectively- sil""ress.
Lila germs while the body builds
up its own immunity.
TB is contracted front someone
who has IL mainly by breathing•
air c,ontamivated with TB germs
(Myobactertain tuberculosis.} TB
germs are air borne and spred by
coughing, sneezing and. spitting.
Sometimes a person becomes in-
fected when germs enter his
month trout contaminated fingers,
food,.or eating utensils, or from
kissing tin infected person.
fitatekirnOn Who
OF THE DOMINION OF' CANADA,, 1st July, 1867.
Inaugurated the Union a British Provincei in North America.
Bernard, SeCrete.ry. 1. W. A. Henry, Nova Scotia.
I. E. Palmer Prince Edward Island.
t. W. H. Steeves, New Drtinswick.
8. C.Fisher, New Brunswick..
I. r,Whetan, Prince Edwaad Island.
T. Ccil. T. H. Gray, Pr. Edwirrd Leland
IL a. LoilltraisPrzi4co £sward Islets.
19. F R 1. Carter, Newthundiand.
11. A. Shea, Ninvitimidland.
12. J Chatimis, Canada past
13. E. B. Chandler, N.J* Briiiiswick.
14. A. Campbell, Canada.
15. A. C. Archibald, Nova SdOtia.
111. Sr H. Langevin, Canada Dia.
it. Mr Jake A. Ilsodeaald, Casella
18. Sir G. E. Cartier; Canada Blast.
19, Sir E. P. Tache, Canada East.
20. lion. George grown, Canada . West.
21. T. H. Haviland, Pr EdWard Island.
22. A. Gilt Canada West
33. P. Mitchell, Hew Brunswick.
14. Hon. Oliver Mowat, Canada Rost.
N. & Osekbeire. West.
a a. DickeY. Nova Scotia. 17. Sir. Charles Tupper, Neva, SCOWL, 21, Col. J. H. Gray, New Bri.insWiek 29. W. H. Pope, Prince Edward
80. W. MCDougall, Canada West. 31: T: D'Arey McGee, Canada. $2. A. A. McDonald, Pr. EdWard Want U. .1. McCully, Notre, Scotia. . as: J. -Tekeetoa. Flo* Brealiwtell