HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-05-23, Page 3TAINME AT NEW AMERICAN .:.kiCiTEL laRIAORLS, ONTARIO MERLE LARSON and JIM ADAMS and — PERTH COUNTY PLOUGH BOYS from LISTOWEL APPEARING FRIDAY and SATURDAY IN THE "'RAINBOW ROOM" WE, FEATURE: Friday Spare Ribs and Sauerkraut, Roast Turkey, Giant Hamburgers Saturday Southern Fried Chicken, Fish and Chips, Giant Hamburgers ' ' •!,." '''''' • •:!..••••,..,.." ••••• • ' ' '' Application makes t ifference FERTILIZERS litttUSSaiS POST, ,131WESELS, okumuo lo make the law effective. 1`lltltSla~ 1, MAY 2.4ra, ..uols Mr, i4. [,. Woodley, Joineipal of the ItIdgetown College of Agricul- tural Technology at Ridgetown has announced the results of the final examinations held reeently at the college Graduation Exer- eises will be held on Tuesday May 1st. for the 1051Member class. (traente Lraig of Walton reeeiv- (id the W. Cl. Thompson Prize for Best College Citizen. Wayne hilston, son or Mr. and Mrs, William Alston, of Morris Township is, 0 member at the gradunting Class. Ronald Christie of Cromarty, will receive the l!`„ ll. Coodbrand trophy for the high student in l+;nglisli and Civics, Robert Voddeu or Clinton is one of len honor students, Other graduates from thin area listed in order of merit aro: Robert Roy, Stratford; [tonald Christie, Cromarty; Anthony Van den Henget, Seaforth; Lenus Vet), Clinton; (Interne Craig, Walton; Harold Marran, St. Derary's; Iiana Nater, Mitchell; .1a Paimbro; James 11011110s, 'Newton; ,Quipp, Monkton; Robert Cook, Newton: Philip Clark, IGOrt- erieh; Walter Mcilwain, Goder, loll; Robert Teahen, St, Mary's; Paul Arthur, St. Mary's; Randall Pettaplece, IVIonktott, Brenda HoegY, DUblin., is one of 16 students who haye ;successfully completed their junior year ih the animal health technician course at the college, Having sticceskully completed the jitiPor year or the general a.E.,11- cultUral course at the college and ready to Move into the second year are: lirttce faamh, Goderich; James Phelan, Blyth; Murray iticelure, Walton; Roliald Gray, Newton; Wilfred Riddell, Granton; ,Taines Tyler, St. Marys; Lilian Hopper, :Brussels; James Sebben, Strat- ford; Gerald Townsend, Seaforth; Carl Jones, St. Marys; Keith Wil- liamson, Walton; Ross Scholtz- Milverttm; Glen Stand- eaVen., St. Marys; William Miller, Milverton; David Wheeler, Erns- Sels; Larry Granton. STUDENTS FROM THIS AREA GRADUATE AT RIDGETOWN .,,.The road to success IA always Under, constrUctiOn. FOR GREATER SAFETY ON THE HIGHWAYS All used ears sold in Ontario - - more than (30 0,00 0 annually - will be subject to inspection for mechanical fitness under measure introduced in the ,LegiS- lature by Transport Minister Irwin Freshet. Describing the move as "a major advance in the interests of great- er safety on the highway", he pro, posed new and tougher inspection standards as well as a require- ment for the inspection of used cars sold privately. Those sold through dealers were brought under an inspection law last year. The change was one of 1:6 am- endments to the 'Highway ;Traffic Act proposed by Mr. 1-Taskett. Among the others: That Operators and prisseng,1 of motorcycles I)e required to wear helmets, and that these helmets meet standards that government will specify. That magistrates have the discretionary power to ste Spend the licence of any :driv. er who is convicted of speed, lug 30 Mph or mere above the legal limit. That procedures be facilitated for the government's pOwers to require safety features on Motor 'Vehicles. Under the new- requirements for Used cars, sold either privately 01' threingh dealers, the purchaser needs a certificate of thechanidal fitness in order to pelt the ear on the road, If he buys it without such a certificate, the licence; plates are turned into the De- partnient of Transport and the vehicle is not licenced again Until the certifieate is obtained and submitted to the Department. The standards for inspection will be prescribed by new root- "dens and Mr. Raskett. said that they will be "more, specific and more stringent" than before. Mr. Haskett said the require- ment for wearing Motorcycle helmets became practieal with the recent setting of specifientiOn8 and performance standards by the Cnnadian Standards Association. In the oast the Transport De- artment has encouraged the wear- lng of good-qUalitY helinets, but they were hot ref:Mired by law be, cause thote had been no standard that could be specified in order 'Hid, amendment not go in• to effect until the government spells out the standards. in a set of regulations,. hut•Al.r., Ilasket said be intended to do this: without de- lay. He emphasized that helmets Will be •required for passengers as well as operators. ,The amendments permitting magistrates to impose suspen- sions for certain speeding con- victions is intended Lo give mag,' istrates more scope in handling these cases, Mr. Haskell said. fpreviously magistrates could sus- pend for a number of convictions, hut not for speeding; it is propos- ed now that they have the discret- ionary power to. suspend a dr'iver's licence for up to 3 0 days when a person is convicted of speeding :10 mph or more above the legal Several changes in recent years have expanded the powers of the provincial governMent, to require ccertain equipment or devices on vehicles in the interests..of safety. the new amendment now proposed by Mr, Itaskett would make it pos- sible to use this authority with greater speed and efficiency, The following are anidng the • 0ther• .amendments submitted to the Legislature; BUTS 1967 FORD CUSIC.49.V1 500 1966 METEOR 2 Dr, 1-itp. 1966 FALCON 2 Dr, 1965 CHEV. BISCAYNE 4 Dr. Sedan 1964 MERC. PARK LANE 4 Dr, Sedan 1963 MERC. MONTEREY CUSTOM 4 Dr. Sedan 'Several Other 63 and 64 Models to Choose From RIDGE M t TORS YOUR MUSTANG, FALCON, FAIRLANE FORD and THUNDERBIRD DEALER WINGHAM PRONE 249 BRUSSELS PHONE 357-3460 • School buses -- Certain mini — clarify the duty of doctors' to re- cipalities will have the power to port persons who appear unfit be exempt from the school bus , LO operate 0 motor vehicle. This Stopping law. It they decide to he exempt, where exemptions .are applied, the red.dight of the school bus will riot. flash. . .° Doctors A', new • section. 'will Section will make such reports pri- vileged, for use only in connection with driver licensing, and the re- porting doctor is relieved of the possibility of civil liability. Anhydrous Ammonia's all the same. The big pius you get from C-I-L is experience in application. This is what you'd expect and exactly what you get from your local C-l-L dealer. His careful attention and handling of Anhydrous Ammonia make for excellent application results. Get your order in early. C-I-L's wide network of dealers assures you prompt delivery. GROW AND PROFIT WITH Limited "THE MOST VALUE FOR THE FARMER'S DOLLAR" PHONE 199 BRUSSELS