HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-05-23, Page 6Ti 4 pRussAlos ,uat.maS, QAN,TAtiuo MG.•04211,1,.. LO-BOY HILANDER SAVE 10% RENTALS BY Canadian Made SOMERS BRUSSELS, ONT. TOWN & COUNTRY AMBASSADOR DURING MAY DAY OR WEEK Ride-Lite Camper d 1CHMOND PHONE 47J or 260W 4 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM FOR SALE — Yamaha motoreyete 111 good condition. Fur further particulars contact Jim Duncan or Phone Brussels. MAYT.IME SIVIORGAbSOM) WEDNESDAY, MA'si 29th IN MELVILLE pilESsYlEhiAN CHL.CH Sponsored By the Women's Guild SUPPER SERVED FROM 5 ADULTS: $1.50 CHILDREN UNDER 12: 76c Tickets Available From Members This space is donated for community improve) ents by LISTOWEL TRANSPORT LINES LTD. Ontario's Silver & Black Fleet WANTED — Cattle for pasture. Lots of grass and water. Joe Holmes, RR 4, Brussels Phone 874J5 FOR SALE Cedar Posts, anchors and braces. Winthrop Jeneral Store phone 5274247 Seaforth SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERY Centre Street For all kinds of upholstering Brussels etepramentative: SELWYN BAKER Phone 4 or 79 Brussels TENDERS WANTED For improving the Hydro service, at the Brussels Agricultural Grounds as per specifications by the Area Electrical Inspector. For specifications contact the Secretary-Treasurer of the Soc iety. Tenders to be in by Saturday. June 1st. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. FOR SALE Frame house with 4 piece bath and oil furnace; also frame house with l piece bath and cupboards, with good terms. r(': • Elmer Eillacott, Salesman I'm. K. W. Coiquhoun. Broker. FOR SALE Strawberry Plants. improved Senator Dunlop. Freshly dug young plants produce large sweet berries ideal- for freezing; $3.00 ea nr er hundred plants. Edwin Martin, Secretary-Tr Donald McDonald, President Phone 397-332e Percy Biggs Brussels Agricultural Society Lower Wingham HOLIDAY HOLIDAY hours of light and entertaining music and conversation Is broadcast ev?ry Sunday event,* en the OBO radio network. Here, HOLIDAY'S two hosts, Wesly Koster (left) and Larry Paler (right) rank up some 'atmosphere' on Wally's farm. The two ether characters In the photo have net, as yet, been (aseigned positions Oil the thaw. 'rlii.:11611AY, ALAN x.irci, ;11111 .11Ateeismeenseesmaeme nio CAMPER 'RAILER SALES d RENTALS PHONE 199 EM EN'S .01411 NEWS ITEMS Lust Monday evening I received tit happiest surprise of toy life. My old neighbours and friends from the third line visited me, leaving gifts and good wishes. J. was praised, And complemented. Next morning I went. down to the Sinners Club, or Liars Club, at the queens where I was insulted, cursed, abused and threatened. What a difference. To compare the good third liners with this un- healthy half wit aggregation of holligans would be to compare a field of wheat with a field of thorns, ground hogs anti stink weed. To compare them Iwo would be like comparing a glass of Freneh wine to the extractions of a skunk, Last night 1 got to think- ing, does a man's brain hem= adapted to the work he does? Has Ilithzy Stiles a be.tin that's wrinkled like a wilted turnip or like a cletelyed cabbage, or maybe just like a half pound of fertilizer. See what I mean? After playing the fiddle for years, do I not re- mind * you of sweet heavenly music? Then there's that other member, Al Logan, you can't watch a water wheel all your life and not get dizzy. Look at Ross Weal). Not a bad kind of fellow before he joined the sinners and started into the mixed cement business. Now his head is thick and his brain has hardened. ion Hnether sits down and he sure is a real representative of his job. Casey's camaflouger, master me- chanic, paint and putty professor. He's in bad shape personally. His wheel base is too short, spark plugs weak, battery needs chem. big, a wobble in his rear end. One thiug he has plenty of. Wind in his tires, gas in his tank and alcohol in his radiator. Hugh Pearson is one of the originals of this infamous club. T'Tughie has a $3000 race horse. The other site' I went up to see if it would ever amount to anything. I says, Hughle, this is none of my business but please accept this advice. It's for your own good. Them 'floppies are are 8r4. inches too short on the off side and 6% inches too long on the nigh side. One foot too high on the front end and 6 inches too low on the rear. He says thanks and please accept this advice, it's for your own good. Your belly is 114 inohes too big around and 6 inches too low down. The moral of this is, if you give advice ex- poet some in return. Archie Willis and Drank Alcock drop in for dig- arettes. They don't drink coffee, In fact. they don't drink water either. Some times they look us if they should pnt ignite in a wooden tub, add a pound of detergent and spend Saturday nite there. Speaking of horses, took a peek at Ivan. Campbell, dean of liars, It ever a lemon resembles a horse it's him. The rear end that is. The only difference the horse has a tail and Ivan a mohatach. George Intelter is always around. Pive years ago -George bought 2 critters down south. Some COW them mi.niatitre Motet, some dwarf donkeys, jackass, etc. They were really Mexican burros. After George spent two years With them they were OR nice a tenni Of tutees as you ever seen, Archer Grewar is a thenther lit low standing. You can tell lie to a keen • 'fisherman and nit ardent mark a distance of 10 rods 1660 feet), or half- that distance may be used going both ways, W.1.1P- 2 Be sure the sprayer and all Ihe nozzles, gauges, hoses, etc are properly connected and working, STI4P 3 — Fill the tank With water. Be sure the sprayer is standing on level ground. STEP 4 -- Spray the length of the 40-rod test distance, travelling at the speed you are going to use on the field. STEP 5 -- Refill the tank. accur- ately measuring the amount of water it takes STEP 6 — Multiply the amount of water it takes by 66. Then, divide the answer by the width of the spray- er (in feet) to get the number of gallons of water aprayed on oa' acre. For example, if the sprayer has a 25-foot boom and it takes 3.r, gallons to refill the tank, then 3.5 x GO divided by 25 equals 0.25 gallon per acre. Different amounts of spray could be applied as required, by changing the speed. Divide the number of gallons in • the sprayer tank by the numhe.r of gallons per acre lo get the - number of acres you calm spray using a tank full of water. Then to get the amount of chemical re- quired for one filling, multiply the number of acres -that can be spray, eel by one full tank by the rate of chemical recommended for use, BRUSSELS; (Alt hunter. Every -year he and Elston Cardiff go up to Ilaliburton. If they did get a deer, which they wont, it would cost them $5.00 a pound. Neither one could hit big Bob Nichol with a bouble barrel shot gun at nine paces. Sorry 1 do not have space to give you the facts -on some others of the Liars and Sinners Coffee Club: Later, no doubt. Edna Prior is a fine person but she reminds me too munch of Judy La Marsh. Every time Edoa looks at a can of Orange juice it turns sour. Every time Judy looked at .me last sum- mer she looked the same way. • Next week Bruseels Town Council, are they insane or just stupid. Again I want to thank every- one who were so kind. Neighbours, old neighbours, and I will try and forget the sinners and liars. For- give them Lord, they know nought. Truthfully Yours T. K. P. CALIBRATE EQUIPMENT FOR BETTER SPRAYING Save money and avoid damage to crops by applying exact amounts of herbicides to crops. Careful calibration of a sprayer will guarantee your putting the right amount of expensive chem- icals on a field, in 'applying herb- icides, remember that too little would be ineffective, while too much may cause damage. The most important factor in herbicide application is the con- centration of the solution. Here is an easy six-step method of cali- brating a sprayer. STEP 1. -- Accurately measure and