HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-06-03, Page 1Ile 40-4> THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR. t WHOLE NUMBER 1789. GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1881 AN° GENERAL INTELLIGENCE MCGILLICI'DDY BROS. Prams/nuns $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. New Advertisements. Wanted -Mrs. Mathews. Hymn Bookt-G. Sheppard. To Let -Rev. Chas. Fetcher. Cook Wanted -Mrs. Capt. ('tax. To Cow Owners -J. McFarlane. New Drew Goods -J. C. Detlor & Co. Travelling Guide. ORAND TRUNK. KART. Paw. Exit's. Mild. Miid. Ooderich.Lv 7.00•m 12.06pm 3.15pm . 9.O0ani Seatorth 7.50 " .. 1.10 " _ 4.4.5 " ..10.50 " Stratford.Ar 8.15am 2.15pu 6.30pm 1.00 " water. Pyla. Exp's. 521x d. Miid. Stretford.Lv 1.90aun .7.50pin 7.00am..3.45pw Seatorth ... . 2.17 " .. 8.5.5 " . - 9.15 " .. 5.10 • Goderich.A GREAT WF m 11..�m..7.15pm Exp's. Mall. Exp.. Clinton going north...9.39am ..4.23pm .8.115pnt " going south...3.54pWmn .8.02am..7.21 " STAGE LINES. Luoknow Stage Idailyl arr. 10.I5am .. dep 4pm Kincardine " " " 1.00am . " ham Benmllter "(Wednesday and Saturday I arrives 9.00um " 9.15 " Dentistrvl. �NICHOLSON, SURGEON DEN- ��{{ l. T1ST. Office and residence. West Street, three doors below Bank Of Montreal, IOode- rich She People's Column. COOK WANTED IMMEDIATELY at the "British Exchange Hotel." Good w Apply pees rll be sonally ally to Mon. C Awr.iven to a I('ox. person. n 1780. WANTED. - A GENERAL SER - rant at St. Stephen's Parsonage, i(uron Road. r,oc.d wages paid. Apply to Mrs. Rich, Goderich, or to Mrs. Mathews, at (he Parson- age. 1780. HOUSE TO LET. -ON ST. AN - drew% street, opposite St. Andrews Church. It contains six rooms, and has both hard and soh water on the pretnises. Rill be put in neat order for a good tenant For further particulars apply to Rev. ('has Fletch- er, Goderich. 178041. icOTICE TO COW OWNERS. -I hereby give notice that the by-law specifying that all Bows must he kept en- closed from 8 p. m. to 6 a. m. must be adhered to, or I will be ammpelled to take action in the matter. .1. Mc•FAHLANE. Poundkeeper. 1780. 11�vj�,1ISS WESTON, PRACTICAL Dream and Mantle maker. would Inti- mate to the ladies of Goderich that she has begun the busidess of dressmaking at her re- sidence on the Cambria. Road. nest to Smesth's planing mill. A.II work done in the Agent newest and most fashionable styles. for Corn well's patterns. 1780-3m. Beat Estate, FARM FOR SALE -LOT NO 1, con 9, W. D. Township of Ashfield, con- taining 100 acme, ht of which are cleared, free of stumps. a good frame barn and house. and • nice young orchard. The above proper(is Ants (Aiwa land. within a mile and a halt of Gravel„ Road, and will be sold cheap and on easy terms. For particular. apply to R. RAD- CLIFFE. Real F."•ate and Insurance ant. Goderich. Also reran bush lots for sale in same Township. 1785-4t. VOR SALE. -LOT 9, LAKE SHORE 1r' Tp. of Colborne. containing 115 acres 30 acres cleared. balance excellent timber. i oi1 a good clay Ism. As this property adjoins the Point Fern tt is In consequence most eligibly situated. For particulars apply to J. J.Wright. March 1st 1681. 1776-tt. HOUSE A -N D LOT FOR SALE -AT Dungannon. 1. miles from Goderich, consisting of 1 of an acre of land. well fenced: • fraise house. a good well and pump are also on the premises. The Int has been well im- proved. Terms reasonable. Particulars can be had from Mr. J. M. ItODERTs. Merchant, Dungannon. or R. E. BRowN, Nile P. 0. 1767-tf. HOUSE, AND LOTS NOS. 33 AND 76, corner of Victoria and East strets. In the town of Goderich, for sale cheap, or will be exchanged for farm property. For particulars ',pply to Jas. Smartt, Architect, oMce Crabb'e Block. or J. C. CURIOS. auctioneer. JHEPPARDTON-FARM FOR L sale 80 acres. 50 acres cleared and well fenced. Brick Cottage 5x30, stone Cellar full size of house. A Targe creek rudb through the lot, no waste land on the creek, A very Ane orcard surrounds the house. Good barn and other buildings. Terms very eaay Apply to R. RAYNES. 10116 Lake Shore Road, Col- borne oTTownship. wnship, or to GsRaow 8: PROVE. FOOT. 1786 FARM FOR SALE. -BEING LOT 9, con. 13, Colborne. about seven milts from Goderich. cemptising S• acres, 50 cleared. A frame house and a new frame barn 50x3.5 and Sable able and other outbuildings are nn the A yqung orchard. good pap. etc% on on the tare. The tarn has a road on two sides of It. goer *cies of fall wisest are sows. Dirtiest only t in from rt pout ace. For part/as/ars apply to Wm. Stimuli. Sheppard. ton P. O. 1!T! SHRPPARDTON. -STORY, WITH Post Moe,for sale or torewith t �s�errye land. /Measy ock allfreshand good. b cs a ry Fee Hllfisrtens. Ake MI asStito: T. LotT5 qp the ld eea., L. pD, Orchard. Frame Hoess,aeasuss cleared sad well tossed. Apply to O*sass & Pwororoar. INI VALUABLE FARM FOR SALIg. Lot e. Con. t, Township of Colborne, (5o. 3�= •fig 66 acres 75 of wide\\sen c �r��i � w aoed state et ds est els lfslti�F11�ebs sew e S yrus NOM NEWS ABOUT HOME. "A chlel's arming ye, Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it." 7OW11 TOMOS. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Wade, of Brus- sels were in town during the week. Rev. A. E. Smith, of Brawls occu- pied the North St. Methodist Church pulpit on Sunday last, both morning and evening. Mrs. Hayhurst, of Palmerston, is vis- iting hor father, Mr. Samuel Platt, of this town, and enjoying herself in the company of old friends. A number of new books have been placed on the shelves of the Mechanics' Institute. They will be followed shortly by an additional lot. Mr. John Campbell, of the "Te- cumseh House," Brussels, and one of the best fellows in the world, was in town on Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. McFarlane, the pound -keeper, is after the cow -owners who violate the cow by-law. He cautions thew in an- other coluntn, and a word t., the wise should be sufficient. Mrs. Haalitt, of Michigan, vi+iced the Cadets of Temperance, at their lodge rooms, on Tuesday evening last, and ex- pressed herself as highly pleased with the working of the institution. QoorrzNo.-The return contest of Col- borne against Goderich, will cane off on the 9th inst. , in Goderich. Lovers of the game will see a big tussle this time, as both sides are practicing night and day. Saar Ur. -Elias Mihm, of Greytown- ship, was tried before Judge oms on Monday, for obtaining a pair of shoes from Robt. Willis, of Seaforth, by false pretence*. He was found guilty and sent up for two months. THE CA'h;H,-We are informed that the catch of fish this year has been ex- ceptionally good. Day after day large draughts are being made, and our hardy fishermen feel gleeful as they empty their well-filled nits. So great has been the catch this year that the market has been glutted. Persons handling bank bills should be careful not to take any $2 Dominion notes from No. 145,000 to No. 146,000, nor any 91 Dominion notes from No. 355,001 to No. 356,000, as the Govern- ment has refused to redeem them, they being part of the lot stolen from the Re- ceiver -General's office in Toronto some time ago. If you have warts on your hand, rub each of them with a bullet, and load a gun with the bullets. Then watch until a vagrant cow opens the front gate of your yard with her horn. Aim carefully at the cow's head and fire. If all the bullets go into her head it may not cure the warts, but it will be a good thing for the neighborhood. -[Ex. Mr. H. A. Long, of 59 Charlotte street., Glasgow, Scotland, writes a long letter to the Bruce Herald, in which he gives George Francis Widdows Hobbs (the ex -monk) a terrible going over, concluded with this sentence. -"I can only think of him with horror, and my- self with loathing that I ever gave such a person the hospitality of my roof." The forthcoming number's of the Can- adian Illustrated Nears will he of unus- ual interest, in connection with the fear- ful calamity which has fallen upon Lon- don, Ont. Imnmediately upon receipt of the news of the accident to the Victoria, a special artist was despatched to the ill- fated city, and the first instalments of a 55 I'.1 *r. t P Astr♦1 tial The wlh et Mr. R PMtaswl. es a ■11111111110. �'g M oty-101101111-1:62p11:14 iI1� M�1 �et JOS, Lasa Fnti of the .'ampt.n M.rtls--It}M L "ii -.%4 nit.. by t hs• 11M•►► �wr •tampbell to MIss (lata Ma siIttl peens At-enne, tondos, HenrJobe Were tnrreeer of yMA . - series of sketches from his pencil will ap- pear in the forthcoming number (June 4th Considerable energy and enter- prise has been displayed in the effort to give true details to the public within so short a time after the fatal oecurrenoe, but the journal will reap its reward inthe increased interest with which its coming numbers will be read by all. GODEaica CRIcirT CLUB. -At a meet- ing held nn Tuesday evening, in Curries' Hotel, for the purpose of eirgtnizing a cricket club in town, Major H. Cooke was called to the chair, after which the following officers for the ensuing year were elected: President, Col. A. M. Ross; Vice -President, C. R. Dunsford; Sec. -Tres , J. W. Smaill ; Managing Committee. Major Cooke and J. Currie. Ground Committee, T. H. McDermott, W. ProudGot and T. Armstrong. The club will meet on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and 'Raturday afternoon for practice on the cricket grounds. Menf- b.rship tickets for the season will cost $1. We understand that the club intend to go to considerable expense in fitting up the ground, and we trust they will have a successful season. Pa&CTWAL Joinlo. -Travelling en the Mr. James Thompson, formerly Town Clerk of Goderich, and now of Dakota is in town, looking hearty. WILD FLOwsL'.-A couple of prises will be given to boys or girls making the best and freshest collection of wild flow- ers. For particulars apply to T. Mc- Gillicuddy, SIoNAL office. The procession of Shelby, Pullman & Hamilton's show was the attraction on the Square ..n Thursday morning. Crowds were attracted t., the town by the display, and from early morning the back township. sent in representatives to see the "elephant." Shelby, Pullman & Hamilton's is a good show, and is well patronized wherever it appears. The fire brigade tender their best thanks to the inhabitants of Saltford, for the donation of $23.50 given them a couple of weeks ago, in recognition of their efficient services at Mc[ntyre's tire. The tine shower on Tuesday evening made vegetation to take a leap forward. The sow -pasture around the Court House is beginning to look well, and the bovines will soon commence to give a superior quality of lacteal fluid in conse- quence. A facetious correspondent on Monday last requested us to ask the authorities to allow the watering cart inside the chains to revive the pasture, aa the cows were suffering because of the recent drought. The timely shower of Tuesday evening, will, however, do fur the present in refreshing the pasturage on the Court House Square. PRESENTATION .AND ADDRL93,-Bro. Davis McKay for some past Recording Secretary of Huron Lodge No. 62, I. 0. O. F., Goderich was on ,Thursday, of last week, on the tecasien of his sever- ing Ins connection with the Lodge, pre- paratory to his departure fur the Crated States. presented with is; handsome clearance diploma and the f..11ow ing ad- dress: HURON Loma, No. 62, I. O. O. F. To Brother Dari 1 McKay. DEAR SIR AND BROTHER, -As you are about to leave us fur another sphere of duty, and es this is probably the last Lodge meeting that we will have the pleasure of meeting with you for a long time, we take this opportunity of ex- pressing our unfeigned regret at your' removal from amongst us. Although a young member of this Lodge, your pro- gress since your initiation has been rapid. Your genial and courteous nnan- ner, and the faithful and efficient dis- charge of the duties devolving upon you as Recording Secretary, bespoke for you as rapid an elevation to the highest honor as a Lodge can confer upon a mem- ber. In consideration of this we have caused the diploma accompanying this to be prepared for you, which we hope you will accept not for its intrinsic worth, but as a memorial of the kind' feelings which exist between you and your brethren of this Lodge, whose best wishes will accompany you to you future home. - Signed en behalf of the members, GEORGE STlvag, HARRY BOLTON. CHAS. E. SLIGHT. Goderich, May 26th, 1881. CRICKET. -An interesting game of cricket was played on the cricket grounds last Saturday afternoon between two elevens, composed respectively of Bach- elors and Benedict,. The teams were captained by Messrs Roes and Dunsford. After an exciting match, victory finally perched on the bate of the Bachelors to the tune of 51 of a majority-. Follow- ing is the score: - SiMple, 1st Innings. Small'. c Miller. b Bolton 8 R'ard. b Bolton..... 1 Armstrong. c Donaford, b Bolton.. ° 4 C. R McDougall unaford, c Jermyyn. b .. 5 9 oss, c bb McDermott, not out.... .................. . 9 Welsh. c Bolton. b Bolton 4 Greer. stpd Cooke.............. 0 Arnold, h Ball. 4 Currie. b 2 46 Byes7 Wldei• 1 Proudfoot. b Bolton 0 to Second /not rigs. Smaill, c Bolton, b Bolton . ................ 15 Ward. b Jermyn .. ...... .................. 4 Armatrob Bolton. leg before wicket..... 1 McDoitgaf, c Ball. b Jermyn.... .....•...... 4 Rom C. h Iton. ......... ......... ....... ,. 9 Prondtoot.. b Jermyn....... ... a McDermott, c Roes. b Cooke ,. „.... 21 Wdsn, c Lloyd. bCooke ... . 3 Greer. b Densford ........................... 0 A bell now hangs in St. George's Church. Goderich o uoiters beat Colborne on Thursday of last week, by 29 points. Sroartwo.-A well-known limb of the law amused the boys greatly the other day while after a wild duck. The dis- ciple of Blackstone blazed away at his game, round after round, but when he endeavored to reach the duck the fowl eluded his grasp. The persevering law student finally got the bird, after put- ting so touch shot into it that it could hardly float. FOR TORONTO. -Mr. W. Baillie, for some months past employed on Tea SIGNAL, leaves by early train this (Fri- day) Horning to take a position on the editorial staff of the Toronto (ilo6e. Mr. Baillie is an excellent printer, a com- petent writer, and possessed of parts which will enable him to cut his notch well up on the journalistic tree. Our best wishes go with hint. Arnold. apt Cosk 10 THE RAILWAY QUESTION. What Tint. Mahoney Thisbe •r IYe. New Scheme. A SIGNAL reporter metour well-known townsman, Tin) Mahoney, at "Curries' " the other day, and asked that talented Hibernian fir his opinion on a second line of railway to Guderich. Tim took his tludeen from hia "gob," and after looking reflectively at the ashes for about a minute, delivered himself as fol- lows : "Is it the railroad ye want to know about. Bedad we want it, an' want it It bad. I waz down beyant at the sta- tion, the udther day. mesilf an' sum av the b'ye-to see av we cudn't git a job an the gravel thrain, and sez I to the b'ys, sez I "B'ys its a'ludther lice av road we want to make things lively, for the divil a haporth is to do at all, at all, wid the Grand Thrunk how lding both inds av the stick,• all alone. And the b'ys sed, what I sed waz gospel thruth, an we must hat-' anudther line, or the town 'ud go to the -, well, it 'ud go farther than the price av Paddy's pig. But, perhaps ye niver heard the athory. Ye see, Paddy an' Biddy waz man and wife, an' betune thim, they owned a pig, that they waz raisin' to pay the rint. Well, ane mornin'. bright an' airly, Pat druv the pig to market, an' afore long sewld it for a purty good price. Afther gettin' the money into his fist, he started for a s1iee.eii to enjoy himself wil the tips, and afore he knew where he waz, he waz as full as n tick, an' his money w z spurt. Fwhin he went }tome, Biddy axed him about the priceav the pig, but he sthomped his fut on the fore, wid a big noise, an' sed, 'How dar ye ax me Bich a quistahun; nicer i oind about the pig, or where it wint.' And that's the way wid the Council mimber.. Ave ye ax thio what about anudther loine, they'll stomp their fut an' say, 'niver moind about the pig or whore it wint.' This weather is terrible fur hate; it Hakes one as dhry as a box of tindher." And thus saying, Tim fixed his toilet by the aid of the mtrrpr which stands be- hind Curries' bar. I. O. O. F. ANNIVERSARY STORM SIGNAL CODE. Eleventh Marthday of Maros Lodge No of -anpper lo On- David ltekay. On Monday evening last Huron Lodge, No. 62, I. O. 0. F. celebrated its eleventh anniversary by the holding of a supper at the International Hotel, which also took the shape of a farewell to Bro. David McKay, for some time pact Recording Secretary of the Lodge. Mr. McKay is well known in Goderich, having for nearly eight years occupied the onerous and responsible position of Deputy -Postmaster of the town, and such being the case, it was not to be wondered at that many others besides the members of the order gathered around the festive board to give hint a good "send-off The chair was taken by Bro. F. W. Johnston, Past Grand, and Bro. Harry Bolton occupied the vice -chair. After justice had been done to the ex- cellent spread prepared by Mr. Hen- dricks, the genial host, the chairman proposed "The Queen," which was duly respond- ed to Fetzer's band playing "God Save the Queen." Then followed "The Prince of Wales and Royal Family," and "The Governor General," which were duly honored. Song, "Fair Canada," byMr. Robinson. After which the chairman proposed the "Ggest of the Evening." In Introduc- ing the toast, the proposer said they had met to -night to celebrate the eleventh an- niversarT of the institution of Huron Lodge Doo. 62. He had been"for many years a member of the lodge, and eon- aidered that he had received both pleas- LAplaaati•s ass MrMll•ss 114r Ike nee of Lake %avlgages. Au illustrated storm signal code has been issued by Mr. C. Carpmael, Su- perintendent, of the Magnetic Observa- tory, Toronto, for use in connection with lake navigation. The text of the circu- lar is given below, and to make it intel- ligible the fallowing description of the illustrations is appended: -No. 1 is a conn suspended with apex downward; No. 2 is a cone suspended by the apex; No. 3 is a drum wuh a cone suspended from it with the apex. downward: No. 4 is a cone hanging by the apex, with a drum suspended from it. The night signal, corresponding to Nos. 1 and 3, is two lanterns hanging, one vertically over the other. The night signal correspond- ing to Nos. 2 and 4 is two lanterns hanging aide by side, and a little dis- tance apart. The following is the text of the circular containing the directions issued to mariners, by the meteorological office. Fig. No. 1. This signal if displayed on Lakes Erie and Ontario indicates "mode- rate gale is expected probably from the eastward." If displayed on Lake Huron and Georgian Bay, indicates a "mode- rate gale is expected, probably from the southward.' Fro. No. 2. If displayed en Iakea. Erie or ()uteri.), indicates "moderate gale is expected from the westward." If displayed on Lake Huron and Geor- gian Bay indicates "moderate gale is ex- pected, probably front the northward." Fro. No. 3. If displayed on Lakes Erie and Ontario, indicates that a "hea- ure and profit from his connection with vy gale is expected, probably at first it. They were also met together this from the eastward.- If displayed en evening to du honor to a brother mein- Lake Huron or the Georgian Bay, ind, her who waa about to leave them. Bro. eaten "heavy gale is expected, probably McKay would take with him from Gode- at first from the southward. ' rich a passport vfihich would recommend Fro. No. 4. If displayed on Lakea him to the good offices of Oddfellows Erie and Ontario indicates "heavy gale wherever he went. He had been a good is expected, probably at first from the and faithful brother of the Order, and westward." If displayed on Lake Hu - bore m the testimonial which had been ron or Georgian Bay, indicates "heavy presented to him at the last meeting, a gale is expected, probably at first front character above reproach as a true and the northward." trusty Oddfellow. In hia business rela- The cone when hoisted by itaelf inch - tions with the public in Goderich his cater that it is expected that the wind conduct had been narked by • courtesy will attain a velocity of 25 miles per and uniform kindness to all with whom hour Int will not exceed 35 miles, and he came in contact, and in the time to it is not intended that an ordinarily cone many of us would miss the kindly, well -found vessel should stay in port, happy face of David McKay. Bro. Mc- but simply Rs a warning to mariners that Kay was going to a strange land and strong winds are expected from the among a strange people, but those who quarter indicated. knew hint best had no fears for his future The drum will always be hoisted when success. In conclusion, the speaker wish- the i•elocity of the wind is expected to ed him every success and happiness in exceed 36 miles per hour. his futpre home, and trusted that he The night signal corresponding to Nos. would long be spared in his usefulness. 1 and 3 is two lanterns hanging perpeu- Song by Bro. Clucas. dicularly-. Deputy -District Grand Master Kirby Night signal corresponding to Nos. 2 and Past -Grand Beck also /aid tributes and4 istwolanterts hanging horizontally. to the brotherly, social and business at- Nora I. Mariners wall be able to ob- tributes of the guest. tain further information from drum Mr. McKay, on rising to respond, was agents. or by consulting the daily pro- enthusiaatically greeted. He was sur- babilities. prised as well as pleased at the magni- NOTE H. Mariners must alwayt bear in tude of the gathering this evening. mind that the storm signals are neerly When he was told of the dinner to be cautionable and do not necessarily mean given, he expected to meet a few friends that a storm will occur at the place and have a pleasant tune, but the extent where the signal is displayed, but that 1..1 the turn -out to -night fairly took the one is expected either there or within breath from hint. Since becoming iden- i such a distance that vessels leaving Tort THE HOLY BONDS.titied with the Oddfellows of Goderich would be liable to be caught in it. he had always endeavored to be true to NOTE [II. October and November are warrlaEhoMr. Darld weKay. Leta tsep.• ' the obligations of the Order. In his re- I the months in which severe storms meet t/ Po.f lir. Der nt I:nderlcb, and - lations with the public in Goderich for I frequently occur en the lakes. In these 1114. wiry wanton. the past seven yearn and six months, he fall storms en Lake Erie and Ontario, ' had striven to do his duty, and he felt I the wind, almost invariably commencing Mr. David McKay, for over eeren I that his efforts to do right had been fti at S. E., works round through South to years Deputy -Postmaster of Goderich, the main appreciated. A person net en- !West and North-West, the time of the was married on the lat inst., to Mary, gaged in post office work could have no I blow being usually when the barometer second daughter of Captain Marlton, idea of the trials and annoyances to 1 begins to raise as the wind gets round formerly of Goderich. which employees were subjected. One to West. On Lake Huron and the The ceremony was performed by the needed suavity or manner and the pa- I Georgian Bay, the wind, -though for • Venerable Archdeacon Elwood, at 10 Venerable of ,Lob to be able to stand the im- !the most part changing as on the lower a. m. The guests were relative.% of the portnity of the young and the anxiety of lakes, -not unfroquently changes with 1 bride and groom, with the exception of the old respectung nail natter. The of- I great suddenness, chopping after a lull ficials were instructed by the Department from S S E t.. 'Si.R and blowing Mr. James Mitchell of theD(Uar, and Mr. Andros Kirby; mail clerk. The bride was tastefully dressed in brown silk, with bouquet of lillies of the valley in her corsage. The bridesmaid, Miss Lizzie Cattle, the brides cousin, looked lovely in her white dress o1 India muslin, with cardinal sash and flowers like the bride. The groomsman was Mr. Willie Gooding, also a cousin of the bride. The presents were numerous and handsome. Mr. A. Dickson, Postmas- ter, the bridegroom s uncle, presented currMtsMest............................... 7 the• bride with a $20 gold piece, Mr. s) Archie MoKay,brotherofthe bridegroom, Bee 6 made the bride a valuable present of a ides 4 Japanese writing desk: • haidseme sil- toe ver butter cooler, the present of Mr. to be ceurte.ous and n diging to all, and l hardest, as a rule, from the N. W. although often severe y e mg s- 1 tested he felt Nora IV. The new s' pals will be i conscious of the fact that, though he might havefailed, he hof done his best to "fill the bill." He thanked all' those present for their manifestation of good will, and closed by saying that no matter where his lot night be cast, he would never forget the good old town of Gude- rich. (Cheers.) 'The Army and Navv"was replied to by Messrs. Ball, Bolton. BBabb and Roberts. Song. "Larboard Watch," hy Meters. Rothwell and Robertson. "Our Suter Societies," -replied to by Mr. Ridley for the Masons, and Mr. Saunders for the Foresters. Song. "Good Old Friends," by Mr. E. Total both weep_ ..................... lM Willis Gondinq, groomsman. the brides- A aaErery lrrrssi, aaaid giving a handsome tort.,ise shell "The Legal Profesion" was coupled Se.eriszbeb1bDOtpYti r card case ;silvercakebasket ,richly chased, with the names of Mes+rs. Archie i Csevta the gift of the brides mother; handsome Mc- Kay, W. Dickson. ''Duke" Mmsill, L. pwesfw4 ► Masersott 10 napkin rings of silver, beautifully chased, Dancey, .f. H. Best and P. Carrel. jr. train going north the other evening, Jsoltest M wore a Morning/toe clergyman and a Lis- Jdewea towel V The el s one of s l*tsr. h Me lawyer. v'gy�' ltllllsr. a ('vete. h /acl►etsett the meet teen in the world, and Lloyd. sot out r et Gowen- a variety of whisks b tote 1s�im home. The lawyer gfea thoejY it ae bens 10 to some ++m of Masa Us /Me Off to sleep. The miniter ire kept both eyes Open sum.. ti.., Mt said nothing aboet tate Dummied. c Hewes. '1'►• lawyer wore a rather nobby cap. which attracted the parent's attention, sad in the twinkling , an rye it was t�sferesd to the lawyer's beg betide hits. Whom the lawyer awake he had reached home and disenvwsed that his hMlyssr was massing Re raised a Slasssrdrtas mw and threatened all sorts of their. but -'n •-ei nine has jg� ass bs in the morning he rams. to the rnn time. elation that Mie parson hart the 'sat •1 M the SIN after all TMs) w,. t. tnnina. nit Bail a ke 118 1 .uwnd /.wrap+nm b McDerott. . b Itlioamap o.... e Cues. Merisreest, b s, lleJ Notec McDougall. kt. Masm•on. e tls.111, b Lloyd ' Ream b Mel the gift of rs. Cattle: very pretty silver The remarks by the first named were ex - 9 and gold card -receiver, by Mrs. Henry ex- ceedingly ' rich," and brought down the Mariton. a lovely lace cellar by Miss house. • . • Dickson heentiful heart share! gold "The Ilion Mule" waagraphically 'The Commercial Interests" wan re- plied to by Messrs. D. C. Strachan, A. S. Mellow and A. Dickson. L "The ubes" received justice at the hands of Messrs. Matthews, slight and Stiven. 711e Prowa ,'- Messrs. Mitchell. D. McGillicuddy and it. Carey. At this stage the pressmen .ought the seclusion that a bed -room grants, and left the company t.. attend to the volun- teer prigrnmme, which generally 64. hos the regular business of a gay and festive @Teeing. A moat enjoyable time was spent, and ''Dare" will hare a pleasing reenil•etins 'If his last public sesttris►iott with the pe onle 0f notions., locket. the gift of Miss Rita Carey, recited b My r. Chas. Andrews. ▪ beautiful and novel silver pepper and • salt stand. btv Miss Maud Marlton: fancy N bracket, hy Miss Christie McKay; orris- -.I gassed bead work. hy Mims M. Dickson; toilet ase presented by Mrs. Johnston, >: kite of Ireland Majolica vase, by Mies • flkimmisp; handsome wisp holder of neaseams eensenanted with blue rib n, end lasing a wisp, by Miss Hands; Teaser &InarM_i•ObM, by miss Zeds _ Cr* heft e. gift of ne ke*A ample hay. the hest creates of all eon amass, and we hope their Moes wan M set sedeuded life -of Mppi- W� MIS iglie noon 'Mit' feu their fehiee beets sit %het* sued and used at nil Canadian Lake Storni Signal Stations on and after July let, next. C. CARFRARL, Meteorological (Mice, 1 Toronto, May 16, 1881. 1 warier News. ARRIVALS. fiat unlay --Str. Manitoba, Sarnia, pas- sengers and freight. Sunday -Ste. .losephine Kidd, Wal- Iacehurg, hoops; Rehr Ontario, Blind , lumber to WW'illums d• Mtlrrsy- SRiverchr. Evening Star, Bayfield, wheat to Messrs Ogilvie & Hutchison. Monday -Rohr. William Wallace, Port Albert, cerdwe..-1. Wednesday -Prop. Asia, Sarnia, pea sengers and freight-Str. Josephine Kidd, Dresden, hoops. D ETA ET1-14EX fiat nrlay-Sir Manitoba. Delta h, pssrengera and (night. M.nulay--dobe. H. N. T.wlman ,Cel - G •.od, salt. peuisy--i4tr..l..sephine Kidd. Wel- Iacehurgh, .lt. Wednesdaay - Pro. Amis. $eisik, pami��aarsta and height -Oar. lksoing ■U► r. Cullrngw'..d, set. Thursday -Rehr. Wm. Wallace, P..rt Albert, light. Above Live o'elnei May 3t as the seh.00ner LJiy Hnw►Jtew, wrrh a cargo of Mohnen was aiming down int., the gourd lack, Thorold she was ren into by the schooner t%tondo,, wheel was passings , mrd after passing through the hick rink The damage is unknown. it will he re- oember•d that shoat the same time last year sheak w'i`lt a cargo of owe. and a wait, it is said, Y e1H1 pard iig in ole Court, It Wag damn! that she mud WW1 not of pops MON