HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-05-27, Page 3THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. MAY 2'1, 1881. .••pias e. Geed Tema wall • was. Whets the celebrated Theodore Par- ker married Miss Cabot, be eeterei u his journal on his wedding day, the sub- joined resolutions, the keeping of which utade his life a happy one: 1. Never, except for the best of m- eow, oppose my wife's will. 2. To thecharge all duties for her sake freely. 3. Never to Gould. 4. Never look cross at her. 5. Never to weary her with outs tnand& 6. To promote her piety. 7. Tu bear her burdens, 8. To overlook her foibles. 9. To save, cherish and forever de- fend her. 10. To remember her always most affectionately in my prayers. Thus, God willing, we shall be bless- ed. In view of these peculiar domestic ar- rangements tha reale reader will under - Rand better why Mrs. Parker survived her husband more than 20 years. The rules are eerydesirable ones, in their way, however. They ought to be print- ed on little cards, by the million, and every would-be husband should be made to sign a pledge to observe the same be - f are the marriage ceremony. We com- mend the enterprise to the Women's Congress, which meets in Buffalo this summer. .te Absurd cruder. There has just occurred in southern France the must absurd blunder of anti- quarians on record. Some savants, while exploring an old Itornan burying ground, opened a grave which contained ancient weapons and amphora. The lar- gest vase was covered with inscrip- tions and tilled with a thick red liquid. From the ahnost il- legible inscriptions the delighted archse- 'ologists at last learned that the grave was that of the consul Caius Seutimus, and they declared that the liquor must be the famous Falernian wine that Hor- ace sung of. Bottling the ruby liquid, they hastened to Paris with their prize and gave a dinner to a select few of the academy inscriptions. Here the historic Falernian was produced. and with much ceremony the wine of nearly two thou- sand years ago was poured into tiny glasses The learned men then drank the rich nectar to the memory of the jovial Caius. At this juncture the fol- lowing telegram was received; "Marseil- les), 7 p. m.—Don't drink contents of amphora; not Falernian at all. Having deciphered other inscriptions, find red liquid is body of Caius Septimus, liqui- fied by old Roman process." But it was to, late—they had drunk him up. I would not vouch for the truth of the above story, but it has been copied into a,veral Europaan journals with the ut- most gravity. Proof of Aa/sal Lite la' Other Planets. Two interesting problems which have long perplexed the scientific world ap- pear t , have ', .In at last definitely solved by the eminent geologist, Dr. Hahn. These questions are — first, whether or net celestial bodies, other than thebarth, belongingto our solarsys- tem, are inhabited by animate beings: and secondly, whether the meteoric ettonee from time to time cast upon the lurface of this globe emanate from in- candescent comets nr from volcanic planets. That they at no time formed a part of the earth itself has been con- clusively demonstrated. Dr. Hahn has recently completed a series of investigations upon some of the huge meteoric stones that fell from the sties in Hungary during the summer of 1861. Thin laminae of these mysteri- ous bodies, subjected to examination un- der a powerful microscope, have been found to c stain coraline and spongeous formation, and to reveal unmistakable traces of the lower forms of vegetable, discovered he Dr. Hahn in the delicate stone shavings he has thus dealt with indicate the condition of their parent ootid to be one of what is technically termed, "primary f.,rmation." But the presence of water in that world is prov- ed by the fact that the tiny petrified creatures revealed by the magic re the lens one and all belong to the so-called suba.luenus classes of animal. They could not have existed in crenets—at lest if the assumption be correct thst theme are in a state of active combustion. —{London (Eng., Telegraph. Goon WnMEN. —The highest words rd praise that can be spoken of • woman is to say of her that she is "a good woman.' The women who win the admiration, respect, and love of all are the good women of the world. We are ready to praise women of talent, w. nun whose accomplishments are many, who are brilliant and gifted •bore other women; an hour passed in their company may be delightful, but unless they are goal Vo - men we would not choose to spend a lifetime with them. We admire women to whom nature has given the great of beauty: the bright ere, glow cheeks, perfect features, and gracefu movements of a beautiful woman chars ns, hat the charm is not lasting utiles the beautiful woman is also • good wo man. Only gond win nor perfect faith, our lasting reerect: they only receive the highest praise our lips can atter, the hest love our hearts can give. At a aatventien of journalists, to take blare at Philadelphia, the adtvisab- ility nl paying for poetry by the pied lit• stead .4 by the l.onnd will he enwaidee+ ed. On the Piers ehee)e market nn Mon - lay 500 homes soli at 101 Dints anal 1, .Alli at 11 rent) 1.670 were e..mmissinn- ed • TMTt.selaed Treppsa 4s( Tttae. "It wakes no diderenoe to the eoun- try, said Indy Glenuora Pallisaer in the novel, "which party is in; but it makes a great difference to us which gets the stars and garters." Stan and garters have enormous influence in the govern- ment of human -kind. They are the wage. of those who ..•rive no coin fur their public or party service; and they aro often as honestly earned as the w ms of the hardest -worked mechanic. No raind Mao radical as not to contemplate the offer of a title with satisfaotion.— [Tbrontu Mail_ Lady Glowers Palliser mayadmire the stars and garters, just as ane Ann McGinnis may swell with pride in con- templating the brie buttons of a police- man, or as Dinah Snowball may fall down and worship the gorgeous uniform of a Pullman car porter. In the adoleG- oent stage many • youth is fired with a belief that the bespangled circus -rider is the cream of the earth, while the clog - dancer is so far removed above the or- dinary wean as to be a fit subject for adoration. But as wisdom cines we learn that the police -man's lot is out a happy one; the ear -porter has to blacken other people's boots; the circus rider sprains his joints, and contracts the rheumatism, while the clog -dancer runs away and does not pay his board bill. To prove that titles are valued in this democratic country, we must have better evidence than the declaration of Lady Glencera Palliser in the novel. — Ad - I ertiser. The rade Ia Art. All the world, young and old, visits galleries in which undraped statues tigure, and drawing fr+.m the cast is prac- tical work fax preferable to idle sight- seeing in its effect. Genuine admiration for the nude is an acquired tante with all Saxons, and generally acquired with some difficulty and a rather `creepy" feeling in the early stages of art educa- tion. People are as good as torn with their clothes on, and a critical apprecia- tion of the nude does not and cannot ex- ist outside of • narrow circle of artists, but the public has made up its mind to admire in art what it willneither tolerate nor mention in life, and there is nothing for it but to tc be simple and unaffected about it. --[Springfield Republican. . THE GAIN or Sternal, Reel%—Says Lord Macaulay, "We are not poorer, bot richer, because we have through many ages rested from our labour one day in seven. That day is not lost. While industry is suspended, while the change is silent, while no smoke issues from the factory, a process is going on quite as important to the wealth of the nation as any which is performed on more busy days. Man, the machine of machines—the machine compared with which all the contrivances of tele Watts and Arkwrights are worthless—ie re- pairing and winding up, so that he re- turns to his labours on the Monday with clearer intellect with livelier spirits, and renewed corporeal vigour. - A Few Tst-THs.—A cake eaten in peace is worth two in trouble. Acandle lights others 'and consumes itself. A careless watch invites thethief. A char- itable man is the true lover of God. A colt you can break, but an old horse you never can. A constant guest is never welcome. A contented mind is a continual feast. A courageous foe is better than a cowardly friend. A cove- tous man does nothing that he should till he dies. A cracked bell will never sound well- A crooked stick will throw a crooked shadow. A cunning knave needs no broker. Sergeant Cockle, a rough, blustering fellow, and well known on the northern circuit, once got from a witness more than ho gave. In a trial of a right of fishery he asked the witness. "Don't you love fish'" "Aye," replied the witness with a grin, "but I dinna like Cockle sauce with it." No professional man lives so much front hard to mouth as a dentist. Hagypard's Pectoral Balsam is the most safe, pleasant and perfect remedy known i for all diseases of the Threat and Lungs. . It cures Coughs. Colds, Bronchitis, As - i theta, Croup, Whooping Cough. and all Pectoral Complaints, in the most speedy manner. A few doses will relieve the most troublesome cough in children or adults. For sale by all dealers, at 25 cents per bottle. Yellow Oil is the great pain panacea, magical in its power over pain and in- flammation. • It cures Rheumatism and Neuralgia, Lame Back and Spinal Affec- tions, Contraction of Cords and Muscles. reed externally and internally. For sale by all dealers. — Sewspeper Laws. OF'F'ER. Zile Mritton signal, —FOR— THE BALANCE OF THE YEAR —FOR - 75 CENTS Now is the Time to SUBSCRIBE! COUNTY NEWS A SPECIALTY, THE RACIEST OF LOCALS, LIVE EDITORIAL ARTICLES, FULL REPORTS OF CURRENT EVENTS, FULL TEXT OF IMPORTANT TOPICS, 'CONDENSED ITEMS ON MINOR HAPPENINGS, RELIABLE NEWS A PROMINENT FEATURE, COMPLETE LATEST MA RKET REPORTS. NEW STOR--_ Air' The Story, "A LIFE FOR A LIFE," which is 'w' . at present being published in THE SIGNAL, -1161 and which has excited such abounding in- 'wS . terest among its numerous readers, "get ,Nd- will be concluded in four i.suea, -Ye Am,- and will be followed by an- 'lex other from the pen of 217- one of the very -YcZ- ABLEST WRITERS OF T TIIES -SS 1 'tea THRILLING IN INTEREST, MORAL IN SENTIMENT, ELEVATING IN TONE. LOOK FOR IT! DON'T .MISS. IT! GET Et ttrou *xgnal THE WIDE-AWAKE NEWSPAPER OF HURON CO UNT1. A LIVE' NEWSPAPER, CAREFULLY EDITED, CLEANLY PRINTED, AND OF THE SHARP, INCISIVF , SPICY ORDER. - ONLY 75 CENTS. FROM NOW L'NTIL NEXT NEW YEAR'S DAY. TO= WORIC. THE SIGNAL possesses one of the best JOBBING DEPART- MENTS outside of the cities, and is prepared to dos ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF WORK, AT RATBS NOT TO BE BEATEN, and of a quality which cannot be excelled. POSTERS, DODGERS, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS. PAMPHLETS, SHIPPING TAGS, BUSINEEI�SS CARDS, CALLLNG CARDS, PROGRAMMES, ENVELOPES. PRICE LISTS, dtc.. Sc.. Sc. TURNED OCT ON SHORT NOTICE and in the BEST STYLE. All orders by mail promptly attended to. McGILLICUDDY BROS., THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, t)NT May 27th, 1391. We call the special attention of pet- BLACASMITHING AT SALTFORD.' FLOWERS AND PLANTS• masters and subscribers to the following synopsis of the newspaper laws : 1. A postmaster is required to gird notice by litter (returning a paper does net answer the law) when a subscriber does not take his paper out of the office, and state the reasons fair its not being taken. Any neglect to do an makes the postmaster respnnsihle to the publishers fur paysent. 2. If any person orders his paper dim- oesti.e.d, he must pay all a or the publisher may continue =1st it until payment is made, and collect the whole amount. whether it he taken from the °dee or not. There can be no legal discontinuance until the payment is trade. :1. Any pers..n who takes • paper hum the post -office. whether directed to his name nr another, nr whether he has sub- scribed or not, is reepnnsihfe for the pay. 4 If a s.Lscriher eedere kisto be stepped at a certain time. and the publisher centimes to seed, the sub- scriber is h.nn•t to pay for it if he takes it one of the post-iAime This proceeds up. n the ground that a roan Stet pay for what he uses. tl The eiwtrts harp derided that refue- 1 ing to take a newspaper and pwioji4tli from the posit-ntlice, or removing lir leaving them unrolled for, is prim., feed* evidence .f intenti.onal fraud John McIntyre' ALEX. WATSON would respectfully Intimate to his old customers, and the public E's•w'ib that he Is ono+ more In mantel order. and has set up his forge at the old stan4, where he will he pre- pared to do alt Munn or GENERAL BLACKSMITHING & JOBBING as formerly. ttMorse-shoeing a spectal!ti Florist, South street, wishes to Inform the people of Ooderich and d tclsity. that he has on hand a splendid assortment of BEAUTIFU FLOWERING PUNTS of almost every varlets, and also a choice collection of BEDDING PLANTS, AND SHRUBS, and ail kinds of V1Dt:31C'TA131..IiC PL�NTB to theft. erosion The are cordially in- vited to evamine (be Retetelaber that the earliest parehaaerse the hes choice. ALEY. WATSON, Swath fit. P. it—Aso ani 4ttYs.a rMa de. p It- lsc.aelrPaaslsts Isik-ra -. Mrs. Mary Wingate, Nw 1ftlrsosety of Ooderich, later of Detroit.) Has opened a MILLINERY AND DREW MAKING estahlishtnent on Corner of .Iag•sea t meaty Sereida, sear M.MYs MMpp. with • full assortment of Tummy, , and L-!sTIIIN ttn HAT•. Fianna., horns, Tins, LArea, ,1tcvtinfna, Ft-ltra, Pkfltonl, VEit•gts and Duna Tntmaisnit. A CALL 15 INVITED. MRS. WARNOCK sodl000r to rental her numerous enfoldment. In •round QedertcIt that she has opened out her new stack on HAMILTON STN ET, OPFOSITE TIM 1'OLIt ►RIPE Ht,TEL and ••Brite • enntla of their patmmase. as she can with �,tce recommend Mr rondo as being Ars. n every particular. The •Id of Mi!111 e1�liRttt. an arrom- pttsbad •ailltaer, has nem secured as as- Matillut 1 . ALL f' •Estit•tFr-LLL ifVtTF.p Wanted immediately, a number of averse - tee.. to learn minium. tS'Mamlltnn s rer. nee• door •n {r )Mjl- "helre ameolet 17Aa Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. G_3.ARRY' CAIIINET IAKER AND UIIIIEIIT Hamilton Street, Gods rich. suck as Ta blot, Chhditasstheir, c an weed edm' Dining Romaine Parke FurnitreCupboards, Had.tea4s, Maarorueee. ' W eshwta.ds. Lounges, Sonia,'l1'Lat-rota, Looking Wastes. N. B.—A oomplete assortment of Coding and Shrouds always on hand, also Hearses tor hire at reasonable rates. Picture Framing • specialty.—A call solicited. 17M 'O. BARRY Red, White and Blue ! Acheson GEORGE Acheson New Dress Goods, Gloves & Hosiery JUST ARRIVED, SELL O. CHEAP_ r- BOUND TO GIVE B.RGAIN3y' 1761 MEDICAL HALL GODE RICH. F. JORDAN, Chemist and Druggist MARKET SC U..4 RE, GODERI('H. Wholesale and Retail Dealer inChemical•, Paints. Oils, Dye Stuffs, Artist Colon Patent Medicines. Horse and Cattle Medicines, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, &c. Physician3 Prescriptions carefully dispensed. Holiday Presents At BUTLER'S Photo and Autograph Albums in great variety, Work Boxes, Writing Desks, very suitable for presents for Teachers and Scholars. PESEI4TS FOR EVERYBODY. ALL CAN BE SUITED. Stock is New, very complete, and consists of Ladies' and Gents' Purses, China Goods of all kinds, Ruby Goods, Vases in many patterns, Flower Pots, Cups and Flowers, China and Wax Dolls! A Large Assortment. Smokers' Sundries—Metschaum Pipes and Cigar Holder and Brier Pipes -100 Different Styles. School Books, Miscellaneous Books, Bibles, Prayer Books, Church Sermons, WE:tLEy's Hymn Books, Psalm Books, dtc., &c.—Subscriptions taken for all the best ENOLI:iR, Scotus, IRISH, AMERICAN and CANADIAN Papers and Magazines at Publishers' lowest rates—now is the time to subscribe. A full stock of School Books, for Teachers and High and Model School Students All will be sold cheap, and Patrons suited. I have a choice and large selection of ' THE and New Year Cards !E BEST EVER SHOWN,AND ('HEAFER THAN EVER, At BUTLER'S. Dominion Telegraph and 1'o=tege "tamp ot9c,., 1702 "Dominion Carriage Works," C oderid. MORTON AND CRESSjitAN manufacturers of FIRNT CLASS CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, eto. Opp'.site Colborne Hotel We solicit an examination of oto vehicles. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. In Leaving Town 1 wish to return toy thanks to the public for their patronage during the past. and solicit the same In future. and to rttmin4 them that 1 have lett • reliable perion la charge of the bailees& REPAIRING AND PICTURE FRAMING will be dose on SHORTEST NOTICE_