HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-05-23, Page 41.11E BAUSSALS POST, BRUSSLLS, ONTARIO and tableS Chicken feeders ti41ectric brooder 30 large light globes suitable for church or hall chairs and look cases Venetian blinds Pictures Picture frames Dumb bellS Other small articles too numerous to mention Auctioneer' Harold Jackson REGIONAL MEETING OF MAITLAND PRES3Y. W.M.S. The Regional eolina of 'Mait- land Presbyterial, 11'.111.S. of the Presbyterian. Church iu Caatida, \sus held at 2 pan s Thursday. May 1.Gt.lt in.Faucknow Presbyterian Church, The theme "Ackaows ledge- based on Proverbs Ch. 3, verse 6, "In all thy ways acknoW- :edge ',Kim." Mrs. George Sather- laud. President, gave the lave- cation and prayer. Mrs,A. 11.1,undell was organist. Members of South Witless group led in the DevotiOns. Scripture from Proverbs, chapter 3. by Mrs. Ira Dickies Meditation Mrs. Douglas Graham; Prayer, Miss Dean McLeod. Mrs Morgan Henderson Luckuow, extended words of welcome to the large and enthesiastie gathering, The fol, lowing reports were presented. Mrs. W, CathObell, Recording Secretary, Mrs. V. Emerson, Cor- responding Secretary Mrs. B. R. Maacenzie, Treasurer. On behalf of the Presbyterial Mrs. Richard West presented an Honorary Life Membership to Mrs. D. R. Mac- Kenzie in recognition of her many years of capable service within the \\-.M. 5. 13. Thomas, Bluevale introduced the guest speaker, Mrs, A_ 0. Neal of Sarnia, Mrs. Neal bas- ed her remarks on the thenie "In all thy ways acknowledge laim". Wear Of becOming too In- volved in Christian service is One' of the main, reasons for the fail- ure to advance. aa truly dedicated life does not fear to participate in depth in the -work Christ's folr lowers are called to perform. trio, Mrs. Jamieson, Mrs. Gibson and Mrs, Forster rendered a sacr- getilvesaPieb7 wALl rs'1.11eW.RoUl.l ectlamiloweans. Twenty-two ,auxiliaries within the Presbyterial were represented. ltepors of the Synodical held in Chatham in April wore given by the following delegates: Mrs. E. Haw k es, Bluevale; Mrs. Fe, Lavis, South Kinloss; Mrs. la Moffatt, Langsidea Airs. NV, IJ. Campbell, Molesworth; and Mrs. A. Gaunt, Whitechurch. Mrs. John Speir, Brussels, gave the Offertory pray- er. An "In Memoriam" for tne re- cently deceased members Was given by. Mrs. S. M. Scott Kincar- dine. Mies Dorothy Douglas, Luck.' new, closed the afternoon session with prayer. Members of the Luck- now group served a delicious meal to the visiting groups during the interval between afternoon and evening sessions, AUCTION SALE SATURDAY,4 MAY 25th At 2:00 O'clock at SEAFORTH DISTRICT Ferguson 2 furrow plough Ferguson Cultivator and Disc HIGH SCHOOL Brussels. They must be kept tied uP during the gardening Dogs are not allowed to run at large in the Village of season. 4 woodwork benches I.• tinsmith bench Othewise owners are liable to a $50.00 fine. 2 drafting tables' Double head (2mery ig saw David Hastings, Bench saw Lathe Chisels aly•Law Enforcement Officer Planes Stools Wooden desks litind saw drill press orposossigismorgisosollesso mmom'asoN1.0g,ftiorelarsie sreaspassameisamaarsoweisoPossaaasessommososeesiiimalsoseassommasaasaisowsasansstoosare NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS Stock Liquidation Sale - aim' mloin....or TARTING MAY 23rd $90,000 Used Car Inventory To Be Sold CONVERTIBLES WAGONS 'HARDTOPS SEDANS PICK-UPS and JEEPS NO PRICE HIKING All Windshields Clearly Marked At Special Sale Prices This Is The Sale 01 The. Year . EXAMPLE: 1966 CHEV. 4 door, 6 41. automatic, clean as new, License No. HS4-931 LIQUIDATION PRICE $1699. EXAMPLE: 1964 PL" MOUTH BELVEDERE Sedan, 6 cyl., radio, License No. H54-564 LIQUIDATION PRICE $ 989. REST TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES --- EASIEST TERMS IN TOWN PONTIAC - BUICK OPEN EVENINGS PHONE 5244391, Tauit$DAY, MAY 23rd, 196$ 4.e4 . golnritrA, WI, M. ,a-aseasaasa FOR SALE — FOR SALE Cooking Potatoes, Phone 336,15 Cordon Nieholsou Cedar Posta. Apply tat: Harold Finlay, Belmore, Phone 391x4564 GRAIN BINS AND DRIERS COMPLETE SYSTEMS FROM 1,000 to 100,000 BUSHELS MIDPLESEX, MILLWRIGHTS LTD. BOX 2691 LONDON 451.7933 NOTicE, TO CREDITORS In the Estate of MARY ELLEN MOWBRAY, deceased ALT, personS basing ,claims against the estate of MarY Ellen Mowbray, late of the Village of Walton in the County of Huron, spinster, who died on or about the 4th day of April 1968, are hereby notified to send particulars of the same to the soliciors for the executors on or before the 30th day of May, 1968, after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims which shall then have been received. DATED at Brussels this 3rd day of May, 1968. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of MENNO JACKSON deceased ALL persons haying claims against the estate of Menne Jackson, late of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, retired farmer, who died on or about the 24th day of April 1968, are hereby notified to send particulars of the same to the solicitors for the executrix on or before tb.et 30th day of May, 1965, after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims which shall then have been received. DATED at Brussels this 3rd day of. May, 1968. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL, Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Executrix FARMERS . Are you paying too much for your Gras's Seed? Take a look at these prices from R. Cranam & Son at Pinkerton. Hay Mixture No. 1 —6 lb. Alfalfa -- lb. timothy — 1 lb. Red Clover 3 lb. 13ronie grass — 3 lb. Meadow Fescue. — A total of 18 lb will cost yott only 46.74 Per acre. 1-lay Mixture No. 2 -- 9 Alf- alfa, — 2 lb Red Clever, 6 lb Tim othy and 3 lb. Brogue gratis — total of 19 lb Which wilt cost only $8.35 per acre. A. good permanent pasture mix ture — 5 lb Empire trefoil, 5 lb Alfalfa, 5 lb Timothy, and 3 lb Brottie gra.se• .-- a total of 18 lb, costing Only $8.95 Dor acre. These, are all GOVt. graded, No. I New Crop Seeita Gramm at Pink- erten also Carry a goOd stock of all Varieties Seed Grains, Clover itioculanta 50e for each bdsliel of seed, Inbettlating and inking of seed, free to purchasers. Enquire about the tie* Method of reseed, ing old sod pastures without plOwitig. Try "Cratnntltit lets for quality arid prices. 36 years experience in the Seed business. R. Crainm & Sort, Pinkerton. Phone caegtii 366-2394, FOR SALE — One lot, good for building, Other IUL with small barn. Alts, M. J. Blanchard Phone 136 FOR RENT Good red brick ftuui house. New bath room. Hot and cold water, Ian McDonald. Ph.ene 297 WOOD FOR SALE Hardwood Slabs, cJ 1ii•ered in track load lots, .5 or 6 cords, $4.00 per cord. Soft wood $3.00 per cord. Craig's Sawmill, Auburn526-7220 CONCRETE WORK — No job Too Big, No Job Too Small. Also porthole digging and' fencing. Reasonable rates. Contact; Louis Maloney. Seaforth Phone 52T-1351 CUSTOM WORK -- Custom Bulldozing, Lomling and Faauling Service. Clearing of fence bottoms and stone piles. Jack Shaw 'Phone 357-2074 Wingliam FOR RENT IN BRUSSELS ea Bouse with 3 piece bath, cup• boards and garage, Most of which has been newly :decorated. Also for sale is a 1% story frame house with 3 piece bath; cupboards and hasement. Elmer Ella.cOtt Salesman for K. W. Colquhoun, Broker. SALES HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE — Wanted lnunediatcyly Man or woman to supply consumers in part Huron County with. Rawleigh Products. Can earn $50 weekly aart time; $100 and tip full time. Write Rowleigh Dept, E-152-336. 4005 Richelieu St. St. Henry, Montreal. AUCTION SALE OF USED TRUCKS The following County trucks will be offered for sale on WEDNESDAY, MAY 29th. 1968, at 7.30 p.m, the County Garage, Auburn, Ontario 1964 Chevrolet I/2 ton pick-up trucks 1964 Chevrolet econ- omy-type van 1963 G.M.C. cab and chassis 28000 G.V.W. ea- 1964 Chevrolet trucks 28000 G,V.‘Arl. each complete with dump box and hoist, one-way snOW plow and levelling wine with all harness and Controls Ternis: As is where Is No license Cash or cheque 5% O.R.S.T. Adetioneer: — Jack Alexander, WinghaMi Ontar10.e