HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-05-16, Page 4FOR SALE NEW HOUSE IMMEDIATE POSSESSION PHONE 13 for BEST VALUE NEW ArVIEftiCAN HOTEL BRUSSEL% ONTARIO Gordon Ross and The Lamp Lighters" APPEARING FRIDAY and SATURDAY IN THE "RAINBOW ROOM" WE FEATURE; Friday — Spare Ribs and Sauerkraut, Roast Turkey, Giant Hamburgers Saturday Southern Fried Chicken, Fish and Chips, Giant Hamburgers FOR SALE — Quamity of good ample fluering; also Bell piano in good condition. APPIY 10: llunald 11101iinou FOR SALE — Trailer, in good shape; alit) p..x'l Jade, regular size, in excellent shape. Se# Dr. Wm. Stiles FOR SALE — 'Cedar Posts, anchors tun' braces. Winthrop General Store Phone 527-1247 Seaforth FOR SALE — 6 Herefur Steers, 600 Ills; Hereford Heifers, 600 lbs. Phone 170W Leonard La1110111 CAMPER '\KAILEK SALES and RENTALS 4 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM LO-BOY H1LANDER SAVE 10 % RENTALS BY Canadian Made TOWN & COUNTRY AMBASSADOR DURING MAY DAY OR 'WEEK Ride-Lite Camper SOMERS and RICHMOND BRUSSELS, ONT, PHONE 47.1 or 260W thiE iiit-USSALS POST, BRUSSELS, UKTA11.10 6bAy., MAY .01.th, 1968 Belgrave Co-0 order your TWINE from your z4""'*4'420"1411.1"'"ollowuquargairr-miww-gliwo— BELGRAVE, ONT. DRAIN TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF GREY Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 5 p.M., Monday, June 3rd, 1968, for the construe. -tiOn of the following municipal drains in the Nownship of Grey: UHLER DRAIN; which consists of 4,950 lineal feet or covered drain and S catch basins. GNE1,-, DRAIN which consists of approximately 5,940 lineal feet of covered drain and 9 catch basins. "MACHAN DRAIN which consists of 13,672 lineal feet of open drain. FRASER DRAIN which consists of 8,255 lineal feet of open drain. Tile and pipes supplied by the township. Plans and specificationS May be seen at the Township Office, Ethel, Ontario. Tenders to be accompanied by a certified cheque for 10% of amount of tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. E M. Cardiff, Clerk, Township of Grey, Ethel, Ontario. FARMERS Are you paying too much for your Grass Seed? Take a look- at these prices froM R. Cramm & Son at Pinkerton. Hay MixtUre No. 1 —6 lb. Alfalfa' — 5 lb. timothy — 1 lb. Red Clover. — 3 lb. Brome grass — 3 Meadow Fescue. -- A total Of 18; lb will cost you only $6.74 per acre. FOR SALE — Cedar Posts. Apply to: Harold Finlay, Belmore, Phone. 392-6564 FOR SALE — Yamaha motorcycle iii .good. condition. For further particulars contact Jim Duncan. or Phone 23G Brussels, LOST Brown, male, Chihuahua, answers to the name "Tiny". Any- one knowing whereabouts please call 355W6 WANTED — Cattle for pasture. Lots of grass and water. Joe Holmes, RR 4, Brussels Phone 374J•5 FOR SALE — Frame house with 4 piece bath and oil furnace; also frame house with 3 piece bath and cupboards, with good terms. See: Elmer Ellacott, Salesman for K, W. Colquhoun, Broker. SALES HELP WANTED MALE Rawleigh business now open in. part Huron County. Trade well established. Excellent opportunity. Full time. Write Ra.wleigh, Dept. E-152489, 4005 Richeliett St., St. Henry, Montreal. FOR SALE — Strawberry Plants, improved Senator Dunlop: Ft eshly dug young plants prodUce large sweet berries ideal for freezing. $3.00 hundred plants. Phone 397-3325 Percy Biggs Lower Wingham PLANNING EXTRA GRAIN BINS contact: THE SPECIALISTS MIDDLESEX MILLWRIGHTS LTD. BOX 2691 LONDON PHONE: 461 - 7933 WANTED For improving the Hydro serVide Secretary-Treasurer of the Soc• ietY. Tenders to be in by Saturday, June 1St. Lowest or oily tender not necessarily aceepted. Edwin 'Martin, Secretary-Treasttrer Donald McDonald, President Brussels Agricultural Society CUSTOM — 13ackhoeing, Digging, Gravel fill, Cement gravel. Don Wallace, RR 4, Walton Dial 527-1896 MUSIC SUPERVISOR WANTED Morris -il.'4ast WaWanosh. School Board requires a music. instruetor to supervise the teaching of music in three schools, Brussels, Biyth and Belgrave. This will be full tone employ , merit with duties to. commence in September. Applications stating. nualifica- tions, experience, references. and salary expected will be rceived bY• the secretary until Play 20. Ralph Shaw Brtissels, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of MARY ELLEN MOWBRAY, deceased ALL persons having claims against the estate: of Mary Ellen MoWbray, late of the Village of Walton in the County of Eeron, spinster, Who died on or about the 4th day of April 1968. are hereby notified to send particulars of the same to the senders for the executors on or before the 30th day of May, 1968, after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims which shall then have been received: DATED at BruSselS this 3rd day of May, 1968. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL, Brussels, Ontario Soliciteet for the EXietutord, NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of MENNO JACKSON deceased ALL persons having claims against the estate of Menne Jackson, late Of the Village of Brussels, in the Clennty of Huron, retired farther, Who died. on or aboitt the 24th day of April 1968. are hereby notified to Send particulars of the sanie to the solicitors for the executrix on Or before thet 30th day of mot', 1968, after Which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to the elainiS which shall then have been received. DATED at Brussels this 3rd day of May, 1968. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL, Brussels, Ontario S011oitors for the Executrix WOOD FOR SALE :liardWoOd • Stalls, delivered • in truck load lots, 5 or (i cords, $'LOO per cord, Soft wood $3.00 per cord. Craig's sawmill, Minim-1526-7220 O.P.P. REPORT May 14, 1968 No accidents were reported dur. Mg the past week. "Suddenly" . . warn- ing" . '."unpredictably".: these are typical of the expressions used by a driver involved in an accident to describe the injustice of it all. But'ae accident although it seems to be out-of-the.blue, is usually the result -of a long period of prep- aration and rehearsal. • It has been estimated that every industrial accident. arising from au Unsafe act, is preceeded on the average by 300 similar unsafe acts that, were uneventful. The man who pays the penalty of careles- Sness at the work bench "gets away with it'' about 300 times be- fore he gets hurt, Whether the same l-to-300 pro. portion of hits to misses applies to attionimbile accidents is not known, but probably the relation- ship is similar, Certainly the prin. ciple is inescapable - - an unsafe act, inevitably leads to harm if it is repeated often enough. The vast inaiority of motorists who end up iu hospital or paying the "deductable" end of the repair bill, are skillful drivers. They aro skillful enough to drive for a life- time without a scratch. Or a bump, if they ga ve their best, at all times. But they don't git'e their best. Frequently they take chances, recognizing. the risks but belle.v, theirs to be slight, in other words, they rely on luck as well as skill to keel, th cm intact. The man who habitually passes On a bill, or ignores stop signs. or thinks that swinging wig-wags apply only to the traffic behind Min, rapidly uses ire his "free" ehanees Iii the gamble. Otte day he will have to pay. And perhaps liis son, whom he has tatight to drive in the same rashioh, will got a SIM:liar bill, Unsafe acts lend eventually to near-misses which finally end tip as an accident. The good driver trys to keep off ANY PART of this broad-based ladder to dikaster. Traffic laws Were Made for your protection. Know and Obey the tittles of the road at all tines, 4;NT ERT AIN kN AT Hay Mixture No. 2 9 lb. Alf= alfa -- 2 lb Red Clover, 5 lb Tim CO-opERATIVE o — a totthaY, of and 1931blb.whBilclinweilglrcaossst ouly $8.35 per acre. A good permanent paSture mix titre — 5 lb Empire trefoil, 5 lb Alfalfa, 5 lb Timothy, and 3 lb Bronie grass a total of 18 ib, costing. drily $8.95 per acre, ,These are all Govt: graded, No. 1 New Crop Seeds, R Cramiii at Pink- erten also carry a good stock of all at the Brussels Agricultilral varieties Seed grains. CIOVer Grounds as per specifications by inoMilants 50c for each bitehet of the Area Electrical Inspector, seed. Inoetilating and. mixing of For specifications contact. the seed, free to purchasers. Enquire about the new Method of reseed, ing Old sod pastures without plowing, Try "Cranitn'S'7 Seeds for quality and prices. 35 years experienbe in the Seed bUsiness. Cramm & Son; Pinkerton: Phone Cargill 366-2394.