The Brussels Post, 1968-06-20, Page 1;2.00 A Year In Advance 3.00 To 17,134. THE 130RUSSIILS POST, TH URSDAY, JUNE 20th, 1968 POST PUBLISHING HOLISM
Stratford Presbyterial
Afternoon Seeslen
The Julie Confermice of the
Stretford Presbyterial wee held in
Knox l'reebyterian Church, Nein^
brook, ou 'Wednesday, June 12.
The afternoon session at. 2,30 p.m.
bed the theme 'left% Without. Fear"
wih mrs. Elwood Roe, Awood,
presiding. Heverione were in
Mingo of Miss Laura 1-lonry and
cherIce is.. Wien of the
Moirkton Afternoon Group. Mrs.
clan , veileb, president of the
t'lraubrook z1fternoon Group. wee
coated the guests. Roil Call was
answered with a'ver'se containing
"fear". The greetings from Pares,
bytery by Rev, 'Wit, Ferguson,
Stratford, were read by Mrs.
Sorsdahl, Mitchell, Two enueicar
numbers were given by a group
of girls from Cranhrook, Sharoe
Stevenson 'Eliebbeter Pfeifer, /
Donna and Brenda Smith, Bonnie
Bret:1111er, Marie and Janet Vence,
accompanied by Mrs. Stuart
Steiss, who presided at the organ
for both sessions. Miss Leckie,
who for 27 years was Presbyterial
Treasurer, was presented with a
eilver pin and earrings by Mrs.
Norman Coulthard, Presbyterial
President, Report of Snynodical
was given by MI'S. Schellenberger,
Stratford, and Mrs, Ancheson,
Menton, The treasurer's report
was given by Miss Davidson, Strat-
ford. Ushers Were Mrs, Lylle
Gordon and Mrs. Mac Engel, Mrs.
Wilfred Strickler gave offertory
prayer, The speaker, Miss Dorothy
Buttner of Nigeria, was introduced
by Mrs, Roe and thanked by Mrs.
C, A. Wninn, Meeting closed with
prayer by Mee, Stanley Fischer.
A pot-luck slipper was held in the
eburch basement following the
Evening SeesiOn
The Evening Session at eight
o'clock was presided over by Mrs.
Stuart Stevenson, President oh:
the Ovenbrook Evenieg Grotipl.
Seiriptiree reading was given by
Nfrs, Gordon, meditation by
Meer, Douglas Evans and prayer
by Mrs. Norman Pfeifer, Mise
:Reinter spoke and told of the
conflict in Nigetia. Mies
home church is Windsor arid She
crene borate from Nigeria in Mare+.
She slid it .was hot a. happy Mes-
sage, rent difficult to begin to tell
of cotiditiobe. Wee is terrible
thing, affecting civilians se gneet-
lee Both eitiee believe theY are
in the right and that (Ied is on
their side. Nigeria became hide-
pettdebt its 1969 end elate very
tiappy. HMO then. said a tietiotial
enthere afut flag: In May Titqr the
r'e'public of Menet Was dereared.
The •Nigeelens invaded First, went•
jug tile eliefrarie back in. Mail Was
restricted and hospitals have boot
bombed. Dr. E. H Sohnsote seere-
'tau or the Beard of Mi Wow!,
(nOttifilllatt 60: itaiMe Pag0)
The Majestic Women's Institute
held their June meeting in the
library basement on. Jii 13th at
e p.m.
IIIrs. 'earl (41(1.1110re witS con-
venor and welcomed the i - II Club
girls and their ieaders, Rose
Smith and Mrs, Ralph Triebner.
Miss Laurel Hemingway and Miss
Juan Elliott gave a commentary
and demonstration on "Packing
Weekend Bag". el vs. Cud1110%
thanked the ghee and preemie-
them With gifts,
The roll call was well answeveit
with "What makes a good hostess '
Mrs. Gee. Davis gave the motto —
"Salt your food with humour . .
pepper it with Wit , . sprinkle
over it the charm of fellowship
„ never poieon it with the carets
of life", and read Some humorous
M ee McLarty 'reported on
Cureent Events; and Mrs. ee
Miller read "Backsent Driver''
which was thoroughly enjoyed by
Mrs, James Smith reported on
the District Annual which was held
in Vordwich in. May,
A sale of hornernade belting
followed with Mrs. Cudmore noting
as a very capable auctioneer.
Lunch Was served by Mrs. Jemee
Smith, Mrs, Amy Speer and Mrs-
Marie MoCuteheon,
The person, or persons, who sent
a letter to the Demme, Society,
should read"•about horses, or ge
and See sonic at other plaeee,
where they are in very poor shape.
There are horeee thet get fat frem
doing nothing, just like people wire
mind other people's husines:•
instead of their Wm
Clifford leabdeau
The Gu ild of Melville clitireh
held their monthly Meeting in ti''
church petiole. on Tuesday even-
ing, June 18th,
The meeting Opened With the
reading of a pee111 by Jean Stilee,
Hymn 816 WaS sung followed by
a reading by Leona Armstrong,
Kathy 'Work gave her speech
"The Ceilteehtel Year Is Over".
,60,5 Was sling followed lei'
prayer' by Helen Elliott. The
Topic 'tvtte given 1\farg Work,
whet; Voiero Misundoostoocl.
folic-wed eingieg hymn
and all repeating the Mizpob
Helen prosielorl rot, the
bitsiner,s part of the meetine
after Willi+ a delicious lunch was
etlitTed by aid eut.ti!ii ade iii Charge,
tied Mrs, Geo rge Knechtel,
eleeee Jaw, Sask., and. Mr. Arid
'111` Stenley Bride of Perebeiiell0
eve 0.0 visitors with Mr. and Mrs,
Teerenee Dundee.
Mr, ewe Mrs.
Steven end J,enene, Wit i thy,
veittine with Mie end ?Ti's..
Mr. end Mes. Mello. Tendon.
Mrs, Mary Slenterr, Mrs Jr-le:pith
1;ifiricr. "Mr and Mrs 'Renton
yfifol7r0! "" •`"1 Williem
Sint maleor eIlle11011, wer e 4irit:-
ir•e with Mr :led errs. Leonard
Rev. and Mrs. John Kerr and
Virginia of Clarkson and Mr. and
Mrs, Jaines Kerr and family, RR
1, Listowel visited with Mr, and
Mrs, David Kerr .and family and
attended the confirmation of Joe
and Rath Kerr, at the Confirma-
tion Service in St. Alban's and St,
Devids Mega -can Church, Atwood.
Farewell Party
A family get-together was held
Sunday at the home of Mr and
Mrs, rim Cardiff, for Mr. and Mrs,
Robt, Wolfe and of Konora,
who leave shortly for the 'west.
Others preeent were Mr, and Mrs.
Albert Cardiff, Mr. and ears: jack
Cardiff and family; Mr. and Mrs,
George Pearson, Don and Bill,
Me, and Mrs. Don Fiecher and
Leurie of Kitchener, Mr and Mrs.
;Terry Cardiff and family of
• Squirt Softleall Leegtie
has been. formed for Rrussele and
area. Perticiating 'Warns are
Belgrave, fneneitile, Teressele,
Newry, Ethel and Atwood.
BetiSselS, Home Genies
Stine 19 Brussels vs Newry
hay 2 Brussels vs Belgrave
July Dressole vs Ethel
Jely Ilveseels Atwood
Brussels Games Away
tune et Ethel
Title 9 at.
J,TI:tr 12 at Netery
July 22 et telnevele
.rniv ^t ac. Atwood
le-peeve: etetee red T11 neve To
to on Jane, 1 On. Pniely Cousles.
lilt Peer 'home tetee. ertighle
• Wee 'ePtilnine rite/101',
...Dr, K. Zyluk, \OW came tu 'entre-
f3els from England to the new
eledicul Hemel Centre here last
November, concluded his practice
here. on Saturdey, ere has gone to
The c'htlirruat, Of the kieclical
Dental Centre Committee, H.
Stretton. told the Pest that, cut
the time of' writing, he had net
received any official notice that
Dr. Zyluk was l0nvin lie had
been tIcotivitsed In come to Brits-
sels, where e capable doctor was
haely needed, with the under-
standieg tha1 lie would be given
occupancy in the Medfcal Dental.
building, rent free up to one year
on condition that: he signed a long
term lease or bought the building.
Neither was done,
Some, of the dokor's patient
were disappointed to find the
doctor' gone when they came to
MS office.
Several enquiries are now under
way and prospects of having
another doctor in the not too list-
eat tnre look good:
George Bone is a patient in
Wingharn Hospital where :lie
underwent surgery last Week.
Miss Ann Lowe has been a
patient in feistowel hoepital
Where she had an appendectomy.
Mrs. Annie Bray returned home
last week from the beeline',
Mr and Mrs. blob Fischer and
girls of Kitchener, etre and
Davit! Button and boys. Listowel,
and Mr. end Mrs, Murray Bray of
Wroxeeer. were at the. home of
their parents, kin. and Mrs, Glen
Bray, for Father's Day. Mr. Doug
Ventent and Michael of Clinton.
Mr. arid Mrs. Thomas MacTenriane
Of Pehel and Mr. I-Tent•y Fischer of
Ayton were visitors at lie same
horn e.
Mrs. John Dodd, son George and
granddaughter, Miss Annabelle
Moore, all of Aurora, Out., were
weekend visitors at the borne of
Mrs. George Davis.
Sgt. and Mrs. Son Lowry, newly
weds, have. been Visitors with hie
grendmother, Mrs. W. Speiran,
Sgt, Lowry of the 1T.S. Airfoece
has been posted to Les Vega with
Thenderbied Administrotien, ene
and Mrs, McCurdy Lowry Were
also visitors With Mrs. Spoirrat
and Mrs. araorno Scott of
Poutilltt wore visitors with his
father, 'W. K. Scott.
eries Rosemary tIft 2.
Brussels, was one fir soren 4-H
Homeniakine Chili Girls chesen to
represent Unroll flouuty of the
Conference in towipii on.
;rim, el, 26 end.
Arm and Mi's. Carl ere'Donald,
writie Suntiny visitors with
Mr, net `trk *.ti's, More,
Tuesday, June eeth, vote for the candidate of your choice, There are
three running in this riding, The two pictured above and the N.D.P.
candidate, Mrs, Shirley M. Weary of Goderich. It is your democratic
privilege, and duty, to cast your vote.
eth And 16 Unit Mr. and Mrs. Bert Godd n and
Duff's UCW, Walton Mr. and Mrs. S. Speiran were
I Sunday visitors with Mr. and
The 8th end 16 th Unit of :MINI efts. Rod :Godden of Bramble!).
Ie.C.W., Walton at the home of • t Mr. and 311-S. Williarni Bremner
of :\T rs • Dc'n Fras" on Wednesday I of Toronto were weekend guests
evening, June 12 th. with their parents Mr, and Mrs, A.
The meeting opened by singing Bremner and Mr. and Mrs James
hymn :392 "What e Friend We
Mee Tv :Teens". Mrs, Jim Smith
read the scripture. from ' Gal.
211 end led in prayer.
The topic The Politician and the
Social Worker, from the study
book Was taken by Thee Jan van
\life. Mrs, elm Smith 'read a'story
and a verse of hymn 562 'Day Is
lying In The West" was i•ead in
Mrs. Jan viii Vliet presided over
the businee$: pai•t of the meeting.
Mimeos of the last meeting were
lead by the secretary. Roll Call
nesweved by 11 members
The Copper eolleetion :was taken
.%ml the reenter collection re-
e C-kj Q d
Grace was sung and lunch WS
erved by Mrs. Harold Bolger and
Mlle, W. IL Watson, of Moose
Jaw, Sask., has been a visitor
eine her daughter. Mrs. Norman
Williainson and Mr. Williteinson.
Mr. laud, James McDonald
and Mr. and ell's. Ruseell
Kreuter of Atwood, were visitors
in Detroit with Mr, and Mrs.
Stonley MeDonald.