HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-05-27, Page 66 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, MAY 27. 1881. She Poet's Corner. allpptag Away. They are blipping away --these sweet swift )'ears, Like a leaf On the current cast; With never • break to their amid flow. We watch themes one by one they go Into the beautiful past. .'s silent and swift as a weaver's thread. Or an arrow's fly lug gleam; As son as the languorous breeses hid, That lit the willow's lung golden lid. And ripple the glassy stream. As light u the breath of the thistle -down; As fond as a lover's dream; As pure as the flush in the sea -shell's throat, As sweet as the wood -bird's wooing note. So tender and sweet they seem. One after another, we see them pass Down the din-lightedstair; We hear the sound of their steady tread In the steps of the centuries long since dead, As beautiful and as fair. There are only a tow years lett to lore: Shall we waste them in Idle strife? Shall we trample under our ruthless feet Those beautiful blossoms, rare and sweet, By the dusty way of life There are only a few swift years ah, let No envious taunts be heard; Make life's Lair pattern of rare design. And fill up the measure with love's sweet wine But never an an,,rry word. rwlae armies room. Will you conte, niy love. t., the gawden And heah the wobbling wobinst How they conk their little tails up At the coming of the spring! And their bwight eyes bow they spabkte .ls their little head, they tuhn wound. With a mei dy a wiug. Wound your waist, so lithe and suple. 1 will wind my ahtn, toy ,lahling. And 111 wap your show' awound you. For the aih Is watheh waw; And. ah- bwing your wuhbe rv, dcawest- '1'L. ahuc one,. you know. love, e',mting high up on the ankle Of tt,i• foot 1 do adaw -!San Francisco Newe Letter. Fun anb fancy. The folk,wing notice, written on the dour of a village school -house, would seem to indicate that the schoolmaster is abroad: "Kea at the widen house necks door." The people live uncommonly long at Cried. There are two sten there au old that they have forgotten who they are, and there is nobody alive who ea* re- member it fur thew An Irishman, who was found guilty of stealing coffee, was asked by the magis- trate what he did with it. "Made tay with it," wee the Hiboritw's reply. NATITI TO STRANGER. -"We have al- ways an east wiud here." Stranger - "But the wind noel( is right from the west." Native -"Oh, that's the east wind coming back, you know." Stran- ger -''Ah.' Carlyle being once asked the difier- ence between a natural fool and an edu- cated foul replied -"Just about the dif- ference between you and me, 1 suspect.' The questioner was never able to detet- tnine what kind of a fool he was. Teo Fox's advice so Me are. One day a Fox discovered a fine chance to capture a Mullett for his dinner, the 1 drawback bei the fact that the on y ng farmer had set a trap just in the path which any depredator must travel. In this emergency the hungry Reynand hunted around until he found a hare, and after a few remarks on the state of the Lord searvasaeld's L54 Maros. Daring laird Reaconsfields whole ill- ness his predominant anxiety seemed to be. sats TI' [,,,,,,i,,., Tine that the cares „f these who nursed him should. if possible .be a.letltwtely recognized. H •.e can they be.ewardetl ' You will see ' J that," he said.. To his faithful conti'cntial servant Baum, who was formerly with Lady Iteaconatiel,l, he said : "Baum, y.tli will lie a happy man.; you will enjoy the pleasures of memory; you will remember what you have done for ine.'• He w -es aware that the Queen had inquired fresquently for him, and at a period r,f his illness when he seemed unable to, speak, the fact .+f her having done so for atime r • ruu sed him in a man- ner riurprising to those around hint. At e later stage of the illness, when the spring air seemed to infuse a little more vitality into the system, Lord Barring- ton centered to tell hint that numbers of workingmen had called during the dinner. hour to inquire f•,r hint. He seemed greatly touched, and 'said it gratified him much that these for whom he had striven t" d his hest should now recollect hits. Vero shortly before his illness he told a friend he put much trust in the working- men.. He was fond c,f children, and de- lighted in flowers. down out of the heavens to seek us out in our ubeourity. If we meet troubles half way, it will accept the tacit m,c,tat. n ami be ever present with us. "A mem heart d„eth ',peel," and the greatest things which can be sleswered upon a family are good natureand cheer- fulness. ["Kate Thorn" in. N. York Weekly. An enthusinatic Natoli &purtanun, who has been fishing in New Brunswick, speaks of the whitefish as the prettiest fish that swims the American waters, and advises that he should be eaten with a bit of pork and Doane potatoes before the net that caught hint is dry. A Wendish -I- Heseevery. For the speedy cure of Consumption and all diseases that lead to it, inch as stubborn Coughs, neglected Colds, Bron- chitis, Hay Fever, Asthma, pain in the side and chest, dry hacking cough, tickl- ing in the thoat, Hoarseness', acre Throat, and all chr,nte or lingering diseases of the thoat and lungs, Da Melo s Nsw Dia- ,'UVaaX has mo equal and hes established for itself a world-wide reputation. Many leading ellysicians rec'ntntend and use it in their practice. The formula from which it is prepared is highly recommend- ed by all 'medical journals. The :lergy and the press compliment it in the most glowing terms. Go to your druggist and get a trial bottle for ten cents, or a regular sae for $1. For sale by F. Jor- dan. Gpderich. PAY VP. PRINTS sr COLBORNE BROTHERS eaten 5 CENTS A YARD UP• THE BEST VALUE Il�T TOWN. AFTER THE FIRE. JOHN RTQRY The Tinsmith is still to the front. i have pleasure td.state that despite the in.'•nvenleme I was put to in my business by the recent fire in my premises, thatyH !nonowii ifull blastriehtagalt•. prep, -red to give the greatest STOVES, TINWARE, LAMP GOODS, and every other line in the business. suc- cessfulI would also return my thanks efforts in sating my property in my o the absence from home. at the late re Brigade mot people of ch for the re. John Story. wrathur the eeramtole for office , the - Whitaker investigation, and the Turkish imet ion, he said: "I was just thinking, as I overtook you, what impudence some folks have." "How 1" "Why, I met Miss Pullett a short time since, and she boasted of being able to outrun you." "The brassy creature exclaimed the Hare. " Why, I can rum as fast as she can fly." "Certainly you can, but she's doing you great injury among your friends by her stories. If I were you I'd see her and warn her that this thing trust step.' "I'11 do it : I w-ts built for speed, and everybody knows it, and I Won't have TERMS ('.INH any Pullet boasting that she can outrun urs. Come along and show lite where H. COOK.. abs is." "Well, I'll go as a special favor to y ou, of course," humbly replied the Fox, `and to show Miss Pullet what the Foxes think of the Hares, I will let you take the lead. and follow in yourfooteteps." As they neared the coop, the Hare be- gan to arrange a little speech of greet- ing, but he soon had other fish to fry. He Walked into the trap with his eyes wide open, and ere he had recovered from the shuck, the Fox had secured his dinner. • "Say : Say ' I'm caught:" yelled the Hare, as he struggled with the trap. "So I observe," was the reply. - "And what is your advice 1- • '• "To get away as soon as you can. MORAL Every neighburh••.x1 scandal has three lies to one truth. No person becomes a tale -bearer except t°forwardsome scheme of his own. NVhen a; fox is anxious b preserve the reputation 'f a hare, let the hare look out. t'rotirammr of the t lee -tectal Slott to Maeltoba. BEING now out of business on account of the Are, it is necessary that all debts owed me should be settled early. 1 take this oppor- tunity of desiring all concerned to pay up at once. 1778-2m GEORGE CATTLE. THE PYDERSIONED HAVING DECIDED To RETIRE FROM THE Grocery! Bunn' ees will, on Monday next comment* to sell AT AND BELOW (,OST his entire sunk of CHINA, GLASSWARE, GROCERIES, A FINE STOCK,STOCK,Tl LITH AND ('HEAP ,. SHOP FURNITURE, dc. Note the Stand. "The Cheapest House Under the Sun." C-aFNext door to fhe fust OAlce. SIUNBIIS' VIIIETY STORE. NEW GOODS. 5,000 ROLLS WALL PAPER :L'r-FRESH STOCK -We: -er- N El\ s11 LES.'tr- WiNDOW SHADES, TAVEBLING A CS. ASKETS, BABY CA {AGES, The vice -regal visit of the Marquis of Lorne and the Princess Louise to Mani- tel,;t it, mule certain by the announce- ment that the latter will return to Otte - ea :.n the next trip of the Parisian. The excut+i•.n will prebably be in June, but the outward journey will be hp the lake= :mil the route of the Canadian Pa_tlic t,tilway trout Thunder Bay or lake Superior bi Wiunilx„ :1 distance of 420 Aides, .•f which 2rs0 can now 1.e tra- versed be rail, the rent::.iuittg distance being an easy and picturesque canoe ruts. A tour of the Saskatchewan F"vt F,lutomton, 800 utiles )i'rthwest of Winnipeg, hes been part of the ,governor-general's proposed excur- ti l•ut may he relinquished on account of the princess' health, which has ::ever been restored from 'he effects of a severe carriage injury about a year since at Ottawa. If so, a trip en the lake .1 the Woods, Winnipeg river and lake Winni- peg will no substituted, which constitut- ed the llanitoha ezcun,iot, of Lord Duf- feriu nn 18;7. Still. it is highly pro- bable that, under medical advice, an outing ..f two nD.nths on the fivers and plains of Central Canada will be the final determination, to too followed by a re- turn t.• Winnipeg in September by the ate,.;ner•• of the Naskatchewan river and lake Winnipeg, with a possibility that when the !-ice-regal patty aro at Fort Edmont'•n they may strike s,.uthwardlyy .1..n4 th, beautrftul path region which -ant-tames the toad its Piedmont of the Ricky. Mountains to Fort Benton, in Montana, thonee by the Missouri river steamers to liismark, and by rail to St. Paul, Chienge and Ottawa. In any eve..t. their visit to Min't...seta will be very beef. and will, uneeestionably, be made at agreeable as the wijoure •'f the Dufferin pal three years since. S )ve,.rl of the u(u,etu-! Seaf•.rh leave this week for the Ohl Country, including the Ret A. D. Mcll.•ntdd aid ! Mr. Chas Logue eel wife They ,cull he ahsent for three montes. Mr. D. McNaught and fau.rily hate left f„t. Rapid City, Man. Others are fallowing. Th' road put into Lake Ontario last eeee 1.1 Seth Green. the ltneriean fish- celturist, aro dying in emormou. '1uan- titits. A dispatch from Kingston says het e .r the qu.tntity- tit dead fry strand- ed at Kingston became a public nuisance and this year ate' othing of the same kind u hkelle to (•ceal. Some 0! the fish ate a to he . f n %:•r:m.l ye'ar's gr with, anal all of 'hent tploear tv, 1* attacked 1 a paraa..e. tr. ki'1 whjat a vi•i. to gait setae , •teM00.'.ry Th • Sash lam to arni freer ahem 1) la f re they die, and then meto,trn,.,.: -- .c I L • ,ter r meat 'Aladin' Fault wit\ the Iterld. Goderich. 27th A ril. 1861. 1781. Tl) THE PUBLIC Huriny disposed of my Photo Business in Goderich, I would take this opportunity to return thanks for the marry /errors roomed ets,•e eenetencinq business herr Near* years els. Fur my successor, Mr. SaUotes, I bespeak a continuance of ndlrtltY Cpf 711 ,Irma the pntrotua,Ie s., kindle trr knowing him to possess superior ability, predict for hint tl suee.xrful Mlstrresscareer. Respectfully, R. R THO MPSON, Phuto. 8 VICK' taLrITRaTlin menu. irks For Isst le an ISIep nt Boot m1�t1/r.js Colored !lower I Lite. with tesserlpuese of sise Vegetables. and litre~all AO 10 resat In h oedemas. u ddaa[_teF wards order seeds dadaistto sen a14sasshebe tbe w Floral Guide will w se get sad grew thew. tack's newer aad legeealds Getdea.�� pages, a Colored Plates, 500 Engravings. adegatli la paper ,oven; $1.00 to elegant cloth. In Oertstaa or I.rigtlsh wt'. nlastra$N S ekatkly tlatasta•-11 poges. • colored Plate to every number end *any Elie Engravings. Prim) 8115 • year; ]'toe Copies fur SS,ea Mpet4nen Number* sent tor PO cents: 3 trial copies kw 15 mats. Address. J.t31ES VIC It Itochster, NN. 1" SEE WHAT PHYSICIANS And Panda in Canada say about Scott's Emulsion Of Pure C. Liver Oil If You Want Good GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CROCKERY, or GLASSWARE, --cu TIS - - WITH gypophosphi1es of Lime & Soda AS a REMEOY FOR CONSUMPTION AND WASTING DISEASES etitoodiao, N. B., Nov. 5. 1080. Messrs. tit'! BTT d• BOW NEr-1 have tad and prescribed for come time'3leott's Emulsion of Cod Liver oil." and find it an excellent prepa- ration. agreeing well with the stomach. easily taken, and its continued use adding greatly to the strength end comfort of the patient. A. H. PECK, N. D. Penn. Med. College. Amherst. Non Scotia, Nov. 8, 1580. Messrs. rCOiT & BOWNE,-Bents: For nearly two )ears I have been acquainted with Salt s Emulsion of Cud Lirer Oil with Hypo - phosphites. and consider it the finest prepara- tion now before the public. Its permanency as an Emulsion with the pleasant flavor, makes it the gnat favorite for eh ldren, aad I do highly recommend it for ail wasting diseases of the system. Yours. very truly. C. A. BLACK, K. D. Halifax. N. S.. Nov. 10, 188J. Meal rt. SCOTT d• HOtt'NF -Gentleman: I have yr,wcribedyuurEmulsionfor the past two years. and found it more agreeable to the stomach. and have better resultafront its use 1 from any other preparation of the kind I have tried. H. ]t. CAMERON, M. D. Belleville, Ont. Ileasre SC01 T d• HOW N E. -Dear Sita: I reel it a duty 1 owe not only to you but to the cummuntty, to make the following statement: about three years ago my eldestdaughter was taken with • severe cold which settled on her 1 lungs, and not withstanding till that her medi- cal attendant could ,to. she spot worse and worse. and appeared to be in the last and hope- less stage of consumption. The Doe tor aald he I could do no more. but recommended your Km- : lesion. and the rifest of It wss In the opinion of every one who knew her, etmply marvelous. Before she tied used the Ant bottle, she telt much better. and to the surprise of us nil, she continued to mend so rapidly that in three months she was able to go r , t as usual and nee rontinued in such excellent health that she got married le months ago, and has now as fine and healthy a .on a% you can find in the 1 country. D. FERGUSON'S Hamilton Street, Opposite Bailey's Hotel. With reference to the above. I would inform all interested that toy aim will be to-. produce In addition to the ordinary Fines of the Gro:ery and Crockery Trade. 1 carry a fu stock of work at the Lowest Prices consistent with Good Quality• and shall spare no pains to give satisfaction. .1 Fine assortment of Albun:e. Frames, btc.. t land in a few days. .t -oil solicited. R. SALLOWS. Photo, Rlalu's Bhr•k, nderich• �y} IU,TTU ieuecesser to -R. R. Thompson.) NB.- .tsihave all the Negatives tnadeby tlFair Dealing and Moderate Prices." H Thum sun pre\-ionsly to my taking the 1 w'ILLLAM ELAND. Elora, Ont.. July, MB. This is to certify that my daughter has had i Lung disease for some time. and very meet' I reduced In flesh and had not strength enough I to walk across the street. she was ad\ i. -.d by . . . a lady friend toatry se Scott's Rm he had .....and yo F or all olior j our great AY asi l £tivaswr' It p bo-.-iness, parties wishing duplicates will pease send me their ordrs. It. SAL.LOW'S, Fhotografo. There is a class of people in the wutld who; lake it the chief business of their lives to depreciate existence and its bles- sings, who speak of the world as a "t'a'e '+OR 1881. of .tears," an "abode of sin and sorrow, a "daily cross," a "realm of blasted hopes," and so on through the entire ea- Two Tears for the Price of 0118 tag•.ry of such expressions. Life, they tell us, is net worth living : they wish they had never been to rn, or ' RRPRS had died in infancy, and we cannot hell indulging the thought that if they li:ai " nobody would have been a sett''US liana. Coal Oil also sold. Scelmy Stock and get my prices. gF,Goods delivered to any part of the s D. Ferguson. ny rt. Everything looks to them eel :.n.1 lu- gubrious. Their spectacles are snwke.l glass, and their jaundiced eyes see ne- thing bright through this dusky medium. Every misfortune which comes, every streak of ill luck which befalls them, is a direct "judgment'. front the Almighty; es though they believed that the God of love and power spent the whole time in studying out refinement of cruelty- where- with to afflict His children when' he pro- fesses to love. If a man eats too much at dinner. drinks ton much and smokes feu litany cigars and dies of apoplexy ;d forty-, when he ought by the laws .f nature to have lived t.. eighty, God is arraigned, and the man's friends and the clergyman who preaches his funeral sermon, call his death a "mysterious dispensation of Pro- vidence." • If a mother dresses her tender little child so as to show its hear neck and arms and its plump lefts -beautiful, we admit -hut none the less sensitive to cold on that account, if she fills the child's stomach with hoe hoes, and its head with knowledge intended only for riper years, and the child dies, as of course it will, then everybody sympa- thises with her, and urges her to he re -,signed to the will of Providence. An the afflicted mother weeps, and wonders ilijat alae has ever done to deserve such an afflicting a.rnke. Men who are brought up tet knew right from wrong. cheat, and lie, and swindle, and speculate, and build up fortunes, and invest them m fancy stocks which rine into existence like snap-buhhlee. and by-and-by the bubble bursts, the fine things are swept away. and these men have the assurance to say that rod has dealt harshly with them, and that the punishment is harder thea they can boar. 'The :oda help those elm help themselves.' As trite a line as ever was penned, and in nine case* twit of ten our world is jest what we stake it. if we resolve to see only the dark aide. we shall of omit -nee,. no sunshine. 11 we choose to lice in a cellar the .un will n'•' he likely r,• a -•a.. NTS OF !tell ItitITI"H (11 INTERLY IEvangelical). %DO\ ql taTERLY (Consrratire 1. LD1\RI ItGH 1ICS ioa. tsti St LAT MINISTER (Lih,raL REVIEW:3, AND $160k1,00tl's Edinburgh Magazine, Present tie hast foreign period'^nl.' Dr* a con- venient forst and a ifhoeA f ,rid meat or alteration. Term. eft+nb.erlptIon tlatindlmurooage•) Blaekwoo.l or any one Review... 1101 pecan. 'Meek wood and any one Review. -.Ott Blackwood and two Reviews. ... 100) " Blackwood and three Reviews.. 13.00 " .Any two Rcriews 7.17,00 " The four Reviews 1)iaekwoo.1 and the four Reviow•s 15.00 " Three arc about half the priers charged by the English t'nbliehers, t'tr':idars giving the Contents of the Period- icals for the year 15'50, and many, other partic- ulars. may be had on application. PREMITTMS- Nee Subscribers stay have the numbers for IR80 end 1%91 at the price of one year's sub scMptisapnly. To any enhserlbcr. new or old. we will tur- ntslethe periodicals for 1979 at halt price. AU orders to be sent to tke publicatlonomce. Tose) Wa premiums apply promptly. The Ltonard Scott Publishing Co., tl BARtLI5 !.T.. \l:v, 50511. eXXXY.XXX1+CXXXXX%XX ' ( 0k: 1 h t Clc.aftEtS rata Ali MADE FROM 1)41 i enol 51,1 ' 1.: Daniel Gordon, Cillti-Matt and llifillefs Oldest House in the collaty, and Largest Stock this side, of London .' PARWR SUITES, BED -Roux Sarla'lts, SIDE•BOARD:, EA%v CHAIR.%, LOUNOE9,!LTC,, LTC. Cash Buyers w!11 And R to their advantage to see my stock if they need a good article at close price. D. GORDO-N., West Street, Boar Post Office, Gaderich. KZNTAIL Carriage Works! R_ POINTIrR having leased the shop of Mr. 1' Rayne, is now engaged n 'he tuanufactu re that clans CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGGONS, etc. JOHN W. BOWLS. THE GREATEST GREATEST WON DER OF iIOItERN TIMES! -The Pills Purity the Blood. correct all disorders of the Liver. stomach. Kidneys and Rowels and are hivaivable in all complaints in- cidental to Females. Ile Ointment is the only reliable remedy for Mei Legs. Grid Wounds, Sore, and Ulcers. of however long standing. For Bronchitis,Diphthcrla.Cough+,,t'otds,Gout, Rheumatism and all Skin Diseases, 0 has no eo foal. 'BEWARE OF AMERICAN COUNTER- FEiTS.-I nick respectfully take leave to call the attention of the Public generally tothetact that certain Houses in New York are eending to many parts of the globe aerRtoca IMITATION* of my Pills and Ointment. These frauds bear on their labels some address in New York. 1 do not allow my Medicine to be sold litany part of the United States. i have no Agents there. My Medicines are onlymade by me, at 583 Ox- ford Street, London. In the 'Books of directions affixed to the spurious make in acaution warn- ing the Public against being deceived by enun- terfeits. Do not be misled he this audacione trick, as they are the counterfeits they pretend to denounce. Thew, eminterfcitsare purchased by unprincipled Vendnrsat one-half the price of my gills and 4 )inttuent and are sold to you an my genuine Mr•dictnes. 1 most earnestly appeal to that sense Of I°etlre which i feel sure i may ten - titre upon asking from all honorable persons. to i assist me. and the Public. 'infer as mayIle In their power,in denonneingthinahametul nd. Each Pot and Hos of the Genuine Medicine hearse the British Government Stamp with the ' words "1101.3,13WAVS PILLS ANn (ittt'f•lsltirT, l,a`rr.o5 engraved thereon. On the label 1s t he address, 533 Oxford Street, London, where alone they an• Manufactured. Ifnllmmyy s!'ffb and Ointment Marine any other nddreM ere ' rnr,nlrrfuif. Thr Trade Marks of these lledi- elne% are registered in Ottawa. Hence any One thro.tghout the British Preser++iora, who .nay keep the „Ili rneriean Con nterfetts for sale will be prosecuted. (Signed) THOMAte HOLLOWAY Ostord Street. London. Jan, 1. 1879. Give me a call, and I will give you prices that cannot be neaten in th county. REP�A.IRINCI- 8z JOBBIN(- D ONE KINTAIL CARRIAGE WORKS, B. POINTER CINGALESE HAIR RENEWER The entwining gory et n , o ,r *ninon is a twsaMjati MEAD OP RAIR. This ran only be OD Wand by using fifegray. which has vNaelt to lthus 8sT FiJIitGET YOUR in the market worte hair,render ' erne tts atittitiMeaglelaatarettdfrjt n OLOB' TOBACCO CO., 2 AUCTION SALE BILLS g�1 'Ns+•ent* V. .. w•IVIeen FAINTED at the office of THE, HURON KIGN AL, North f trr+t ff•..t1Mw•h RESTORING GREY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL COLOR. Try it hefer .nskreg any other. Reid by all dreaest.. Prtese Mita a iatvlr.. 170.11 AGENTS 41'. . I„g Pay. legit ('oa•tant etapIoyi,s It Noespret � . 'sere VitfCo Mese treatQMtir +, t Moe