HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-06-13, Page 1THE ,Box.SSIP414s POST, Till'ItSDA.t, JUNE 13th 1968
Pt.ofji_t W K NOW)
and Mr, and Mrs,. lioup.Rt s:: it-con ing,
Thy Xentleth Bray Old
La:Mont that the tender of Hanna
PopNit:Aid:lob of the Machf112..
Drainage Works for the price 6.14.
$2,3500, be accepted,
• •
'Lamont "that the meeting be
8 part. ''0r the.'call of the :ROOM
adjourik41 July 2ne1; 1968, at
• Tim following accounts • Were
.fly 'males 'Minna ii and. Melvilld.
Tall ',1*WiStet' . ,...,,.. . , ... ,:„“ Jas, Knightcasa i 1 onation he sent to Camp ,„ : G
Assistant ----- ... - John I-Tatina Eintail lit our Congregation.
TOW11 of ListoWel, .debentiti'0"•
- .... -- Al Johnston ()Wing to the meeting oil une 12 Lion Tame •T .• payment Secondary school $2,2.14, Selwyn nake,41' no one. from: Cranbrook would be .•
3"1„, Drainage Debetilitre .115.32, ,,thditors „.-., Geerge 7,\TeCiitclt OP, going to help at Camp on that 'Township': of Wallace, mainten-
,data. The itieetttg closed with a Cecil McFadden • ance MOIeStVorth. Street liAtts
hymn anti prayer by the leader. .:17.501, Village of tIrtisets,_ fire .ea.).1
"Sim W. Strickler :tad Mrs, chill to Carl .t,othiogwtryta ,q0..1)6; !,4:Strii
',1111x) 13131 th StE1.71eitltd, 11(IVE.Tti SO
„ussiAted the hostess in servi:tg .ford beacon-Herald, dverth
,drain tenders 8.00. The Brass( as
WELL UNE )n. 8.vAy rerri.,%11111011:t;;, :t11 s. Jae, Perrie will 14rain tender:4 21,48, •
be hostess for the July meeting.
Post, ildvertise drain tende 1
)tuft .constr aetion oe the rest ',rho lt.'„irt. (lab brought the
lllitttehati dritiTI. 2.00,, c ir
rooms al. th j1 t'tn.tunitnity parlt is son:so w s soft v iti 0 b t o Et close, on
regisitiraetit on well under Iyny, Frid:ty evening with it supper set.- (6.00; 'Edythe (70 l'fliff.
:1‘11,.(4c..Doteit,ibilaTrii,01;irlitIi illir'ii',,006fir, Tri(ce:irli.si. r,l'iltila, -ii,vvili7(i.c,;.111,311,
tl' Ae. Centemt al grant, that tied 'by the ladies (Li St, Athbrese net This is o Centennial project on
ClreWar, chairman a ,tbe Chui7011
,,Vrkto ras for the past
i 11 eir n 01'0
season were. as follows: most
fir, omi .Ntrs. 13ett n-otideli, were Aleitcrieff
Drain, 15.00, %int ell) Centerailat committee, assitred the starts, Harry ,Tacklito; • Most
BraY, COtili of Revisioir.k 'Net
Slutirloy visitors with Air and lq'ts. '\Vfilton 6
Araehati, Fraser, Kerr and ' .7'41
ikivil, Iti'rli 2 darts, ciordon .1.1vil 0.1, st. moryA..
drains 5,40'0, Charles r.l 144
.tee, Post was not lost, is boilip: Used. It 'finishesErnie
'Brussels 4
Conet of lieVision, .McKe-e, ;Irk
lion is hoped to add' tireSsitlg roots at Bob Alexander. Winning team
Mrs. Frank Elemstra hits been Jamestown 4
was the Wines with capl alit lIarry
T , hospitalized in Wi agile in rind Nartzville lt
an, Pre Set n',-i.i' •rtitio,i AValtd.
'tall; a. ifitet date.
drains 75.99„ *felvino Lninditi '
The work is betrig detai. by 1 To ekli n , • Ken l'ise 11 er,
1 nonald find 'Ralph N01.1.'7A71 gc);;;l Pist7:1(1 .1.1"1111111. 'Gerrie 1: ti,
Tire work b i eor hets ore 4011%-i oi....1 crowd Nsras in attendance later for Nit% mid Mrs. 'Win, Hewitt were
Cehrl p!' -ikk-1Visieti,• McKee. ltlitehn-i
1 TetiPas Con8truction,"
the dance an Stitiday 'visitors with Mr and 17311.1nlitellynie 0:
i, Nv.F1 b e es ore‘iiviet6itit it,1111111k t)Y I— Mrs, W111., Leslieof Tertente.,
1:duittiiiudd on back OageY
going Mitch' ileedc.A riepairs being
titoortazi by the lochl Lions ClUm.,
LaSyseit Ward Oa Ken
V101 #4'70, that the tei-idr rif
VI alma and EamiIton Construction
for the construction of the Fraser
;Drainage Works for Eno .pri().0 of
ten:n.01 iiritY and LaWson
\V•aiM that Supplementary 13y-Law
12 of 1068 in -The Mount of
$49,000, tor the eonStruction of
'the 'F:nyilen Bridge and J•rwkliti cul ver t be passed Alfa subraitted
'to the 1 epartt11(.1a of Highways
Marles Thomas and 'Ken-
neth Bray that the 'Towttgliip
RateS be set as follows: 001111:here.
Italy 17.7 mills; Farin and Rest.
dential ;15 hills.; Fire Department
0.5 1111118 and odor,' the budget
for 11116t,
Tarwson Ward and Charles
Thomas that all approVed :accounts
C'eY Township Connell Meet
'itittti held ou Jape 3rd,
liesolulions passed as follows:
13y* Kenneth tray dad Lawson
A.Irrird that, the minutes of the Mk
regular tweeting and two special
11,10otins adopted as read,
;by INNytile Lanioni;ttin.1
that Court oy„Ilevision .011
)tiers Worka he .clus-
ed and, By -Law 1:o, o,t
finallY passed as rettd a thill
time, , 7 "- •
1,0w8on Ward 'and Kentleth
Bray that Court of Revision on
the Walton Drainage Works he
closed and By-Law No. 10 of 1968
be finally passed as read a third
k%rxi fit;
't'4k fitotilaS and Mel,
Ville Lamont thai •the tendet of
Ken Gerber Construed° Mi1yifr-
ton 7 Ontario, for the construction
oe the McKee Drainage Works for
th e price of Of $5,065.88 be aecel)t-
;2.00 A Year In Advance --- $3.00 To 11,8•A•
1I r,_ and NIrs. Roy McDonald b An (ring( coloree, balloon, with
ihtibj;iit Werj, guests of Miss the lettering ggin hot ham
liossie Mosog Itof Week, School, If ioniid call 1)i - 105'11"
Mrs, Geo. Childlow has return. was picked up by Alas, Wm. Adams
ed from a visit with Eespler artily their house on the ,1t1 con-
1;,;"fol'iti Township.
f1.11, N ovnion, tionvor The small ballot Was found
about 7:30 p,m, Tuesday, al14, file
:,1 re 'holidaying in (ntawa and s'101 ))1,
fill! eiis Mrs, Adams called the number
indiettcd find: Was told, it had been yorat Paterborn
reicasc0 ifr the COVal West section was 'visiting with her naat Mr's,
Tits, frienda" aro gild to -see °f
ft, W. Stenhena.
Hastings able to be out
again after recen0y' 1141-rgoing CRANBROOK
Sur'ger'y, r'to is at present wi Itoti• Arta residents -‘Vito 1YOSI)tri I-
days, izeii Clem Stealer, '''alvfn
Mr and Mrs Douglas Leaca. of Cameron, Mrs. Cliff Bray. Mr.;
Ottawa visited with his mother, Fred Smaltdon and Mrs. Evelyn
Mrs. W. G, Leach, during the week I-Tall,
end, Their daugher Karen, who has Mr. and Mrs. Don 41.eklin , and
spent the last several weeks with Tracy, Bloomingdale, spee The
1•911(ktnoi-lier, returned honie wokend with Ill', salad M1's 17'.4141.`
with tite r), Dunn.
The service in Knox Church or
Sunday was conducted by a stud--
LIONS INSTALL v,vridoorie, Kitchener.
Miss Maxit-le )(itch1.068-69 OFFICERS ener, was; hum.! toy ttg-t weekend,
The regular supper' meeting Miss Mary McDonald, Toronto,
o f tits )russets mous Club was spent the weekend with Mr. and
nresi Mrs, Martin McDonald. preSIded Over *iv Mrs. Lylle Gordon visited in cleat, daft Yatt 1n the itbSetii.!l: last week, of the 'a -resident, Lioii rtiti Pitnith Prir0
who is recuperating from aiittery. immg: Zeeting
'Mrs. Tack Br Yart.8 presided at the The zinyo,,, iiit,(;1.1??,z7 0:f tie
Piono for 1ed "ItOTTIOOn Group kl
Lieu ;Il the home Of ltlf?4 Wan-
l'antWiSter ClittrieS k'boinai \vas le y ( f 1,t,‘2 President
active in his capacity., bristly mrs, clure Veitch,, Aofeo-.
bollootiog, is nes froin the ineini)arP, ,p}oeting was opened witii ai t}o‘t,n)
The guess, what was the largest 'Grace for Gardens". Responsive'
natnber bot.0 to attn ronclimt WO Acts 11 and the inedi-
Wetaan, 169), -we§ 4p01 by ;fames mvett by Mrs. Voitch.
Armstrong (67), Forrest ltd itt prayer
Viiginegs inclaed roll call and and a poem "Too fired to pray"
correspondence by Lion secretary was read by Mrs Allan Smith, Mrs,
Cecil McFadden; discussion con- 'John Pottle was in charge of the
cmiitt repairs to park bleachers topic from Christ and the fhiths
Installation of the officers for sanest
others asssting were 'Miss and swimming lessons., of met.
68 was condncted by Lion sanest who read "Animism",
Hank TertPas folloWs;
"Hinduism" was ..,-1\reit by Ales
President son von -sillet ,f1\\41 6in PSititgri.1:Lh tarBmuddd"li1811.Sarriii.),'" bbY' Y 1‘1\i'lirraS:
1st 'Vice Pres. ........ ..„ Catl Kralltel' \\'ilfred Strickler, A. reading,
2nd Vice Pres. ., Jas, Arinstron" Slit-
3rd Vice Pros. EIxel
Miiiibow, Was given by Mrs.
nth Knight. Flrigel A, ver -c from Psalms
given for roil call. rronoth , • n
C'N)1!"11- lVlcGavin, !all were completed for the Conference
:11(.18(1 'Ma-Inn of the StritfOrd Presbyterial being
Secretary Cecil McFadden
Treasurer Cecil Parker
held in Knox Church, Cronbrook,
lane 12th. It was suggested that 0
Sylvester Raynard„ Ethel,
died Wednesday, June 5th, in
Listowel Memorial Hospital.
'He is survived by his mother,
Mrs. Austlo (Essie) Raynard;
sons; Donald, 'Vaticonver; Joseph,
::1`re' Township; Ligtowel;
Thomas, Wallace Township'; one''
miner, Alm Barbara' Leith,
Edina Township; 4Y:othe7,'s,, John
Cecil, both of Grey' YoWnsbiP;
.NErs, Waiter (Dopi$) me-
11,i.stowei; Mrs, el or zlnye
razoi E „trey Township;
minigo cf.olaay ;%,:tc.Farlane,
Turuherry Tow roil) ATTEND' The rithArei halt) FAMILY
from the D folio funeral hme, NDUATION EXERCISES
Brussels: oil Saturday at 2 pan.,
Burial was in: Mount
Sylvia 11 Hoover' graduated conducted by the Rey. A. Johnston,
omete ity
Pleasant from Kitehoher-Waterloo Hospital
Pallbearers 'were Archie Jatklin Se
shyoIevliaot Nisnt,ir g asaitIlig:hetetir June.o .1\4 8.01.
Ted Gill, Robert Bremner. Wilfred Mrs. Norman. S. Hoover of !ELIZ
Gregory, 'Amos Stnith, Leda BraSsels, The graduation exercises
Frain, were held its the School of Nursing
Atiditoritun after :Which a. re-
ception, was held on the lawn for
Grandson 'Is Awaimled the graduates and their guests.
Cornell Fellbi.yship
Guests besides. hem inirehts were
MurrayMr. t Hoover;, Brussels,
Murray l ion glas Lawless Me, and Mrs. Don radie Wing-
recently gradanted from -sic - halt,
Mast or Univorsi ty tit Honours In the evening m dinner and
Chelnistry, Where he was named reception Was held at. the home
to the Dean's Honours List in each Me, and Mrs, 'Glen 'Walters 0.
of the four years of the conitse. Kitchener at Which guests attend-
Murray is the recipient oe ed from London Lucan, Winghttnti,
Wilson Fellowship anti and [;russets"
\b\;rtosodr170-1:1 awarded a graduate Prior to the graduation Mrs,
fellowship front Cornell I' fiver- Hoover attended a mother and
daughter luncheon held at the sity to pursue doctoral studies la
Cheinistry, School of Nursing Anditoriutt and
Murray is the, son of Mr. and Mr. Hoover attended the Father
and Daughter banquet', held et, the Mrs, Douglas Lawless, Burlington
anct ociocNoo of Mrs, P, G Laiw- Charcoal Steak Hottse, Xitehetier,
ifelene flyossard James
Archer Pearson exchanged mar-
riago vows in the chapel of. St.
a de Rosemont .
Montreal, Quebec on Alay 29th.
Father R. A. ['cmin officiated
uslosted by Rev, A. Tennyson
of :Rosemont First Culled church,
The bride is a daughter of Mr.
anti II vs. Real .1;rossard, Montreal,
and a' eradiate of the' rT nfversity
Or .11Oldrear, 'file grntenl ix a, go
Of Mr, and Mts., Alex Pearson,
Kthel, and is a gt"-iteitinte of 1,11.Q
University' of Waterloo.
They are serving with. CilSO in
South America,
FofloWing the wedding a
coption for immediate families
was field at the home of the bride's
After' a frellefay at St, Agathe(
Quebec', and Ethel' the Couple will
return to their poSitiotta in Bogata,
Western Star and Morning Star
Lodges and Brussels Branch of the
Royal Canadian Legiop with their
Ladies Auxiliary held their an-
nual fhicoration Service at the
Brussels cemetery on Sunday
fternoon, Due in : part, to the ex-
cessive heat, the service was not
well attended,
Western Star members, Legion
and Auxiliary members, marched
from the mile and a quarter corner
loath of Brussels to the cemetery
led by the Legion Pipe fktnd. They
were joined at the cemetery by
the, Rehekahs.
The IOOF service was in charge
of. Ronald Cardiff of Ethel. Bill
Wheeler read the names of de,
ceased brethren and Frank Wilson
gave the prayer,
Ted Elliott conducted the
Legion service with Dan Snyder
reading the names of deceased
comrades and the chaplain, Rey.
F. 'Braby, offering prayer.
Mrs. George 1VIcCuteheon read
the names of the deceased sisters
of Morning Star Lodge and Mrs.
George 18r:fags gave Prayer.
The Page Grand's Charge of the
lOOF was delivered by Clarence
Hamilton of Ligo-svel.
The Oddrellows and Rebekalts
paraded to the Brussels United
Church on. Sunday morning,
accompanied by the Legion Pipe
Band for their annual Church
service, conducted by the minister
of, the church, R.v. Allan Johnston.
loss. St, Thomas, formerly- of Brits,
sols and of Mr and 'MTS. 'Wilbur
Turnbull of Grey Township.
"','tit-couNts, INTERMEDIATE
Stine 1001
W L Ott,
4 1 8