HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-05-09, Page 1sseto • POST PTJ LIBHINO 11013011 FIRE LEVELS ONE BARN ANOTHER DAMAGED, IN SECOND FIRE Fire completely destroyed the barn on the farm of Carl Hening. way, 12th concession of Grey Township, in the early hours of Saturday morning. Fortunately no livestock was in the barn but a large quantity oil grain was lost. The estima tea $7.500 loSs was partially covered, by . insurance,.• Grey Township, and the Brits. sell fire departments responded promptly to the summons but the flames had gained too 1nuch headway before they 'were 'dis- covered ftt about 3:45 a..m.. by the. .ilemingways A second barn fire. about Ph miles distance away, On the farm of Morris Hemingway had been spotted by firemen while enroute to the first fire. They reterned. to it and were able to check the flames before they spread enough to do too mueli dat a -e. Mr. and Airs. Ralph Triebner who live in the house on the farm, assisted by others removed the cattle from the barn. The origin of the fires could not be determined A police investi- gation is underway. CNR ANNOUNCES TRAIN TIMES With the changing of the time to Daylight Saving Time' as new schedule has been released.. Ali times listed are OST and the Sche- dule is in effect until Oct. 27. The morning train leaves Bras7• sell et 8:02 a.m, arriving in Tor- onto at 11:10 a.m. The night train leaires Toronto at 0:10 p,711, and arrives in Bressels at 0:'511 pan. The, Sunday train, leaves hero at 7:17 p.m. arriving in Toronto at CNR officials also announce that effective :lune. 1st, there will be 10 per cent discount on all l't!tiniiy fares for parente and children up to 12 years of age. Students up to 22 years will also get a break - was not enough fill left to supply fares will be mit 25 per eett t. PEOPLE WE KNOW Miss Gale Wilson. is spending a few days at home following completion of her affiliation at. 'Homewood at Guelph. Bill and Florence Stratychuk. Brian and Anne. and Mrs. W. Frown. 'visited friends at :Jarvis on Sunday, Alt. and Mrs, David McCutcheon and daughter or PeterbOreugh, were weekend. visitors with his parents. Ale, and MPS,. Jao.,k McCut eh von. Mrs. Lorene McInnis, Mrs. Nora Taylor, Mr. and Airs. Lloyd Hodgins and Stuart of Exeter, and Alr. and Airs. Lewis Frain of tirits,• sels were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs Edwin. Martin, Ok.....••••1106.,•••• Read the ads. and save money. T2 00 A Year In Advance - $3.00 To USA. VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS COUNCIL MEETING ,The regular meeting of the Village Council was held in the Municipal Office on. May 11th, 1905, p11 members being present. The following motions ts ere carried. Moved by H. J Ten Pas. second- ed by ,J, L. McCuteheon that the minutes of the meeting of April to. 19(18 be adopted as read. Aloved by 11. Tcntras, second- ed by C. L. Cousins that Gordon Stiles reeMve $200.on per month for garbage eollect 1\10 Yed by J. L. Alcenteheoti seconded by I. (1. Campbell that Mervyn Bauer and 'Maitland Teleservices Ltd be granted build- ing permits as per applications. - Moved by C. L. Cousins, second- ed by T. G. Campbell that FT, J. TenPas be appointed to MOD for the year 1968. Moved by C. L. Cousins, second- ed by TT. J. TenPas that the ac- counts as approved be paid. C.N.R., rent. Glen Somers, labour jno. Ryan, bulldozing Dougl s ,T. Cal !ander April Nursing Caro .., Airs. Joan Exel, cleaning L, Frain; labour B. W. Kennedy, print- ing MacLean's Find, Service repairs Metter fuel MeC,titcheon Motors, repa irs Municipal World licenses GOO. Somers, irs Bridge Motors, gas S. AI, AleDonald, 1.-timber ma feria I Oldfield lEdWe., supplies Geo Raford. roads Maitland Valley Conser- vo Hon, 1008 levy Post Office Receiver General, tax dednei 10115 and C.F. 0.1M.E.ES,. pension fund 60.18 Frank Cowan Co. insurance. 28.56 3. G. Stiles, April garbs ge 105.0e. LADIES, GET YOUR FAIR PRIZE LIST If you have not yet received a copy of the Fall Fair Prize List of the .Ladies' Division of the Brussels Agrieultural Society you (.1111 get one from the score- tan., Mrs. Adah Smith, of Brussels or at the office of the Post. There are classes for exhibits of all kinds, from flowers to fanny work, for .•youngsters to show their skills and ,graediooth.ers their e s and • hobbles„ all with attractive prises offered. Look it over ladies and start. now to pre- pare your entries. The ladies have put a great deal - oethought and time into the preparation of this list so get. busy and make. this an outstanding year for • quality and quantity of exhibits,. Now it is tip to the Atoll's divis- ion to Ocilla I, Or better the prep- arations of the ladies and provide attractions that will entice the wholeheared support of exhibitors anti spectators- alike, • if Brussels is to continue to have -the one this year mast be :1 success. EIGHT SEEK THE LIBERAL NOMINATION IN HURON RIDING T.t will be interesing to see who gets the nod ,at the Liberal nom- ination meeting. With 'eight men reported as. seeking the be ral nomin a ti in itiatron riding for the June 25th election there. will be a varied ch.oice. These include the Now Demo- cratic Party candidate In the last provincial election. .Gorden Aletlavin of \V al ton, president. of the Huron Liberal Association, announced the nom- ination meeting will be' held ...Mon- day, May 1.3. at. Central Human Sec- ondary School la Clinton. The eight arc: .Maltland Edgar of Clinton, head of the geography departinent at, South Huron. Sec- ondary School, Exeter; Dr. Frank Mills, mayor of Goderich; Beecher Menzies; a Clinton lawyer; Calvin Krant,er of Brussels, 'Warden of Hinton County; Charles Thomas 01' nrussels, 0, farmer and past presi- dent of the Tinton County Feder- ation of Ageletiltinte; Rev. John Boyne of Exeter. a Presbyterian minister; Archie Currie of Park- hill, a semi-retired eeenomist; William Elston, Winghani, farmer and reeve of Morris ToWitsiliP• Al r. Ego r Ives the T b eral caltdi- datti for 'Huron in the, last federal election. Mr. Bbyne ran for the provincially: It is unfortunate for Reeve Cal Kreuter that the elecion had to conic inst at this time, As Reeve of this village and Warden. of the Voitiity and witli the normal deni- ands of business. it' noinintibed, Wed elect. ed, be 'w'ould need Mad- in's lamp to keep 1111 With all Ilia THE RILITSSIALS POST, Brussels Couple Honored On 25th Anniversary • Mr. • and .Mrs.. Ross 'Duncan were delightfully surprised when friends and relatives held a surprise party for them at 1.110 Royal. Canadian Legion Hall, on the occasion of their 35th wedding anniver Say y. During the course of the even- ing, which was ~pent; dancing, the honored couple were presented with a number or beautiful tied useful gifts and congratulations find good wishes. Attending from a distance were relatives arid friends from Wel- land, Port Colborne. Galt. L<•itelien- er, Chippawa. Termite, Malton. Ilespler, Preston and Delmore. CR.ANBROOK THFRSDAY, MAY l'th, 1968 MRS MARGARET DUNN Mrs. Margaret !bran, (ii%ey Town- ship, died tit. Huronview, Clinton. on Friday, in her Mai year. The widow at William Dunn, she was the former Ala rgll Yet.Abbot. She is survived by one daughter, Aim's, t;teorge I From-, McDonald, Grey Township: two eons, Earl if Cratibrook and Irvine, Medicine Hat, Alta.: six grandehildren and eight great-grandchildren, The funeral was held from the D. e1. Ra.nn Funeral Home, Brus- sels, at. 2 p.m. on Monday. Burial took .place in Brussels cemetery. Pallbearers NV pre Alan Dunn, 'Don Sacklin, George Barr, Doug- las McDonald, Gordon Eingel and l Irown.• BRUSSELS PUPILS WIN TOP HONORS AT FESTIVAL About 100 pubirc schools pupils from Brussels, Blyth and Belgrave central schools competed itt the various classes on Tuesday, the first day of the second annual music. festival held in. -Myth public. school. Laurie Haines, 13elgrave Central School pupil took top individual honors with 88 points. lie is the son of All. and Mrs. Wilfred Haines, RR, .1, \V•inghain. Other winners: Girls 7 and wider: :Peggy Gibson Brussels $7; Mary Elston, Belgrave, 85; Aliehelle McCutch- con; Brussels, Anne Liebod, Blyth S5 (tied). Boys '7 and under: Laurie Haines, SS; Andrew Noopmans, Bolgrave, 86; Edwin Haines, Bel- grave, 85. Girls 9 and under: Nancy Consins, Brussels, 85: Marilyn. Whightman Bel grave, S4 ; Julie McCall, Brussels 82. Boys 9 and muter: Murray Bone, Brussels, 85; Gary Hopper. Bel- grave 84.; Danny Lamont. llel- grave 83. junior duet division: Tilly "Vat Amersfoort, Alrirtha c- Blyth, 87: Danny Lamont. David Stapleton, Bellrave, 86; Bill King, Chris Brigham, Brussels 85. Plelgrave Co-Op. Trophy, unison chorus, Grades 1 and Blyth. SU; BelgraVe 81; Brussels 80. Britssels Lions C,111.1) Trophy: unison groups Grades and 1: BrUssels Myth Belgrave 36, T3e1g,rave W.T. Trophy, rhythm band, lilyth Grade :1, 87; Bel- graVe Grade 1, 86; Brussels Grade 2. 85 Dawson Woodbrem. proresaor of innsie al Alehouse ('allege of F1(111 cation, London, was adjudicator for the festival. The remaining eight divisions of the festival were judged in Winghom and District Iligh Sequa)! on Wednesday night. SORRY The. [Irussele Connell regret that after the work was done ibere Was no enough fill left. to Supply all who bad requested it, 2.50 50,00 238.00 985.20 7.50 21,25 38.00 4,31. 3,15 4.70 1.04 7.00 11.38 17.69 .16.78 1146.00 (127.04 0.88 95.10 Moved by ,T. L. McCiacheon, II seconded by E. G. Campbell that the following grants be given for 111 1968. Recreational( Committee '$A01.00, Fair Board $100.00; Horticultural Society $100,00; Santa. Claus Parade $75.00 ,\ delegation from the Britssels 'Fire Brigade Was in attendance and it Was decided to bny several new lengths of 2 1/2 in and 11/., in. hose. Moved by 'EL. TenPas. Second- ed by J. Ai. AieCtitcheon that the Meeting adjourn to meet again t. June 8, 1968 or at the call of the Reeve, .1'. 0, Kreuter, Wm. IT. King, Reeve Clerk Parents Attend ; Graduates Banquet • 'Air and Mrs. Eldon \Vilsm ,!!tended a "Father and Mother" Banquet held in the Crystal Ball- room of the Walper lane!, Kitch- ener. The banquet was given by the graduating elites et nurses of 1008 of St. Mary's .hospital. Cale Willson is a member of this class. Rev. FindlaN., Stewart, 'was the guest speaker of he evening, Rev, Charles Boyd, MilVerton, conducted the services in Knox presbytertan Church on Sunday afternoon. The Sacrament of Holy Communion was observed. Next Sunday, May 12, the ser- vice will be held at 9:45 a.m. Mrs. Clare Veiten attended the. OrticerS' Conference a t the University of Guelph on AL;i3 Tst and 211.d. Two ci rca. students of Stratford Teachers' College signed np on l'riday for the coming term. Miss Sheila. Strickler will go to Galt and Charles Cardiff to Kitehener. Mrs. idylle Gordon visited in Toronto for a few days. Congratulations to Air. and 'Mrs, Donald. Perrie on the birth of a • baby daughter in Wing ham Hee- Pit;i1.11,:ine Dunn. Medicine lint, Alberta, flow bane on Saturday for the funeral of his mother, the late Airs. Wm. Bunn. Miss Mary McDonald, l'oronto, spent the week-end with 1\11. and MrS. Martin McDonald. Mrs. Kenneth MacPonald is A patient ill Listowel Hospital. Colvin Cameron is in Strat- ford Hospital where he underwent surgery on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Strickler were in 1'•rip,-111 on Monday attend- ing the funeral of an uncle. Sim Pettigrew. Air. and Airs. Clare Veitch, Marie and Janne and Mr and Mrs. Wilfred Strickler. and Lorne, attended a "Plot-mice Nightingale" I service in "Christ the King" Church. 1,1:H01011er. e ,n Sunday evening. Al iSS N1aticy Stricklei•. nurse.iii ira was orgalliSt.