HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-04-04, Page 1$2.00 A Year In Advance - $3.00 To UM* THE BRUSSELS POST, TI.C.RSDAY, AI'd.R.IL 4th, 1968 POST PUBLISHING HOUSIg ,.-..•. COUSINS CREAMERY AND DAIRY CHANGES HAND' VARIETY OF COSTUMES FEATURES ICE CARNIVAL it- is regretable that there were not Mote spectators at the Brus- sels arena. .for the Skating Carni- to• enjoy, the largo number of costumed skaters who entered whole heartselly into the act:1YR. ies• . of the program. The costumes of those compet- ing in the various classes were varied and colorful. Some mothers must °have stayed up all night creating the many imaginative and attracti VC!, out:its worn by the small fry. Some of the clowns were most amusing and livened up the even- ing's proceedings with their antics. Reis Al Johnston was the master or ceremonies.. Race Winners Boys Over 16: Mel McArter, Murray Lowe, Robert Pipe Girls Over 16: No entries. Boys 12 - 16: Doug Brigham Ray Hemingway, Alurray Work- man. Girls 12 • 16: Dianne Meehan, Beverley McCall, Wendy Prior- BOys Under 12-: Blaine Mc- Cutcheon, Randy Cousins, Brian Work, Girls Under 12: Dianne Willis, Janet Pearson, [:area, Hiemingway, Boy's Relay: ChrIS Exel, Dave Th.ontaS, Ray Hemingway, Murray Workman. Girl's Relay: Dianne Maehan. Beverley McCall, :Wendy Prior. Anne Machaii, Skating. Carnival. Winners Most Original Cartoon Costume: Carol Wheeler (Gesnly), Bonnie and John Richmond: ('Miekey and Minnie Mouse), Bobby Axtinenn (Mighty Mouse). Most 'Graceful Coltple: Mr. and Mrs, Feolik Gail and Scott . Wilson, Jon a, Stephenson and Nancy Adaine. Largest Family On, or off, skates: Mr. and Mrs., Jack Cardiff arid family (8), Mrs. V. Machan and family (6), Nr, and Mrs. Laverne Crodkin and family (6)- Jest Clown: Jim Mc- Neil jr.. Murray Lowe, Stephen Pieta, Youngest Child: On Sim tee: Rhonda. Stephenson (21. monthe), Brenda Richmond (2 years. Best Comic Costume: Andy Adams (Devil), David Stephenson (Tide),, Ronald Godkin (Clown) Best National Costume: Kathy Bone, Allan Cardiff, Donelda Best Dressed Girl or Bey 1,6 Or Overt Carl Ketningsvay, Mrs, La- verne GOdkin, Laverne GOdkin. Best Dressed Boy or Girlirndet i6,: Heather 'Wilson, Susen, Bud- nark, David Manes Queen of the Carnival: Kathy COneins. The Tug or '\Vmii' betweer. Brits. sels, MotriS and Grey was well. by BRUSSELS LANDMARK DESTROYED BY FIRE A Bruseels landmark, Lire house known to many as the former Ballantyne home, now ()weed by Wm. Stevenson of Grey Township. feu preY in flames on Saturday. ;The house, long vacant. end in n state of ruin, was located on the email side of the ninth concession of Grey at the eastern Pamlico or Hie village. "SINGING PARSON" TO SHARE STAGE WITH REV. HORSBURGH ROY B. COUSINS The Cousins Creamery and Businese .c's been '' to fluron Food Products Limited. Mr. HelfOrd Turnbull hus been appointed manager and will vseume his dutieS fu November of 1039 Roy B. CauSins purchased the Ustissels Creamery from. Mr. F. Samis, and in 1042 purchased the Brussels Dairy from Mr. William Stewart. Since then the business hae been operated under tike name Cousins Cl'011tllary and Dairy, This has been a faMily project with, three sons and a daughter o ,sisting the oneration of Lhe business. Lawrie and John Cousins :II:remain with the blindness and 'sill continue to share their know- ldge arid experience with the new owners. The prsent employees will re- mnin On the.: staff. '1110 many friends and acquaint- ances of Mr and. Mrs, li., H. Cousins will be pleased to know thst Mr. Coheir's told the Post net it is his intention to remain' flrusiiels and enjoy retire-meat. I ,--7e1 Bank 'Staff Honors Az:countant Before Departure DELFORD (DEL) TURNBULL Del Turn bull, resident of h'ortfh Bay for the past five years, arrived in Brussels on Monday to assume the position of manager of the Cousins Creamery and Dairy, formerly owned by R. IS Censins. Del comes from the .Listowel district., He grew up on a farm near Newton, in "Ill'ornington Town-. ship, Perth County, • attending high school iu thstowes He grads rusted in 1St S. in the hairy (*MI's() Guelph. Mrs. (UraCe) Turnbull is the daughter of Mr and Mrs,. -Edgar !'Sdeeley or Listowelh The couple l'a.ve two children, • Donna ffee, thirteen, and :Douglas eleven. .• Del twinge with him a. number , year's experience in all lines of the dairy industry.. 11•Tis and 11Irs. Turnbull and rsintly ase welcomed to 'Brussels, i.,.:-ussels Lions And Guest;• 14.3ar Speaker Frey"; Jonacia Gu est speaker as the .ast reg• ries meeting of the Brussels Lions :sub 'was Mr. Cluinoz Kahashi. hnton Ligh School teacher from .swhon they entertained members of the Leeknow Lions eeng. Mr. Ealiaski was introduced Lion Jim. Knight. He gave. an interesting and informative talk on .T.Inacin, its climate, country, people, WOO or lack of it, and religion. Le was thanked, and presented with a girt. by Lion Cec • Parker. C.orresporidenee included a let- ter of p,yrnonthy from Jorge Byrd, International Lion President, on the death of Lion jamas S. Arne et tong, Lathe:' Night was set: for Mon- day, April 8th, to be held in the egion 3.1('knotiv president, Lion Don Mac- rinnon thanked the Prnssels Chit) very and Allen speaker foi, ploasatil evening, MR. AND MRS. W. C. KING CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING. ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Williana Kiug, a widely known ;simile in this community, were at home to their friends and neighbours on Wed- nesday of last week, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of their marriage. A host of (-alters brought can, gratnlations and good wishes On this happy occasion. The family honored their par, ents, at a Sunday family dinner, at the home. of their (laugher, Mrs. Carl Douglas. Quests included W. S. Scott of Brussels, who was best man 'at their wedding- The couple were married at the home of the bride's parents in Bluevale, by the Rev, J, Thomn- son- Mrs King was the former Lillian McCall. daughter of Mr, and -Mrs. Flerbert McCall. She was born. in Delhi and spent most of her life in Bleevale until her marriage. Mr- King was born in Morris Township, son of the late Mr and Mrs. Benjamin King. Re has a sister, Mrs, Harvey (Alma) Henderson of Edmonton• iThe couple have a family of three: William. H. of Brussels: Mrs- Carl (Marie) DOuglas, of Belmore: and Mrs. John (Janet) Buy al \\Ingham- They have five grandchildren. Afire and Mrs. King both enjoy, good health, and lend active lives. They are ,meinbers of Melville. Presbyterian Church, Brussels,. where Mts. King was. organist and choir leader for a ntanher of years. Mr. King Was Marie Township representative On the Wingham District High School :Board for several terms, PEOPLE WE KNOW Miss Ruby Plum is holidaying in. Toronto this week, Mr, and Mrs. John Reee or Rex- dale, were guests Of noseie Moses last week. Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Ttliefisull 'eturned last week from a. two- month, vacation in Anlyttrtidele, Mrs, -C, Basket', Mrs. C. Beaver, sad Mrs. H. Allen of London, attended "Open Freese" at the 'fume of Mr. and Mrs,Wm, C. King, eetebrating the fiftieth 'anniver- sary of their wedding on Match 27,th, Mt, Mid Mrs. Jack MeCtitcheon were weekend visitor's in Ingersoll with '111r. and Mrs. Lottis Mrs. Ebel suffered a badly torn ligament when she injured her ankle while hi llru.Ssels oil Stant- day. 131'ian: Scott. 7 yeiir old non Of I Mr. and Mrs. Spence Scott. of Britseels, has his leg in, a, OA as the teetitt Of a broken bone etarer- ed when his bicycle was in col- lision with e car driven by George The Scott's daughter Mary Ann Is tr patient in ii Kitcb- Mier hoSpital. A pastor described by e Tor- onto newspaper es "a men self() really roelis his congregation" will appear in Brussels tlhis Sun- day evening in the Rruesels Legion Fsall, lie will be accompa.n- hied by Re'-. Russell Borsburgh, the noted Chatham minister who was eonveqed on five charges of contributing to juvenile deliqUEM- cy. Rev. Horsburgh recently won his long battle with the law when the Supreme Court ordered a new trial. All charges were dismissed against the United Church minis- ter after the crown failed to pro- duce any evidence against him, Rev. lowsburgh hails (rail). Vhe Holstein area, being born and reisee,Lin Unit section of Ii2igremont fro w !isn't P Rev, Ronald Price, 2-I, is widely eeciatined rot his usiorthodox but effective style of presenting. gospel rhythm. •Ile, iS received with enthusiasm, wherever he appears, 'N esnllation in his yeare-lotg efieeioes ;ions him moving among tethralled crowds in church, dorm munity hall and larger • assemb- altos, einging., thumping a tomb- e and exhorting his delig.4ed etelienees to join him io songs Of praise. Nis talented \vire, Sha ton is e sually versatile. blending her ovgan accoinpaniment gracefully te match his (mil-lush-Is-Le en,qe of esesentation. She has a disceen- iug ear and readily; end easily imptoVisee melodies to his ini- promptu Worde; The eotiple have appenred on national TV network prOgrams mid are well-known in Canada and the United States. They are appearing in Canada under the auspices of The Mustard Seed, a New foundation aimed at the re, habilitation of wayward youth. '(enacted by ReN„l-forsburgh, it embarked. on a country-wide Cain , paign for support of its work. "I believe." Ron Price says, that modern lire demands a more biloyant Ministry apotoacile The -Psalmist eshorled the people The Post Lheilirs the ninny !sub- to sibg exubeeeetly, with htaiiil- fellness who lia -ve been so prompt "laPPing and even (landing. This in paying, If your Miner boors the too, has its place tit the Modern date. April 1067, or (millet, postal chttrelt end is especially at)- rogulations will force us to remove pealing to yettng peenle )(Jill' name front our lists, tie was presented With a " 1' )f w a so' gift by Mr, C. Barker, manager of thet branch, on behalf of his fellow meMbers of the staff. Mr. :Klein, iYiii lies been a resi- dent of Botssei8 cot, ye at, is being ttansfereed tO tie dsn Y where he reports to tieettine his responsibilitiee Ott Aptil frith. 1. tS YOUR SUBSCRIPTION IN ARREARS? 4\'ayne oCeountent of the r 'On President, cel Smith presid- Peassele Drench of the Canadiae weisnmed the guests, mid his. leperiel thank of Commerce. was reduce-2d those seated at the head guest of honor at a dinner party leble. hold at. the New ,Anietican Hotel ,Ken Scott, principal of the Bros- he': on. Tuesday eVeitirig, sets Public School, led the sing-