HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-06-03, Page 44 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1881. THE HURON .SIGNAL Is published every Friday koeaftg, by Mt - U, wccouv limos. at chair OAce, North 8t. tuff lite swami GODERICH, (JNTAR1O. And la despatched to .Il parts ofthe surround- e.iturssef ireerimehrlisethasipalis and trains. It • larger okandisofawed areal efettteala la a� Poeseming as it does, the a�r o1n� and being in addition to the •Deva a lm4daas tamely end fireside paper- it is therefore • AMR dastroble adversiinwp ssadteas. Tsars. -alis in edvaooq pssWte pre -paid bypublishers; $1.75, it paid heture sails months; lU not so paid. This rufr will be strictly enforced. HATE. or ADVrkTIAINO. Elght cents pe one for first insertion ; three oeM . per line for each subsequent insertion. Ycagy, half -yearly and quarterly ..streets at maimed rates. J.B PRrl1I .--- We save doom st-class Jobbing department in sad poison - mg the most complete ou64t and Mat facilities for turning out work In (ioderleh,aseprepared to do business in that line at pries' that cannot be beaten. and of a quality that cannot be surpassed. -Teras Cask FRIDAY, JUNES, 2881. mtttiug, for the runes, the prediction sought to be made by the appheation of the "uew broom " to us, -that we will won be worn out in the good work of au- deavoring to lift Gedsrich out of the slough of despond,- to go by unchalleng- ed, where is that man sp great • fool as to allow his mew broom to wear out be - ART IN OtiTARIO. Savages paint upon their naked bodies; • the barbarian cares to decorate his per- son only. The more civilized are suppos- ed to look to comfort mainly ie -wearing their bodies, but take full pleasure in adorning their abodes, decorating the walls of their houses, and beautifying their gardens. The cultivation of the senses -the charming of the eye and the pleasing of the ear ---are eminently marks of civilization and "culture." During the past quarter of a century art has made great progress in Canada. Indeed, before the last decade, our lutists were few and raw. Cheap wood cuts, an occasional steel engraving, and a few glaring daubs, chiefly served as • ,ornaments to the Canadian parlor. The sketcher in water color was looked upon as a harmless sort of wandering lunatic, who behaved himself well amongst strangers, and made pictures of trees, and streams and hills that had grown common to the gaze of the prosaic back- woodsman. If the artist ever offered a little sketch by way of a remembrancer, perhaps a wood cut of Heenan and Sayers would get a frame before it. The Ontario Society of artists is not an old institution, but since its organiz- ation it has done good Mork. It has fostered a tante for art not only amongst those who handle the brush, but also amongst the general public. Year after year it has steadily grown; its member- ship has increased, and the character of the work done .by its members has much improved. Our visit to the Art Gallery last week showed us all this. Perhaps in no branch .fart has there been great- or,progreu (and it was needed) than in figure painting. Some ..f the pictures shown by Mrs. Schrieber and Mr. Har- ris are worth reproducing in the popu- lar and cheap chrerno form. We do not intend to make any criticism, nor even [Hake a comparison of the works of the "various artists. While, perhaps, a better tone would have been given to the ex- hibition had the "pruning" process been more rigidly practised, yet sufficient works of merit were shown to prove that in Ontario there is already enough tal- ent amongst those who use the brush and palette to warrant us in predicting as successful future for Canadian art. Among the pictures shown were two views of Quebec by Mr. Henry O'Brien, painted for Her Majesty Queen Victoria. The one called "Quebec" seems to lack that ruggedness which the towering citadel seems to weer continually, but the view from the King's Bastion brings out the strong, bold, grim aspect which has made those ramparts famous, and stamps Mr. O'Brien as an artist of no mean ability. We are glad to see that our painters generally confine themselves to local scenery; and in doing this they do credit both to themselves and to their country. A beautiful fruit picture, in wa- ter color, by Mr. W. Revell, by its richness and 4aithfulness to nature. is a gem in its class; but we missed his pretty wild flower sketches this season. The faithfulness of the portraits was notice- able, and in this branch of painting On- tario ran boast of many successful artist& We .egret that space will not allow ea to refer more fully to the ad- mirable exhibition of the Ontario Socie- ty of Artists Ler 1881. -"The humming -herd isosrmwd"--Wat- furd Adeoara4. And so is the woman with the phut dress, sod the organ grinder, and the hot weather, end the small boy who resides iu the water about eight hours out of tett, and the mosquito, and the girl that wants you to teed her oa ioe-creast, and a hundred!other evidences fore he makes use of it 1 If his house of summer. is filthy, and he has a uew bru..ur, I -While we pay brat little heed to and is afraid to make use of it, he omens, we do not wonder that the Queen, lends it to his neighbor tin it is worn of to the butt. and when it is returned he *hakes his head solemnly and says, "Ah, how wile 1 have been, 1 knew . amce the Prawceae Alia, laden with ex - that broom would wear out, and mi ht sage cursionists, was sunk in the Thames, and has." Splendid logic this ! 0 not long after Her Majesty's second daughter, in whose honor the ill-fated steamer had been named, died of an ill- ness caught by attending her sick child. Does Her Majesty feel in the loss of the Victoria, named after herself, • pr(»enti- who is said to be rather superstitious, feels ouch moved at the loss of the Vic - form. It seems but a short time ago logician ! True, if old brooms were in high com- mercial demand, if filth begirt and spi ler- travelled houses •ere eargerly sosght, if ruined and depopulated towns were a pleasant thing to contemplate, then, say we, speak- contemptuously of Trent that her tittle, too, is at hand 1 the "new broom'but, until thea things The coincidence is a strange one, but we be the desidtruta, se will ices( to Bider trust the analogy will not be completed. with the mages who, without unerstand- m -The strike aongtheootton-spinners ifig the proper application, pin theirdfaith of Cornwall is at an end. All hands have returned to work, and we learn that the utmost cordiality prevails. In this case things are made cordial after the strike, but if our recollection serves us, and we think it doss, when we were engaged on the big "strike" of 1872, we had the "cordial" business during the strike, fur want of something better to do, and when the trouble was over, had the extreme felicity -and it was ex- treme in every sense of the word -of set - rester ta.wbtelles et....t.v- Te le Saws W the MOM glastsL moa Bla,--I have taken this com- munication from the Toronto .Mil. 1t is from Consul Howells, and Its notes agree with my views entirely ; and, as I am placed in the saw position from al- most all parties taking baggage to the United States, 1 would ask of you to publish the article in your paper, as en- dorsed by me fully. Respectfully, Joos IftaaaaD, 1]. 8. Commercial Agent. Goderich, June 1st, 1881. to old saws, fur lack of common sense to frame ideas for themselves. There is a class of people in the com- munity whose prosperity we regard with alarm, and whose field of operations it has beau and shall be our particular care to lessen, and if possible entirely remove. And this class ` f people is that one whose mortgage percentages are increasing just m proportion to the inability of their mortgagors to pay ; a class which fattens and grows rosy upon the decay of the tling the score. They do things different town, and whose conscience is bounded ly down at Cornwall. Aunty Scott must in only by the extremest limits of stats- have a summer resort somewhere in tha locality. tory law. Is it to these men that we are to look fur that patriotic coursed action in municipal matters which will turn the tide of affairs here, and [Hake Goderich not almost a synonym for dulness, apa- thy and lack of energy, but a very heart of industry, throbbing lustily with com- mercial and manufacturing activity, as it should be? No ; such a course would run counter to thou dearest interest, - which but feeds on the carrion of their neighbor's decline. But there is a "new broom" at present in course of evolution, which will be pro- duced some time about New Year's Day next, and which -being a "new" one - will do such an amount of clean sweep- ing as will cause some of these gentlemen to think that an African simoom in all its vigor had been imported here for their special benefit. TiIE "NEW BROOM." Some people who can find no other argument against the straighforward po- sition which we have taken in the rail- way subject, apply to us the epithet of the "new broom," which proverbially sweeps cleanly. This is an old saw, and should be as true as truth itself when applied literally; but when used in the metaphorical sense, which it is venerally made to bear, it is no more to be relied on than any other hap -hazard opinion which might be expressed on a subject of which the gloater knew nothing. It is ono of those half -troth which are ever the wont of lies, and should at once be oat to, join that one which "Lord Dun - dreary" has so besutifnlly dews for,- " The early bird catches the morning wore" "W.well," ',marked his lord- ship, " that w -worm was o - fool, for getting up too early -- But admitting the assertion to be tree that we we o " new broom," and aeeept- ing (with all dim modesty'! the delicate t nomplra setrrilred m the statement that we mop e%fbrt1y and oven per -The Watford Adviser man says, "It's hard on the butter;" -meaning the best of course. Well, our impression is that "It's soft on the butter." Send us a little Watford weather. -The first of the revised New -Testa- ments arrived at Ottawa on Monday of last week. A very hopeful letter from Sir John, on matters and things, appear- ed in the Mail on Tuesday. Banking. BANK OF MONTREAL CAPITAL, - - elr,cm,aoo. SiJRPLU6t. - - - - ss,uw,ow. To the Editor of The Ma- il. Sia, -With your permission I would call attention to a common mistake, which often gives others as well as my- self unneoessary trouble. It is supposed by utas that, as consul of theUnited States, I have authority to direct United Skates collectors of custows to omit the examination of the baggage of persons crossing our frontier, or that they wiil do so at my request. Therefore I am fre- quently celled upon W furnish traveller' with letters to collectors, requesting them to favor the bearers of such letters. Persons making this request of me ought to reflect that collectors are presumed to he fair nen, competent to discharge their duties. Correct and well-mannered peo- ple will usually find our custom house officers accommodating and obliging to the limit of their duties. It would only be impertinence on my part to ask them tip favor any one, .ince I ought to pre- sume that they understand their duties and are sufficiently well bred to treat people courteously. If they are not so it would be useless fur me to ask them to be. I hope, therefore, that I .hall be spared the embarrassment of refusing such letters, or writing them so that they will be meaningless, or an affront to those who ask for them. Yours, &c., Wit. C. Howaua, U. 8. Consul, Toronto. U. S. Consulate, May 31. -They have a haunted house in Mon- treal, we are told, and the spirits, have been having s high old time lately. The report does not give a full descrip- tion of the house, but as we don't be- lieve in the old-fashioned ghosts, as describe3 to us in our nursery days, and as we are also loth to discredit the au- thenticity of the story from Montreal, we 'will meet the matter half -way, by taking it for granted that the haunted place is a saloon, that the "spirits" are there with the knowledge and consent of the License Inspector, and that said "spirits" are haunted by droughty mor- tals -who thus invert the time-honor- ed theory of our fathers, that the spirits haunted the mortals. -"Rise up Sir Hector Langevin." Another full-fledged Canuck knight has been added to the list. The Marquis of Lorne is gaining an unenviable reputa- tion as a builder of tinsel titles. The thing is a humbug, pure and simple, and the annual displays of investiture aro as absurd as the granting of diplomas by Bogus Buchanan, of Philadelphia. The aristocracy of the old land is troubled. with dry -rot, and the attempt t.. trans- plant the miserable thing to Canadian soil exhibits poor judgment on the part of the Governor-GeneraL., --A ridiculous Bill has been introduced in the Idichioan Legislature, imposing a fine of $1,000 and imprisonment for a year on any person publishing an account of a murder or hanging. We wonder if -Rumor in high English circles hath it that Lord Rowton, erstwhile Mr. Montague Corry, formerly confidential secretary of Earl Beaconsfield, will shortly wed the Princess Beatrice. The Princess might go farther and fare worse. Lord Rowton . is a clever man, and hav- ing had the advantage of being trained by one of the greatest political strate- gists, may yet make his mark as a states- man. He is incomparably superior to a petty German Prince with a lengthy pedigree, a long name and an empty purse. And when they are wed, it is to be hoped Beatrice will faithfully per- form her marital vow to "love, honor and obey her liege lord, and not be galavanting over creation when she ought to be at home attending to her wifely duties. -The Marquis of Lorne,it is now said, will, after his Manitoba tour, close his career as Govenor-General of Canada. If this be so, we have doubtless seen the last of the Princess Louise. Princesses of the blood royal were not to be found in this colony, and the daughter of the British Queen doubtless must have felt lonesome hedged about as she was by barriers of court etiquette from the more social enjoyments of Canadian life. Even a princess does not care to be an invol- the gentleman who is introducing the untary hermitess, and if royal dignity measure is impelled by purely personal and court etiquette have to keep the wo- motives. Can it be that he meditates I man's heart from the exercise of its natu- committing murder, and accepting the rel feelings it is little wonder that the legal consequences, and yet would not like the world outside of his own section to learn that he had clone the deed, and been hanged for the offence. Look- ing at the matter in many lights, that is ranted grater social freedom, would really the only construction we can put care to live in Canada for five years. on his action. Princess Louise feels happy only in her 'island home. We have many Canadian women who would make successful -Smith and Brown are not uncom- mon name& We usually find them side by side with Jones and Robinson; and the quartette is often mentioned in one breath. Under these circumstances one would think that amicable relttions would exist between them, especially the former two. But such isnot the case. Smith and Brown are Canadian littera- few; of no mean order, but this does not hinder them from being eternally at loggerhead.. Brown recently went to Europe for holidays. Smith purposes going shortly. The Pres Association of Ontario has seen fit to tender a bar. - quirt to Smith, and Browns newspaper sandman. their act. Said newspaper asserts that Smith is an annexationist, and that any mete who would participate in the repast given in his honor mast necessarily have a sympathetic vein. Notwithstanding this denunciations re the part of Brown's paper, a goodly samher of newepapr men will torch glasses at Smith's bsmgtset, and dnnk to the health and safe retort of one of the beet writers is Canada- four it u in token of his services to Canadian journalism thee the banquet u tendered Goderich Branch. r R. D UNS?ORD, • - - l/ataayev Allows tatesest M deposits. Drafts, leiter d an credit d etrealar .sees Iwsd, pay is all parts of the world. 1764. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Paid up (upital, - *6,000,000. Beet, - - $1,400,000. Presides:, - HON. WM. McMARTSR General Manager, - It". 1t'. 411'DKRSON. Goderich Branch. A. M. ROBS, - - - - MANAuaa. Interest allowed on deposits. orates on al the principal Towns and Cities in Canada Great Britain and the United States, bough and mild. Advancesto Farmers on Notes, with one or more endorsers, without mortgage. 1753 SHEPPARD'S BOOKSTORE. (lissom Meatate Mr. Thos. Ballantyne M. P. P. for Perth, a man of great experience in cheese making, writes a letter to the Stratford Beacom, giving much valu able information regarding the making of early cheese. He says the great ob jection to our early cheese is its being too hard and dry,and offers the follow ing hints to overcome that and produce a better quality: -(1) Use plenty of ren net, sufficient to procure perfect coag ulation from the time the rennet is ad- ded at longest thirty minutes; that the curd be sufficiently firm to cut in that time. (2) Draw the whey on the slight- ed appearance of acid; stir and pile up the curd and keep it warm until suffi- cient acid has been developed. (3) Use If to 1 I Its, salt, not more, per 1,000 lbs. of milk, and get to press "warm. (4) Be sure and keep up a sufficient temper- ature in the curing room; 78° will not be too much for early cheese. -These directions have been testified to by dairymen assembled at Stratford a few months ago, and as the season for cheese making is just coming on a note of these facts may be of much value. The Tweet*, Grey. and Mee Railway. Toronto., May. 31. -The fight over the Toronto, Grey and Bruce railway grows warmer every day. Mr. Hendrie, of Hamilton, was in town yesterday working his very best to prevent the Grand Trunk getting possession of the road. His friends in England are bring- ing up the bonds of the T. G. & B., and they are even now confident that they have the control. The meeting to be held today in England will settle the setter. Mr. Beatty. president of the cod, who will attend the meeting, is in favor of the Grand Trunk. if Mr. Hen- drii s friends -the Northern railway as a matter of fact capture the board, the Grand Trunk will be shut out, no critter how much the people along the line may desire the benefit of Grand Trunk was - petition Thomas (aheom, M. P. P., and other prominent men along the line were in town yesterday. The object of their visit hes not yet Men made public, het it is supposed that they had a am - femme with the Government. The Bsiaihon Trevi says that Hon. Mr. Oteeib wee interviewed in that city y�Ml , chid deuisdgthat the Govera- sa 1W determined not to enesest M the Ilsroesn.ekey and Bruce posting 'sa- to the hands of W Iinrthern. {Globe. The Derly_was won by iroquois, a three year oM owner! by Pierre Lord lard. sen Asaerisast E7mE Books. NEW PRESBYTERIAN, NEW METHODIST, NEW ENGLISH CHURCH. wiping the neer eradicate. It was stated in the Advertiser some weeks ago that one could not accurately tell all the privileges given to the Syndi- cate, or guess what the approximate value would prove to be. This referred to the exemption and freedom from duty clauses in the Syndicate. It seems that there are further privileges given to the Syndicate which have not received the sanction of Parliament, and which have as yet been concealed. Several thousands of horses are now being sent to the North-west to work in the con etrliction of the road. Each horse re- quires a set of harness. That harness is all being manufactured in the city of St. Paul, Minnesota, United States, and is allowed to enter Canadian territory with- out the usual process of paying duty at the custom house. The harness -makers of the Dominion will see from this state ment how carefully Canada has been preserved for the Canadians in their particular trade. -{London Advertiser. Revised edition of NEW TESTAMENT JOHN PASMORE, Manufacturer of o s, i itsages, I.. Carr., VICTORIA -Sp, , Corner of Trafalgar. mem for the Celebrated SEEGMILLER CHILLED PLOUGH And Agrtvaltwni V,eteeseaM. BOOKS, PERIODICALS, LATEST NEWSPAPERS. Also, agent fur the Queen s Fire& Life Ins. Co. This is one of the best Companies in exist, ewe, d`on urnatlon ishecheerfully •p c&Un- tnet-bn JONA raeat.aa. NOTICE. -THE COUNCIL OF THE Corp�t� of the County of Huron wUl meet In the Court House in the Town of Goderich, on Tuesday the 7th day of June next. PETER ADAMSON, County Clerk. 17811. Adelina Patti's passage has been al- ready taken. She starts for Nen York October 22nd. Prince Leopold now bears the titles of Duke of Albany, Earl of Clarence, and Baron Arklow. Trickett, the Australian oarsman, and Kelly, ex -champion of England, sailed for New York on Saturday. It is stated that the resignation of First Assistant Postmaster Gen. Tyner is in the hands of the President, but will not be acted upon until the conclus- ion of the Star route investigation. As two newly -arrived Irishmen were walking up street iu San Francisco, a pavement trap-door opened suddenly, and a Chinese store porter emerged. o` rra!" said one of them, "if the heythens haven't got a tunnel clean through from China, bad luck to thim!' Blaine and Thornton, British Minister have concluded the prolonged negotia- tions relative to the outrages upon American fishermen at Fortune Boy, N. F., in '78 and of • later date M Aspee Bay, Cape Breton. The American claims for losses by fisherman aggregated $103,000. The agreement between Blaine and Thornton is that the British Government shall pay £lb,000 sterling, and U. 8. Government will give a receipt in full. The money will probably be pard some time this weak, and promptly dis- tributed among the rightful owners, who mostly reside at Glooeoest.r, Kern Rather • romantic account is given of the marriage of Rev. A. W. Marling, a nephew of the Rev. F H. , �.r►� d Totoato, and son of lir. B. AA11f rEli .g, Hi0 School inspector, and Yin Janet I. Ori roe, two Amsrisan mimio.ariss of itis Baboon Misled Oaboos is under Frweh law, whish re. quires the dos.ms.taey consent of the parent., a condition that would pnstpoms the wedding foss. months. Consequent- ly a steamer was Salsa, and whon thew miles teas sore, and therefore no Icor er ander the dominion of name, Rev. W. Walker, the swine in the Alnserssa Ptesbyt ran Mimic., performed the ee emony The ring for the eseaeitm was mode out of Afrin.s gold by a native A of . Hop- per, China, woe sterried a" few yuan ago out at sea. ender similar mirrnin- May Mrd, 1881. SEEDS FOR 1881. Thanking the public for past favors, 1 take pieasore in stating that 1 have on Fraud_ a better stock than ever before of eh ice Wheat, Barley, Peas, Black and Whits hats.. Tare, Clover, and Timothy; also Pea Viae Clover, Alsike, Lucerne and Lawn Oraas Ir: THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF HURON. In the matter of the Guardianship of the In- fant children of Henry Hoffman. deceased. Notice is hereby given that after the expir- ation of twenty days from the first publication hereof. the undersigned will apply to the Sur - Court of the County of }Aron to be ap- pointee d guardian. pursuant to the statute in that behalf to John Hoffman and Henry Hoff- man, infant children of the late Henry Hof - man of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron. yeoman. deceased- the applicant being the mother of the said children. ANNA Horr)aN. By CaMxaos. IIOLT & CAMERON. Her attorneys. Goderich. 20 May, 1788-3t, DR. A. PROUDFOOT r.. C. P. a., o- & O. A first class assortment of FIELD, GARDEN and FLOWER SEEDS, selected with groat care from the best seed houses in the country. Call and ere. We keep the best andD.most ie4. ulne seed we Mil urch Licentiate College of Physicians and Surgeons for Quebec and Ontario. Lecturer on diseases of the EYE, EAR AND THROAT, Bishop's College Montreal Oculist and Jurist to the Montreal1Pispensery Oculist and Aurlst to the Protestant Infant WILL BE IN a GODERICH AT TAE BRITISH EXCHANGE HOTEL FROM WED1(It8DAT, Tilt Ibth JUlu UNTIL BATCRDAT, THE 18th, Where he may be consulted for all diseases upon the Eye, Ear or Throat. 1788.21. COMPTON'S SURPRISE CORN, The � weld e kept constanet tly introduced. mond JAMES McNAIR. 1779. Hamilton St $5 to $20 nor y hone. Samples l L vJurt free. Allier STtesON & Co.. Portland. Maine. PUBLIC SCHOOL ' TEACHERS.- ExAMINaTiON.. 1881: For First Claes-At the Normal School, To- ronto on Monday July 18th. at 2 p.m., com- mencing with grade C nonprofessional, fol- lowed by examinations for First CDs!. Certi- ficates and grade A and B First Claris. For Second and Third Claes-At the Town of Goderich, and Clinton and Seaforth High Schools, on onday, July Ilth, at 2 p.m., con- currently with the Intermediate Examina- tion papers. for High Schools and upon the same e Forms of the notice to be previously given by the candidates can be obtained on appli- cation to the Secretary. It is indiepensible that candidates notify the Secretary not later than theist ofJune, oftheir- intention to present themselves for examinat tion. Candidates for First and Second Class cer- ficatee are required to forward the necessary certificates of euecess in teaching, and all are required to furnish certificates of moral char- acter. Candidates for Second and Third Class must state whether they intend to write in (lode - rich or at some of the other named High $moo's. PETER ADAMSON, Sec'y Board Eire. Goderich, May 2d, 1881. 1785b The Canadian Pacific Railway Co. EMIGRATION TO MANITOBA AND Tit CANADIAN NORTHWEST. Bale of' Lands. To encourage the rapid settlement of the Country the Canadian Pacific Railway Com- pany will be prepared. until further notice, to sell lands required for agricultural purposes at the low price of 52.30 an acre, payable by instal- ments, and will further make an allowance by way of rebate from this prion, of $1.25 for every acre of such lands brought under culti- vation within three to five years following the date of perchers, according to the nature and extent of the other improvements made there - en. The lands thus offered for sale. will not priee Mineral. Coal or Wood lands or tracts a Town sites and Railway pe Contracta at special rates will be made for lands required for cattle raising and other purposes not involving immediate cultivation. Intending Settiers and their eAbcts, on reaching the Company s Railway, will be for- warded thereon to their plow of destination no very liberal terms. renter paetie.We will be terwla►ed on sp- at the O®oes d Twa CaNaotAtt Psoric RAILWAT COMPANY at Maltreat and Winntpag By order of the Board, DRI�IKWATsISMIRry Montreal. April IN18111.Sacr 1. t'IM, N(YTICE TO INTENDING BUILD- RRd. KILLER & i C Q U A.RBLE ROMs. hand • disks let of A I. PANNRLL 0001.A. IMAM Ira and SASH at engem inlet thaa m. vie riewilieskiad M • YeQU ARRIE }tants MiS emote f W. lioiswtsa Oat. 17atirn e SEEDS, SEEDS A FRESH SUPPLY or Field and Garden Seeds just received. sold in bulk or in packages. JAMES -WILSON Druggist- GODERICH BOILER WORKS. Chrystal & Black. TO MILL MEN and SALT WELL MEN New BOILERS and SALT PANS manufac- tured on shortest notice. All kinds of Repairing executed under the personal supervision of the Proprietors who ARE Practical Workmen. P. O. Box 103. 1787. Seeds ! Seeds ! The subscriber begs to draw the atten- tion of the public generally to his large and varied stock of FAH and GARDEN SEEDS, consisting of CLOVER, TIMOTHY, HUNGARIAIN, MILLET, PEAS, OATS, BARLEY, and choice WHEAT; also TURNIP, MANGOLD, CARROT, and all other GARDEN AND VEGETABLE SEEDS, at rates that cannot be beaten. S. SLOANE. General Seed Dealer, Hamilton Street. PIA house tole on Victoria street. NOTICE. ( The Maitland House SALINE BATHS ., are now open to the public for the season. HOT AND COLD BATHS can be had at any hour from 6 a. m. to $ p. m. on week days and until 10 a. m. on Sundays. Mr. Travel', under whose management they are, trusts that by close attention to business he will merit the liberal patronage of the public. E. Hotieza. M. nurse, Proprietor. Manager. 1788-1m. ALLAN LIN E of ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, GLAS- GOW. LAS- GOW. The popular route between Canada and Great Britain SHORTEST BEA ROUTE. Cabin, Intermediate and Steerage Tickets at Lowarr RATED. R4ILINUI FROM QIIKIINC• tab tial. titb Jr*. talt8thi .. $ d July. .. .. tees " Moaivia. Acorn . 1An ilii me* nail PotTnapAn Balkans saaawun SAanranAe ......... .... t>kd t'✓i.CArtMnaivraRAw .. .... .. .. .... .... Mrs ` /Ty tt� ss with the .t,.msr lees 'Meeh every 1h�ttllaal� M 1! ♦ et Fee tie end e+vey tadsrt.atiaa ono to A A Rip, A est. i=d OiDaa GedertsC �1s�s�►� 170-` kstlet ►ire As em ll. lbAtaaserW