The Brussels Post, 1968-05-30, Page 1$2.00 A Year In Advance — $3.00 To 17,11.4.
Robert Stanfield, national
leader of, the Progressive Con-
SerVatiVe Party, along with Mrs.
Stanfield, Will visit the Huron
tiding oh Thursday of this week
to address a full-scale rally In
the anditoriuni of the Wirigheln
School at 330 p. hi.
it is expected that, Mr, Mid
MI's, Stanfield's arrival Will at-
tract. a good deal of attention,
for they will be tloWn into"Wing-
hem by helieoper, to land
inediately west of the Wingimin
bistrici High School Between
3:00 and 3:30 P,m. The guests
will be introduced to the students
at the school and will tour the•
library and other sections .of
the building. Then they will pro-
ceed to the nearby MANIC build,
ing where Mr, Stanfield will tape
an interview for radio and tele,
vision, Broadcast of the intervieW
Will be seen, on OKNX-TV at
:11:40 Thursday evening.
An official welcome to Huron
and to Witighani Will take plaice
at eight o'clock Thursday eVen-
itig- when. the PC leader , Will be
escorted by a band anti eaVal-
emit of ears from the smith en-
trance of the town, tip the
Street, to Patrick Street Cud
thence to the public sehOol,
Mr, Sin course. Will be
the to ranted speaker of the meet-
ing. Other platform guests will be
COnservative candidate in Huron:
John Maloney,. Pa candidate in
Britee; Marvin HoWe, PC can-
didate in Wellington-Grey, and
Hen, •dliatie§ Ma0NatIghton, treati*
urer of Ontario, as well as Elston
Cardiff, retired MP for Huron.
For the information of those who
ere not familiar with Wingham
streets, the public school is
located at the Corner of. John
and Frances Streets, three blocks
east of the town's 'main inter-
progressive Conservative com-
mittee rooms will be opened on
Monday iii the Crompton build-
ing, directly across from the
new post office, Yon are invited
to drop in for information and
cup of coffee any afternoon.
S. W. M.eLareii, of
was re-elected president of the
HtitOr Count-sr FfiStorical SoOlety
at its Minna Meeting held in the
Ulyth public school on. Friday
Other ()Meets elected were:
vice-presidents, trig, P. A. Cliff,
Tinyfield, anti `Mrs. Bet- Homan
•(.1 oderi eh secretary - tree surer,
INIrs.. Otto Popp, Clinton: public
relations officer, Clantelon,
Wiligliain; auditor, William
Goderitd“ archiVist end historian,
MrSAV. b. Meek, Crediton
Kenneth Stewart, a history
teacher at 'EA :Salle Secondary
School in Kingston spoke on
HitrOli County's role lit 1,7anadn'S
15 e
.Mr. Lewis .Frain.
Mx and Mrs. Carl salter of
Port Crodit, were weekend visitors
with miss M, Skelton and Mr,
and Mrs': `K'.. W, South,
Mr. and NirS' 160in 'Martin
visited with Mr. aired Mr S, John
Tooth of Montreal, They a riteitled
"Man and His 'Woad" Pair lir
Montreal and the Tulip Pestivat in
Mr, and Mrs. David Hastings
spent the weekend in LindsaY
where they attended the 45
Battery of 7th Con. Field Reg,i,
• mental Reunion,
Clark Matheson, of Brussels will
attend the 94th General Assembly
of the Presbyterian Church in
Canada which convenes in St,
ndrew's Church, Toronto, Wed-
nesday, June 5th, as one of the
elders sent by Stratford-auron
Mr, Norman B. Smith, a drug-
gist of Ednionton, is a visitor at
the Smith faintly 'home, Albert
St. He is here to see hid uncle Mr.
P. R. Smith, druggist of BruSSOIS,
now a patient in Wingham Hos-
pital. Mr. South's brother, Norman,
of Borden Sask„ and niece, Miss
R. M. Smith, of Toronto, are also
Ray Hemingway, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Hemingway received
the Trophy for the highest
score in the Swine section at the
Huron County Livestock Judg-
hug Competition held in Sea-
forth on Saturday, May 25th.
Mrs. „Tomes Noble passed away
at the Callender Nrirsing . Home.
Brussels, May 23, • in, her 90th
She wes born in Logan Town-
shin, and was predeceased by her
linsband, • Santos :Noble. sons
Welter .and Harvey, and daughter
Site • is survived three SOUS,
and one daughter,. Stuart of
'Guelph, Ralph of Crailbrook. jack
of Eanover and Mrs, -AlVie (Jean).
Higgins, of littissets; bile sister,
Mrs Sylvester 'Osborne of Mitch ,
ell: seven: grandchildren and
eleven •greet grandchildren,
:Ole funeral service Was con-
ducted by Rev. C. A. McCarroll cif
Melville Presbyterian Chtirch.
Brussels. from the • A. Reim
Mineral Home oil Saltirday. May
2rith. Burial was iii: Crithbrook
Pallbearers were Joe Steffler,
'Maurice Camnoron, Glenn
Stanley Fischer, Ken Maelltatild.
end Gordon, Engel.
Youngest daughter of Mr, afid
Mrs, Eldon Wilson, Brussels, who
was one of the 1968 graduates of
St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener,
;The P. R. Smith Drug Store
has been closed because of the
critical illness of Mr. Smith.
It seems strange to not see this
Place of business open, 11,S usual for
has been operated by the pre-
f.4ent owner for- more years than
any other main street store.
F. H, Smith's brother Rornta,n
told the. Post that he believes that
Mr. Smith had been in business
hare continuously since 1903 and
bad been a regular weekly
advertiser in the Post during
those years,
l3russels Lions Club have pur-
chased a Bell and Howell 16 in.m,
movie projector and screen with
the money raised frem the sale of
hockey tickets this past season.
,This projector Will be available
for the use of organizations in this
community, Contact Cal, Smith.
The Lions thank all those who
sappOrted the hockey draws and
helped in any way.
The Ways and Means committee
are going to raise money to repair
the bleachers at the park by set,,
ling tickets on a motor" bike.
Congratulations are extended to
nett Machan, son of and Mrs.
Leonard gechan Brussels, who
ro,oeives his Bachelor of Setenee
degree from the titiversity of
Western Ontario, London. Also to
Frank Kennedy, son of Mr, and.
Mrs. T-Tugh Xeiruedy,
who is -an Honors- graduate of the
University Of Western Ontario
Flusinofffi Rebool,
Joon ;ititt r,,dgar of histowel.
are happy to announce the arrival
of their chosen son, Doane Robert,
age 2 years tot
The '.a(rpticultnroll SoCjiety;
'Invites Yon T Join
The May meeting of the Bros
eels. Horticultural Society was-
held in the Public Library on
Monday, May IlOtb, at 8 pJa.
Mrs. G. Wheeler presided, Alter
her welcoming remarks she open
ed the Meeting With Q Canada
with. Mrs. D, Hemingway at the-
piario. The MI, rc b. To u te ,9 and
treasurer's report were Oxen,
Correspondence was read.
,The Ontario convention was
discuseot and two or three ladies,
would like .10 go,
Dale Wheelat' " played two de-
numbers on the electric
guitar. Mrs, 0 Wheeler: thanked'
Dale and presented him with a:
Mrs, N. Reid moved we ago:1z
purchase: our bulbs from Holtends
Glory, seconded by 'Mrs G. Davis.
frhe Spring Tea Was discus-
sed and since there was no
interest there will be no spring
The membership is raining and
ways to remedy this wore discus-
sed and it was suggested each
member try to bring a new moth-
er„The fee is only 5Qc. Cote join
our society,
The Blyth Society sent au in,
vital:fon for their :Blossom ,Tea. It
was decided two cars would go.„
Mr, Knight read the news letter.
and spoke of the work and
progress of the park and town
Tickets on spread were, given
out, ;These are to be sold at IOC
each, 3 for 25c. Collection of
5.16 was taken. Mrs E, Cudmore
reported on the District conven-
tion in 'gingham Ou April 20th
and told members the 1969 con,'
volition will be held in BrtisSels
Mrs, D, A Rant showed pictures
and souvenirs of 'their trip to
Fiawit These were flinch enjoyed
Mrs. E. Cudmore thanked WS,
Reim and presented her with a
clip and saucer,
Mrs. Cil. Wheeler Won the door
,The meeting wain in charge
of Misses Anne and Dianne
Machatt who are working for their
Gold Cord in. Guiding', 'This was
their filial project, They hosted
the Meeting, donated' d0or
got nitiSic and speaker and helped
in many ways: assisted in serving
lunch and cleaning Up after. The
Society thanks these girls for ;il-
tereSt shown.
An antltion of plants, bulbs and
slips netted 13,10, three tieW
lliembors joined. There wore
thirty six preSeitt,
A delicioits hatch was. stipplied
by Mrs, Win, Morse, Mrs. N.
Met,arty, Mrs, his ArlitOtorw„
Mrs. Cudrilore and Served by
.mite mind Dianne.
Tile Queen rloSecl the nteeting,
TprE' ' mnFtpri,,s TitilltSDAY, MAY 30th, 1968 •` •
David Hosting's is at patient in
Lislowel 'Memorial Hospital.
Mrs. John : Kelsey of Cabri,
be, visiting with, her aunt,
Mrs. Edwin ,LSiartiii, and Uncle,