The Huron Signal, 1881-05-27, Page 7THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, MAY 21. 1881. • SAW es Mad. 'Baby is dead !" Three little words passing ah ng the line copied somewhere and soon :ergot - ten. But after all was quiet again, I leaned my head on my hand and tell in- to a deep reverie of all that thugs words nay mean. Somewhere—a daiuty Pure, still and cold, unclasped by mother's arms to- night. Eyes that yesterday were bright and blue as skies of June dropped to- night between white lids, that no voice tan raise again. The soft hands whose r.,ae leaf fingers were wont to wander lovingly around mother's neck and face, loosely hulding white buds, quietly folded in coffned rest. Soft lips, yesterday rippling with laughter, sweet as woodland brook falls, gay as a trill of forest bird, to -night un- responsive to kiss or call of love. A silent home—the patter of baby feet forever hushed—a cradle bed un - pressed. Little shoes half worn—dain- ty garments—shoulder knots of blue to match those of yesterday, folded with aching heart away. A `ay mound, snow-covered in some quiet graveyard. A mother's groping touch, in uneasy slumber for the fair head that shall never rest upon her bosom. The low sob, the bitter tear, as broken dreams awake to Bid reality. The hopes of future years wrecked, like fair ships that suddenly go down within sight of end. The watching of other babies, dimpl- ed, heslthy,laughing,strong,and this one gone; the present agony of grief, the future emptyness of heart, all held in those three little worts, "Baby is dead :" Indeed, it is well that we can oopy and soon forget the words at freighted with woe to those who receive and send them. And yet it cannot harm us now and then to give a tender thought to those for whom our careless pen stroke is preparing such a weight of grief. L..taer wise Easple)er. ,. A New York merchant who has a large iron mill in Pennsylvania, heard a rew months ago that his employees intended to found a small library for their own use. Most employers would have re- garded such an enterprise with conde- scending approval, Mingled somewhat with uneasiness as to whether they might not themselves be "struck" for a subscription, and as to how small a sum they might give without being cal- led Mean by their rivals. But what the employer of the men who wanted a library did, was to himself select and purchase for his employees a library of five thousand volumes and provide pro- per apartments in which to take care of it. That library will prove a good busi- ness investment. Men worth keeping are not likely to go away from such a special benefit to them and their families. The better class of workmen elsewhere will be attracted to the mills that offer the use of a large oollection of books in addition to their weeekly pay, while the mere tramps, in that particular depart- ment of labor will find the mill not at all to their taste, for somehow drunken- ness and strikes are quite infrequent in the neighbourhood of good libraries. A Many other employers would find profit in investing money judiciously for the benefit of their own men.— [N. Y. Herald. A woaderfal Fhb %tory. Some Eastern tourists had been spin- ning some incredible yarns, when- one of the party, turning to an old moun- taineer, said:-- "Bill, aid:—"Bill, that gets away with fishing in Montana, don't it?" "Wall, I don't know about that. •' "Do you mean toeiay that you have caught larger fish?" "No; but I've caught some purty big fellers." "Come now, tell us the weight of the largest trout you ever caught." "WaU, I can't exactly tell as to the weight, but you folks can Tigger on it. Now, you know it is over two hundred ilea around the Yellowstone Lake m • Put flat down. As I said before, I wars alike Mwsamug-Marda. don't hnow the weight of the big - Farm anb $amen. aa. • tae tt6tr18/IstBs The last milk drawn from the cow at each milking, says a writer, is luuch the richer part of the mesa. The reason is the same that the top of a pan of milk which has stood a while is the richest part of it. The cream,being the lightest part of the milk, rises or remains at the top of the udder, while the heavier, watery portion settles at the butt( w, similarly, though not as perfectly as when set in a pan. The sic} a portion of the milk, being pf greater coesistency. settles to the bottom of the udder, ht t slowly, as the milk is drawn off. Hence, after the tiret flow of sulk has ceased, or while the milker is drawing from the other half of the udder, a new accumula- tion is found in the Kart first drawn. This will be found nearly all creast; and when the object is butter -nicking thisican be drawn into a small vessel by itself and streined directly into the cream tort and thoreu;,hly mixed with the cream. The cream from the main bulk of the milk will rise lucre readily and the separation be more complete for being relieved of so touch of the creast at the start, and the part time taken away will not be ee- posed t., the deterioratia influet:cdof the milk as it gets sour or old, anti the gen- eral result will be better butler and more of it. A hawse )!/!Mees_. Most young wives desire to hate a home of their own; and, though the mother is loth to lose her darling, she coined deny her the priviledge of f !low- ing her urate, as tho mother did before her. Indeed, it is considered an unde- sirable thing by most mothers to have a house full of 'old maids.' But it is *fact, in spite of this feeling, that many moth- ers do not prepare their daughters for happy marriages. They neglect to teach them the commonest duties of a house- keeper, under a mistaken idea, which they hold, of love and tenderness, that they do not want their daughters to have so hard a life as they have. But if they are not properly educated their life will be even harder. Besideshaving a know- ledge of cookery, the young woman needs to know how to fashion and make gar- ments for ordinary wear, for we rarely find an average family in our country a.mutunities that ie able to hire all the necessary cutting, fitting and sewing, without seriously clipping it.. resources for other need(. One need not in order to be thrifty and economical, always be her own dressmaker or her good man's i _ DYSPEPSIA.—Strengthen your di- I gestion, tone the stomach for utilising and assimilating every atom of ft od yuu take, the body needs it for strength and vigor. Zoys.ae clesuses the entire sys- tem, stimulates the liver, keeps ou re- gular and able to eat tan -pens nails. Letters mid pustal cards emu* 1 daily extolling Zupe.0 from Brasil. ositive proof of health and vigor it gives, in a 10 cent sample. Sold by F. Jordan. Errs's0000 --GRATEFUL MID (.0Iay0RT1 NU. — By a knowledge of the natural laws which ern Use operations ot digestion and nutrition, and b a careful application of the due properties by Coosa, Mr, Epppsa has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctor', bills. It Is by the j udi- cicioua use of such articles of diet that a con- stitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are Misting around us ready to attack wherever there U a weal point. We may escape many a fatal shaft bykeeping ourselves well fortified with pure bood and a properlynourished frame." –Civil Sconce OYietts sld oral// in Packets labelled-••JAies Ergs ole Co. Hcmoopathlc Chemists, London, Eng."–Also makers of Epp,'■ Chocolate Essence for afternoon Ube. 1761 Yew to fret Melt. The great secret of obtaining riches, is first to practice economy, and as good old Deacon Snyder says, "It used to worry the life out of me to pay euurni- ous doctor's bile, but now I have 'struck is rich.' Health and happinees reign supreme in our little household, and all simply because we use no other medi- cine but Electric Bitters, and only assts fifty cents a bottle." Sold by F. Jur- dan Nature, after all, is the great physi- cian. She hides all the secreta of health within her broad, generous bosom, and man needs but to go to her intelligently for his every need. The discovery of the great Cough Remedy, GRAY'S SYRUP OF Rio Srat;cg Gem, is an apt illustra- tion 'of this. As a cure for Coughs, Colds, Loss of Voice and Hoarseness it stands unrivalled, while its low price and readiness of access places it within the reach of all. Try it and be convinced. All chemists keep it in 25 and 50 -sent bottles. — ad Saekiea•s.aralra liaise. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, 8 s, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all kinds of Skin eruptions. This Salve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction in every case or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by F. Jordan, Goderich. tailor; for there is often real economy in getting those heavy jobs off one's hands, thus leaving tete wife readier and strong- er for the many duties constantly aris- ing, which no one else can do so well. But the plain sewing can be most neatly and sievingly done at home, under the careful instructive eye of the 'house- mother,' even though she can affurd to hire assistance. Gardeners in the mother country are becoming greatly interested in the toma- to, the flavor of which suite the English palate. The care necessary to raise this new claimant under British skies draws attention to particulars of its behavior, which we, in our free -and -easy and wholesale way of growing, are scarcely led to notice. There, as here, the bunch- es of blossoms are apt to be abortive, but the next are the strongest of all, and often have fasciated pistils, whence the corrugated fruits, which are often seen on the same plants with smooth ones, and which are so objectionable. Other peculi.trities of this eccentric berry are noted. It seems to be more liable to mildew there than with us; but the attack is generally observed in time to be checked before many leaves are in- jured. Married People weaid be tawnier If hone trials were never told to neighbors. If they kissed and made up after every quarrel. If household expenses were -propor- ti•ened to receipts. If they tried to be as agreeable as in courtship days. If each would try to be a support and comfort to the other. If each remembered the other was a human being, not an angel. If women were as kind to their hus- bands as ,they were to their lovers. If fuel and provisions were laid in dur- ing the high tide of summtlr work. If both parties remembered that they married for worse as well as for better. If men were as thoughtful of their wives as they were of their sweethearts. If there were fewer *silk and velvet street costumes, and more plain, tidy house -dresses. If there were fewer 'please darlings,' in public. and more common manners in private. gest trout I ever yanked out, but I did haul one on the beach, and after i land- ed him the lake fell three feet• and it hasn't rix since. Tvae hedneseees. Men who have risen from humble life to wealth and high social rank, have been ashamed often of their parents, and shown thea little attention or respect. Such treatment indicates a vulgar mind. True nobility follows a different method. Richard Bard, ase .inuesot Bishop of the Chur.h erasnlsorl, at the triose of the last century was a man of manners, of great learning, who with distinction in the best society of the kingdom George iiI pronounced him "the most naturally polite man he bad ever known. •• He, however, never failed to show the utmost respect for his mother, a farmer's wife of no education, but of •sterling rharacte,- VPhen he sistertiaed large companies et the1palace, he led her, with a stately 0► rtee , to the head of the table, and paid her the ggrf.watt..mst deferteeew The high-born tamilier who eat at his table reverenced his eoednd, so becoming to a win and panni e . --{Ymstb'a Os sspanien Whenever it happens that two of the species meet among my dowers, they signal the encounter with a shrill war - cry, and dash at each other in fierce an- tagonism. The spirit of Bellona in- flames their souls. For an instant they close together, then give each other chase, and with the speed of meteors are lest to my view. Shortly after, the return of one alone announces that the FIRST PRIZES AWARDED THE 'al NEW FRIIITS. I[' NEW VALENCIAS, NEW LAYERS, NEW CURRANTS, S. 8. ALMONDS, WALNUTS, FILBERTS, CHESSN UTS. LAKE SUPERIOR'S] TROUT, WHITE FISH & HERRING. 1M" SALT WATER HERRING AND CODFISH. ALSO, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Teas, Sugars And General Groceries ; CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, A ND CHINA. Dr. PRIeE'N Cream Baking Powder. Dr. PRICE'S Lupulin Yeast Gema. Chas. A. Nairn, TIIE SQUARE. llSs W. S. Hart & Co. PROPRIETORS OF THE Godorich Mills (LATE PIPER'S.) Beg to return their thanks to the public for the liberal patronage received during the past year, and to state they aro prepared to do C31- on 1- on the shortest notice, or for the convenience of parties living at a distance will exchange grista at their town store (Lite W. M. Hiliard's,) Masonic block. Fast St. Goderich. /eV -Highest price paid for wheat.' Record of the LYMAN Barb. COUat American GH COLDS, ART A, IRONCSITI4 L088 OF 170104 SOARBHNEBB AND THROAT AFFECTION& fres. B._ and ay!wn (.tt► �a & 1ppue5 urrr Dewy Pee 5.ee hard ufthe mow eleryl.l e! fade W 1Ae and the P4.•• 4. Coco of Lwow Auk ism tiAnises peril Wawa nos ad Mar ea s- e•nDtite rhal"to uo lac il• avid ander Mem to wk a tea evade from eh• Spruce soya bye adder Sim. fur GRAY'S SYRUP Or RED SPRUCE GUM. I. this .ep•ra- 14e. the 0.n mew s. beaesm40 D r'eltertbs ••a Ts' w li sa fol pre- e.e at. Com to • . r. hen, eon to las a a r • gistsatftp onkel nest Gen /n complete .owt,on. Iia remarkableppoowfaer in relieving certain forma of Bronchitis, and its almost specific efeet in curing ob- stinate hacking Coughs, is now well known to the public at large. Bum bp all respectable chemists. Aloe, 25 awl n • ere s honk. The need. '• Syrup of Red Spruce Own •• c'o ..11 hate our kee4terrd T -ode Murk, and ser 4erup o mm1106018 are also r•.4ter.d. KERRY WA ?WON- tt Go., 1r5ok. ale Druelgsm., S.le Prpr.e1 ,. dad 1eemeach.r0n1. 1<smiM.aa Th. A rah emote make. Resul es o thews c &time are es ot.e.o mi./ginned To an whose e ty elite bow Quires. Appetiser {Hpop Bitters are le botma-ttttepprrrwgQhyya��lpa:pair at1 won/,elk miLti, *ay feet tad or miserable, .s may save your Welt has gmmt)will be paid fora oe help Do fid sutler ,bot use aid (:roe them aeember, mop Enters 11 no adetrua, but the Purest radkf.e ever made the 'tsrsUE. =me and no person or family be without the= L sa.bsemte art1 ir, ,jos6 caro of op.'tun to4uba and W sold by drab -stet. Seri& Circular. ■ p a'nwe ate. C.., Bsab.ier.RT and Toronto, emt. rercetaad Beet indictee ever Made. or Mona. •uohu, Ma ., .t Dondollon, •:t a ul ins best urs Live properties of all other Di the (Hausa 'Stood P under, LM ate, and Lite and n.altb earth. pomlbly lone stet where venal aid perfect are Mir h tail rive t) :_e apish ids. rlorments rause Irresbieri 0Jm.a' orrs. s or who I,,nt. and mild 5 ookke, without IntOs- enters o r ,neat is use Hop Mb - re sick but tt you we them at nave u v e .1 hundreds. se they will amt or let your t to nue HOP elle, drugged and 11.1 ,figs,, LOVELL'S Province of Ontario Directory POR 1881 -1882 - TO BE PUBLISHED IN NOVEMBER 1881, Price $5.00. MR. LOVELL, at the request of "'Several Merchants and other, of the Province of Ontario of the ('ity of Montreal, !he,. t. gm to announce that his firm will publish a PRO- VINC8, OF ONTARIO DIRE(TORY, in No- vember next. containing an Alphabetical Directory ANDA THOROUGH Classified Business Directory of the Business and Professional men in the Cities, Towne, and Villages of Ontario, with a Classified Business Directory 0r Tn6 CITY OF MONTREAL. The same care and attention bestowed on the Dominion and Provincial INr;.etoriee of 1871 will be given to this work. Subscribers names respectfully solicited, Terms of Ad- vertising mode known upon apylication. JOHN LOVELL ft SON Montreal. Dee. 1881. Publishers. 1769 victory has been quick and decisive. Diminutive as are these puny sprites, they are heavily charged with combat - Aeneas. The entire race are pugnac- ious and quarrelsome to an extraordin- ary degree, impudently assaulting each other, and bird( at much greater acs which venture into their neighborhood or 000saion them a fancied annoyance. Even the hawk is not safe from their M- taob, Mrd has been seem worried ted kited b tett lb. Base remake, irlhirNkeg dish tatsoalent dispai- the aid eke perpetual batiks ewe's i r�stook oke as theee whet, t �, "One wig beech esether sed the two will go fighting sod IlliaMmain sway at a pee hardly to b lithe sed by the eye."— "Tim Ari ro ere - -To beeetify the teeth slid give fragrance to the breath tsar "Teeberwy' the sow toilet gess. Get "LYMAN" Four -Barb Wire Fencing at MONTREAL. QUE. CINCINNANTI, 01110. `EXHIBITIONS. IYRACi*IL N. Y. DAVENPOiRT. IOW A. PON ZICE LLEICEsnd SUPERIORITY Owe eh C'O.etwlifM.. The Cieapast & Beat Feacii IU rum W ORLD_ Adored and In taw on 19 wag Uses In Ib 1. R east trade taarkrad, "Limas p� ea 'set tar e W. Rergte. W. Il�cXrr� la D=ON SAAR IR1t1 %lbs Gam. 72 LRis a det •sa• eaMb 11 sent WOO*1 fwvs & Os A.9sMa, flare. Asaw For isle by Jams W tuna, (Themfst and Druggist. BEE@W1LLER Chilled Plow e – AND AGRIC ULTU RA WORKS. th. ler etre alrrawhst+oa amid AAGMiCI T RAL tdeet + vl� Mr_ D.Rwas`ratsdo IF wenaQfarrod s•M • se M r amerelaa1 r aware REIruMII.1.SL Praerf ere ANCHOR LINE. UNITED +TATS MAIL BTgAMYRS red,very tial NEW YoRKTOOL W CABINS. flea to M. ST pRAGE Ma These Steamers du nut tarry cattle, aheeporplgs NEW YORK TO LONDON DIRECT. CABINS'''. to Sea Excursion at Reduced Hetes. Psseenger accommodations are unsurpassed. All Staterooms on Main Deck. Passengers booked at lowest r.t•s to or from arty Railroad station to Europe or A Drainer lowest rates, payable (levee' .,..-. a tbr'ougbboouL t En ad, Scotland and Ireland. fur books of information, plans. he. apply to Harpalaor BRurngrt,, 7 Bowurne Gurus, N. Y. Or to MRS. E. WARNO('K, Albion Block. 1781 Agent at (ioderlch NOTICE. Umiak; up PMdoyrapkinj i.. rhafr,icit to returning thanks t part favors, would Just say. those wishing benefit will please notice former prices and mown' • Prewar t Life Sire Photos. - 44.w .x19 Photos. - 1.50 fig - 1.65 Cabinets Photo per doz., 1.00 Card Photo, per dos., LSO Former. 47.00 2.W 1.50 3.50 2.00 And homes to suit the above at BOTTOM PRI CP B_ (lents onr,teonie all! and hate your hearts gladdened_by getting good and eheap4Photis at 1765 E. L. Jonxstee's. AT THE OLD STAND. D. C. BTRACII T- 11 AS REMOVED HIS GROCERY BUSINESS To the old stand in the Albion Block, formerly occupied by him, where he will be pleased to welcome all his old customers and the public generally. A laege quantity of NEW, FRESH GROCERIES AK CHEAP AS THE ('IIE.4PEWT. D. C. STRACI3A1\T, I HAVE BOUGHT THE HARDWARE STOCK. —OF – MR. D. FERC -ti oN —Kr VERY GREAT DISC OU N T ! Nearly ill of aald Stock, as well as my own original `tock, v. (Nought before the lel fine .f hardware. I am therefore In a position to sell Cheaper Chun nus other bonne la the !'sunt). MY STOCK OF EoMiners' Builders' &� �e�era IlardwaN is Comi)kip, which I want to run ofi Quickly. 00MZ AND BUY AT 9408 PRIMES A9 WILL PLEASE TOU. Fresh G -round 'Water Lime in Stock. AGENT FOR BEST STEEL BARB FENCE WIRE. R_ W_ 11CLCKENZIE 1761-4m. !MIMI CARRIAGE WORKS. T. & J. STORY, (SUCCESSORS TO JOHN KNOX), MANUFACTUREitB OF llliff�ies Y � • _ • . �a cgc C_ .r ►t.. ,/A ANY STYLE OF VEHICLE BUILT TO ORDER REPAIRING and JOBBING done with Neatness anal Despatch, and at onable Rates. Call and examine before porch.„ pig elsewhere; T_ e3Z 3_ STORM , }t 11; l'ON STREET. Cria&es (KNOX'S OLD STND. GRAND CLEARING SALE —n F -- foots and Shoes, —A T— CAMPBE6IA'S BOOT pi SHE EMPOR1UM,. FOR UNE MONTIJ. Previous to Stock taking. My Stock is Largoand well -assorted, and GREAT BARGAINS will be given. TERMS - c.e�sH WM. CAMPBELL. Goderich, Jan. 13, 1881 1760 The only Medicine that enaoMshfy prises the Blood, acts npoe the Liver, Bowels Skin and Ridigs, while at the same time it allays Nervous IrritatMs, and strengthens the Debilitated System, perfectly and speedily curing Biliousness. Jaundice. Dyspepsia, Oonrti- patiole. Headache. Rheumatism, Dropsy Nervous and Gen- eral Debility, remake Ooanplalnts. Scroth* Erysipelas. isle mum, sad every species of Okra= Disease arising :roe Dlsstdested Liver, Iidaeya Utaeesch, Bowels or Blood. n 1111 Kill POW= TIM M IN Til ISMS. sums assn., ties 1. sEso ads. lila AM WW1, Heg•ter esaa. *Lee Mw. iterrks's :IT Mr is s sods tow aids .teat dwee7w 01 mem r cAiiirsa er .sera trkw q sass w � ar fi�re... /w1111M s BOW litmus* o,. wean r wog NUL tie ttrtwac sas dam&• there hew sa wed risco , s clots pr (,.hag& Mold by JAMBS WiT $ N, Druggist rinde ieti