HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-02-22, Page 4HIGHEST RATES PAID ON 3, 4 & 5 YEAR DEBENTURES 63/4% on "I & 2 year terms Minimum $5011 THE ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY established 1870 Member: canart,i oinwsit insurance careers** ,MF:.....4111101%X•ear,10.1,,Ir 1.....Tre, -a, • 011ow WOK IV. WIWI pri. ...a nem..., 1 YesA, 3 am interested in your attractive rates of interest ()lima Ianeklieuttray. °Please tail me more about this system of saving. Encknied is my chequo for $ fora •••• itafir./Mrs./Mhia Addrasa •••-•v*.• complete end mall this couoon to: ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY 131 Dendas.Street, London, Ontario. wi•I•Ota..•*. awAnt *au yr. mow . yoar del-Roam& H M v. • I Q IQ I esK OF BRAND NEW FURNITURE SAMPLES Direct from the 1968 Toronto Furniture Show that has just ended Forest City Diztribu tors were able to acquire a large quantity of New Furniture samples fr:m some of the largest, prominent furni- ture manufacturers. NOW ruS YOUR CHANCE 10 DO THE, SAME1 — ONE NIGHT ONLY — THE AUCTION SALE OF THE YEAR AT THE KURTZVILLE COMMUNITY HALL KURTZ VILLI.7.,, ONT. MONDAY EVENING FEBRUARY 26 AT B:00 P.M. SHARP LiRESTE,RE I ELDS SUITS — modern, Provincial, Traditional, Bed C ilesterfie I I, Davenport Suites and otheri. BEDROOM SL'TES — Different styles with double and triple di set's, complete with new box spring and mattress on every set. DiNETTE AND KITCHEN SUITES — consisting of 9-piece piece and 5-plece. suites — step and coffee tables — recliner and licii!itess chairs — lamps — swivel rockers — hichair chrome rocker tolephene table — pole lamps -- 39in continental bedi full size 54i.ei box springs and mattresses — and many other Toronto Furniture Shaw samples available, RECONDITIONED TV AND APPLIANCES yes, we will alito erfer a nice assortment of re.," orators, ranges, washer ano 'fryer Stet eo Set, 5 eiffereht Televisions, 21 in and 23in models ALL APPLIANCES GUARANTEED N EVv' CLOTH N G -- rice collection of new clothing for all trietrib- i';,t of the family will be :auctioned immediately f011oWing ftirral4 turn and itripliarioC5t. oFter.li-r. TERMS' -- Are available for any items in this sale provid- I iris; credit arrandernents are made at Cashier's Desk BEFORE SI ART OF SALE. ODN'T MISS i 1.418 OUTSTANDING SALE AUCTIONEER -- LEO E. BIRD CLERK - LLOYD TANNER OPERATED BY FOREST CITY DISTRIBUTORS CHEQUE-9 ACCEPTED SAL ES TAX. IN EFFECT -4,14,kiitzar:k4Esizaw• '.440:41E 131415SSOLi8 11(.18 A CINT.47,110 i l ltal.1A Y'• inoi3 22nd, 10(18 DANCE BRUSSELS LEGION HALL FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23rd Music By: Desjardine Orchestia AbMISSION $1.00 EACH Restricted to 21 Years and Over c:Apousored by : Brussels Branch 218 Royal Canadian Legio n EVERYONE WELCOME 1 `lii. s.pft• AIAAnflicti for community improvements by i'ANCAKE, SUPPER T. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH I UESDAY, FEBRUARY 27th Acitliu: 75c 12 and under 50c (Pre-Schoolers Free) ISTOWEL TRANSPORT LINES LTD, Owario'.s. Silver c :Mack Fleet , '',;41a43 WANTEp retir ;arm hr1 Litussels (Phi and bairn Write k.;ux. 3.4 UUL SALES HELP WANTED MALE, AND FEMALE Ittinteittittel part. .• t. Quin y with ILL \\ - Leigh Products. can earn 4:00 pn: 1. (init..; $100 and up Ititydeigh, Si.„ 11 miry, .1\20htreal. BADGER Silo onto:Auk:1i .Barn Soi; priipnlleit Pi-otters I lust". ant( eta; Prulpulted e, pttEaps Lan-IA:3 vet ie(dlot plan.'nng "Teffi al, Boma:, rok vur13 ord.w Salut-; serviire I iistallation, ,vtti Son, It: 4. Att1.Kier. 011.E. Phone 3,56-37y.;:i WANTED ar-I'616to,ut.si are re- quired iminediately at the .0/lug- :ham District High. (.thoui for k I) the guidance department )2) the general office, Both positwos roduire ro flute dey it typt 1, „ Apply grving qu.f Cotielis a11t1 e:ii.pertence to :C. tYltad i 1, B. Lo .I GROW ,:',Ut.fUMBERS and MAKE EX,TR A M ON EY If you have a iez acre of land or more you can grow cucumners for Woks'. Ali Hybrid Seeds. Highest Prices Paid. FREE. PICK-UP AT GATE BICKS GRADING STATION 10 Phone 30R3 Dublin ANNUAL MEETING WiINGHAM AND DISTRICT HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION "Ate an i hal thee ut Lae W1110;11(1 and Disiviet Hospital Ast,ociation. will be held on FRIDAY, MARCH 1st, 1951i AT 2: CO P,M. in the recreation room of 1110 HOSPITAL TRAINING CENTRE (forM-Or nurses' residenta Wingbani. All, matters of Impatiless per- taining to the Wiughasil and, .District itottpitai ASSOCiation Will be trantfaxtted including the tit-TAR-it] of directors and, other ,officom In cadet? to Cast 1 b411.01 it the election of Directors a iierson nittht bP meinber of the Assoe. iation, One year inei)iborShips May he obtained for the Sum Of ;1;5.00 trona the Wingharn, trel* DiStriet Hospital office, Tlittoo, memberships must be purchaged, at least, days prior to tile .t rioA meeting, Everyone Welcome. John Strong, President, Seeretakl. APPLICATIONS WANTED "i:OWNSHIP OF MORRIS JlU9 tea:.was clean) 11.14111ed rtS to (;011tent$ Will lie recolvett by tile undersigned tintli 12, imen, Itkub tor V\ arble ruspectur tor tile Townsinp of Moine, to rat avcording to the \\/ Mile lc) y Control Act, apt:licatitni hot nee ssfirily c,epte.d. `.Virs, 1.Jwttl,il. 3J. il'urtl.u, Clark, liulgra,%-e, Ontario, UWNSHIP OF MORRIS ENtjo.RS YVAN I t.i.1 1A...duet's 0.10.11'ly marked as Iv r:011W.Ult, N3.1i rQuell'UU by Lite sidle price per bead pot. spray, ToWnship to ;tupply the powder. Lr 1; st or any tender not oily accepted. Mrs, Helen. D. Martin, Clerk, itelgrave, Ontario, GRAVEL 'FENDERS Tunder.i will be received. TOWNSHIP OF GREY by I bite ititdersigned until 1 p,in. Monday, March 1 tit , 106S, for crushing and hauling approkini- ately 20,04)0 cubic yards' Of Wit": gravel fur the Township of. Grey,: (Ira vol it be Supplied by the Township, A Geruried oneqite tot' decoMpany tender. - Lowest Or day tetider idol 110e,e:iSarily accepted. Mrs, Irelythe Oardift Clerk, Township of Greyi !Ethel, Ontario, WARBLE FLY POWDER TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF GREY Tenders foe supplying 141, prOXIMately Warble Ply Powder for du Township of Grey will . 'coiVed by the undersigned until fqm,, March 4th. 1968. State price pet 15 lb bag LOWest or any tender not lietessarily accepted. Mrs, ,14lythe Mt Cardiff; Clerk, Township of Grey, Ethel, Ontario, NOTICE Ladies of W,HITECHUACii. 8,1":41JEVALEI, and BELGRAVE. .laves to tithe your earnings Hill multiply in relation to Your efforts, Write or Call Celled Mrs, IVII118011 18 tiawko,Abury TiondOti 41441 E: A P. 0 ti DON'OLttYt R Y Centre Street For all kinds of opholsterIng be,osseis ReprelentatIvot SELWYN BAKER Phone 4 (:t. 7s 8ru:awls •at WARBLE FLY- SPRAYING TENDERS. TOWNSHIP OF GREY Tenders for the spraying of un Iiigneu tilILII noon, tAlarch Cattle for Warble Fly ire the :i rra5 mg cattle tor Township of Grey will be receiv- tfarble fly eoutroi in the Town'. el by the undersigned until 1 1.r1> iii Morris, p.m. Monday, Mardi 1th, 1968 A C10,1Q.I'S 1UUSL State price per head per spray: Lowest or any tender not neicessatily accepted. Mrs. EflYthe Cardiff, • Clerk, Township of Grey, Ethel, Ontario,