The Huron Signal, 1881-05-20, Page 7Fun anb Fanc4. Why are good resolutions like* !slat- ing ladies? They want tarrying out. Some men are called mulls because they are used to keep a dirt's hand in. A husbead recently cured his wife of diver ills by kissing the servant girl and letting his wife catch him at it. H. says she was up in an instant, forgetting all her complarnts, while he has neve► had to pay a penny for "help" since. A critio as is a critic: A recent visitor to an art gallery said he preferred the statues to the pictures, because 'you kin go all around the statute, but yuo can't see only one side of the picture.. A backwoodsman, on hearii.,t en east- ern bishop preach a sermon in a frontier church without a manuscript, mid, 'He is the tint of them tine fellows that I have ever seen who could shoot without e rest.' A boy from the country was recently taken into a gentleman's family. One afternoon, just before dark, after having been called up to the drawing -norm, he came down into the kitchen laughing immoderately. "What's the matter I" cried the sok. "Why," said he, "there are twelve on 'em up there, who couldn't light the gas, and they had to ring fur me to do it 1" Riding in a railroad oar. Husband— "You are quite comfortable dear r' Wife—"Yes, love." Husband --"The cushions are soft, ducky t" Wife—"Yes darling." Husband—"You do not feel any jolts, pet?" Wife—"No, sweetest." Husband—"And there is no draught on my lamb, is there, angel" Wife—"No, my ownest own." Husband -"Then change seats with me." e. eyeing New le Rate.seleq. Last Sunday, as Mr. Jones was return- ing from church with his family, he dis- a new and vhu front door stop sul* he waar-lookis bug on me - thing of a scientist be was pleased with the new specimen, and, forming his pockethandkerchief into a sort of cage, he pounced down on it and succeeded in capturing it. "Bring the microscope, children," he called, "and tell your ma to hurry; I want her to hook at It; Tm sure it be- longs to the Hemiptera class and u a new specimen. Here, Charlie, put your eyes to the ocular side and tell we what you see THE HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, MAY 20. 1881. Eke Fashions. Gran Bow Iowa ■•este prow Test Rvesds Past. Braeside We at s.ltk1ii�.�ed satin rib - bun, hasli-painted on "s end., are to be wows with ligh mummer toilets, made with elbow sl.a White mow end white clover blossoms will, the seining seesaw, be the favorite floral garnitures for bridesmaids and "sweet girl graduates." Steel buttons set with mock jewels are the latest fancy Parisuns. They are in flower designe and are called Watteau butteus. They make a pretty addition to Lome toilets vt French foulard. The ugly wrinkled Suede Sate glove* are still very pupuler, ellen stretched to their full length re;a:h above the el - low. They are often eleawi over the dose -fitting jersey sleeves when worn with street costumes. Almond and pale gray cheese cloths will again be fashionable for morning dresses. They are trimmed with nueny rows..f knife -plaited ruflee around the tout .J the skirt, and the long Greek overdress is draped in flowery folds and adorned with Polanza lace and bows and ends of bright satin ribbon. Roman mandate and delicately embroi- dered silk stockings in all the new pale shades of color will be the fa*hionable foot -dressing with summer toilets. There are also some lately imported novelties in hosiery, showing handsome color in the new sombre or shaded effects, --fur instance, a delicate rose - pink toe, changing gradually up the stocking, through severalgrades of color,, to a rich crimson top elastic ger- term to correspond are added, fastened with buckles of cut steel. Moire is decidedly taking rank again ailing the handsome fabrics for dressy toilets; it is worn not only in its original state forming a whole toilet, but it is frequently used for trimming dresses of Surah and other silks, and also in com- bination with plain woollen materials. The moire waistcoat, rounded over the bosom. is finished in a point, and fasten- ed with buttons of blue steel. The long bisque and the second skirt coming down into a point at the aide are also of the moire. The back of the skirt is aught up with swinging loops of broad, moire -striped satin ribbon. Notwithstanding the fact that the de Oh, pa, ain't it splendid 1 It's got cree has gene forth that black grow grain silks have had their day for the present, four wing;, eight eyes, and, ohm) !ain't it a sparkler, though 1 Red and green the merchants in the leading houses of and yellow, and --oh, it'. getting away, the city declare that the sales of these ain't it pa r'were never greater than now, and "Then it isn't dead '," cried Mr.Vti.lhat they are purchased and worn Jones, in ecstacy; "I wasn't quiet sure Aot alone by elderly people, or ladies , whether it moved or not. Let me bolt : who do not care to be quite "in style," Yes; it's s terrestrial, I think, atter ell; but by the leaders of fashion themselves. it belongs to the genus Pentome-tbe, The fact is, a hadeome black silk toilet antennae have that peculiar flexible look; is one which can never really lose caste. and yet, now that I look again, the eyes It is too elegant anti becoming a costume seem to indicate that it is a phyt000ris. to be relinquished, and for many pur- in which case it will be very destructive poses and occsaions no other dress can to your ma's plants, and we must kill it satiafackoTy take its place. at once. I'll ask Professor Sill. It will Vermicelli laoe hes lost the little popu- be, in any case, a valuable addition to parity it ever had, possibly by its be science. Maria where's the chloroformr' coming duplicated in common qualities "Up on the cloak shelf. What are and interior patterns. It never was a you going to do with it ?" asked Mrs pretty lace at bed, but its rather novel Jones, who had been giving her undi- design gave it the favor it at first receiv- vided attention to the baby. ed. Just now, point d'Aurillac ranks "Kill this bug as soon as you have ex- first among the beautiful laces which are *mind it," answered Mr. Jones in a to adorn the lovely summer toilets, and lofty voice. "I shall present it to the which are also fashioned into pelerines, scientific association--" fichus, scarfs, and fraises of endless "Well, I guess not, Mr. Jones," broke variety. The design of this cream -tint - in his wife, who was looking with much ed edging is a combination of two dis- interest at the new specimen. I paid tinct varieties of lace, the first fine and two dollars for that bug last week to wear delicately pointed scallop resembling a on my new bonnet, and 1 tnust have thread or Franco lace pattern, and the dropped it off when I carie in.. It be- longs to the genius ntillinerte, and couldn't be any deader if it had been baked for a century. Science will have to get along{ without it, Jones; it's al - 'ready classified." Poor Jones i Householb }tints. CAauor PVDDIrlo,-Mix half a pint of boiled carrots, pureed. with half a pound of tour, ten mimes of currants. six uuu- o.s of chopped suet, spice and sugar to taste, three eggs and a little milk; buil for three hours in a basin; orange arrow- root sauoc. LIVER AKH BACON. -Haifa beef liver cut thin; Dover it with boiling water; fur one pound of liver have one-half pound of bacon cut thin iu slices; fry t0' can; have the liver .eesoued withealt, pepper ank flour; fry brown in bacon fat. T.. make the gravy, put one-half tablespoonful of flour iu the fat, remain - big in the pan; cook until brown and add one-half pint ..f water; season with silt and pepper and pour it on the liver. Lueolt CAEN.-A toothsome cake can be made by using two eggs, one and three-quarter cupfuls of sweet cream, two cupfuls of'sugar, three cupfuls of flour, three teaspoonfuls of cream -tartar and one and one-half teaspoonfuls of soda; it should be baked in four square tins; while they are baking the lemon jelly sh..uld be prepared; beat the white of one egg, slightly squeeze over it the juice of the lemon, and stir very stiff with white sugar; spread this between the cakes, precisely like jelly; if icing is desired I think the best method .J snak- ing it is to stir the white of an egg stiff with sugar, about as stiff as Indian mush, and spread with a knife; much time is saved, as the egg needs to be only slightly beaten. next a full rounded mesh after the Spanish pattern. The designs are out- lined with a heavy silk thread, giving them a rich effect. Another edging called "Polanza ' lace is an exceedingly delicate lace imitation of real point, costing $1 a yard. A Barber ea leatdsewi. A Flirt. Thi; meanest woman on earth is a flirt -t girl who will win a man's heart pur- posely without caring anything for him, who hangs her conquests about her neck u Indians do the scalps of their enemies, and who will even enter into engage- ments of marriage which she means to break, for the purpose of putting her foot more entirely upon the honest heart of otrip� who loves her. Ery woman is loved more than once, I suppose. Almost all girls are forced to refuse offers. But an honest woman will avoid one when she can, if she does not Loire the , man enough to accept • Speaking of the credulity of many people touching the efficacy of hair tonics, an intelligent French hairdresser tsays:- Very often the hair falls out after sick- ness. In such.cases it generally grows again without the aid of any hair tonics whatever; but when it falls out from natural causes it never grows again. The celebrated Dr. Bazin, who was formerly physician in chief of the St. Louis Hospital in Paris, and who is known throughout the world as the most learned specialist for affections of the skin, told me one day that there was nothingthat could make the hair grow after e baldness had come onipually. This I believe firmly, for, if there was anything of the kind, we would not see so many New York d..ct.irs with heads as completelydestitute of hair as the hack of turtes. 1 am even persuaded t hat these gentlemen would follow the example of those Greek heroes who, under the leadership of Jason, mule a voyage to Colchis t.. bring tack the Golden Fleece. Modern Argonauts, the doctors would consider themselves happy if they could bring from such a voyage the secret of restoring the home Samoa I don't think I ata far frost the truth when I say that during the past twenty- five years that I have practised the pro- fession of hairdresser, I have made the trial upon different bald heads of more than five hundred different hair tonics, and I am boxed to admit that 1 never N it a Biagio bead the hair of whisk was reneged atter baldnma At the sod et so many failures, I ata oeswiesety an- .leeeived as to the valued all the pre - rations, and 1 would sot amw earead any one of them, became I would be afraid to commit the crime that is desig- nated by the words, "obtaining teensy under false pretences." in my patho- logical studies upon the hair, i have found that people who perspire a great deal from the head are apt to get d. The bad habit of wearing hats indoors i■ also very hurthil to the lair. in 1806, after the famous battle of Jena, in which the Proasisns were completely defeated by Napoleon 1, Baron Lamy, the nebe- hrated military 'rumens. permitted that many •.f the fl<erman i_.rwpe••'sers were r ,'e)...ly hill N.'.•'.r.sei he envie in- quiries r•• the cause this, and he found thatowed their baldness M the .►ape- --M as unhealthy- -04 their taps The foul air of their head gear, having no lane, destroyed the vi tslity of *their 1'a "TERM ALL no IT.' -'1'o beautify the teeth and give fragrance to the breath ass "Teaberry' the new toilet gem. Get 5 cent sample. 1763 DYSPEPSIA. -Strengthen your di- gestion, tone the stomach for utilizing and assimilating every atom of feud you take, the body needs it for strength and vigor. Ztpesa cleanses the entire sys- tem, stimulates the liver, keeps you re- gular and able to eat ten -penny nails. Letters and postal cards come in daily. extolling Zopaa from Brazil. Positive proof of health and vigor it gives, in a 10 cent sample. Sold by F. Jordan. EPPS%COCOA. -0 RACY oL AND COMFORTINO. -' By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operationscareful ofdigestion and nufine prop ies of nd by well -selected application . Mr. the Ane propert Mppe has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctor's bills. It is by the judi- cictous use of such articles of diet that a con- stitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies aro floating around us ready to attack wherever there L a weak point We may escape many a fatal shaft bykeeping ourselves well fortified with pure bood and a properly nonriahed frame." -Civil Service Gazdte.-Sold only in Packets labelled -"James EPPS t Co. Homoeopathic Chemists. London. Eng." -Also makers of Epps's Chocolate Essence for afternoon use.761 It is a great thing. the true, tender, earnest affection that a man gives the woman nn whom he desires to bestow his life-long care and the honor of his n ame, and any one who does not under- stand this, has a heart not worth the winning. As for a male flirt, he is not only mean, but two wicked to talk about. twrklrWeerode. waive. The holt Sal w w i r.• aortal fur Cute, Bruises, ores. 'fatter l'i.ep;.ei Hands, Chilblains, Genu, .cid all Lind* id Skin eruptions. This ::.Ivo is gttaranteed to give perfect satisf...•tiun in every case or coney refunded. Prior 25 teats per box. For sale* F. Jordan, Godetrioh. The Great American CO UGH COLDS, ABTIIJ[A, ERONCHITI.S LOBS OF VOICE,, HOARSENESS AND THROAT AFFECTIO INKiS (1)."- an _ a0Er - yjam et earn liMpisew=«� wa.frw&.W a. t.�ir'a Newts, Get tisk. The great secret of obtaining riches, is first to practice economy, and as good old Deacon Snyder says, "It used to worry the life out of me to pay enorm- ous doctor's bills, but now I have 'struck is rich.' Health and happiness reign supreme in our little household, and all simply because we use no other medi- cine but Electric Bitters, and only costs fifty cents a bottle." Sold by F. Jor- dan opportunity. If we but caw how the gates of oppor- tunity open and close, how the possibili- ties of to -day neglected, become to -mor - rot the things which never can be done; bow unused strength wastes away and brings up behind it no other strengths; bow the grace that lies about all our oc- casions, ready to low upon then at the touches of our intelligence, slighted, lift itself up into the heavens and leaves us in hardness and death; how nn one bead, when teed it drops upon ns like the ram and distils like the dew; how work done makes work easier; how the voluntary use of 'all that is within us' ad without us, too, of soul and sinew, of love and thought, of time and strength, and hours of prayer, will bring upon us the gentle pressures of God's newest. freshest grace. if we but saw such things as these what girding. there would toe among us. GRAY'S teats Was Bp resas • aPlw&slAsles SYRUP sass of Leap Dir or sale. thePromos phet- ks• wa new s eh•lr e o w- sewpt/oe SPRUCE to Ae ins woo& and Nature, after all, is the great physi- cian. She hides all the secrets of health within her broad, generous bosom, and man needs but to go to her intelligently for his every need. The discovery of the great Cough Remedy, GRAY'S Sears* OF RED SPHIICE Gar/, is an apt illustra- tion of this. Aa a cure for- Coughs, Colds, Loss of Voice and Hoarseness it stands unrivalled, while its low price and readiness of access places it within the reach of all. Try it and be convinced. All chemists keep it in 25 and 50 -cent bottles. •- ad Poring the last hundred years only four British stateamaa, elospt Lord Bosoms - Sold, have been honored by a public mnnntrvetit They ware Chatham. PIN, Pere;, 1. •',•1 Peel. The proposal to erect a piddle monument to Perko was rejected. Tae motion too raise rme to lite was i tatd by his former oollsarrne. Mr. on the gonad that the i�,,sNat4eial) I& i se's tares, W Dee hewn iean.ew his rs'e etre ANCHOR LINE. RED la tate prepara- tionrepara- tloa last Gems sass' as perwaa . ani all tis awtlar pwoM"4 �pMINDd bel. bale sesta repartee ora pia asps err, faaar•- r pr• - ow ata few few• p raters. e data ta. order thew eeawt/tr te to eels!, $•d fr�^ GUM. wad.rQe, to front • r e e a a .wplst• top,, w.etw.. Its remarkable power in relieving certain forms of Bronchitis, and its almost specific effect in curing ob- stinate hacking Coughs, is now well known to the yacblic at large. Soil 1 br dl rsepuf b4 ohew4ta Pier, :5 r. n 30 cants a beak. :he .sand. " pomp o% Pled Sprwee pees " .n.•.Ai vete 0 er Raptfs'ed Trude Mark, a«d one wrap,.r sollubrt; are ako repl.terrd. KERR Y 1V.1 T•4O-V d• r''.. Whe4ask Drwwwl•t., Sok Proprictw• awl li an.erac'l.rere, NOW mai UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS Sail every Seturda NEW YORK TO GLASGOW CABINS, $ea to lea. STEERAGE Stir These Steamer do not carry cattle, eheeporpigs NEW YORK TO LONDON DIRECT. CABINS BS to res. Excursion at Reduced Rates. Passenger accommodations are unsurpassed. All Staterooms on Main Dec Passengers booked at lowest rates t or from any Railroad Station in Europe or America. Drafts at lowest rates. payable 1 free of charge,) throughout England. Scotland and Ireland. For books of information. plans. Ac., � apply to HENDERSON BROTHER., 7 BOW LINO t3REEN, N. Y. Or to MRS. E. WARNOCK. Albion Block. 1751 Agent at Ooderich Record of the LYMAN Barb. LOVELL'S Province of Ontario Directory FOR 1881 -1882 - TO BE PUBLIAHED IN NOVEMBER 1881, Price .6.00. 7 The People's Drug Store. Owing to falling health I have disposed of the g"..1 w;11 of my business to MR. GEORG RHY %Ae. sad *veld nrummcod hiss to the public for their patronageD4r. teli tlEti. CATTLE. In regard to the above I would announce to the pre. pit of God,rich and vicinity that 1 have opened out a Drug Business is the causer of Blake's Block Is/ay tAc market, and have putehosrd a freak stock of Pure Drugs and Chemloaln, end h, careful attention lo bussneas twill endeavor to merit your patrorutye Your o,'dt servant, GDO_ RH YNAS_ A FULL LiNZ OF PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, TQIACCOES, CIGARS, &C. ALWLYB ON HAN . Physician's Prescriptions Carefully Prepared. MR. LOVELL. at the request of several Merchants and other of the Province of Ontario of the ('ity of Montreal. dcc begs to announce that his thm will publkih a PRO- VINCE OF O\'CARR) DIRECTORY, in No- vember neat. containing an Alphabet.° I Directory AXtt TiIOROUGH Classified Boniness Directory AT THE OLD STAND. D. C. B T R IA. C IC A N HAS REMOVED HI, GROCERY BUSINESS To the old stand in the Albion Block. former!) occupied Ihv him, e. here he will be pleased to welcome all his old customer and the public generally. .A large quantity of NEW, FRESH GROCERIES CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. Dr C_ STRACHAN, of the Bnatnee:r tine, Professional men in the Cities, Towne- and Vllb gee of Ontario, with a Classified Business Directory 05 TRE CITY OF MONTREAL. The same care and attention bestowed on the Dominion and Provincial Directories of 1871 will be given to this work. Subscribers tames respectfully solicited. Terms of Ad- vertising made known upon applicatibn. JOHN LOVELL A SON Montreal. Dec. 1881. Pubti,hers. 1760 I HAVE BOUGHT THE HARDWARE STOCK. MR. D. FERG+USON -AT A VERY GREAT DISCOUNT! Nearly all of said Stock, as well as my own original 5te.-! was bought hernre the .tdvane et hardware. I am therefore in a position to se!1 Cheaper than any other Neese la the resat,. MY STOCK OF ralimmis',11ilildas'& General liaridwie is liffilii)1111 (11 which I want to run off qui(kly. DOME AND BUT AT SVC'S PRICES A3 DMZ PLEASE SOU. Fresh Ground Water Lime in Stock. AGENT FOR BEST .STEEL BARB FENCE WIRE. R_ QCT_ McE0= NZIE 1751-1m. FIRSaT`LYPRIZES AWARDi:IIss THE M T Four-Barb Wire Fencing at MONTREAL. QL E. HAMILTON ONT. CINCINNAII.OHIO. -EXHIBITIONS. SYRACUSE. N. Y. DAVENPORT, IOWA. FON EXCE LL ENCEand SUPERIORITY Ower ail Compri ilvr... The Cheapest & Best Felicia I1f Tits �T ORLD_ Adopted and in use on 19 Railway Lines to the U. S. and Canada. see that our trade mark. "Loners Biota" 1• itenctlled on each reel. BvT po Oras* Bend for )prices and stresses W a R. W. McZ,Eaa, Beaerich. DQMiMON BARB WiRr ricif ro.. 71eea rasp. Carpet Weaving to sew Patterns and new Warps. DINING-ROO" CARPETS ! sad all work in 11-e wearing line carefnlly swat]; and promptly done Ying.ton street, Goderich O'er sale by Jamas Wrteow, Chemist and Druggist. SEEGMILLER Chilled Plow ANI1 AGRIC ULTURA WORKS. NITRON CARRIAGE WORKS. T. & J. STORY B !SUCCESSORS TO JOHN KNOX), MANUFACTI'l:l<its ()F' ANY STYLE OF VEHICLE BUILT TO ORDER. REPAIRING and JOBBING done with Neatness and Despatch, and at Reale- onable Rates. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. T_ CSC J_ STORY, HAMILTON STREET. Raving feuV S*srd the Gesterlr•h Ion 1 n aiIm. tbo aP•Were for the ansa sok •Isms male. Wesoad AGRIT t . Ned Jobli1•4 Oiled. All wart mrsses••d. b• wow Mr. A R umbura i the soli .�se.i yse�Ce., tbidend sad e v ? r 1rF M tltl ova 'ire M ife•mt adv. vverrIsta• (KNOX'S OLD STND. GRAND CLEARINQ SALE —0 P— Boots and Shoes, —A T— CAlll'BNLLS BOOT nil SIIOE EMPORIUM, FR OINE, M Previous to Stock taking. My Stock is 11.rgeand well -assorted, and GREAT BARGAINS will be given. T=RMS - �l•.�s WM. CAMPBELL. Gotlerich, Jan. 13,1881 3N6'.4.6',6,1V/ben 3 S'1 3 S I 0 D/j/OJt1 S [,.3� .7H.11 13811VAirSinHOng V 1 H 0A. 0 I n - 1769 weal Ha. saiwe Damn wale unite ria fen t ed or w e Ir mre• poor eh.n rAC;tYAiiDS PECTORAL BALSAM ire oars at rh • • ,ad re Poem - re se.101557.. reel am aeon et was. .5•.e tasisea NS *her we ass oriole your t Pio* to r as se S V r rile. d ••A r.Kti raw eat SAM Valk t INK•, sad se _ tiI T ger) en Il R rtW te�eerheeglee r.t rn.. .. 5 ..•_ • ,_ .«ar eery • aaa • •...y Meer, aea ell. W� 11 T me :Armen, init.