HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-05-16, Page 7Come in and see the New Epic. tr ng. andsome. 14*, •••••-• • .101....1••••••••••1••• Tiill 1.)OST, tutees S, ONTARIO L.TRSDAY, MAN* 10.14 .1968. 4,40••••!,• WALTON' • eth_ And 16th Unit Of Ottffts UCW, Walton The Moy meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Jim McDonald, Wednesday evening, May Sth, Mrs. loritz opened the meet- ing by reading an article on "Mother's Day". l.lyinn ,1131, Happy 'the lime When God is There. wos sung followed by .prziyer . by 'Mrs, Jim. Fritz who also read .the. .scripturo from, Romans 5, 1 ;The •topic,.'Wodern Naomi" front the study hook. Japan Profiles, vas taken by MI'S. Doug Fraser. -1-Iymn 605, Toll Mc the Stories of joSus, was sung followed by prayer, • Mrs. Jan Van Viiet was in charge of the business port of the meeting. The minutes of the last meeting Were read by the secretorY. The volt . call was answered with bazaar items. Thcre were 'nine members present.. Final plans were made for the Bazaar and Bake Sale which is to be held the evening or May 29th,' Mrs, A. 1 mowatt of Clinton Will be the speaker, The regular collection was re- Cei ved. INTERESTING GUEST TO SPEAK AT' TB MEETING An interesting 'visitor in Wing- ham, this corning Wednesday, May :42, INK sill be Mrs. 1`4)rina Lytle, office Manager, Onta.rio Tuber,culosis Association, Mrs. Lytle will he guest speaker at the annual meeting. of the Huron TB Association which this year is being held in lite Anglican Church hall in Willghorn, commencing at i1!80 Her subject Will he,. "Our Role in Centennial plus One", Mrs. Lytle received her secon- dary education in .Cobourg. 1.01_ lowed by further schooling in Toronto. She spent four years with International Business Machines lit Toronto and 111011 returned to Cobourg where she MIS employed with Smith-Junior of Canada Lim- ited part-time seo- retury to the Christnia.s Seal Com- mittee of Northumberland an-i Durham., taking. 1)1.1•I. Sit a com.. inanity mass surety and Utllf)1' facets of local to 1950 she 'was asked'-tri...7trij .•the staff of the Ontario. TR: Associa, then, having slack) • become office Manager with . the additional re• spoasibility for health education activities since the departure of Dr. Flails King. to the .'National scene. clety and . participates in all their Airs. Lytle has hod a keen interest in the Business Alrs. Lytle 'is recording secre. and Profe'sSiorn Women's Club tory to the Ontario Thoracic So. but now finds it impossible to he MAYTIIVIE SMORGASBORD SUPPER WEDNESDAY, MAY 29th IN IVIELVILLE P RESi,3YTERIAN CHURCH Sponsored By the Women's Guild SUPPED SERVED FROM 5 — 7 ADULTS: $1.50 CHILDREN UNDER 12: 75c Tickets Available From Members active in this field, She is married with Otto daughter why, graduates from :Ryerson L'olytechnical Scho- ol in Business Administration, this year. Grace MIS sung and lunch was served by Mrs. Jim Smith and the hostess. `THANKS . . To all those who have promptly paid their subscription. It has been very gratifying to have your co-operation in bringing our mail- ing list up-to-date, If you are still in arrears attend to this matter as soon as possible if you don't want it removed from the mailing list by the Postal Inspector. SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERY Centre BUM For all kinds of upholstering Brussels Reprosiintittive: SELVVYN BAKER Phone 4 or 79 Brussels • T'1-1.E SINGER'S SINGER ElLaa FITZGEI RAL1.1. IN CON;- CERT is the title of CBC radio's ,CBC ShoWcase, broadcast on Snit- - ,day, May 19, The program Was re, corded during a live performance iii Vancouver and features many of the songS made famotis by 1411a, Fitzgerald = = "the singer's singer'. • • •',..7X,:•::::Vff,ty.,..•,. ..:::.:W ....4••• .. ..". .....,,.....•4 . •••••.••'''.• .:44 .• . ..":' :' ; Aii.:viiiiiiiivosipoi.:06:0•tosommook,,..;•.......000,... '.°^4.......". . . . .. .4,Wr'n''':,..• '......%::" .:••• ':it:4•••••'....2'''..'::.'.?:': .: ......P •:.• !......! ...:":, .. • • . • the stout-hearted little car Every Epic has to make it EXCELLENCE • MARK OF f nal Motors before we Mark it rom Geer *Suggested maxi mu ni retail delivered price of An Epic Standard 2.13one Sedan witk tioatot- and defroster at BRUSSELS , Prtaitjaated tialiVery and liandl charge • and Soles and Exeke Taxes. llenVi neial and Incal iaxes and licei,ce arc hot included. ".1 lie Epic Deluxe, S1, and Station Wagon are available al slightly higher cos r. $1899 , . —7;:s444'.1,, • GM this It's the stouthearted little car from General Motors. Agile in city traffic. Strong when the going gets rough. Handsome and more. good looks that will turn heads. Here's a little car you can put through the paces—quietly. There's a choice of two engines both avail dale Small W1011. et;automatic transmissions. with standard or optional Epic has an appetite.. For mites, and miles of low.cost motoring. And a capacity. For four big adults with head and shoulder room to spare. Here's style, ruggedness and the pleasure of driving. Here's the new Epic. New SEE THE NEW EPIC AT YOUR CHEVROLET.ENVOY DEALER'S McCUTCHEON MOTORoo, FIVOITED TLJRNBERRY STREET BRUSSELS, ONT,, PHONE: 56