HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-05-16, Page 1$2.00 A Year In Advance -- $3,00 To "(LOA qr TlIE 13RUSSF4LS POS'1'. T11 WAS 16th, 1968 POST PUBLISHING HMIS* It was announced that May 1.8th will be the Achievement bay for 4-77 ClUb Girls •after. completing. their project "The Club Girl Enter.- table.. Everyone is invited to this event held in Wing- li am. rout voting delegates Were choseli• to attend the. District Atilinai to' be held in FordWiell on May 16th. These • -eliosen. Were • Miss . linla Pearson, Mrs, Jaines' Sin innAy, rs. Tani siS• Armstrong,: and Mrs. Carl HeinitigWayn Mrs. jantes Arinstrong WaS ChOSeit to attend a Meeting of the Auxiliary at iniroliview on May .20th. It was Moved by Mrs, Deng' in Seconded by Mrs', em ;way and Earl Ondthore that We start a hank account for new baby born to one of the mettiber$,. Eli, ilde at pre• sent. is baby daUghter • 'Of Mra, • T./onalti Petrie, •.• • The meeting: "cleSett and ai. lovely hatch Was .serVed by Mrs. dames-, ,AlfirStrting., Mrs.. 'TOM • Strdellain .tind Mtn— Amy SPelin. • CRANBROOK Brenda Knigh, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs alai, I,tiighI Was to patient in Wingham illat Weelt• , Callutil, Thomas, is visiting, net Sister Lytle Gordon. Mrs. Stuart Evans and Gary visited on Sunday with Mrs. Beatrice Young, Listewel. Mr. and Mrs. John Beckett, Debbie and Diane, :Preston, were Sunday visitors with mr. and MrS. Wes, McEachern, may W. I. Meeting Athe: May meeting of the Coln. brook W.I. was held the Coo, tunntty Centre : with guests pres- eq kora 'Walton gad moncrieff, also the, 4-it Club meetifig _onehed in the Way and the President, Mrs. Ducharme, welcomed the visitors,. Correspondence included a letter from a foster child, an invitation to Brussels W.i. on Thursday, May 9th; bus trip information, tins leave Vonctleff at 8,30 arid retitril after seeing illumination at Niag- ara rails; District Annual voting delegates are Mrs.. Dacha:Me, Mrs. Allan. MeTaggart, and Mrs, ,tire Hart. Mrs. Clare Ireittill re Ported on the Guelph Ceinretition a,nd told of Mina, Speenlien„ and MS0188301 groups, tlavolyti ittid Marie Lake from Nn. 1 Club dein- blistrated packing an overnight bag, Leaders are. Mrs. Veitch and MriL Prank Smith. The motto "A weinen IS old when she chooges her clothes with only the Weather IT was given by 'Minn Prank Othith. Club .Ne. 2,11ad ail exhibit 'Sandwiches for afternoon tee. :This Was convinented on' by Sharon Fischer. Leaders are Mrs. Allan MeTaggart and Mts, Ross Knight. Mrs. Dan Gionsher, Myth, den1011- Strated making rugs and Wa'S 'thanked by Mrs. Mac Macintosh, nonni, for the Pist,tict Annual is to be Made up by MI'S. Allan Mt:Taggart and Mrs. Ross knight, "(Tod Save the Queen" was sung iii clesing A bake sale' Was held With Mrs. Frank Sni1111, Mrs, Win. Bremner, Mid Mrs. Allan. Mc, Taggart in chatge, Llineh was served by the committee, Mrs, Glare Veitch, Mrs. Gordon. Engel. Mrs. Ducharme and Mts. jiin Hart. YOU ARE 1.11/41Vtttd HORTICULTURAL. MEETING . The May meeting of the B'rti's- seis and District :Hot ticiiittiral Society will be held -Monday, May 20th, . tit 8:00 pain, :in the Inlin- Sels Public Libtaty. Mrs. Leo Deaner • Will detitoil- stitite Driftwood ArrangemetitS. The Meeting will' be in charge diva Misses; Dianne UM Mine Mtichatt Who- are trying for their . 'Mid Cord in :Gm. • This. Meeting I'S (Men Please anoint this invitininn. to mime and einjoy onr meeting, • SLAsHES FAI R t3tibOa'r 0.0Q41011... PRECEDENT HRLISSE,LS ---- The 'village council here has wade it Move, never Oven trop; idered by simiise 0011i-tells in ttit 'terth Conilt,t area, In estal'ildiii1;4 t rainsfor 1968 the Brussels coattail cut time grant to the Brussels Fair -Board in half from $100 to $50. At the same time they increae- ed the village's recreation coM- mittee from $1.50 to $500. Clerk William 'King .explained the move Of :Council saying it,considered the recreation committee does Mote for Brussels than the fall fair board. TaVistoek's reeve William intchiow. said iitfclli 6 Move 'would be diSantrewl, anythilig we would be Con8idering increasing 1:6 'grant to: tlttr fall fain board," he said, Tavi6nieft $41111 naCii year to the board, . nnicklaw said these fairs must be kept going because it is the only chance the rural people have to show their produce per- sonally to the urban pole and it also gives that tiro chahco to talk about such things as what keeps their community together. The councils in Milverton, List- °Wel, St, Marys and Mitchell, ea.011 Making grams Troth $200 to $500 to the fall fair, bards Iu their eoiniiinilitie:4, have never consideted dropping the grants according to their elerkS. Mr. 'King said the deopphig of horSe racing from the, fair agenda two years ago Spoiled the :Brussels Fall Fain 8f:fa:Hoed Rea co inn er d Editors :Note: The reporter re, sponsibld the aboVe which appeared in the Stratford Beacon. Herald. made fin error in the grant figures. The grant last year was $150. The grant for 1968, as it appeared to the cohltdil Minutes published lb .the ili'u9sels Post, was $100, hoWeVer Reeve grainer stated this was 'mit neeessatily the final figure of the 1968 grant, PEOPLE WE KNOW Mr. and Mrs. Ed Garton, of Ripley Were Visitors!..n Brussels.: Mr, arid Mrs, Wayne Klein of Lindsay spent the weekend, in Brussels. Mrs. W.' it. Sttettoil and dattght- er of :Snyder, N.Y.. Were ViSitors in BruSsels. last Week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack MeCaitcheon Were Visitors With her Mother, Mrs. Dritst of Stinitfotd, and with his inotlien, in Ingersoll, on Sun- day, ReV, Allan JO/distort has been attending the 44th Annurn London Conference of the Halted Church, in WilidSet, thin week. Mr. and Mrs, Watson: .Slinidiee and. Mrn and Mrs, Ken 'Slibitlice Were in London last week attend , big the nitininii of Mrs. Tolbert sister` of 'Watson Sholdicc. • •$'01"4 Brus$4 School. Receives Four Top Awards At 'Festival Tbe two-day music festival of the ilrnssels, Blyth and Belgrave Central Schools came to a con• einsiOn with the presentation of a eonn'ert, by top festival winners in the Wingtnon District High School on Wednesday evening. The concert was interspersed With the three final :conipelition classe's, Dawson Woodhurn., festival'. adjudicator, who is professor of an, Athouse College, London, said' Pe tifss impressed with the confidence ciii4 ailinity of the young singerS, Ninety 'was the lifgtnnt mark awarded by Mr. Woodburn: Two Unison choruses from the Brussels` stakinI, achieved it in tne Grades 7 and t$ efaSS Wednesday and the Grades 3 eat 4 class on Tuesday. Two individual* also received marks of 90 on WetfneSday after.- noon. They were Joan Conine of Init 3, Winghani and DaVid $'treat . of Myth, both competing in soffit classes for singers 14 and under. Da001 singing 'with Debbie Hicks' Blytk t:01 the senior vocal duet class receivall ;mother' mark of of 90. Other 'Wednesday reelAts were as follows: DniSon chorus, Grrad,es 5 and (. (14.7Mghaitt, "ions Club Trophy): .Blyth gt•teet 89, Boy's yoke, Solo. age 11 and antler; John Bat-,-Me Blyth, 85 David Stapleton, ve 84; Glen Nixon, :Flelgtave 82. Girls' solo 11 and under: M'aintt Garniss, Belgrave, 86; Lori' McCutcheon, Brussels 85; Marie Entpey and Hilly Van Amersfort both of Blyth, tied with 84, Senior duet: David Street and Debbie Hicks, 73lyth, 90; John and : Joan. Eilliott, Brussels '88; Debbie McCall and Cathy Cousins, Brus- sels 86. Boys' solo for changed voices: Don Edgar, B'elgrave 85; Kevin. ,Tasker, Blyth 84; Wayne Mc- :Deno% Blyth, 82, Girls' solo, age 14 and under; jean Currie, Belgrave 90; Mar- jorie Procter, Belgrave, 84; Joyce Pearson, Brussels 83. TWo-nart dial's: Grades 7 and, 8, 11.-runsels WoMen's Institute Trophy): Beigrave School, SS. illoyS' Vocal SOlo '14 anti `tinder: David Street, Blyth, 90; Batry Young, rnyth, 50, Murray White- man, Beintave, 86 • Triple Trio (CKNX TtOtihY): bitssels Trio. No. 1 89; BelgtaVe Trio No. 2, 86; BelgraVe '.l'i'fe No, 1: 84. T.wo,-part choruses. Grades 6 and 6 (Blyth Women's institute Shield):: -Myth 88, Belgrave 87; Bits-sets 85: tiiiiSolt Moths, Grades 7 and 8 (Blyth, Lions Chin Shield): Brits, sets NI; Beigravo, 88; Blyth 1;6, -•6Akt0'111,1 'Celetntte Victoria Day' •bitt don't get careless.Bn. careful with Witte fireworks;. ,STANFIELI) TO VISIT WINGHAM, MAY 30th nt, E. 'McKinley informed the Post 'that the Progressive CoilserVatiVe leader, Robert Stanfield, Will be lit Wingliant ore Thursday, May 30th. Final plans Will be announced later. MRS. PETER .NELSON Mrs. Peter Nelson, 88, Brussels, died Priday at the Calla.nder Inurs- ing A widow, she was the former Christina Anderson. She came to Ontario from Sasktadholtua about ten years ago. She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Cliffotd (Esther) Skolrood, Stoney Creek; Mrs. Siebert. (Gertrude) Skolindern Maidstone, Sask.; Mrs. Norman (Ida) Mulligan, Brussels; two sons, William, Maidstone; Eric, Burnaby, .:13.C.; 14 grandchildren, 53 great-grandchildren and one grin t-groat-grand child. Tile funeral set-vice was held froth the B, A. Reim funeral home, BrusSelS, on. Monday, at Il. non Burial was in BrusSels cenie, tery. were: Pallbearers Bruce Mulligan, Bryan Martin, Daryl Smith. George McDonald, Gordon MoDotaid,, Martin Skolrood.. 1. Retirement: O'eligoin SlitHi/et' benefit tension,' Thninfillity benefits (which come vino effect in May 1970). Mr. Shears WaS: thanked by Mrs. Clarence Mc- Cutcheon and presented with a' giet on behalf of the. Women's In- stitute. Mrs. McCutcheon trie-tik introduc- ed Joan :Elliott and John 1.;11ft'At who had won second place in the.' recent Music festival at Blyth, Joan and John sang "The Two Roses as a duet, and were accom- panied by Cloleen Cardiff on. the piano, A triple trio Consisting of Moira Rooney, "Nancy Adams, Shirley Pipe, Connie MeWhirteri Joan SteVelison, Coleen. Cardiff, Cittli• Coueind, Chris Exel and John Elliott Sang 'Country Garden" ,',They were "very tchiy directed by jean Mita It. VA repotted that the Brussels Ptiblic School had won four of the eight shields that were presented at whighati District Dinh School on the last evening of the music festival, The Majestic Woitienis Institute shield was Won by Orates I and or the Belgra we school, MAJESTIC W.I. HEAR GUEST SPEAKER Time ma.:Jesik ‘voioples institute held their May meeting. in the library basement on May isitfr at 'p.111 This Was a "Public Relations" Meeting With the convenors being Mrs. Doug 'Hemingway and Mrs. :Mdebitiefieoh, Mrs, Doug Efeiningi4Y oni opened the -onn-jillve •:ir'fini the In- stitute Ode and Mary il1!6Wai-1,, lent. The roll call was alisw'n'r"?...lif with "Something 1 know about another organisation". Miss Ella Pearson prepared Preiklbted the motto "Keep smiling nn. (Ito whole world is taking your picture". Mrs. Doug Hemingway nano- dneed the guest speaker, Mr. Manuel Shears of the Department of t"Cearth and Welfare, ,Pension ,Divisinin Mr.. Shears spoke on the !Canada PenSion Pfan, and explain-, „ ed heitefitS can lie recofted as MAIT. EDGAR RECEIVES' LIBERAL NOMINATION 'Maitland EAgat of Clinton wawa' chosen Liberal candiante in Huron riding at the Liberal nomination meeting in clinton on Monday i4dgar, 30, a teacher, who is a geography instructor at South Huron secondary school, was giVerx the candidacy on the first ballot, This will be the second time Mr. .F.dgar has conte§ted the federal S.cat. He was defeated by 1,294, votes, hi 1965,, by, the incuttihent, MCKinley. Four other candidates stooil for the nmitination at the meet- ing on Monday. They were: Charles Thomas, farmer, Brussels; Rev, John Boyne, Presbyterian minister from Exeter; Dr. Archie Ctwi'ie, professon of eeonomics 'University of Toronto and a part- time -Winer at Parkhill; Dr. Frank Mills, mayor of Goderich. The nomination meeting was one of the, largest political meet. ings ever held in this riding. it :was attended by about 750 per.. sons, The meeting was chaired by Gordon McGavin of Walton. Y. McLean, Seatorth, supervised the ballots. Huron riding includes all of Huron 'County, I:TcG7llivray and Hiddulph townships of Middlesex county, and AiTsa Craig and7 Luenn. Bibbert To'wnsh'ip was put back. Into the Pearth riding after 363.\;:ie..ali'lgttllirHiltro si arLnative of Morris Township and has recently been honored for his activities in both athletics and Kinsmen Man Work. He is a graduate of the Univer- sity Of 'Western Mantle. Mr. Ugar and wife, the former Mary. Bowman of Btussels have six