HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-03-07, Page 1HOLD SUCCESSFUL
The Brussels Harti,cultimal
Society had a very successful
Enchre Party in the public
library on Monday evening,
There were 14 tables in pia
PriA0 winners wetle 'Lady's
high, Mrs, Mitri;Lky Nuether;
Lady's low, Mrs. 'L. Frain.; Gent's
high, Scott, Wilson Gent'S
Emerson Mitchell; Lone hands,
Mrs, Shaw.
The goriettc Ihrta;ks ,everyone
Te. their support.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack McCutcheon
were weekend guests With their
Soil David and Mrs, Mc.Cutelmon.
of Peterborough,
Calvin granter be S tittrchased
the building formerly occupied
11V tin ether Produce where he
will carry on his plitrablug
,1;111 Ireland and his rot 11.
" ad 1{t, of Iltord
ha in "reronto Saturday n1.9.,-ht to
attend tile NTH., game bOwonn
Torotin !tbil MOW:
Mr. and Mys. A. 'Bremner and
Doris were weekend visitors with.
Mr and Mrs, Jack Vine of
Mr. and Mrs. Sarn T3eirnes
were in Preston due to he death
of a' friend.
Reeve 0, IL Dunbar and Ct un-
(tillers were in Toronto to
attend the Good -Roads cotiVen-
Mr. and Mrs, Alf Sutton of
Bratnpton were Sunday 'visitors
With Mr. and Mrs. iiert Midden,
1\1 r. a nd :M vs. Albert Cardiff
have retuned front their Florida
v Lica I ion,
P.131 NNKI3 To Mr. and Mrs.
'William Bremner, in Lisiowel
TIosnital. on slalwrilay, Feb-
ruary 2,1 th, ai 5-1011.
WART) -•- :qr. and Mrs, Gerald
Ward of 1,1thel are hanay to
anitonnce the birth of their
son, .Teffrey floss. on Maro.h.
it t ymry,vol
$3.00 To U,S,A. THN3 13/t1.1S$ELS POST, 'I'llUUSDAY, MARCH 7th, 19lity R POST PURL 110 1
timothy ghter of
Mr. and Mrs, Orrie Elliott of
BruSsets, and student at Wing-.
littin District High SChoel, was
Lo.b ni:itoi• in the LionS Region
public speaking , eoinpetition
,Mt. Forest on Friday night.
Dorothy will now proceed t
the Region A competition in
in Alliston on March 15th.
POrnitei' Morrig Teacher
goeciatist At terterat th'ock
.Rau Uhler/ tt 'fernier teacher
Morris toWnsbill, who has
been fermi-1111g in Burlington for
the ,least -rite Yeats, received
sVord that be will be transfe11,
fed fl'oin Roiling Meadows i'uhlic
S'ciitioi to .Cenierai Brock High
ehobi iri. iduiling-teh. Septetnber
•th .6 past LW() years %on hag
been teaching Special education
at the eienien,tary level to at
group of senior studenta with
tie Will centiiiiie teaching In
this special field at General`
Mr, and Mrs, Suittilden vletted
in this area each year,
'Brian Evans, Scarborough,
,spent the weekend at his home
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Fischer
and .Carman visited' recently with
Mr. and Stuart McInnes and
fainily, Walkerton,
`Word was received by relatives
111(W of the death in Petersburg,
'Indiana on March 2. of Mirlant
Wood R.N., wife or Wm. H.
Snrilldon, a former C,ranbrook
irty, She was the daughter
late Bernard Wood of Kind
cardine, and was united in Mar-
riar-r io Will. eldeSt son of the
hal o TTarry Sinalldon, in April
Ff-trl?Y. NO POST
Dui to Plant 0 tci,ittiOti§
Mrs. Robert Cordon. 76, of
RR 2. Brussels, died Wednesday
at her Inane in Grey Township.
The former Sarah Frances
Alcock, she was a widow.
She is survived by three sons,
John, Walton ; Ronald, Morris
Township; Rill, Groy Township;
brothers, ;John, Groy Township
and CliffoN1, London; Sister,
Miss Cora Alcork. 'Brussels,
The funeral sca;viee vih be
held front held from the ti
Ran n .l'unerai Home at 2 p.m, on
Friday. Burial Iri.il be truSsels
Cornet cry,
T»a;wis 13, strorig ,S2; of
Brussels, died on. SatUrday at
Wiu ;hair and District Hospital,
He \vas the, son of the late Mr,.
and Mrs, Rich ar a Armstrong and
ilarrned all his life in 1VIOrrIS
Tow twit i
Suirvi ving tuAn ,his wife, the
framer Laura Kilight.;„ 6, dkitght.t
or, Mrs. George (Doris) Ate
strum:;, Oh a'tlfam ; four gratid7,
children two great - grandchild-
The funeral was held Monday
from the D.. Rant. Funeral
HOW at. 2 p.m, Rev, Alan John-
ston of Brussels 'United Church
Pririal Was in PrasSeLS
Pallbearers were James pow-
man, Ja mos' ,Twines Ireland,
Ted Cowan,. 00Wati and
Nen COW ail,
_l life-long resident of this
community, Charles Draper. paS,
sed away in 'Winghani and Dist-
rict Hospital an Thursday, Feb-
ruary 20th. 11168 in his 85th year,
T3oriti tti. London., Eingland in
1483', lie Was the son Of the late
Kathleen Mason, and Harry
I nor. TTo• came to Can da in
I t ()7,
TT° Va. Tan oil in Morris Town-
shin.II Ids life. until retiring
in Prusseis three years ago,
Tie is survived by his Wife,
o former Antiphon Ellis, one
t.ttr. loi len Brussels: Son
Lere at' -Norris Township. Also
,tsier. Mrs, Walter (Jessie)
runliv, 1;1112:Inn d.
Th (‘ funeral was held. Sattif-
7).t rob 2nd, from the D. A.
.-31 run orilITom o with, temper-
:Iry Pnitiiiilllttellt iii Prussela
C,-in t ery Chapel, Rev. F. O.
w eria Alfred Vallbeaters
[IMP N'nhle Tom Rer-
spitl Took Thymic.
111,ry .1) earers were rcild
Tivet!v 1thd 14'ictio.kit11 13;p11.8,
A oiat service, observing the
Won,,eit's World. Day or prayer
was held in the Anglican Church
on Friday afternoon with approX-
imately Seventy ladies in attend-
t azre e.
The theme Bearing one am-
other's burdens was prepared b'
Rev, F. CT, Hraby and read by'
M vs George Davis.
The leadership of tee meeting
was shared by Mrs. It'. Ilraby,
Mrs. Y. :Connelly, Mrs, SteffIcr,
Mrs. G. Gibson, tiles, c. Math,--
son, Mrs. George Ell o tt;loch Mrs,
A jobit choir led the singing
and a duet was contributed by
Connie .,31CW-hirter and Lori
McCutcheon, aceempanied at the
organ by Mrs, "R, Elliott, ,
The ushers were Mrs. Clarence
McOutcheon and Mrs, Dan
0, L. 'Work ma.n and Win, IL
King attended the OMEA and
AME1.1 Convention at the Royal,
York “otel. Toronto, Wednesday.
World Day of Prayer
Serivce to Duff's Church
The Wonien''s World Day Off,
Prayer Service was held in
Duff's Halted Oh.uren an. Friday
ate i noott, Mrs, Alvin; 1)/c4
Donald, president of the HOW,
was 616 first leader. 'Mrs. W. C.
Hackwell read the scripture
Mrs. Torrance Dirridns and
Mrs. Jain es Nolan Were the
second and third leaders. Mrs,
Thomas Shortrleed and N l's.
JilmOS Williamson were first and
Rev. rye Stew0t of Seafortb.
retired minister, who was palest
speaker Was int:Minced by Mrs.
Roe. He smite on the world
Ibeine, Pear one another'q
A violin and, piano selection
followed by a Vocal duet were
contribilted by Mrs. Emerson
\fitrh.eil and Mrs. T-Terbert,
Mrs. Ulan McCall and Mrs.
Walter iiewlcy received tho
The in terscssion was in charge
or "NTri,,, Larry Johnston,
it(7. T1, E. floolon pronounced,
the boned I el ion,
01'180 ial§
Miss Roth Ritchie, of thr St.
Joseph's Ifospital. London, staff,
NV OS 110111 with her patents. Mr.
and MI•8. Clifford Ritchie.
Mr, and Mrs. Wolfgang
Sttilx of 'Waterloo, were visitors
with her parents, Mr. and Mr's,
Two Briiti'SO14 0196, Linda
Wilson and' Joan bitkite, were.
winners of Lop honors hi tilde I
section: of the Legion public;
speaking coillpetition held here
op Saturday. They !IVO now eli-
gible to enter the' diStric6
uoutests in Walkerton On March.
Joan wno- iii s. grade S
student at . Brussels (lent ra
School, and the daughter oh' Mr.
and Mrs. George Elliott, was
the whiner in grades 7 and S,
Linda. Wi I sell, who attends
Wiugham District, Eligli School,
daughter of Mrs. ;delta. Wilson,
won the junior High School
Winters said runner-ups were:
Selniorr seem:041,y school: Ar.!
Pollock, grade 12, Golfer
ich District. Collegiate Institute;
Mary Sills, grade 15, Seaforth
District High School, second,
...fitnior high school: Linda
Wiliseirt; 'Watyno Cornell, Gr ade
11,0, Central 110011 secondary
School,. OlVnton, seCiOnd..
Grades 7 and S: Joan Lffliottc
Marilyn Irwin, grade '7, Wing-
11 am liuTylic School, second.
Grades 1 to 6: Nary Rackley,
grade 6, W, P. thomnson,
School, Kincardine; tindat-Sang0
gendesou, grade 6, fllowfak Oen.
tral School, second.