The Brussels Post, 1968-05-02, Page 1ogf
$2.00 A Year In Advance $3.00 To 17,13,A, IlltUSSKLS POST, T.1 RSLA Y, MAY 2nd, 1968
..•-- . • 1 • .....•^^. •
TOM an \ rox et-er ; Al vs. (Terry,
Walkerton and Al vs. ()bright,
\ \ !iglu' in; Airs, Leitch, Kincar-
dine; i's, berg Wingham;
Airs. Art DNvio, Harriston; Mrs.
Elinor Coll, Mildmay.
Shure the Wealth: Airs. Ed
Rich, \\Ingham ; Airs, Bruce Mont-
getnery. Wroxeter,
$25 Speceal: Airs. Bill Schill,
.rermosa, -
Jackpot consolation plus bonus:
Mrs. 1111 Sebill, Formosa, • .
Door Prises:, Mrs • 'Gannett,
Wingbam; • Mrs, Obright, Wing-
ham.; Mrs, Fred Montgomery, and
Alr$„ Totten., WrOxeter.' •
Airs, Jake de Vries,
been visitors with rel•
have returned
Al r, and Mrs. Albert Wells, Dun.
villa, Airs. Edith Creighton, Myth,
Mr. and Airs. C,. Frain and ATiss
Irene Pease ()I' Ilrussels and Alt.
and Airs. Ronald VanCamp, of
Guelph, have been vizitor.,,! with
Air. and Airs. Worest McKay.
Mrs. Mac Sholdice and infant
(Ineghter, Sandra Jean ere home
i*roin Clinton Jtospital.
Joan Bennett suffered a dislo-
cated, and chipped, wrist hone in
a mishap while playing hall
at school..
• Airs. 'Roy Bennett has remained
with 'her sister, Mrs. Belle Cousins;
who is 'convalescing at.
home, Alr. Bennett has returned
lunne. after spending a, week there,
Family Honored
Before Leaving
Air. and Mrs, Larry Johnston
were honored prior to iheir
partuve from this community. to
take up residence on a rprin near
Auburn. Friends and neighbours
gathered al the Johnston home to
spend a social evening with (beat,
Progressive euchre was enjoyed
with eleven tables in play. During
the course or the evening Mt and
Alts. .1-011.11Si011 Were presented
with a largo picture, card table,
and electric 'kettle. Baby •
received a plush teddy been
W.I. Officers
Are Installed
Mrs. Alvin AlcDonald, fir;,(
`wile-pree-ident, in the the absence
Of the president, Airs, ;Ian van
Vliet, presided at the annual din-
ner meeting of the Walton W,i,
'The dinner was served in St.
A mb ruse R. C. Church, 'Brussels,
by tine Altar Society of that
church, Mrs. Ilerbert TIT visit
)0(1. C0111111 unity singing at the,
conclusion or turkey dinner,
A vote of thanks was moved by
Mrs. Trarold Bolger, responded to
by Mrs. Gereld. Ryan. Response to
roll (-ill by the secretary, Airs. (ler..
aid Watson, was payment of feetz
and. gift exchange between
shine Sisters. The meeting was
turned over to the conveners Of
re;.olu t ions, Airs. Allan McCall
red Mrs. Cleorg.50,
Airs. Kenneth AIcDonald in-
stalled the 19(15-G9 officers.
Voting delegates to the District
Annual, to he hold in 'Pordwich in
the middle of May will ilteliale
Mrs, Ian van Vliet, Aars. TIc Wil-
liamson, Airs, Win. Humphries
and Airs. Iticnneith
Programs will be compiled for
the (outing year at a liteetinp,' of
the si ending conithittees bo
held early In May. Walton W.1.
will present a program at Huron-
view in ,Trait': -Mrs. Roy-
I would like to thank all who
kindly remembered me 'while
was in the, hospital,
Grace Jutzi
The 113rUSsels Bible Society are
grateful to those who contributed
during the recent c a n'Y'F.. The
sum of $418,35 was received,
MrS. Lillian Cox is a patient tu friends and relatives for the
We wish to thank our many
Victoria Hospital, London, • , loVely cards, gifts and friendly
\\'m. Untchisee, Hamilton, was mesSages of congratulations and
W 001.< end vtSitor Wi 'Brussels
Rev. A. Johnston attended •a
"School for Clergy'' at Bloomfield
T un s.. N.V., last week.
Mrs Geo: Chidlow returned last
week from visiting with friends
in Etespler. , ,•
Tild Jewell. ,Toronto; was a week-
en d vi s it or i n B rus sels. .•
Dr. and llrs lonaid Mena e,
Willowdale, were in Prtissels last
Airs. Laura Jermyn returned home
last week a tler spending two
weeks with her daughter,.
Tucker and family, Goderich.
Mr. and Airs. :John Tooth of
Montreal,visited with Mr, And
Alt's. Edwin Martin, on their 25th
Wedding Anniversary. The Oc-
casion was celebrated at a dinner
iti Stratford on Saturday.
t Barrie apace I Wish and
very happy to announce the
errival of their son, Daniel.
on April 1964, iii
,'T,71 'Memorial flospital, Pta,m1.1'
toil, Ontario, A brother for
a nd David,
view in May. Au lriVitation to
NEITihroOk till May 1,
w1-1 ,01 \,:in to, bold,
This community was shocked.
by the fatal ear crash. which
claimed the life of the father of .
four young children.
Reginald Sullivan, of 'Brussels,
owner and operator of Sullivan -
Transport, was killed Thursday •
night when his cur left the high-
way and crashed into a tree. He
was alone in the car when the act!
cideut occurred as his car was •
westbound on 'highway S7, a mile
east of Huron County -Road SO,
near Fordwich,
Mr. Sullivan was dead on
arrival at Wingham and District
Ile wits tile son of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Herbert Sullivan of
Fie, is survived by his wife, the
former Dlelphine McArthur:
two sons, William and 'Reginald,
and daughters Kiln and•.Manreent
all at home; three sisters, .Miss.
Dorothy, .Toronto; Mrs. Donald'
(Phyllis). 'Coleman, lillmixt; Mrs.
Murray (Maureen) Wood, Seb-
ri rt vii le-
The funeral service was held .,
from the. D. A,.Rann funeral Witte
on, .Monday at 2 pant. The serviceii4u
was conducted by the Rev. A
Johnston of • 'Brussels 'United
Church. 13i-trial was in BruSseIS
Pallbearers were: Louis Blake,-.
Donald Gordon,Tohn Pipe, Ken.
Shoidice,.• Cal. Davidson, • Glenn
bet your home voice harmony
hospitality, sincority and eointort
and you 'will have served humanity
nobly. To develop this theme, club
members have been studying how
to entertain a gitest, how to be a
good guest, table setting and
service,. informal and formal teat,
party ideas and ,eticeuette, The
girls are. making hostess files as a
special project to be shown at
their local AchieVienient Days
which are a $1.thimary to the
"The Club (girl Entertains'',
The afternoon program will be
of special interest to visitors.
Skits, demonstrations and exhibits
will be given on flower arranging,
table service, sandwiches, intro-
ductions and packing a week-end
bag. We hope that you will be
Able to attend the Achievement
bay' your area. The dates and
locations are as folloWS:
'Clinton, Satui;day, May 4, 1968
HoWick, Saturday, May 11, 196'l
Wingliatt„ Saturday. May 18,
Attlintit, Satitiday, Me.Y 26, 1968,
May nth for a MAY-Title
Stnotgasbord, tit Arolville Proi3hy.
Chupoli, 1314118sols, noimorta
1q 0-0 WOMcisti l A T:IORM:11
,The service, in Knox Church on.
Sunday afternoon was conducted
by Mr, A. Van. Loon, a student-
minister from Waterloo.
Rev, ('. A. Winn is a palient in
'Victoria Hospital, London.
On. Sunday, May 5th, the Sacra-
ment of Communion will be oh.
served at 2 p.m. with Rev. Chas.
Boyd, Alilvertoa, occupying the
Russel Knight. has been in Wing-
ham Hospital the past. week,
Mrt and Mrs. John Strickler,
Weyburn, Sask., are home after
.Spending the past year in the
West. joint has coin pleted the
course Vommer-cial Sign Writ-
ing" at. Weyburn Vocational
School. • 'Mrs W. A. Williams, Brussels.
spent the week-end with Mr, and
Mrs, Stuart McNe ir.
Brien Evans, Scarborough, wes
home for the weekend.
Air. and Mrs. Allan Dunn lind
family, Bloomingdale. we ee
end Visitors with Mr. and Airs.
Fool Dunn.
Air, and Airs. irrenk Smith and
Doug spent the week-end in Tor-
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor a I/
daughter, Partin, visiIed with Mrs.
Stbart Evans on Sunday.
Mr: and Mrs. Ross Speiran
Saginaw' spent the week-end with
Fred Snialldon and Mrs. Smalidnn
ii) Seaforth 14ospital..
County Honors; kedeived
By 4-H ClUb Writ
Satiirday Was tl-It Club Achieve-
linent nay iti see forth. Marie and
CarOlyn Lake, for Cranbroolt 1
deiriotistrated pa eking a weekond
1,10g, Sharon FISCher for 'Crate
continetitod on their 0X-
"SalidwiChe3 foil AfterRoort
Ttli", County 1:1011(nM fje!.
pr,11v00 Prtql itrohdit oglich
BINGO WINNERS I Mr. and Mrs. Warren Currie
and family,. nlso ;vas. (;attic,
Regular games: Airs. Beattie, of Hamilton, spent Sunday with
Listowel and Mrs. -Gannett, Wing- ;Air, and Mrs. Allan McCall and
ham; Airs. 11, Motealf, 'cVinginati; 1. I overly,
Airs. Parrish, tiorrie and Mrs, • Mr. and Lc itch, 1<incardine; Airs. Rich), who have \\Ingham a ml Mrs. 1.4eitch Kin who
in 'Holland, cardine; Congram, Wing. home. barn, Mrs, Beattie, Listowel; Mrs.
Menne itwkson, a resident of
Brussels for the past nineteen
years, passed away in Seatortli
community Hospital on April 2elth,
Ile was born in Al orris TOWn•
Ai 1) 011 A'pril 15th, 1 8 87, the only
sou Of the late Harry and Annie
Ile was predeceased by his
wile in August 11147,
He was a noted football player,
in his early
He is survived by three sisterS,
Airs. W. A. I EdithI Logan, illyth•
It. T. Alande) AleDoriald,
Sarnia and Mrs. Hoy (Carrie) Mc-
Donald, Brigden.
uneral services were held
at 2 p.m. Saturday, April 27th,
front the 1) A Hann funeral
biotic, Brussels, Burial took place
in ilrussels cemetery. Rev. Allan
Johnston of Brussels United
Church officiated,
Pallbearers were jack Bryans,
,stutirt Pryans, E‘uid ;hills, Don Mc-
Donald, Thomas Miller and Alvin
Logan. • . • •
Plower Bearers were three. neph.
tr,vs. Kenneth, Wilford and Clare
Mclionald. • •
His cousin. John Comps, Del-
online. Manitoba, arrived in time
for the funeral.
The many lovely floral tributes
showed the esteem in which ne
V aS held.
Ow game he en-
Mr. and, Airs. Glenn Smith,
whose twenty fifth wedding 1111-
11 i vers:ry was on Wed 'W(1 y.
March 2i1b. were honored by n
futility dinner party, also present
were Al r. and Mrs..1. Thy line, who
recently ni riCPd their 511th an-
'Air. and Mrs. Smith were pre-
sented with a silver tea service.
1.,'riends and relatives called to
extend eougratulations and good
The Majestic Women's Institute
would like to invite everyone to
attend their May meeting to be
held in the Brussels Library on.
Alay Ilth at S p.m. Special speaker
will 'be Mr. Manuel Shears of the
Department, of Health, and Wel-
fare Pension Division who will
speak on the Canada Pension.
wish to thank my friends who
remembered me with visits, cards,
flowers, gifts, and treats, while .1
Was a patient in Wingham and
District Hospital; alSo thanks to
St. Ambrose Altar Society, Dr.
Zyink, and the nurses Who cared
for me,
Mrs. Clem -Stelifier
I would like to express my
thanks, to all thoSe'Who were so
kind to oar baby, Joyanne Eliz-
abeth, and myself, while in: hos-
pital. and since coining home.
Cards, gifts, flowerS, and, visits
were appreciated and shall alWays
Pe renteMbered.
Joyce van
to express my
relatives, friends and ncigliboi.0
for inch.' Cards, floral tribates and
expressions or syMpathy i3Y tho
1055 or my cousin, menno jackS0n,
Special thanks to Rev, A.
(Tohnston for his helpful services,
and tho litany friends who sent
baking anti belpoit in any other
A si rP4N
and appreciation
to the
good wishes on the occasion of our The theme for this spring's
4-11 Homemaking Club Projects is twenty fifth wedding anniversary,
They were greatly appreciated,
Glenn and Isabel Smith,