HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-03-21, Page 1$'2,00 A Year In Advance -- $3.00 To UAL THE BRUSSELS; POST, TINT4ISDAX, MARCH 21M.. 1968 POST PUBLISHING HOUSE WHAT'S IT ALL ABOUT? Have you ever wondered "'What's it all about?" We ihavei We, meaning members of the pi:assets Minot FlockeY AS-1 soeiation. We have. often Wond- ,ered this, .We have certain aims toward which we try to direct the boys. We try to instill in our boys the qualities of teamwork. We try to teach them some of the fundamentals of hockey, We try to teach them to haVe tolerance and to work ,Inard, We try to teach them to, combine all these (Nal- ides into the ingredients of a healthy, vibrant youth. And then we !hope we 11SVO taught them well enough, But it takes a lot of pat- ience and we keep Wondering, "What''s it all about?" We finally think we know. We think that the more. than 500 fans present at the rink on Sunday kndW, top. You could, see it writ- ten. plainly upon, the faces of every player on the ice. The Way that the boys from Six Nations and, Brussels have learned their thOekey fundamentals is. coin- mendable and the way they com- bined them into smooth, synchron- ized plays is indeed impressive: TheSe boys worked hard every minute they were on the ice and thrilled the crowd to the very -marrow •of their bones, -Both teams were $0 closely matched that it seemed impossible for there to be a winner. But there was a winner and there was also a loser.. IltuS, eels was the looet. When the final gong sounded, the score was Six Nations 6„ Brussels 5. But. it was- at this point that we knew We had woe. We not not won. the game but we had won a much greater victory. We had won an answer to Our question. We had won the satisfaction of seeing that our boys know "What it is all about". And what, is it all about? May- be you know already and maybe you'll never know. But when: you finally find out you'll have a tear in your eye for the boundless joy of the victors, and a smile on your face tot the gallant attempts of the losers: Team] Membets: Gerald eler, -arc..ff, Roger iluinph- ries, Rickey McDonald, Randy Cotisins, ljtigh Nidhol, Peter Gib- son, Jelin Elliott, Brian. Work, •Blaine 1V1efuteheon, Robert Steph enSeti, Doug Sniitli, Darre,11 Thineit„ Lloyd VIBailee, Don Worle man. Coach! Al. Nichol, NiOTOSi Brussels won two saves' on Stitttrtiny at the Goder- lob Mintir Mickey , Tournament. They beat Zurich .5-0 and edged Ildettort '2-1, .Brussels plays of Friday, Match 22 at 4:,20 it.ni iii Mitlerieh against either PlattsVille or Bel= moat: Don't forget the BrUssels Minor Hockey Toiirtainent on Friday,. SattirdaY0 Match 22 and 23. GREY TOWNSHIP COUNCIL MEETING MeetingMarcth 4th, ResolntionS were passed as fellows; By Charles Thomas and Melvil- le Lament that the minutes of the last regular meeting he adopt-, ed as read. 13y Lawson Ward and Melville Lamont that the tender of a F. Donegan, of Listowel Ontario, for crushing and hauling approxim- aley 20,000 cubic yards of Vs" gravel at 90c per cubic Yard be accepted subject to the approval of the :Department of Highways. By Melville Lamont and Chortes Thomas that the tender of :Murray Reid, Londesboro. Ontario, for ap- proximately 1.100 lbs, warble fly powder at$5.25 per 15 lb. bag be accepted, Powder to be delivered to the residence of Fred Small- don. Inspector. By Kenneth. Bray and Lawson Word that the tender of Charles Fischer for spraying cattle for warble fly be aeceped a,t 10e per head per spray: By Kenneth Bray and Lawson Ward that By-law No. 3 of 1968 to increase the itterets rate on ar rears of taxes to of 1% per month and to increase the pen- alty to 3% for non-payment of taxes on due date be given fitst and second reading.' By Melville Lament and Lawson Ward that By-law No. 3 of 1968 to increase the interes rate on arrears of taxes to 2/3 of 1% pet month and to increase the penalty to 3 for eon-payment of taxes on due date be possetd as read a third time, By Kenneth Bray and' Lawson Ward that the request of Howard Mit:v.115,11, owner of Lots 55 and 59, Concession 1 and St. Cthil! Campliell, owner of Lots 57 and Concession 1, be accepted and that Engineers E. W. Hays Limited, Kitchener, Ontario, be oepointed to make a survey and prepare plans. profile and report for the repair and improvement of the open portion of the Schade INinnicipal Drain. By Melville Lamont: and Charles Thomas that the petition of tWea- tY-fiVe ratepayers on the Beau- champ Creek Municipa4 Drain he accepted and part Todghain and Case Limited, Constilting Ors, Chathani, Ontario, be appoint; ed to Make a survey and prepare plans, profile report, and SpeelEi- Cationa to intpteve the said dtaiii to: clear the petitioners' lands. ,Lawson Ward and 1\461Ville Lainorit that the. asSagetnent of -;00. for barn on Lots 24 and 25, (oenti)lued on Wit 001 A girl's Hockey tenth from Paisley bits Challenged a, girl's hockey teamtrent Bit:tie:els. The game Will take place onFriday, March at 4:00 p.tii, in fifitAse18. ' Prior CRANBROOK , MSS MYra McNair hoMe for a month's 4mliday, Week-end visitor's with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Smith included 1\1:r and Mrs, George Post.and and Mr'' and Mrs. Jas. Devine and family, all of ,TorOnto.: Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Fluent] of Conestoga and Mr. and-Mrs.: Art . Nicholls, Brodhagen, visited on Sunday, with MISS Idinylene Steiso and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Cameren, Mrs,:Fred Smalidon and Mrs, N.Vilfred Strickler are patients in Sttatford :hospital and MrS. Clem Steffler is in Winghatn hospital. Cliff Bray arrived home on, Friday from Listowel Hoopital where he was confined with an attack of pneumonia. D,Tr, and. Mrs. Joe Johnston and family Stratford, visited with. Mr. and Mrs, Alex Cameron and family on Sunday.. Brian Evans., Scarborough, is home for the holidays. Euchre Party There were eleven tableS at play at the progressive euchre party in the Community Centre on March 14th, High score was won by Mrs. George Evans - and Stan Merahane„ Low went, to Mrs. Harry jacklin and Earl Mills.. Cranbrook W.1„, Mai."ch Meeting. Mrs. Frank Smith was hostess for the March meeting of The Cranbrook W. I. It 117.a8 opened With the Ode, Mary Stuart Collect and the Lord'sPrayer, Mrs. Mac 1‘,Itantosh was appointed sec- retary for the meeting. The, rof] call was "A 'rural sound that ap- peals to me" Reports Were given by the seereary, treasurer, and Sunshine. Convener. march 14th wns the date set for a card party at the Community Centre, With a pot-luck lunch. 01i ;slave]] 28th the conveners are to meet to complete the an7 Inlet reports, ;The April meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Cliff Bray. Bach member will bring their hobby display. The motto "Life is Like a Gard- en, What are you planting?" was prepated by Mrs. Allan MoTaggart and read by Mrs. tri:ban 11.1rs, Wilfred Strickler and Mrs, Ross Knight, MrS, Mac 11,161-ntoSh conducted a. contest, Xentieth Mae- Donald ShoWed slides Of the local` Centennial parade and wos thank- ed acid presented with a gift by. A'Ll'S. Clem Stettler, The Meeting Closed with 6 d salve the Qiieett". 'linnet] was' served by the host- ess, assisted by Mrs. Wilfred Strickler and Mrs, flare 'Veiteli, SORRY! Due to a flood of copy, arid lack of space 0 number of items have had to be °Mated this Week. They Will appear in the itOtt lastM MRS. WESLEY BUDNARK Mrs, Wesley Budnark, 40, of Brussels, died Tuesday, at Wing- ham and District Hospital, after a lengthy illness. She was the form- er Edna Emma Trithart; born in Saskatchewan, She moved her% with the family, from. Oakville 1955.in She is survived by her hnsband, four sons, Kenneth, Oakville; Terry, David and Donald, all at home; one daughter, Susan, also at home; five sisters and five brothers. The, funeral service will be held at 2 p,m on. Friday at the D. A, i4ann funeral home, Burial will be in Brussels cemetery. WINNERS OF THE IOOF HOCKEY ,GAME DRAW Winners of the IOOF Hockey Game Draw were: Neil McTaggart, Hanover, GE Pottable Television; Peggy 1)1.1111MA. Ethel, Teflon Electric Fry Pan; Tom McFar- lane, Ethetl, Sunburst Transistor' Clock, The game, CKNX Spots TS Birussels Oddfellows, was won by Brussels with a 22-4 score. PEOPLE WE KNOW! Mrs. Alex McCracken is visiting this week at the home of Mf. and Mrs. Harry Goll. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Pearson: and Mr. and Mrs W. Kranter of Ethel are holidaying in Florida. Mr. and. Mrs. James Armstrong and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sweeney are spending the holiday week in Florida: me. aiid Mrs. A. Stnyth and daughter Andrea, were week-end visitors with her Mother, Mrs: W G. Leach., 'Gunner Win. MeWhittet has re- turned to Winnipeg, where he is stationed, after being home on leave, with his father W. Mc- Whirler, 1st prize, winners of the 9 o'clock draw at. the' Howlett. Lions Bon- spiel with 3 wins plus 16 was a Brussels rink comprised of Miner VOling, Bruce Speiran, D. A: Rann and Max Oldfield, Murray Lowe was a draw winner., INTr. and Mrs. harry Goll enter, tained at it Birthday Sono& in honor of ilia Miele 111t. Joseph Kitty who Celebrated his 80th birthday on Sunday. Rilty WAS released froth Winghatil Hospital for the day. Thee° attendirig from a dietailee Were his daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Clifford: Garold°, London, also Mr. alld Mrs, Harold Burk of London; his brother and sister- in-law Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Daniels and family, Kineardine and his SiSter, MrS. lohn. TraVis, tilStOWel, FIGURE SKATING DELIGHTS :AUDIENCE The Brussels Figure Skating Club !held its annual: Ice Revue, en- titletd ''Toyland", as scheduled with a good attendance despite the heavy fog. The show was under tine direct of the Club Profeosional; Mrs, Faye McDonald. ..Rev. A. ,Johnston was tIle. capable Master of fere.. monies. Fifty-four local skaters partidi Dated and put on a great per- formance. Linda and Penny Lowe provided their usual graceful skating style. and two new Soloists, Donna Work- man and Debbie McCall deserve a great deal of credit. 'Michael Keruaghan is always an asset to thet club. 'We Welcome the few other boys who took part. G,aest skaters Glenda lough- nor of the Kitchener Club; Valerie Moore and Darlene Fleiseharter, Listowel Club, added spice to the show with their l'in.e skating ab- ility. ,The beautiful decorations of castles, toys, ballOons and colored lights were a spectacle to see The executive, under the presi, dency of Mrs. Lowe, spent much time and, effort to present the yellowing program: Or erture, "Toyla nd", Little Girls • Penny Lowe; Linda Lowe. Toyrnaker's Helper — Uarlerie Fleisdhauen iToymaker ee• Michael Kern- a ga C lown Dolls -- Julie COMO:ten, Julie McCall, Joan I:filet:her,: Dianne Thomas, Dianne Willis, Colleen Raymond . Dancing Dolls (a) Dutch Waltz — Joan. Ben- nett, Anita Brigham, Wendy Prior, Ann Sratychuk, Maureen Sullivan. (b) Swing Dance '-- Debbie McCall, Donna Workman. (c..) Ten Fox — Michael Kern- a gh an, (d) 14 Step — Linda Lot': e, Penny Lowe. -fairy 'Dolls Karen Bridge, Betty Snyder, Michelle McCutch eon, Gloria White, Katharine Cardiff, Dianne Stephenson. Tin Soldiers Owen. Bra,bY, Janice Draper, Juanita SMith, Cynthia Braby, Fern. Elliott.. Special Guest Glenda tough, tier. Matioeettes — Joan Bennett, Wendy Prior, Lori MoC..ritCheort ; Aaita Btighain, Susan Humphries, Atilt StratyChtik, :Maureen Sullivan, Kitii Humphries, Gwen tkiStriati, Ruth Snyder. Methro Goose Characters (a.) Queen of Hearts Valerie Moore. Little Boy I31tte — 7jic3hael K n a gh n. Barbara. Ann SOU Dolls — Joan l‘leAtte.t., time B'rid'ge, Do- (conti,rittoa oil back -rise).