HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-05-09, Page 410A.It ti11AY, MAY 9th, 1963 • FERTILIZERS HURON LIBERAL ASSOC CATION NOMINATIONMEETIK: SELECT A LIBERAL CANDIDATE MR HURON RIDING .. Monday, May 13th AT 8:30 P.M. CENTRAL HURON SECONDARY SCHOOL CLINTON HAROLD Wt. SHORE, Secretary. Limited THE MOST VALUE FOR THE FARMER'S DOLLAR " PHONE 199 'BRUSSELS THE BIRVS5I4I-J1$ POST, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO FOR SALE — (l'ood sturdy dining room soli e. complete set. Four piece bed room suite and a number of other articles. • : See: Elmer Ellacog FOR SALE— IS tons of grain, barley and oats. Ward Sellers RR 5, 13russels FOR SALE — Cedar Posts, anchors and braces. Winthrop :;general. Store Phone 527-1247 Seaforth FOR SALE One lot, good for building, Other lot with small barn. 1\1rs. M. J. 1.31ancluird Phone 136 PASTURE — For yearling cattle Apply to C. L. Hollinger, Lot 4, Con. $. 'orris Phone 345W5 Brussels FOR SALE — Cedar Posts, Apply to: Harold Finlay, Belmore, Phone 39,2-6564 FOR SALE Strawberry Plants, improved Senator Dunlop. Freshly dug young plants produce large sweet berries ideal for freezing. 0.00' linndred olagts. Phone 397-3325 Percy Biggs Lower Wingham SALES HELP WANTED MALE “Out of Work" or on shorter hours? See us immediately Opportun it y to sell consumers Rawleigh ProdUcts: full or part time. Nu experience necessary. Write Rawleigh, Dept. 4,152-29, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Montreal. FARMERS . Are you, paying too Much for year 'Grass Seed? Take a look at these prices from Cr:Amin & Son at Pinkerton. -Hay Mixture No.1 —6 lb. Alfalfa 5 lb. timothy — 1 lb. Red Clover — 3 lb. Brome grass = 3 lb. Meadow FescUe. 7-- A total of 18 lb will ow. you only $6.74 per acre. Hay MixtUre No. 2 — 9 lb. Alf- alfa -- 2 lb Red Clover, 5 lb Tiin othy and 3 lb. Brume grass, --- a total of 19 lb which will cost only $8.35 per acre. A good permanent pasttire Mix ture — 5 lb Empire trefoil, 5 lb Alfalfa, 5 lb 'ritually, and 3 lb Brome grass — a. total of 18 ib, costing only $3.95 per acre. These are all Govt. graded, No. 1 New Crop Seeds. R Cramm at Pink- erton also Carry a goOd stock of all varieties Seed Graink, Clover inoculants 50c for each bushel Of seed. Inoculating and mixing' of Seed, ftee to purchaseta. Enquire about the new method of reseed, ing old sod paStureS without plOWing. Try "Crontt's'i Seeds for qUalitY and prices. 35 years experiente in the Seed business. Cram-in & Son, PinkettOn. Phone 366-2394. APPLICATIONS WANTED Mekillop Township Public School Board Area require a MUSIC SUPERVISOR for six scnools Applications to be in by MAY 11th Campbell Wey, Secretary, R.R. 4, Walton, Ont. :MUSIC SUP E RVISOR WANTED 'Morris Fast wawanosh School Board requires a music instructor • to supervise the teaching of music in three schools, Brussels, Myth and -BelgraVe. This will, be full time employ inent with dutieS to commence commence in September. Applications stating. qualifica- tions, experience, refere.nces and salary expected will lie rceived hr the secretary until May 20. Ralph Shaw Brussels, Ont, DRAIN TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF GREY Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 5 p.m., :Monday, June 3rd. 1968, for the construe. -tion of the following municipal drains i II the Nownship of Grey: LTITfAIR 'DRAIN. which consists or 4,950 lineal feet. of covered drain and S catch basins. McKEE. DRA.IN Which consists of approximately 5,9 ,10 lineal feet of covered drain and 9 catch basins. MACHAN DRAIN which consists of 13,672 lineal feet of open drain. FRA.SER DRAIN, which consists of 8,255 lineal feet of. open drain. Tile and pipes supplied by the township. Plans and specificatimis may be seen at the Townshily Office, Ethel, Ontario. Tenders to be accompanied by a certified cheque for 105, of amount of tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. IL M. Cardiff, Clerk, Township of Gr0y, .P.:;hol Ontario. FOR RENT Apartment Cintittet: t'al. Smith, .Phone $.4W NOTICE — Senior High School Sttident will do baby sitting during' SliniMer vacation by hour, clay or weekl also light house work it required. Phone Brussels 169J TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION Following Hog Sale at Brussels Livestock Sales Yard FRIDAY, MAY 10th Blacksmith vise, IA h.)). motor, fencer, wire stretcher and grips, logging chain. crowbar, 2 bag, trucks, 40 ft. extensio cord Numerous other articles. Frank Carter — Proprietor, FREE SERVICE AT CHILD HEALTH CENTRE HERE Beginning in May a CHILI) HEI ALTLI CEN,TRE will be held in the Medical Building in :Brus- sels, Ontario, on the second Tues- day or each month. The first session will be held on May 14, 1968, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m., Public health nurses will be in attend- ance to weigh infants and pre- school children, to counsel mothers, and to administer riumization. At most sessions a public health physician will be present also. This service is free of charge. Thore7s still time to boost grassland yields. • With .C4.1.. Fertilizers, Bad weather stop you from fertilizing your grassland last fall? It's not too latel Apply C-I-L Fertilizers early this Spring and after first grazing. You'll increase your grassland yield. Boost milk production and prime your beef cattle for higher market prices: Your C-I-L dealer can supply you with top-grade fertilizers, application equipment and advice. Promptly. See him today. CUSTOM -- Backhoeing, 1.‘igging, Gravel Cement gravel. Don Wallace, 1U 4, \Valton idiot 527-1.890 WANTED — Cattle for pasture. Lots or grass and water. Joe Holmes, RR 4„ Brussels Phone 374J5 FOR SALE — Clover Honey, s lli. pails $2-50; 4 lb. pails, $1.35, Quebec. Syrup, Quart $1.25; Gallon $4,59. Wallace Ross ApiarieS Seaforth, Ont. WANTED TO BUY — Will pay cash for pre-1940 cars and „small trucks. ..Consideration given to ..all makes ..and models. Prefer complete, running, original condition. Also parts, items of in- terest. Write Box 50, Brussels GRA4N BINS AND DRIERS COMPLETE SYSTEMS FROM 1,000 to :00,000 BUSHELS MIDDLESEX MILLW'RIGHTS LTD. BOX 2691 LONDON 451-7933 TENDERS WANTED ) or improving the Ilydro service at the :Brussels Agricaltutal Grounds as per specifications by the Area Electrical inspector. For specifications contact the. Secretary-Treasurer of the Soc iety, Tenders to be hi by Saturday, June 1st. Lowest or any lender not necessarily accepted. Edwin :Martin, Secretary-Treasurer Donald McDonald, President • Brussels Agricultui.al Society :Rencrinan, itll 'I, 627-0196, Seaforth. SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERY Centre Street GROW AND PROFIT WITH FOR SALE — Parts for 61 Impala, Ex- cellent. 6 c'3'1. motor, automatic transmission. Apply to: Dennis \Volta!). Phone For all kinds of upholstering Brussels RepressntatIvO: SELWYN BAKER Read the ads. and save money. Phone 4 or 79 BruSsels