HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-02-22, Page 7Fifteen United Church Wo- men from Walton attended the UWC Presbyterial at • North- side United Church, Seaforth, last Wednesday . when the in- augural meeting of ~Huron and Perth was conducted by Mrs. W. B. Cruickshank, president of London Conference UCW, The same meeting marked the first formal unisln of the,,wo- men's groupS associated with the United Church -of Canada and the Evangelical United Brethren: Mrs. Harvey Craig will con- vene the progressive euchre BEAFORTH U P -14 O''BTE R Y Centre Street • Per all kinds of upholstering BrUssels Representative: SELINYN BAKER Phone 4 or 19 Brussels• party in the Community Hall hex!. Friday ,e-Veninp Others on the committee include Mrs. Gordon MeGaviti, DotIglaS Ennis; Mrs. Ronald--Bennett and Mrs. Nelson. Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Rona!d: Ennis. Ste -len and Leanne of Whitby • ypc •lt. the weekend ,,with Mr and Mrs. Douglas Ennis. Miss JUdy -Clark of London vi,s4ed over the w,_ekend with and Mrs. Harold Smalldon. Mission Band Mission. Band was held Sun- day morning with an attendance of 47. The call to worship read by.Dena Wey, followed by 4/tymn ,95. A storiplwUsyrW Mrs. Merton ,Hackwell:r The of. fering 'was taken Hiffhphries , and Clayffin V:rAser and dedicated by DenK .. The tregureq and secretar- ies' report '''were had by Rog- er mR.hries. 4, and c Joan Be n- n e It, Classes were formed un- der the re'68eighiVeaflifts. Wil- liam Coutts, Sharon Marks and Mrs, Merton HackwelL *.k:74$10p1,`44';',"•041661AP..4usgik*?;.-"InFoli4Marp=r,uversaiffr~ PERMS SPECIAL SALE $ 7 . 9 9 US Free. Chance To Win Beautiful Hairpiece PHONE 29 BRUSSELS ion, on the a third, even, ,if.POP.10 Vulll'y 2.6th, Concert March 29th, west of the tracks are consider best. ever' presented in BrUSseho. able: more intelligent. Euchre again February 26, We Tfq`uchre again, February 12; We are so many points ahead of the Legion now the onty thing that will catch us is a guided mis- s Lenny Lamont and LoYon are roaring louder than Well euchre Feb- Truthfully Youri T. K. F. NOTICE - • - .'":, :Toui;g: m eklie w i ng,,otes look after children in her own home. Phone 97W GIVE YOU BETTER i" AGE AT LESS COST Visit the Brussels plant where Ribstone silos are made. Operator Ernie Back will _welcome .,you. COMPARE THESE EXCLUSIVE RIBSTONE FEATURES . They're double sealed — pointed inside and outside. Dense n- , noporous con- crete. Strong rib consft;Oetioh:' Steel reinforced concrete' staves. Overlapped joints, Heavy Steel hooping. RESIDENT REPRESENTATIVE ALLAN' SEARLE, MR. 3, Walton, Ont. Phone Brussels 368 J 4441 vutie, 'I 111!IttilM.1% 2adi 140 iiquarwiroviss.quipho, it's Good When. It's HOT', And So Easy, Brea After School or After Winter Sport ti CHOCOLATE DAJR" PRI'NK Made right frodn the bottle. Just heat and serve it to your family when "they `'coishE in feolin' tire" tOld: Real Chocolate Flavour combined with all the goodness of milk fresh from C 0 US. IAS0 D A0I,11.Y and your grocer who sells SEAL PURE DAIRY 'PRODUCTS i A umminmismiairaft.1111.111111119allifterN4iddialnieellMANNON 4 .45 t The B Invitation • vr44evit." •ILfgt* rrlA Good lc-:4e neeVrillie oi4iiengieet. rioutwet Iov',fat;oi mitied,,plpvos this,*tho,tfrope,nioStioxqp,lpjtq popers, tare feces cind workmanship you could wish for! I: n dPaVind'2141Citirlt6ji`ed I eit8trh'e ;:,: n I os the fines! craftsManship — yet costing so little! Corns se o w url000l selection. two weeta e 'very . SEE OUR NEW CATALOGUE .1 LIE BRU'SSELS. ',POST GgNTL..f;NIN'a CLUL NE,WS .ITEMS. 10( Nth: to Perth Fair so 1 put an ad in the post, which read, quote, I. plus all expenses. I sure gut the ride all right. It would have been cheaper to charter a plane to Lo.s Aanoles amid rented a llertz ear to get I figured the expenses s taid be breakfast, toast and coffee, MAAR) evon with jam, A bowl of soup for dinner and maybe an egg or even a haMs burger tar supper, Instead sio,'1 1 paid for four '.4-4,10no steak dinners with four side orders of lobster, lour Bromuc c ook su1iirers with eavair from the Black Sea and sixteen shuts of champagne for wool, This does not include the snacks at tour night, clues which nad celored girls"for waitresses; nor de,es it include the cover charge Then the two gents iigured they should take borne a pres- ents to appease Betty and Joan, and their conscience, another $10. it cost me about the same as it did to dig the \Vella:ad canal, want a ride to Toronto, 'Ines- day the 20th or Wednesday the •20t and will ,:payreasonable ex* ,pense,s, _Reward ,Bernard and lama Campbell ,need not apply. • Anyone going by truck or car `with room for myself and fiddle please. phone. The other morning I parked close to the -Jessie and Frank James hatcher emporium about an hour after one of my neigh- bours called me out of Champs and -says,•, I was, in the butcher 1,110p and Prank Thompson is offernig anyone two dollars whO the wind out of Thynnes Wored•thari that, he, contin- ues, George Eaeker is offering- Live dollars to anyone who will let the wind Out of Thynne, George retired a year, or so ago pa account of his weighing hand losing its pressure. It is back to normal again and George can igi.ca, and weign IL as quick as Jilli Stephenson can waggle his toitgue or Cal T'•a"auter wiggle out of a tight situation, 1 thanked, the, neighbour and removed car I have the best of neighbours, and always did have. When 1 was on. the 3rd line di Morris they were the, salt of the earth, on second. thought, Bob Fraser and Witt Warwick Would haVe been a bit better with reinoduellitg: would recommend a change of politics, It would hay.e been con. siderable improvement. In here fortunate iii having two ex third liners close by, Eddie Poll :'.l and George Bole. Mrs Pollard before Marriage: WaA CantelOn and can Wallin close relationShip to Walt biertoy. Old' man Disney WaS married to c•iFtrutelon., Mrs, Bone, itee Ethel Sellers, both. third liners. I'm sorry Annie was born on the Wrong side of the l:NR but there is very little class distinet- ioi' n and no racial diScritninat-