HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-04-18, Page 1eeesseese
$2.00 A Year In Advance THE BRUSSELS `POST, Till LIRSDA Y, A.BRIL teth, 1968 POST PUBLISHING HOUlitI
us eta
zum.ual. nweting in: the eiaj-
estie Womea's inetitute was held
in the library on April 11th wit
ab6ut 25 ladies present. Minufee
of the last annual meeting were
reed re v veil lie el e4 M.Pc Wigs
• Were hold, with a menthership of
it was decided to join the
TIuroaview Auxiliary and send a
delegate every third Monday
afternoon in the month to attend
the meetine,s.
It was announced that. Mr.
Shears, Kitchener, would be pre-
eent on May 9th, at 8 o'clock in
the library to speak on Ceeada
Pension Plan and anyone -Melling
to hear him would he welcome.
Freezer Forums In Clinton on
April 17th and Wingham on April
18th were announced.
Mrs. George Davis offer to cor-
respond with our adopted child
was appreciated.
Reports for Standing Com-
mittees were given as follows;
Miss Ella Pearson for Agri-
Maitre. and Canadian Industriee
Mrs, Jack Lowe for Citizenship
and Tedtication
Mrs. George Davis for Hist-
01'1(101 Reedarch and Current
Mrs. Earl Cudmore for Horde
root-tondos and Health.
Mrs. Carl HemingWay for Pub-
110 Relations.
Mrs. John Speir for Resolutions.
Miss Betb Hoover for. Sunshine.
Reports revealed we were
elestessee to District Annual and
Exeeutive meetings, first. prize in
Centennial parade iii old-time
class, monument to Wm, Ainley
erected, Hutonview visit, don-
ations to Children'a Aid Dttesary,
Speaking and INIesie
Interestings Meetings were held
with Mrs, Stiehl, Blyth. speaking
(.)11 " WO01", Mrs. \\run Nay on
"'expo", Rev. Braley On Educatiolti,
Mrs. McCarron on "Citizenship"
and Mr. Peter Hemingway D.C.. On
Health, Mrs. 'Ross Knight.. Dist-
rict. President, Penel on salt inn}
discussion on Status of -Women.
The motto "Forget the mietakee
of the Past and press on to the
Mater Achievetnents to-morrow"
was given by Mss. Lorne Nichol,
The tellowing officers were in-
stalled by MeS. Jelin Rowland:
Poet President; .,,. Mrs, look Lowe
President. M. Jas, SMith
1st Vice . ,,,,, Mrs. Jae, Armstrong
2nd Vice ..... Earl Cudinere
See. Tree.s. 'Mrs. ,Tulin Speie
Dist, Director Mrs, .The. Sreith
Alternate. Mrs. I), Hemingway
AtiaitOrs WA. Frank SliaW
Mrs. 'Cleo. Davis
Convenors of Stantlitig• rem-
Mitteee: Agri. and Can. THust-
rieS Mrs. Cl. Herningway, Miss
Tertraeri, OA MO,
The :neuter meeting' of tile
Council was held on
spiel '1), 11tt iS, all ni,..unbers being
The following motions 'were
t :
Moved by E. J. TertPee, second-
ed by J. L. IVICCutcheon that the
minutes of the mooting of March
1M1S. be adopted as read,
Moved by T. G. Campbell, sec.
untied by C. L. Cousins that Henry
Neel and i'u'nnk Thompson he
greeted building .permits as per
Moved by j. L. McC'utehoon sec-
onded by H. 1. TenPas that the
Reeve proclaim April 21. to April
27th Children's Aid Wre cat in the
Village. of Brussels, .
Moved by 0. L. Cousins, second-
ed by I. c. Campbell that the
ac.connts as: approved he paid.
P. IT, C'., streetlighte,
Office. and. Hall 311.03
Frank. Cowan. Co. Ltd.
insurance . „e. 938.44
Douglas J. Callender, March
• 1394.60
t 8.4;5
Film Service,
87.9 5
(continued on inside page)
De Vries, Mrs. Tom Steacinin.
Hist. ResQarch, Mrs. Glenna Steele
ens. Home Tie, and Heath:, Mrs.
Cuo.nru'e. Meg. 1Nr, 111cLarlY, Pub-
lic Relations, Mrs, C., AleCtitcheon.
Mrs, Doug Hem ingway, Rosa-
ititioes. Mts. Adrian McTagetart.
Sunshine, Mthe Tleth Hoover, Mrs.
•Wm, •Perrie.
Ladies of tile. W. T. Were invited
to attend the .1-Tt AchievehieW
Pay on Club Clirl Entertains on
May 1 Sth in. TVinghativ. •
The roll call v-no answerer'
with bnyteeet of fees cued drawitis
Mimes for Sunshine eisteits.
A tasty befell wee served by the"
Grass Fire
Threatens H oirne
Si' ft s summoned, Saturday alter-
Broiviels d pa violent •
to the home of Cliff Kern- noon
aghan where a grass fire had
lguited•.the shingled reef at the
back Of the house,
Prompt action of the firemen
quickly extinguished the blaze
winch threatened, with the high
wind, to destroy the house.
Ethel W. I. Elects
New Slate of Officers
Mss. Ralph Keller was hostess
for the Ethel Women's Institute
at which the year's new slate of
officers was elected and installed,
Payment of fees was made in
response to roll call, A safety
contest was conducted, and safety
tips given by the safety convener,
Mrs. Pearson. An announcement,
was made concerning 4-FT Achieve-
ment Tiny, for the club girl enter-
tains, to be held in May in How-
iek school. 'Reports ware received
from standing committees. It Was
announced that the District An-
imal is to be held in. Fordwich in
;The installation of the follow-
officers was conducted by Mrs.
Edward. Gill:
Past preeident, Mrs, Cecil Ray
lard; president, Mrs:CoOrge
Pearscia; first vicoAtressid ent, MIta, •
Chester Elate; epeoed vice-presi-
dent, Mrs Sohn Brink; secretary,
Mrs, Archie Jaekliti; assistant,
seeretary, Mrs. HeWitt;
deselect director. hI rs. Thomas Mc-
Farlane; alternate, Mrs. Archie
jacklin: public relations, Mrs.
Wm. Dobson: alternate, 'Mrs. Carl
McDonald; branch directors, Mrs.
Sam Belittles, Mrs. Ralph Keller,
Mreeesee Hiemstrue pianists Mrs.
Stun Speiran, and Mrs. Roy Hall:
flower conveners, Mrs. Dobson,
and Mrs. John Conley u ors,
Mrs. Speiran and Mrs. Welland
Standing comniittees are:
citizenship and education, Mrs.
Brink and Mrs Conley; historical
research and current events, eTes
Earl and Mrs. George. Filemstra:
agriculture and Canadian in-
dustry: Mrs. Jas. Pestel end Mrs.
Beirnes; 'hope ecortomics. health
and safety. Mrs, Sueiren and Mrs.
Hewitt ; resolutions, airs. Roy
Frail and Mrs. Douglas Wanilaw;
hall board :Mrs. Thorns 'MacFar-
lane and Mrs. Get)ege TY011.1.8011.
SHOLDTOt -- In Clinton. Public
Hospital, on SundaY. April 14th,
1068, to. Mr. and Mi's. Mac
Slioltliee, of Welten, a daughter
Sandra. Jean, a wee mist/v .1'ot'
1-Ve -would like to thank (1111'
neighbours gild friends for
the surprise party, and lovely gift
they gave its, sine.e leaving the
farm: also the ones wile helped
tit the thee of our sale.
Stella rind :Tack Clark
Mrs, altotgaeet ,ThompSou,. 'Tor-,
onto, with tier earente Mr. ,suet
4Mrs. Perrie,
Miss Sylvia Hoover with her
Parents -Mn and Mrs. Nerinan
Dave Hemiegwey, who is at-
tending Centennial College, Ter-
onto, 'with, his parents Mr. and
Carl Hemingway,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bryans,
of Orillia, with their mother, Mrs.
1 am es Bryarts,
Mr. and Mrs. U. A, Rann have
returned from a trip to :Hawaii
and report an enjoyable holiday,
Raymond Bronson, ;Toronto. at
home with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R.. Bronson.
Dale alcTaggare Leanne with his
parents Mr. and Mrs. A. McTag-
Mrs. C. Maynard of Scritom-
bevy, with Mrs. Ida Davis. Mrs.
Davis returned wi.th her to Sehom-
Mrs. A. 11 Lockie of Newmarket
and Mr. Peter MOrri,S011 of St.
Mary's spent Easter Sunday with
Miss llessie Moses.
Mr. and Mrs., Kenneth Fife of
Burlington, called on Miss Ella
,Pearson on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. jack McCutcheou
with mr. and Mrs. David Mc-
Cuteheon, Peterborough and also
attended the wedding of a twice in
el is a 1.iet Mrs. Frank' Rits ell and
Mrs, Adam Steiss of Manitoba,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murray, Tor-
onto, at the home of Geoorge and,
Mrs. Evans and Alex and Mrs.,
Ste iisrs.
i‘ and Mrs. Roe White and
family, Ceorgetown, Mr. and Mrs.
Rae Miller and faintly and. Murray
Schluet al', of Galt, and Mts. Joyce
Cooper and family Kipper, Mr. and
Mrs. Gerald Miller and Joanne.
Grey Two. with Mr. and :Mrs.
Wm. Miller,
Mr mud Mrs. Donald Chestier
and Darren, Victor Cardiff, Miss
Shirley Lttckhardt, Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Cheshett, Mr. anti Mrs. Roy
1-tare, Mr. and Mrs, Bill Beatty,
George MuseY, Mit, Ethel Watt
and Tom, all of Sarnia, also Mrs.
Eva Chestier, Peet Huron, Mi's.
Anne Flood and Miss Irene Lit-
owski, ,TorOnto. Airs, Bill Litow-
ski, of. Barrio and Mr. and Mrs,
Cliff Lainb and: Juanita of Tor-
onto with Mie and Mrs. Ross
Walter Melee cane here from
Sudbury to ',Alcorn a aecoa Omit
On the, staff Of the Ceendion.
eeitIl Think of Comirierce.
FAWFINI Pollard had the.
fertility to break his collarbone
in a fall oe the Mein greet,
Mt's. 11. Brighein suffered a pain-
ful injury last 'Week when lief
right teen get -. caught the
wringer of the tv2lsiliity machine.
Fortiimitely tm lionise Were "wok-
,Stfeeess comee to him 'who
rititStlea While he WattS,
I h.tipil k! good svoding weather
end \ I il, hockey sotto." on '1"v , the
Kansas Far.on ,r broug:ut out :thmll
convert he pre,
eee e e e ee i„.11,1ir of the rentonni
Committee last Thursday night.
,r,nn ,,nles was ti.••
Mayer or Walker.!.on, Mr- Irwin
E.,obsinger. Pre kept the audience.
alive all night with his well told
Also parteepating in the pro.
gram were 8cott Pawson, Gordon
and Mrs. Ross, the Osborne slat ,
ers, Jane, Tanet and loan with
their mother ip;companyipg tbeup
on the piano, Rev. Allan Johnston
and Jack Thynne SPvii readings
from The Advance Times and The
Brussels Post. The Brussels Post
was proven the best weekly paper
in Ontario. (Phe ladies' sextette
from the Pnited Church drew good
applause from. the audience.
Members of the sextette are Betty
Campbell, Betty McCuteheon,
joyce Johnston, Pieta. Cousins.
and Parb MoCutehoon. Other local
talent included Julie .Campbell,
Janice Somers, and the Ducharme
sisters. Clark Johnston kept the
kids laughing with an old favourite
of his "Something's all sure to-
tickle me"„
It was a pleasure to see both
Murray Gaunt ivrpi. and R. A.
Mo.Kin:Ley MP, preeent for the
oceasion, ,
Tire elroeteele of this cone
are for the rest main facilities at
the park. The Centennial Coni-
mi.ttee are still at work. Keep.
watch for the. Big Dance. Date:
before the hall stetson starts.
The Centennial committee
thanks everyone who licAlteel in •
a rty wny-
The following girls took part in
danee tests held in Listowel, and
puSsed the first dance, The Dulth
Waltz: Wendy Prior, A 1.111
Stratychuk. .Anita Brigham,
Dubbin McCall and Donna
'Workman passed the Swing
'Dint'' and have now completed
the three preliminary dence slept
and are eligible to receive their
Senior tests were held in Ex-
eter with girls from Exeter, List-
OWel and Brussels tithing part.
Polley and Linda Lew(' 'pa:, lt:
the Senior 14 Step.
ThiS winds lip the figure,
and tests for the season. WE, hop
that there will be a keen intereFt
for another Year.
Executive Elected
A Mooing of tiro slotting ch ili
was held on April end, rind tier
follerwing executive wns pleeteti
-president Mrs.Tani: 'l e
Secretary Mrs Belt
Richm el. 1
Treasurer • Mrs. TAtyyri
Oha lt
nursing care
Mrs. „loan Exel, clean-
Geo. Mutter, fuel
McCutcheOn Motor$,
repairs ..,„ .. ..
'rim ;Municipal World
Ma (tLit'a S Huai
lef CLean
['whim-, Motors, gee
eicOulebecm Grocery
cleaners .. ...
P..russols Coal Yard, plow-
ing and coal
11. King, attending
i11 Pet ......
Rimer. plowing
streetlights ,„.„..
OSII.S.C.. hospital-
'Maitland Tele
services. rates and