The Brussels Post, 1968-04-18, Page 3EXCELLENT CAR BUYS CLANTON OFFICE. 10 ISSAC STRE,E7 Monday and WedneedaY 482-7010 Call Either Office Ivor Ar•paIntrnant 'FU.k 131.1.11SSELS POST, ussia,s, ONTARIO TIIWiSDAY, APRIL 1Sth, 190 tiLt`e '."I. KENNEpY. f.ttotioner 4.uthorized as Second Class Mail, rust Office ,I.Parttaant, Ottawa .PublIshed ORUSSELS. oN A ri 10, trivri••rittarisioy ,44.4444•4I.. THE BRUSSELS PO R. J. BAUER YOUR 1,,,irkss -Lry F ERGU ON DEA LE -4: A. Cpmplete Lbut Of New anti Uscd Farm E.quiprinent %RUSSELS, WINGHAM IvP7 MORIAL SHOP SERVICE CR AFTSMANemir Open fir„vaPy Week Day vow,. Guarantee Se) olfehr 484 'loam <"...:EMETERY LETTRRING 13()X, 15e WINGHAM JOHN elALLIW,•-• CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL J. H. CRAWFORD, Q, G. N. A. SHEPHERD, M.A., L.L.S, A. R. M. MILL. B.A.. L. L. D. BRUSSELS and WINGHAM Phone 120 Phone 35741830 D. A. RANN FURNITURE STORE Licensed Funeral Director and embalmer PHONE 36 or 116 rm. BRUSSELS. ONT. J. E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMOTRIST — SEAFORTH MEDICAL CENTRE 327-1240 Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. Saturday A.M. Thurtday Evening ONE OF FLORIDA.'S FMT.E.ST Prestige resort hotel overlooking. (''oast, park and Yacht Harbor. Superb cnutine and unexcelled service. Planned program of e tertaitunent. . concerts. 31...uneheon and Dinner Music., Dancing tri:ghtly in Terrace Room. Affiliated 1S-hole, Golf Course and Swimming Pool. 24-hour Garage Service. Season--October to I' ALSONS7T nom. ON AEALITIFIIL TAMPA t3Alf Or. PE.. sir tfilEW1109 V.r. NT Donation tad Inftalt/P4 Wog OA i VARITIES [ FOR ONTARIO J'ive vorities ea, mended for planting in Ontario itecording to I:r. G. IL ...jrititA's Research Station t .11;.c tow. 'soil(' vdrities are Gar- .), Stornmot. Dorval and Konsey. (farry remains cnti of the high- est. yielding verities in this pro- vinc.e medium tall Nvith fairly 1,01d. strew strength, and has white, halls and. a kernel or aver- , 'c' size, Russell is about “(ptal to thirty ill yield but it a slightly short- s straw n 11d is a day or two earl- ier 111 inaturity,. The kernel is larger and. its hull tillinner than in Cu Fry. The new variety Kelsey WaS developed at Indian. Head, Saslt eichewan, and is recommended by the Ontario committee on crop Recomendations. fn a trial at Woodslee Substation last year this variety yielded 89 bushels Peri acl'e, about the same as Garry. However. Kelsey has a somewhat weaker straw than Gerry. i-Jorniont sitting-strewed oat that yields well under good growing co i tions. Under aver- al-:o conditions it produces lower yields then Garry. This variety matures a few days earlier thai (Lorry and hag very rtic,., plump kesTitals. Do rva l is a yielding ya,r- RAI that is taller and maturo two to four days, latPr than Garry, lIticause I)urvil.l h s 1;ei.iqy weak straw it is not, recommended fol. most areas of Ontario'. it has pro- duced higher yields of grain than (,'eery in eastern Ontario and is roc:cutlet:clod for ithat area. CONTROL CORN PESTS USE SEED .,EATMENT Post control in'seedling corn -!an only be obtained by treating 'Hie seed before planting Seed coin- t) -ales ':oriiU treat lhe seed funteir...t ,:ts but i.peatmenf for insect control is generally the grower. shiny, yellow. six-legged .worms up to Oa 111Ch Ion and Ilhe cora seed Ja tiny (one-eighth inch long) \‘:Itite and legless • - are tin, trAfo insects commonly attacking the newly' planted seed. 1101,11. foot]. only Oil L110 50011 111111 can seVerly. reduce seedling stands. All seed should he treated. says Tree, itidgetown College of Agricultural Technology. The low-cost tree tirwrit could save the farmer many dollars. Treatment; nits` either ho selmr- ate or in a combination seed dres- sing which includes insectieides for both insects and a fungicide. Lindane is 110011 for control of wir0W01'111S, atql (active for the control or seed • corn Maggots, Maggots aro MTh nl- ly an annual problom end, aro particularly destructive during t, cool wet Spring. Treattitent prO. BRUSSELS WINGHAM 4•I'Atimixiatrialetr, teets the .seed during germina. thin. Three major requirements must be met when treating seed corn, Mr. ['roe warns. 'First, use the rate recommended on the insecticide package. Second, thorough mix- ing is essential; poor mixing leads to poor coverage aild less effect- ive innoct control. insect. alone as a seed treatment may result in reduced germina- tion. Check to, see ir the seed has been treated With fungicide and and if it has not, use an inseoth d e- run gi Cide COMbillati011, Sug- gests Mr. free.. All insecticides are poisonious so wear protective rubber gloves and avoid inhaling the dust, low all precautions listed on the Two other insect problem , farmers should be on the lookout rot' ;:t',' nerthern Yorn 1.001WOMIIS tulel FtUri. P0,1 n (-WO 1;Or0r. 11c;o 4. 11%.'' of 1(1(11('711Q rn pelt .. c'1' hits mit been a large problem to dale in: Ontario, but growiTs1 paricularly those rising minimum tillage, practices,. should he on the alert for high-population in ions. to trials at Itidgetown Collegt. of Agricultural Technology in 1.997. corn rootworms redticed as much as 30 bushels per acre fiolds which had been in corn for four t.yr [110' years. Thy bc:st 1110110rd of con (Tolling 'this insect i lip reel ion, lint there are a lare;e number of insecticides such in• eldrin.„• Opt a VII (Mil) ro. Ilirlane or dilaZittort which may. be l is o d a s a soil Ireatinent. Aldrin„ ohlorfkne, end heptachlor may be 1180d only if corn he grown for as number or y,,qrs. 'f,ong-insting 1-0W11110:4 O111)ear in root crops and dein, catlie feed, QUALITY 1967 CHEV. IMPALA 4 Dr., HT„ P Stering' P Brakes, V8, Auto. Trans., Radio 1966 FORD FALCON Radio 1965 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 2 Dr. Htp. V$, Auto. Trans., Power Steering, Radio 1965 FORD GALAXIE 500 CONVERTIBLE V8, Auto. Trans. PS, PB, Radio 1965 METEOR. RIDEAU V8, Auto. Trans. Radio 196.5 CHEV. BISCAYNE, 4 Dr., 6 Cyl. Auto. Trans., Radio Several 1963 and 64 Models to Choose From G MOTORS YOUR MUSTANG, FALCON, FAIRLANE FORD and THUNDERBIRD DEALER PHONE 249 PHONE 357-340 plants will show a number of small holes, some the size of shot- gun pellets, some larger, if 75. percent of that plants show signg or borer feeding, Sevin or aur at One and one-halt pounds active ingredient per acre should be applied directly on the plants. "BRUSSELS WALL FLOWERS" Fifth Meeting The filth meeting was held at the. home RoFterriary Blake. on Fri- ! day March 22, 19138 at 2:90 p tn. ,The meting was opened 'with I t: the ii-H Pledge. Ten girls answer- ed the roil call "Why I like to entertain". The next. meeting is Lo be held at ;the home of Mrs.. Smith On Monday, Mat-ob . With, 1.908 al, 7:80 p.m. 'Plitt minutes of the fourth meeting wttre read by Odeon Cardiff. A discussion was held end. notes niade on 1. Party Ideas fa) invit7- lions ; (b) ,'1:temes , te dot ,,Ir.. ations; to) Fulaate in merit. Mrs. Loo Deitner ailawnc.. how to make n eentrepic•ert i' special occasion. For group work indroductiens wino practised. ANOTHER REMINDER The number 01' mtbscribers who have renewed their subscriptions hats been most 2;ratifying. We urge those who have received notice: to attend to this matter promptly to meet postal regulations anti to avoid having the account handed ill for collection. 8 t A 0'4 V Centre Street For kends of 4iholtterind Beutoit, RetareaentatIvo: SELWYN BAKER iilloyte 4 or, 79 Ettqltsel§ him wh o Corn borer doinarx‘.. Kerins ..Stleoess comes to early ,Tune, The loavo,1 of itylestod Intstles while ho Waits. •ce