HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-05-27, Page 51'11E HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, MAY 27. 1881. ,> Martie Sews. —The propeik,r Asia, the fjrat bust to start fur Duluth this spring, left Wind- oor on Friday last. - Bru ole Waters, of Windsor, owner of the tug Bob Hackett, has pterthassd the tug Parker from L McCallum, M. P., of Dunnville, fur N5,000 cash. - - C. F. Dunbar is 'keying two new duos p scows built at his ship yard at the C. Fi. K , for use at the Lime Kilns. on. is partly built and this other will be com- menced shortly. —The schooner Jane Mae Loud has been chartered to carry wheat from L resden and Aluherstburg to Kingston, at Si Ceuta, and the steam tarty Saxon to carry ties from Kingston to Butfalo at 10 cent. —The steamer Alfred Wilson, formerly owned and used by John Barron, of Sar- nia, es a ferry -boat, has been sold to Messrs. Steinhoff & Kelly, of Wallace. burg. a ace - burg. It is said the new proprietors in- tend using it as a tng un the Syden'aut River. —C. F. Dunbar, haling leen refused the use of Fox Island to store nitro-gly- cerine, intends to build an island of his own. atone taken o,it of the crossing will be duns .ed tat this stile of Fox Is. land, old a large scow, recently brought from Port Colborne, will be put on the stone, and filled in all around, which in time will from a respectable island, and, no doubt, will be known as "Dunbar IsLtnd. " --On Saturday morning the steam barge Potomac with the barge Sawyer bound up with coal, ran aground at the foot of Bois Blanc island, within 500 yards of the light -house. The tug Bob Hackett went to work on her Saturday with Kevill's lighter Picnic, and after 200 tons of coal had been trttnaferrod to the lighter and fifty to the tug, she was pull- ed off, early on Sunday morning. The cargo was re -loaded at the dock here, and the Potomac continued her trip Sunday evening. On Monday she and her consort again struck bottom on Her - son's Island, St. Clair river. The tug Winslow released them. —The Cleve!attd Vari,te &cord says: —"It has been stated in a local journal that the south range light, on Bois Blanc Inland, in -Detroit river, Is being moved thirty-five feet westward. We leave it on authority that this is incorrect. The light is being moved that distance east- ward, thus placing the range on the Limekiln crowing farther to the east. This is an important matter." We have it from Itnspector Corbett, the officers in charge of the works at Limekiln', keep- er Hackett, and from our own personal observations that the south or large light was moved 35 degrees to westward, changing the range from about White's dock to just above the lower C. S. R. slip. The Record is a little off.—[Am- herstbilrg Echo. ARRIVALS. Friday, prop. Quebec, Duluth, passen- gers and freight. Saturday—Schr. Ad- miral, Sarnia, light. Sunday—Steam Barge Vanderbilt, Sarnia, coal oil. Str. Josephine Kidd, Collingwood, shingles. Monday—Schr. Florence, Sarnia, light. Wednesday — Prop. Quebec, Sarnia, ppaasssseengers and freight. Schr. H. N. Todnran, lumber, Parry Round, for Williams and Murray. Thursday—Prop. Asia, Duluth, passengers and freight. DIPARTUBLL. fFriday—Prop. Quebec, Sarnia, passen- gers and freight. Monday -- Steam Barge Vanderbilt, Owen Sound, Salt. Schr. Admiral, Sarnia, salt. Wednes- day --Prop. Quebec, Duluth, passengers and freight. Str. Josephine Kidd, Sarnia, light. Thursday—Prop. Acis, Sarnia, passengers and freight. COMING in Its PERFECTION THE GRANDEST SHOW OM EARTH LZAt1Ne: Nt,r.il Nt. Lie. 10 R:: SEEN Ott THE ::UN. Sine Feints et the taw. "Boas," said an old darkey white- washer to Marshal Hogan yesterday, "Jar', a nigger up my way what needs takin' care uv." "What has he done 7" "Oh, well you see, last summer he borrowed my axe fur to split some kind - lin truck, and he never fotched it hack, and when I went ter get it he said, '1 reckon I got this axe, an' possession am nine pints of de law; uderefore, dis axe am mine till I take it back; an' de darn food nigger wouldn't gim it to me. I didn't say nuffin' or give him any back talk, but de odder day, Harmer, my ole woman, went to his house an' borrowed his bucksaw. and when he came fur it I tole him jist like he answered me. an' stood on my dignity." "Well 1" "I had nine pints of de law, didn't I 7" "And how many pints ant de law coo - posed uv 1" "I don't know exactly ' , "Well, dat's what boddere me, for dat nigger saw dem nine pinta, shut up dis left eye fur me, pitched de ole woman over a bar'1, and walked off with his saw hock an' my whitewash brush to boot. Ef I bad nine pints he mus' have had ober twenty, an' eben den ho didn't half let himself out."—(Marysville Appeal. SHELBY, PULLMAN & HAXILTOH's Grad 'J.-Itei Misttu Shows tt'iil e•x.tib:t :n GO'DEP 1CH THUR SAY, JUNE. 2nd. .ltTEKNOOS .14111 t:ttAM:, 1. Ittict its 129,090 YABt4 OF WATER 1'::. •F t ANVA' Ir. the (.:li sun -eclipsing beams of :he wonderful incandescent EI CTRIC LIQST In a gorgeously apputntetl Pavilion of 'per- fectly xrfectly Water -proof Canvas, with s SEATIYG CAPACITY OF 6,000 A PERFE T rALACE OF RI: t. EY. dazzling with MAUNIFIc::N1 I'UORAT1ONs. RA,',rxe, E8('I'T- CHKOlvi, OIt1FLAXMre, and Mt'L1'.:'OLORED IMRuecNyENT: a fltttr.,; emphith -.tire for the diaplay of fisc L NPARALLELE.. Aiu..v "F T ALF,NT Which will be intrst ice•' az each perform at cc, and wit. tet we claim is far superior to the arenic's.b.lity which any other establish- ment, be P kaow-t by whatever nam • it mat', can prrdm•e. Tile Ml51MOTIL EXl'OlI- TIO\ of Novelties isdivided into An extract from a letter by Mrs Gar- field to her husband ten years ago is quoted by The Student, of Hiram Col- lege, into the hands of whose president it sscidentally fell. "I am glad," Mrs. Garfield wrote, "to tell that, out of all the toil and disappointment of the sum- mer just ended I have risen up to a victory; that the silence of thought sines you have been away has won for my spirit a triumph. I read something like this the other day; 'There is no healthy thought without Libor, and thought makes the laborer happy.' Per- hape this is the way T have been able to ,limb up higher. It came to ms one morning when I was making breed. 1 said to mysm& 'Hen I ars, .ompsl3sd by an inevitable necessity to make our breed this strmgaer. Why two eomider it a pleasant occupation and make it so by trying to see what perfect breed i can wake r It seemed like an inspiration glad the life brighter. The y � seemed mn daw 1.11/0,01 my spirit into the white loaves ✓ j now I believe my table is furnished with better hosed than ever before. Vanity of vanities if • girl has pretty tooth she laughs often. if she's got a pi'M foot she'll wear a short dross, and if she's got a neat hand ahe'a fond of a of whist, and if the reverse. she dislikes all time. small affairs' SIX DEPARTMENTS., The Grand ('oem•poiitan and Transmarine (Arcus. The immense r-gyptian Carat an and Oriental Menagerie. A Vast Set Aquarium. A tropical Aviary. A School of the World's Mechanical Marvels, and a Museum o' 20,000 Curiosities, FOR ONE PRICE OF ADMISSION We have and exhibit 4 Times as many ARTIST*, Times as many LADY RIDERS,. 4 Times as many BAREBAC.( SS Times asmany ACROBATS. GYMNASTS AND POeTURaRts, leTimesas many VAUi.re, s AND LEAVERS. S Times its rnany TTICX PERFORMERS. 3 Times as rnany CL.owae. 1e Times as many GEN gRAL PERFt:r. was. 3 Times as many RARE ANOIALS. e Time as many TRAINED HORSES. 4 Times as many Sea LIONS, cls Timer as many SPECIAL A7-rRacTloNS. N Times as„many ReRS'C'umea1T1X5. And give& Show 101 T:mea Better than any on Earth. THE MASTODON ALONE Has THE SEVEN WONDEHB Or THE WORLD. The seven beautiful sisters. ohoe.• fine silken hair falls from their head to their ft et. ' 11S5 STEflRT begs to remind ladies that although '.she has been extretrly busy this year, and has Ms - posed of a very large quantity of goods. her stack is s1Gl well assorted, and all those pretty novelties in MI LLINERY which she introduced this spring, and which have become so popular, are still represented on her shelves, at the well known Millinery Establishment, The Square. Goderich. Tie DalroiK Matac, aml Marquette Railroad Company NOW OFFERFOR SALE OVER 1,300,00(1 ACRES Of the Choicest FARMING and TIMBERED LANDS in the Northern Peninsula of Michigan, Destined to be the best wheat -producing region in the world. These lands are situated in the counties of Chippewa. Mackinac, Schoolcraft and Marquette. and embrace many thousands of acres of the best agricultural lands in the State of Michigan. Among those is the counties of Chippewa and Mackinac are tracts of what are known as the "burnt or cleared" lands. These lands offer many advantages over the prairie lands of the West, as the timber lands adjoining insure a supply of fuel at little colt. The soil beinngg a rich clay loamof great depth. The timber remaining upon the land being generally sufficient. for the settlers' use in building and fencing. These partially cleared lands are now offered at the low price of from fI to $4.50 per acre, one-fourth cash, and the remainder s.t purchased option. at any time within nine years, with interest payable annually at seven p4.r cent. Rode are being opened through these lands, and no better opportunity has ever been offered W men of small means to secure a good farm, and intending purchasers will be wise by availing themselves of this chance before prices advance, as the lands are heing rapidly taken and settled upon. The lands more immediately on the line of the Detroit. Mackinac. and Marquette Railroad from the Straits of Mackinac to Marquette are more heat ily timbered, and are almost univers- ally good agriculturahlaads, leaving splendid farms when the timber is removed. The iron and lumber interests of the upper peninsula are of such magnitude as to call for all the charcoal and lumber that the timber and wood upon the lands will produce -this will enable the settler to make good wages while clearing the land. Lumber Mills and Charcoal Kilns will be built at various points along the line, and Furn- aces are now being erected along the line of the road at Point St. Ignace. The great demand and good prices for labor. both in winterand summer, make these lands particularly desirable as homes for the poor man. The lands adjacent the Railroad are offered at prices from $5 upwsrde, according to location. value of timber, etc. The lands are at your very door. and are being rapidly settled by Canadians. For pamphlets. maps and other lnformaiton, address. W. O. STRONG, Land Commissioner, 1788, 30 Newberry and McMillan Building. Detroit, Michigan. THE MASTODON ALONE Has the Sensation of the Age. the Only Ori- ginal IAILL. the Mamas Cannon tall. who executes the marvellous feats of esossing the Pavilion lee reel above the heads of the au- dienceon Wire. takes aUeadamet Dive from the summit of the pavilion to the earth. and is %bet M_ a (' Poesesees .t 14.111,11040 Troupe of Barbary (stallions, the finest, handsomest and most intelligent imported TRICK HoRstta in the World. Has Mile AMELIA, who for beauty. match- less grace. nerve and daring,stands pre-emin- ent among all the Lady Ridrs of the world. Has the acknowledged autocrat of the arena Mr. FRANK BRowN• the muter bareback rider of the world. Can boast of having 5 Clowns, led by Mr DAN SUUSLSV. the versatile, HAtrioeic Clown. Has the wonderful CARLo FAMtty. THE MASTODON ALONE Hae Prof. Neil Smith's Dog Circus and Troupe of Canine Comedians. Has the great War Elephant "Kimono/4" Has the 2,000 pound Ses Lions. Has the famous Native Zulu Beni. Gives the Grandest Street Procession ever W ien. THE M URTODON ALONE Exhibits more than It advertises. then Keeps *IAN, Proettsee. Oat TtCIIT AUIT$ TO ALL. lD)1[ZSBZON, 60 are, (children. ander 0 year*, to oents. A few Reserved Upholstered Arm (:'hairs at a slight advance. Doers opm at! and 8 p. m Exeritatost Ta ate en ism Ratlrnsds at greatly reduced recce he the 4.g of onhiMtllm. /se The GLIXD ST1.W P.,OLI= TIMsb will par throe'* the streets at a .; etoek IS 1M aerhta. DISSOLUTION of PARTNERSHIP. The partnership heretofore existing between EPHRAIM DOWNING and JOHN DOWNING, under the name and title of E. & J. DOWNING, Bee,[ and Shue dealers, Guderich, Ontario, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be carried on by =OW1NT=1NTG, to whom all moneys owed E. & J. DOWNING tnuat be paid, and who will pay all debts contracted by the late firm. EPHRAIM DOWNINC4-_ JOHN DOWNING+_ S. MALCOMSON, Witness. Goderich, May 10, 1881. TO THE �UBLIC, In thanking the public for the very large patronage bestowed upon the late firm of tet. & J. DOW91%G. during the past seven years. I respectfully solicit a continuance of that estee ted patronage. It will be my aim always tc give satis- faction to all who may deal with me, and to still further increase the excellent busi- ness which you have heretofore assisted us in building up. Yours respectfully EPHRRAIM DOWNING. Corner of East Street, Court House Square. Goderich, Ontario. a G. C. ROBERTSON, EgST BTREET, JUST RECEIVED! A LARGE STOCK' WALL PAPER! Green Window Paper_ Carpets taken up and Relaid. Oil (loth laid. Hair Mattresses made over and all kinds of Repairing done. Pictures over, as Cheaply as ever. RChatrs Recaned. ROBERTSON'S VARIETY STORE. i a NEXT WEEK we will commence our GREAT DRESS GOODS SALE. We hat r Just purchased a lung list of new, fashionable DR,SS GOODS, at & great reduction In price. They will arrive and be on t iew neat week. We will offer also the balance of our present stock of summer dress goods at clearing prices. THIS SALE OF DRESS GOODS WILL BE GENUINE AND GREAT HAR- GAINS WILL BE GIVEN. JOHN C. DETLOR It CO. :TOTICE Owing to the state of hie health. :he undersigned tn. decided to give up his present busi- ness, and now 'leers to OMNI*. of thy..., on LIBERAL TERMS. Application can be made to himself personally. 'rhe stock consists, (besides good staple lir goods, Imported direect.> of a complete and well selected twsorttnent of G11(M'ERIES. NEW, FRESH AND GOOD; and the stand being on Kingston Si..and only one lo; from the t;.1ware k one of the VEItV BEST In til' toots 1. of Gist. rn'h fit.* good ' GROCERY or GENERAL BUSINESS The proprietor is willing to enia , '- the lortOillseS if ret aired. Meantime the husinens will be carried on as hitherto and the present stackt which will he kept up by additior.. when required, will be s,.ad at reducai prises. Ooderll-h, 17th May 1811. JAMES WATSON. 1787. F Y OU WANrr PURE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, &c., 00 TO THE PEOPLE'S 'DRUG STORE. IF YOU WANT GOOD CIGARS, TOBACCOS, PIPES..[_'., 00 To ,- THE PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE. .1 splendid assortment of FISHING TACKLE. just received, and will be sold ('H1 .11'. GEO. RHYNAS Successor to t:Et►RGE CATTLE. Blake's lfiock, near the Market, Goderich. Prescriptions a Speciality - - - Night Bell on the Front Door. OUR CONSTANT ENDEAVOR IS TO PLEASE OUR MANY CUSTOMERS, therefore we are always on the lookout for NICE, CHEAP, AND FASHIONABLE GOODS such goods as will give satisfaction to all who may buy them. With this object in view W.J MI:TY CAFTDN, WE BUY LARGELY FOR CASH—WE BUY DIRECT FROM MANUFAC- TURERS WE BUY IN THE BEST MARKETS. Our stock is well assorted soithat all chime of customers. bu they rich or poor, may be suited, tr-'t he highest price paid for butter and eggs.'!A ESTATE OF R. B. SMITH. JAS. HUSTON, Manager. per -N. B.-2 Goon New BCools:u FOR KALE: VERY ['HEAP. Merchant Tailoring! HUGH DUNLOP, SPECIAL BA :RGAINS. R=== dr SNE==_ are offering some Special Bargains in Dress Goods, Prints, Skirtings, Denims, Ducks, Table Linens, White and Grey Cottons. PRINTS_-- Fast Colors, from 5c. per yard up. BLACg CABE3M R 8_ -Special Make, without exception the best make in town. COTTON C3-8. -Extra Value. from 121e. np. T WILDS. -Fine_ Selection in English, Scotch and Canadian. Suits male to order in First ('lava Style for 810, 812, 811, $16and 81S. All cloth bought cot out free of charge. REID & SNEYD, Manchester House, Goderich. The Yoshio able Tailor. 1s now in a position to exeente an orders be may be favored with. 1. THE LATEST SPR/NG AND SUMMER STYLES. ON HAND, A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF TWEEDS, WORSTEDS, ETC. gNICall end see One Gonda Huth Dunlop, Fashionable Tailor, West -8t., Godericbt Spring and Summer Goods. NOVELTIES, NOVELTIES_ A choice selection of FANCY STRAWS, in HATR_and BONNETS. STYLISH, NEAT AND SURE ro PLEASE. FRENCH and AMERICAN goods in the latest novelties. A splendid assortment of RIBBONS, FLOWERS and LACES. Hats and Bonnet, trimmed in the newest styles. A CALL IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. We take pleasure in showing our pods. MISS WILSON, Market Square; Goderich. =armors .E1-ttention Barbed Fens Wire eostrected for in any quantity at very lowest prices. I SELL EITHER 2 OR 4 BARBED FENCE WIRE. Wire and barb galvsnirel after bring twhited which cannot scale off. Use Barbed Wire for I'eaoee. NO SNOW DNIFTS -NO WEEDS NO WASTE LANDS. Tor sae by G H. PARSONS, 'BSAPHARDW ARV pOItkH1t H SOMETHING NEW. 5 Per Cent. Discount for Cash on $1 sales. 5 Per Cent. Discount on Monthly Accounts. G. H. OLD HAS ,ON HAND (JIUST ARRIVED; A CHOICE LOT OF - FIRST CLASS GROCERIES And ie fGtving EXTRA rALUE to TIC -ALM:, Japan. 'lack, Green, and Gunpowder. Try them. 1'ou will end they are (low!. Mao. he keeps PORK. HAMS, SMOKED BACON, on hand. Highest price paid for NUTTER and =O(MR, Ala, • iot of ('HiNA, GLASS, DiNNBR and DESERT RETS. and all kinds of GLASSWARE and CROCKERY. irOlve him a call and get Cheap Goods. Cik. lir arers' Produce Bought and Sold _ OLD, c. Hone Square. WTtn =armors .E1-ttention Barbed Fens Wire eostrected for in any quantity at very lowest prices. I SELL EITHER 2 OR 4 BARBED FENCE WIRE. Wire and barb galvsnirel after bring twhited which cannot scale off. Use Barbed Wire for I'eaoee. NO SNOW DNIFTS -NO WEEDS NO WASTE LANDS. Tor sae by G H. PARSONS, 'BSAPHARDW ARV pOItkH1t H