HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-04-04, Page 4A.pau, 4th, .1.903 40"140412.M.0%.4.....!. MAITLAND VALLEY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY TENDER. FOR SERVICE BUILCMG Sealed 'fenders, clearly marked as to contents, will be received Mr. C. W. Bamford Secretary-Treasurer Maitland 'Valley Conserva.tion Authority, Box No. 760, LISTO‘ViilL, ONT.:AWL)* OR: ill Lite ConserVatiO4 AnthOrity Uttice 111 WrOXoter, OntariO t 12:00 o'clock NOON, E.S.T. TUESDAY, APRIL 9, 1968 WI. the 1on6truellou uf I', concrete block serviee building in Lli,i loall$ Itvscrve A.rea, Plans :ma ;-;pecllication;:i may be obtained Mom t.te ofilce of Cryster, Davis ilorgyhAin, I.iU , L olisltlLtlt ii_ngiilin .;;‘11:.; longt.i Street, 11 wdate, (Jntario, upon. 'tic receipt of a *iota) depesit. 'the Oel.)011:• null be ill UK' tuna 01 a certified cheque able Lo Lae Valley conservation Authority. The deposit shall be retunded upon. the return , 111 good condition, of the plans and specifications. r tilts contract, the construction shall incluce a con cret e block service building with stone and wavy edge siding, having a floor area ku ;El sq. 11; a septic system with the bed; a 3 pump and 1.000. gallon water supply tank and all internal pitimbing. to be located in the Falls. Reserve Conservation Area, Bemnillor, Ontario. Tenders will be opened and awarded on Wednesday, April 10th, with work to be completed by May 31, 1968. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, Mr. C. W. Bamford Secretary-Treasurer Crysler, Davis & Jorgensen, Ltd., Consulting :Engineers, to withdraw their bill of union from the legislature this week. hey declared., however, that : disapproval of the bill by the Estates Commissioners does not annul the merger Bath the kids, do the laundry, wash the dishes, have a shower. With a Cascade 40 electric water heater there'll be lots and lots of hot water for all your needs... and for only pennies a day. ask your hydro REPORT FROM QUEEN'S PARK By: Murray Gaunt, M.P.P. (Huron-Bruce) Premier john Rebaris told the Legislature this week Chia the 0(3N-e1' inent will introduce le is- Intim" in the current session on French language in schools, According to the Premier, the {liovernment has already received • a preliminary report from a com- mittee nained to study the cues- , llon of instruction in French' The Premier said he doesnot plan to make the preliminary re- port public and does not know- yet when the committee's final report. will be received. L orse racing, with' pari-intitual betting, Would, be permitted: oil Sunday in Ontario Under legisla- tion introduced at Queen's Park this week, Municipal ;Councils would he able to pass by-laWs permitting Sunday spOrtS, games or in cries. under the amendment to the Lord's Day Act introdnced by Attorney-general Arthur 'MO- art, At present a riltinicipul vote is needed to permit Sunday movies and sports other than horse rac- ing. An ertrlier amendment intro- duced by :1.1r \Visluirt permits local fairs and exhibitions to open on Sundays after 1:30 p,in„ if local councils pass the neces- sary by-laws. arid Flvangelierd Tinited Brett-tern officials decided They left. open. the question of revising the bill to 'meet the Estat- es Commissioners' approval The reason, they gave for withdrawing it front the ,session of the Legis- lature was that it could not be fully discussed before it. came be- fore the Private Committee. The Estates Commissioners had declared the bill failed to protect property rights of congregations not wishing to ;join the union. This brightened the hopes of sev- eral .Evangelical United Elre,thern congregations that seek the riglit to keep control of their property and avoid union. Church officials said the union of the two churches made Official in a ceremony last January is not affected by the disposition of the bill. swooped down On dis- count meat stores ii, seven, Ont- ario centres this week and charg- ed the operators with fraud and attempted fraud. Most or the 17 arrested were United States citizens with. Can- adian work permits. All the stores were owned by persons in th.e l'ti ited States:. • CO NE; WK PREPARE CORN PLANTER BEFORE PLANTING TIME Partners should prepare their corn planters for planting now, not one or two days, before they are ready to start planting, stiys the Agricultural 11)ngineers at the Ridgetown College of Agricaltural Technology. They should get the seed plates suggested by the seed computo, to be used with their particular seed when planted with the farmer' S partial] al: Planter. 1,ast Year's plates may net lie accurate enough for this year's sQed. wo t n (4) ground drive wheels 'worn bearings, incorrect pressuret : tire size, or incorrect tire ) (i5) cat, off pawls ----worn of seized; knoeR-ottt Pawls — Worn or seized: (7) pa wl springs broken, Weak, or rusted; (S) bottom filler ring wrong face up; ati iertilizer hopper broken. rusted or fouled feed or gates not opening or not opening evenly. grass will prevent the Seed Troia' bettaCing around Wihen it is drop- ped on the ground and the exact spacing can be detemined, It is better to oVerplant slightly than it. IS to underplatit, 'When the plant- er is finally taken, into the field, it, should be checked again rot- calibration, Plant a strip at the, speed you wish to plant your whole crop and carefully uncover the seed in each row to check the If it is satisfactory, then continue t.o plant al the same in- Dad speed used in calibration. ail matters rend tho tla.nte.r iusIructioh Manual very carefully snv'eral times if necessary — and deviate from it only when you have to.. Above all, do not use Sean' field as e race track, and check the seed hoppers frequently, 11on't forget to renew. '''''''' Pest ...before yoa are 'One yeai lit .arrears and it has, to be Widened: • Maitland. Valley Conservation Authority, 5803: Yonge Street, Suite 105, Box No. 760, WILLOWDALE, L1STOWEL, ONTARIO. Ontario, You can clean u this bunch for pennies a ay with an electric ax heater your biggest bargain in hot water While pari-mutual betting is not . • mentioned, it would be legal under Abe present, provisions of the 'Criminal Code. Consumers Assoc. of Canada indicated that the oitality of smile of the :39c meal was 50 poor that rie one bought it. The customer Wtis swittilieti to better moat, often. sold at prices than in i.e. golar Meat 'Markets. Several NV S time, the planter oughly checked over frliotl tits: (.1) drive gears loose; (2) chains or rusted; (3) sprockets b e f ore pi taili tig. After all these parts are checked should be that and repaired if necessary. and the ; f or th e correct plates and seed are in the hopper, the plarn Ler should be call brated to See if the correct .popul- Worn r :Ilion and spacing will 1)0 obtained loose, and. that the planter is .not damag. mg the seed. Run the planter on Short-cropped grass at the, tor- or *looSe oral running speed: The 'short